@Pelonsax, Hey Ramon, I have a strat script i quite like but i would like to ask a few questions on it.
I will post the script below for reference.
It shows the previous two day candle formations and then the expected candle the following day, like this,
2D-2D[2U]. However, I notice that the candles do not change until the premarket of the following day. Is there a way to get these to print the current candles after market close? Thank you.
# M T F S T R A T
# W A T C H L I S T
# a Study by Ramon DV. aka Pelonsax
# S T R A T R E V E R S A L S
# A study by Ramon DV. aka Pelonsax
# Version 1.0 8/01/20
# Version 2.0 8/4/20 Corrected errors in logic for scenarios
# Version 2.1 8/15/20 Added Reversals
# 9/15/20 added two previous bars and reversals for WL columns
def H = high;
def L = low;
def O = open;
def C = close;
def insidebar = (H < H[1] and L > L[1]) or (H == H[1] and L > L[1]) or (H < H[1] and L == L[1]) or (H == H[1] and L == L[1]);
def outsidebar = H > H[1] and L < L[1];
def insidebarup = insidebar and O < C;
def twoup = H > H[1] and L >= L[1];
def outsidebarup = outsidebar and O < C;
def insidebardown = insidebar and O > C;
def twodown = H <= H[1] and L < L[1];
def outsidebardown = outsidebar and O > C;
def insidebar1 = (H[1] < H[2] and L[1] > L[2]) or (H[1] == H[2] and L[1] > L[2]) or (H[1] < H[2] and L[1] == L[2]) or (H[1] == H[2] and L[1] == L[2]);
def outsidebar1 = H[1] > H[2] and L[1] < L[2];
def insidebarup1 = insidebar1 and O[1] < C[1];
def twoup1 = H[1] > H[2] and L[1] >= L[2];
def outsidebarup1 = outsidebar1 and O[1] < C[1];
def insidebardown1 = insidebar1 and O[1] > C[1];
def twodown1 = H[1] <= H[2] and L[1] < L[2];
def outsidebardown1 = outsidebar1 and O[1] > C[1];
def insidebar2 = (H[2] < H[3] and L[2] > L[3]) or (H[2] == H[3] and L[2] > L[3]) or (H[2] < H[3] and L[2] == L[3]) or (H[2] == H[3] and L[2] == L[3]);
def outsidebar2 = H[2] > H[3] and L[2] < L[3];
def insidebarup2 = insidebar2 and O[2] < C[2];
def twoup2 = H[2] > H[3] and L[2] >= L[3];
def outsidebarup2 = outsidebar2 and O[2] < C[2];
def insidebardown2 = insidebar2 and O[2] > C[2];
def twodown2 = H[2] <= H[3] and L[2] < L[3];
def outsidebardown2 = outsidebar2 and O[2] > C[2];
# Bullish
def TwoOneTwoBull = twoup and insidebar1 and twodown2;
def TwoTwoBull = twoup and twodown1;
def ThreeBull = outsidebarup and (twodown1 or insidebar1 or outsidebardown1);
def ThreeOneTwoBull = twoup and insidebar1 and outsidebardown2;
# Bearish
def TwoOneTwoBear = twodown and insidebar1 and twoup2;
def TwoTwoBear = twodown and twoup2;
def ThreeBear = outsidebardown and (twoup1 or insidebar1 or outsidebarup1);
def ThreeOneTwoBear = twodown and insidebar1 and outsidebarup2;
(if twoup2 then “2U” else if twodown2 then “2D” else if insidebarup2 then “1U" else if insidebardown2 then “1D” else if outsidebarup2 then “3U” else if outsidebardown2 then “3D” else if insidebar2 and !insidebarup2 and !insidebardown2 then "1" else if outsidebar2 and !outsidebarup2 and !outsidebardown2 then "3" else “”) + “-“ +
(if twoup1 then “2U” else if twodown1 then “2D” else if insidebarup1 then “1U" else if insidebardown1 then “1D” else if outsidebarup1 then “3U” else if outsidebardown1 then “3D” else if insidebar1 and !insidebarup1 and !insidebardown1 then "1" else if outsidebar1 and !outsidebarup1 and !outsidebardown1 then "3" else “”)+ ”-“ +
(if twoup then “[2U]” else if twodown then “[2D]” else if insidebarup then “[1U]” else if insidebardown then “[1D]” else if outsidebarup then “[3U]” else if outsidebardown then “[3D]” else if insidebar and !insidebarup and !insidebardown then “[1]” else if outsidebar and !outsidebarup and !outsidebardown then “[3]” else “”), color.black);
assignbackgroundColor(if TwoOneTwoBull or TwoTwoBull or ThreeBull or ThreeOneTwoBull then color.cyan else if TwoOneTwoBear or TwoTwoBear or ThreeBear or ThreeOneTwoBear then color.magenta else if
!TwoTwoBull and
!ThreeBull and
!ThreeOneTwoBull and
!TwoOneTwoBear and
!TwoTwoBear and
!ThreeBear and
!ThreeOneTwoBear and
twoup then color.green else if
!TwoOneTwoBull and
!TwoTwoBull and
!ThreeBull and
!ThreeOneTwoBull and
!TwoOneTwoBear and
!TwoTwoBear and
!ThreeBear and
!ThreeOneTwoBear and
twodown then color.red else if
!TwoOneTwoBull and
!TwoTwoBull and
!ThreeBull and
!ThreeOneTwoBull and
!TwoOneTwoBear and
!TwoTwoBear and
!ThreeBear and
!ThreeOneTwoBear and
outsidebarup then color.dark_green else if
!TwoOneTwoBull and
!TwoTwoBull and
!ThreeBull and
!ThreeOneTwoBull and
!TwoOneTwoBear and
!TwoTwoBear and
!ThreeBear and
!ThreeOneTwoBear and
insidebarup then color.light_green else if
!TwoOneTwoBull and
!TwoTwoBull and
!ThreeBull and
!ThreeOneTwoBull and
!TwoOneTwoBear and
!TwoTwoBear and
!ThreeBear and
!ThreeOneTwoBear and
outsidebardown then color.dark_red else if
!TwoOneTwoBull and
!TwoTwoBull and
!ThreeBull and
!ThreeOneTwoBull and
!TwoOneTwoBear and
!TwoTwoBear and
!ThreeBear and
!ThreeOneTwoBear and
insidebardown then color.orange else if
!TwoOneTwoBull and
!TwoTwoBull and
!ThreeBull and
!ThreeOneTwoBull and
!TwoOneTwoBear and
!TwoTwoBear and
!ThreeBear and
!ThreeOneTwoBear and
!insidebarup and
!insidebardown and
insidebar then color.white else if
!TwoOneTwoBull and
!TwoTwoBull and
!ThreeBull and
!ThreeOneTwoBull and
!TwoOneTwoBear and
!TwoTwoBear and
!ThreeBear and
!ThreeOneTwoBear and
!outsidebardown and
!outsidebarup and
outsidebar then color.white
else color.current);