I just added actionable signal scans at the bottom of the top postAwesome job and great work with your effort to make this happen.
Anyone know where I can find a Revstrat scan?
I just added actionable signal scans at the bottom of the top postAwesome job and great work with your effort to make this happen.
Anyone know where I can find a Revstrat scan?
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Thanks for the Hammer and Shooting Star, extremely helpful so I can test what strength I want... because i've tried before using other indicators but its annoying not knowing what settings to use.I just added actionable signal scans at the bottom of the top post
Did you watch the video tutorial on how to load the watchlist columns?I'm having issues getting the watchlist Strat reversal to work.invalid statement at the at the add label section. can anyone help. thanks
I'm having issues getting the watchlist Strat reversal to work.invalid statement at the at the add label section. can anyone help. thanks
(if twoup2 then 2U else if twodown2 then 2D else if insidebarup2 then 1U" else if insidebardown2 then 1D else if outsidebarup2 then 3U else if outsidebardown2 then 3D else if insidebar2 and !insidebarup2 and !insidebardown2 then "1" else if outsidebar2 and !outsidebarup2 and !outsidebardown2 then "3" else ) + - +
(if twoup1 then 2U else if twodown1 then 2D else if insidebarup1 then 1U" else if insidebardown1 then 1D else if outsidebarup1 then 3U else if outsidebardown1 then 3D else if insidebar1 and !insidebarup1 and !insidebardown1 then "1" else if outsidebar1 and !outsidebarup1 and !outsidebardown1 then "3" else )+ - +
(if twoup then [2U] else if twodown then [2D] else if insidebarup then [1U] else if insidebardown then [1D] else if outsidebarup then [3U] else if outsidebardown then [3D] else if insidebar and !insidebarup and !insidebardown then [1] else if outsidebar and !outsidebarup and !outsidebardown then [3] else ), color.black);
Yes I watched it. Every time I cut and paste the label section comes up red and says invalid statementDid you watch the video tutorial on how to load the watchlist columns?
Unfortunately no, not that I'm aware of. Not on TOS@Pelonsax excellent job like always.
is there a way to just have the 2 candles print either U or D for a 2u or 2d?
TheStrat can apply to any timeframe.This indicator seems to focus on day trading? Am I right? How can I use this for swing trade?
I have not found a way to change that. Unfortunately, all watchlist columns and scans in TOS have that issue.So I went ahead and added the mtf script on the watch list, the one that provides the last 3 candels, however it doesn't seem to match up with the chart. I have my charts on aggregation to market open which if I'm not mistaken is what Rob and the other Stratters use. However it seems that the custom script goes based off the top of the hour. Is there anyway to change that?
I have not found a way to change that. Unfortunately, all watchlist columns and scans in TOS have that issue.
Thank you for trying anyways.
I think you might find the following interesting for the strat strategies :
When the month is green, you have an inside day then a 2 down that closes green setting up a RevStrat. If it triggers.....(takes the high of the 2 down) the following day, it completes (takes the high of the 1) that day, 66.47% of the time!!!
That's potentially almost 7 out of 10 winning trades. With good risk management that is phenomenal, based in thousands off back testing charts.
I was trying to create a scan like that,
Basically green month.
Inside candle on DAILY followed by a 2 down that ends green. I'm not getting any scanned results which leads me to believe I messed up somewhere. Any help would be appreciated
What's your code so far?Thank you for trying anyways.
I think you might find the following interesting for the strat strategies :
When the month is green, you have an inside day then a 2 down that closes green setting up a RevStrat. If it triggers.....(takes the high of the 2 down) the following day, it completes (takes the high of the 1) that day, 66.47% of the time!!!
That's potentially almost 7 out of 10 winning trades. With good risk management that is phenomenal, based in thousands off back testing charts.
I was trying to create a scan like that,
Basically green month.
Inside candle on DAILY followed by a 2 down that ends green. I'm not getting any scanned results which leads me to believe I messed up somewhere. Any help would be appreciated
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