Found something very cool
It is a lower indicator with Price Bar Coloring options are as follows:
It is a lower indicator with Price Bar Coloring options are as follows:
- Bright_Green | : Both Short term and Long term trends are Up, |
- Bright_Green | : Both Short term and Long term trends are Up, |
- Bright_Red | : Both Short term and Long term trends are Down, |
- Light_Red | : Short term trend is Down and Long term trend is Up, |
- Yellow | : If ChopColor is selected yes, then all Price Bars occurring during Choppiness periods per the Trend Strength Label (discussed below) will be colored. |
thinkScript Code
# KC_PercentK V1_R2
# KeltnerChannels set to similar BB PercentB
# Developed by Lar with assistance from TrendXplorer
# Trending and Squeeze Indicators provided by Mobius @My Trade
# Orange dots indicate squeeze.
# Orange Label indicates Squeeze status and number of consecutive bars being squeezed.
# The longer the squeeze is lasting may indicate a larger move when it ends.
# Green dots on zero line indicate trend direction is up.
# Red dots on zero line indicate trend is down.
# Cloud colors indicate short term price action green/red and long term
# dark_green/dark_red.
# Trend Strength label is worded Trending and color coded to be light_green (weak)
# and green (strong) for uptrends and light_red (weak) and red (strong) for downtrends.
# It is worded Choppy and color coded light_green/light_red for Choppiness.
# Coloring of Price bars can be selected:
# - Bright Green = Both Short term and Long term trends are Up,
# - Light Green = Short term trend is Up and Long term trends is Down,
# - Bright Red = Both Short term and Long term trends are Down,
# - Light Red = Short term trend is Down and Long term trend is Up.
# During uptrends, light red colors may indicate a pullback if light red cloud is
# shrinking or above -100 and then Green dots continue. Otherwise, a possible trend
# reversal is indicated. The opposite applies for downtrends.
# Coloring of Price bars for Choppiness can be selected. Yellow = Bars in Chop.
declare lower;
input pricecolor = yes;
input chopcolor = no; #Hint chopcolor: Choose yes to have Price bars colored Yellow while the trend is CHOPPY.
def price = close;
def displace = 0;
def h = high;
def l = low;
def c = close;
# Keltner Channel set similar to BollingerBands PercentB by Lar (Longer Term Trend)
def factorKCLT = 1.500;
def lengthKCLT = 20.000;
def shiftKCLT = factorKCLT * AvgTrueRange(h, c, l, lengthKCLT);
def averageKCLT = SimpleMovingAvg(price, lengthKCLT);
def AvgKCLT = averageKCLT[-displace];
def Upper_BandKCLT = averageKCLT[-displace] + shiftKCLT[-displace];
def Lower_BandKCLT = averageKCLT[-displace] - shiftKCLT[-displace];
plot PercentkLT = (price - Lower_BandKCLT) / (Upper_BandKCLT - Lower_BandKCLT) * 100;
PercentkLT.AssignValueColor(if PercentkLT > 0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
# Keltner Channel set similar to BollingerBands PercentB by Lar (Shorter Term Trend)
def factorKCST = .500;
def lengthKCST = 6.000;
def shiftKCST = factorKCST * AvgTrueRange(h, c, l, lengthKCST);
def averageKCST = SimpleMovingAvg(price, lengthKCST);
def AvgKCST = averageKCST[-displace];
def Upper_BandKCST = averageKCST[-displace] + shiftKCST[-displace];
def Lower_BandKCST = averageKCST[-displace] - shiftKCST[-displace];
plot PercentkST = (price - Lower_BandKCST) / (Upper_BandKCST - Lower_BandKCST) * 100;
PercentkST.AssignValueColor(if PercentkST > 0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
# Trends Defined
# Long Term Trend
rec Uptrend = if Uptrend[1] == 0 and PercentkLT >= 0 then 1 else if Uptrend[1] == 1 and PercentkLT >= 0 then 1 else 0;
rec Downtrend = if Uptrend == 0 then 1 else 0;
# Short Term Trend
rec uptrendsmall = if uptrendsmall[1] == 0 and PercentkST >= 0 then 1 else if uptrendsmall[1] == 1 and PercentkST >= 0 then 1 else 0;
rec downtrendsmall = if uptrendsmall == 0 then 1 else 0;
# Line Definitions
def ZeroLine = if !IsNaN(price) then 0 else Double.NaN;
def HalfLine = if !IsNaN(price) then 50 else Double.NaN;
def UnitLine = if !IsNaN(price) then 100 else Double.NaN;
# Clouds
AddCloud(PercentkST, ZeroLine, Color.GREEN, Color.RED);
AddCloud(PercentkST, PercentkLT, Color.GREEN, Color.RED);
# Choppiness Indicator from Mobius @My Trade with color changes by Lar
# Set ADX & SMA to how you trade
# Indicates Trending or Chop along with current ADX level
def ADXLength = 5; # TOS default 10
def SMALength = 8; # TOS default 8
def Lengthchop = 8;
def Signal = 3;
def Choppy = 61.8;
def MidLine = 50;
def Trending = 38.2;
def ADX = Round(reference ADX(length = ADXLength), 0);
def SMA = Average(price, SMALength);
def CIB = ((Log(Sum(TrueRange(h, c, l), Lengthchop) /
(Highest(if h >= c[1] then h else
c[1], Lengthchop) -
Lowest( if l <= c[1] then l else c[1], Lengthchop)))
/ Log(10)) / (Log(Lengthchop) / Log(10))) * 100;
def CI = CIB;
def Mid = MidLine;
def Trend1 = Trending;
def TrendLine = 0;
# Plot of Trends
plot trend = if uptrendsmall == 1 or downtrendsmall == 1 then TrendLine else Double.NaN;
trend.AssignValueColor(if Uptrend == 1 and uptrendsmall == 1 then createcolor(0,214,0) else if uptrendsmall == 1 and Uptrend == 0 then createcolor(138,255,138) else if Downtrend == 1 and downtrendsmall == 1 then createcolor(204,0,0) else if downtrendsmall == 1 and Downtrend == 0 then createcolor(255,51,51) else Color.YELLOW);
# Choppiness Indicator Label
AddLabel(yes, if CI > MidLine then "CHOPPY " + ADX else "TRENDING " + ADX, if CI < Trend1 then (if uptrendsmall == 1 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED) else if CI > Trend1 and CI < MidLine then (if uptrendsmall == 1 then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else Color.LIGHT_RED) else if CI > MidLine and uptrendsmall == 1 then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else Color.LIGHT_RED);
# Squeeze by Mobius @ My Trade with color mod by Lar
# Look at Cloud Color as a possible indication of direction once squeeze ends
def nK = 1.5;
def nBB = 2.0;
def lengthsqueeze = 20;
def BBHalfWidth = StDev(price, lengthsqueeze);
def KCHalfWidth = nK * AvgTrueRange(h, c, l, lengthsqueeze);
def isSqueezed = nBB * BBHalfWidth / KCHalfWidth < 1;
# Squeeze for Longer Term Trend Indicator
plot BBS_Ind = if isSqueezed then TrendLine else Double.NaN;
# Count of Periods in consecutive squeeze
rec count = if isSqueezed then count[1] + 1 else 0;
AddLabel(yes, if isSqueezed then Concat("Squeeze ", count) else "No Squeeze", Color.DARK_ORANGE);
# Paint Price Bars
assignPriceColor(if pricecolor==yes then if uptrendsmall==1 and CI > MidLine and chopcolor==yes then Color.yellow else if uptrendsmall==1 and uptrend==1 then createcolor(0,214,0) else if Uptrend==0 and Uptrendsmall==1 then createcolor(138,255,138) else if Downtrendsmall==1 and CI > MidLine and chopcolor==yes then Color.yellow else if Downtrend==1 and downtrendsmall==1 then createcolor(204,0,0) else if downtrend==0 and downtrendsmall==1 then createcolor(255,51,51) else color.current else color.current);
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