Market Structure Oscillator [LuxAlgo] for ThinkOrSwim


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The Market Structure Oscillator indicator analyzes and synthesizes short-term, intermediate-term, and long-term market structure shifts and breaks, visualizing the output as oscillators of real-time market structures.
The oscillator presentation of the detected market structures helps traders visualize trend momentum and strength, identifying potential trend reversals, and providing different perspectives to enhance the analysis of classic market structures.

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# // Indicator for TOS
#// © LuxAlgo
#indicator('Market Structure Oscillator [LuxAlgo]', 'LuxAlgo - Market Structure Oscillator'
# converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 08/2024

Declare lower;

input colorBars      = yes;
input lookbackPeriod = 2;
input ShortTermWeight        = 1.0;     # "Short Term Weight"
input IntermediateTermWeight = 3.0;     # "Intermediate Term Weight"
input LongTermWeight         = 2.0;     # "Long Term Weight"
input showMarketStructureOsc = yes;     # "Market Structure Oscillator"
input OscillatorSmoothing = 4;          # "Oscillator Smoothing"
input showCycleHistogram  = yes;        # "Cycle Oscillator - Histogram"
input CycleSmoothing = 7;               # "Cycle Signal Length"
input showShortTermOsc  = no;           # "Short Term Oscillator"
input showIntermTermOsc = no;           # "Intermediate Term Oscillator"
input showLongTermOsc   = no;           # "Long Term Oscillator"

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);

#-- Colors
DefineGlobalColor("up", CreateColor(12, 107, 224));
DefineGlobalColor("dn", CreateColor(246, 147, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("dup", CreateColor(8, 71, 150));
DefineGlobalColor("ddn", CreateColor(167, 100, 0));
#-- Func
Script queryPatterns {
input lastPrice = close;
input midPrice = close;
input prevPrice = close;
input isSwingHigh = yes;
    def hi = prevPrice < midPrice and midPrice >= lastPrice;
    def lo = prevPrice > midPrice and midPrice <= lastPrice;
    def queryPatterns = if isSwingHigh then hi else lo;
    plot out = queryPatterns;
Script marketStructure {
input src = close;
input Patterns = yes;
input isSwingHigh = yes;
    def cond;
    def isCrossed;
    def lastPrice;
    def midPrice;
    def prevPrice;
if Patterns {
    prevPrice = midPrice[1];
    midPrice  = lastPrice[1];
    lastPrice = src;
    isCrossed = no;
    cond = no;
} else if if(isSwingHigh, close > lastPrice[1], close < lastPrice[1]) and !isCrossed[1] {
    prevPrice = prevPrice[1];
    midPrice  = midPrice[1];
    lastPrice = lastPrice[1];
    isCrossed = yes;
    cond = yes;
    } else {
    prevPrice = prevPrice[1];
    midPrice  = midPrice[1];
    lastPrice = lastPrice[1];
    isCrossed = isCrossed[1];
    cond = no;
    plot dir = cond;
    plot lastSrc = lastPrice;
    plot midSrc  = midPrice;
    plot prevSrc = prevPrice;
script normalize {
    input buy = yes;
    input sell = no;
    input smooth = 4;
    def os  = if buy then 1 else if sell then -1 else os[1];
    def max = if !max[1] then close else
              if os > os[1] then close else
              if os < os[1] then max[1] else Max(close, max[1]);
    def min = if !min[1] then close else
              if os < os[1] then close else
              if os > os[1] then min[1] else Min(close, min[1]);
    def dif = (close - min) / (max - min);
    def normalize = Average(dif, smooth) * 100;
    plot out = if isNaN(normalize) then 0 else normalize;
def n2 = Max(lookbackPeriod, 0);
def n1 = floor(n2 / 2);
#-- Short
def sBullC    = queryPatterns(high, high[n1], high[n2], yes);
def sBull     = marketStructure(high[n1], sBullC, yes).dir;
def sBullLast = marketStructure(high[n1], sBullC, yes).lastSrc;
def sBullMid  = marketStructure(high[n1], sBullC, yes).midSrc;
def sBullPrev = marketStructure(high[n1], sBullC, yes).prevSrc;
def sBearC    = queryPatterns(low, low[n1], low[n2], no);
def sBear     = marketStructure(low[n1], sBearC, no).dir;
def sBearLast = marketStructure(low[n1], sBearC, no).lastSrc;
def sBearMid  = marketStructure(low[n1], sBearC, no).midSrc;
def sBearPrev = marketStructure(low[n1], sBearC, no).prevSrc;
#-- intrerm
def iBullC    = queryPatterns(sBullLast, sBullMid, sBullPrev, yes);
def iBullCond = iBullC and iBullC!=iBullC[1];
def iBull     = marketStructure(sBullMid, iBullCond, yes).dir;
def iBullLast = marketStructure(sBullMid, iBullCond, yes).lastSrc;
def iBullMid  = marketStructure(sBullMid, iBullCond, yes).midSrc;
def iBullPrev = marketStructure(sBullMid, iBullCond, yes).prevSrc;
def iBearC    = queryPatterns(sBearLast, sBearMid, sBearPrev, no);
def iBearCond = iBearC and iBearC!=iBearC[1];
def iBear     = marketStructure(sBearMid, iBearCond, no).dir;
def iBearLast = marketStructure(sBearMid, iBearCond, no).lastSrc;
def iBearMid  = marketStructure(sBearMid, iBearCond, no).midSrc;
def iBearPrev = marketStructure(sBearMid, iBearCond, no).prevSrc;
#-- Long
def lBullC    = queryPatterns(iBullLast, iBullMid, iBullPrev, yes);
def lBullCond = lBullC and lBullC!=lBullC[1];
def lBull     = marketStructure(iBullMid, lBullCond, yes).dir;
def lBearC    = queryPatterns(iBearLast, iBearMid, iBearPrev, no);
def lBearCond = lBearC and lBearC!=lBearC[1];
def lBear     = marketStructure(iBearMid, lBearCond, no).dir;

#-- Normalize
def stVal1 = normalize(sbull, sbear, OscillatorSmoothing);
def stVal2 = normalize(ibull, ibear, OscillatorSmoothing);
def stVal3 = normalize(lbull, lbear, OscillatorSmoothing);
def stValue1 = if isNaN(stVal1) then stValue1[1] else stVal1;
def stValue2 = if isNaN(stVal2) then stValue2[1] else stVal2;
def stValue3 = if isNaN(stVal3) then stValue3[1] else stVal3;
def Value1 = if isNaN(stVal1) then 0 else 1;
def Value2 = if isNaN(stVal2) then 0 else 1;
def Value3 = if isNaN(stVal3) then 0 else 1;

def nom = (ShortTermWeight * stValue1 + IntermediateTermWeight * stValue2 + LongTermWeight * stValue3);
def dnom = (ShortTermWeight * Value1 + IntermediateTermWeight * Value2 + LongTermWeight * Value3);
def msOSC  = nom / dnom;
def ema = ExpAverage(msOSC, CycleSmoothing) - 50;
def cycle = msOSC - ema;
def cycleFast = if showCycleHistogram then cycle else 50;
def up = !last and showCycleHistogram and cycleFast > 50;
def dn = !last and showCycleHistogram and cycleFast < 50;
def colOsc = if isNaN(msOSC) then 0 else if msOSC > 100 then 100 else
                                         if msOSC < 0 then 0 else msOSC * 2.55;
# Plot the new Chart
plot msPlot = if !last and showMarketStructureOsc then msOSC else na; # 'Market Structure Oscillator'
msPlot.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(255 - colOsc, colOsc, 0));

#-- Histogram
AddChart(open = if up then cycleFast else na, high = 50 , low = 50 , close = if up then 50 else na,
         type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor = GlobalColor("up"));

AddChart(open = if dn then 50 else na, high = 50 , low = 50 , close = if dn then cycleFast else na,
         type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor = GlobalColor("dn"));

#-- MT
plot shortTerm  = if !last and showShortTermOsc then stValue1 else na;  # 'Short Term Oscillator'
plot intermTerm = if !last and showIntermTermOsc then stValue2 else na; # 'Intermediate Term Oscillator'
plot longTerm   = if !last and showLongTermOsc then stValue3 else na;   # 'Long Term Oscillator'

#-- Levels
def lvlCond = !last and (showMarketStructureOsc or showShortTermOsc or showIntermTermOsc or showLongTermOsc);

plot midLine  = if lvlCond then 50 else na;   # 'Equilibrium Level'
def oscTop    = if lvlCond then 100 else na;  # 'OSC Top'
def upperBand = if lvlCond then 85 else na;   # 'Overbought Level'
def lowerBand = if lvlCond then 15 else na;   # 'Oversold Level'
def oscBtm    = if lvlCond then 0 else  na;   # 'OSC Bottom'
midLine.AssignValueColor(if up then GlobalColor("up") else
                         if dn then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.DARK_GRAY);

#-- Clouds
AddCloud(oscTop, upperBand, Color.DARK_RED);
AddCloud(lowerBand, oscBtm, Color.DARK_GREEN);
AddCloud(msPlot, midLine, GlobalColor("dup"), GlobalColor("ddn"));

#-- Bar Color
def msOSCsig = sign(msOSC - 50);
def cycleSig = sign(cycleFast - 50);
def msSigUp = (msOSCsig - msOSCsig[1]) > 0;
def msSigDn = (msOSCsig - msOSCsig[1]) < 0;

AssignPriceColor(if !colorBars then Color.CURRENT else
                 if msSigUp then Color.CYAN else
                 if msSigDn then Color.MAGENTA else CreateColor(255 - colOsc, colOsc, 0));

#-- END of CODE

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