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AggregationPeriod.Quarter and AggregationPeriod.FOUR_HOUR exists yet how may I be able to add it to the indicator? Thank you
# Complete Pivot Setup
# Created by @tony_futures
# Modified for horizontal lines
# Inspired from @PostyTrades and @SergeTrades
#declare hide_on_daily;
input aggregationPeriod = {default DAY, WEEK, MONTH, YEAR};
input showCPR = no;
input showPrevious = no;
input showReversalZone = yes;
input showLastStand = yes;
input showLabels = yes;
input showBullTargets = yes;
input showBearTargets = yes;
input showTodayOnly = yes;
input manualClose = 0.00;
input RoundLevel = 0;
def Today = if aggregationPeriod == AggregationPeriod.DAY and GetLastDay() == GetDay() then 1 else if aggregationPeriod == AggregationPeriod.MONTH and GetLastMonth() == GetMonth() then 1 else if aggregationPeriod == AggregationPeriod.WEEK and GetLastWeek() == GetWeek() then 1 else if aggregationPeriod == AggregationPeriod.YEAR and GetLastYEAR() == GetYear() then 1 else 0;
# Time-based conditions
def newDay = GetDay() <> GetDay()[1];
def endOfDay = SecondsTillTime(1600) == 0;
def isLastBar = !IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[1]);
def prevHigh = high(period = aggregationPeriod)[1];
def prevLow = low(period = aggregationPeriod)[1];
def prevClose1 = close(period = aggregationPeriod)[1];
def prevClose = if manualClose != 0 then manualClose else prevClose1;
def pivot = (prevHigh + prevLow + prevClose) / 3.0;
def bc = (prevHigh + prevLow) / 2.0;
def tc = (pivot - bc) + pivot;
def prevDiff = prevHigh - prevLow;
def prevDiff2 = prevDiff*1.1/2;
def prevDiff4 = prevDiff*1.1/4;
def prevDiff8 = prevDiff*1.1/8;
def smallR1 = prevClose + (prevDiff*1.1/ 12);
def smallS1 = prevClose - (prevDiff*1.1/ 12);
def R1 = prevDiff4 + prevClose;
def R3 = RoundDown(prevDiff2 + prevClose, RoundLevel);
def R2 = R3 - prevDiff8;
def R4 = RoundDown(prevDiff + prevClose,RoundLevel);
def R5 = RoundDown((R3 + (1.168 * (R3 - R1))),RoundLevel);
def S1 = PrevClose - prevDiff4;
def S3 = RoundUp(PrevClose - prevDiff2, RoundLevel);
def S2 = S3 + prevDiff8;
def S4 = RoundUp(prevClose - prevDiff, RoundLevel);
def S5 = RoundUp((S3 - (1.168 * ( S1 - S3))), RoundLevel);
# Modified plots for horizontal lines
plot PLine = if (showCPR and showTodayOnly and Today) or (showCPR and !showTodayOnly) then
if newDay then Double.NaN
else if endOfDay then Double.NaN
else pivot
else Double.NaN;
plot BCLine = if (showCPR and showTodayOnly and Today) or (showCPR and !showTodayOnly) then
if newDay then Double.NaN
else if endOfDay then Double.NaN
else bc
else Double.NaN;
plot TCLine = if (showCPR and showTodayOnly and Today) or (showCPR and !showTodayOnly) then
if newDay then Double.NaN
else if endOfDay then Double.NaN
else tc
else Double.NaN;
plot PreviousHigh = if (showPrevious and showTodayOnly and Today) or (showPrevious and !showTodayOnly) then
if newDay then Double.NaN
else if endOfDay then Double.NaN
else RoundDown(prevHigh,RoundLevel)
else Double.NaN;
plot PreviousLow = if (showPrevious and showTodayOnly and Today) or (showPrevious and !showTodayOnly) then
if newDay then Double.NaN
else if endOfDay then Double.NaN
else RoundUp(prevLow,RoundLevel)
else Double.NaN;
# Reversal zones with proper breaks
if (showReversalZone and showTodayOnly and Today) or (showReversalZone and !showTodayOnly) then
if newDay then Double.NaN
else if endOfDay then Double.NaN
else r1
else Double.NaN,
if (showReversalZone and showTodayOnly and Today) or (showReversalZone and !showTodayOnly) then
if newDay then Double.NaN
else if endOfDay then Double.NaN
else r2
else Double.NaN,
if (showReversalZone and showTodayOnly and Today) or (showReversalZone and !showTodayOnly) then
if newDay then Double.NaN
else if endOfDay then Double.NaN
else s1
else Double.NaN,
if (showReversalZone and showTodayOnly and Today) or (showReversalZone and !showTodayOnly) then
if newDay then Double.NaN
else if endOfDay then Double.NaN
else s2
else Double.NaN,
AddLabel(showReversalZone and showLabels, "Bear zone: " + RoundDown(R1, RoundLevel) + " to " + RoundDown(R2, RoundLevel), Color.LIGHT_RED);
AddLabel(showReversalZone and showLabels, "Bull zone: " + RoundDown(S1, RoundLevel) + " to " + RoundDown(S2, RoundLevel), Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
plot bullLastStand = if (showLastStand and showTodayOnly and Today) or (showLastStand and !showTodayOnly) then
if newDay then Double.NaN
else if endOfDay then Double.NaN
else S3
else Double.NaN;
plot bearLastStand = if (showLastStand and showTodayOnly and Today) or (showLastStand and !showTodayOnly) then
if newDay then Double.NaN
else if endOfDay then Double.NaN
else R3
else Double.NaN;
input showBubblesLeft = no;
AddChartBubble(showBubblesLeft and showLastStand and Today and !Today[1], R3, "Bear Last Stand: " + R3, Color.GRAY, yes);
AddChartBubble(showBubblesLeft and showLastStand and Today and !Today[1], S3, "Bull Last Stand: " + S3, Color.GRAY, no);
AddChartBubble(showBubblesLeft and showPrevious and Today and !Today[1], PrevHigh, "Previous High: " + PrevHigh, Color.GRAY, yes);
AddChartBubble(showBubblesLeft and showPrevious and Today and !Today[1], PrevLow, "Previous Low: " + PrevLow, Color.GRAY, no);
plot bull1 = if (showBullTargets and showTodayOnly and Today) or (showBullTargets and !showTodayOnly) then
if newDay then Double.NaN
else if endOfDay then Double.NaN
else R5
else Double.NaN;
plot bear1 = if (showBearTargets and showTodayOnly and Today) or (showBearTargets and !showTodayOnly) then
if newDay then Double.NaN
else if endOfDay then Double.NaN
else S5
else Double.NaN;
AddChartBubble(showBubblesLeft and showBullTargets and Today and !Today[1], R5, "Bull Target 1: " + R5, Color.GRAY, yes);
AddChartBubble(showBubblesLeft and showBearTargets and Today and !Today[1], S5, "Bear Target 1: " + S5, Color.GRAY, no);
plot bull2 = if (showBullTargets and showTodayOnly and Today) or (showBullTargets and !showTodayOnly) then
if newDay then Double.NaN
else if endOfDay then Double.NaN
else R4
else Double.NaN;
plot bear2 = if (showBearTargets and showTodayOnly and Today) or (showBearTargets and !showTodayOnly) then
if newDay then Double.NaN
else if endOfDay then Double.NaN
else S4
else Double.NaN;
AddChartBubble(showBubblesLeft and showBullTargets and Today and !Today[1], R4, "Bull Target 2: " + R4, Color.GRAY, yes);
AddChartBubble(showBubblesLeft and showBearTargets and Today and !Today[1], S4, "Bear Target 2: " + S4, Color.GRAY, no);
input showOpen = yes;
input Open_Time = 0930;
AddVerticalLine(secondsFromTime(Open_Time)[1] < 0 and secondsFromTime(Open_Time) >= 0 and Today and showOpen, concat("Open", ""), Color.Green, curve.POINTS);
input showBubblesRight = Yes;
input displaceRightBubble = 3;
def showBubbleNow = !IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1]);
AddChartBubble(showBubblesRight and showLastStand and showBubbleNow[displaceRightBubble], R3, "Bear Last Stand: " + R3, Color.GRAY, yes);
AddChartBubble(showBubblesRight and showLastStand and showBubbleNow[displaceRightBubble], S3, "Bull Last Stand: " + S3, Color.GRAY, no);
AddChartBubble(showBubblesRight and showPrevious and showBubbleNow[displaceRightBubble], PreviousHigh, "Previous High: " + RoundDown(previousHigh,RoundLevel), Color.GRAY, yes);
AddChartBubble(showBubblesRight and showPrevious and showBubbleNow[displaceRightBubble], PreviousLow, "Previous Low: " + PreviousLow, Color.GRAY, no);
AddChartBubble(showBubblesRight and showBullTargets and showBubbleNow[displaceRightBubble], R5, "Bull Target 1: " + R5, Color.GRAY, yes);
AddChartBubble(showBubblesRight and showBearTargets and showBubbleNow[displaceRightBubble], S5, "Bear Target 1: " + S5, Color.GRAY, no);
AddChartBubble(showBubblesRight and showBullTargets and showBubbleNow[displaceRightBubble], R4, "Bull Target 2: " + R4, Color.GRAY, yes);
AddChartBubble(showBubblesRight and showBearTargets and showBubbleNow[displaceRightBubble], S4, "Bear Target 2: " + S4, Color.GRAY, no);
input showWeeklyLabels = yes;
AddChartBubble(showWeeklyLabels and AggregationPeriod == AggregationPeriod.WEEK and Today and !Today[1], (R2 - R1)/2 + R1, "Weekly", Color.WHITE, yes);
AddChartBubble(showWeeklyLabels and AggregationPeriod == AggregationPeriod.WEEK and Today and !Today[1], (S1 - S2)/2 + S2, "Weekly", Color.WHITE, no);
input showSmallCamPoints = no;
plot smallCamResistance = if showSmallCamPoints and Today then
if newDay then Double.NaN
else if endOfDay then Double.NaN
else smallR1
else Double.NaN;
plot smallCamSupport = if showSmallCamPoints and Today then
if newDay then Double.NaN
else if endOfDay then Double.NaN
else smallS1
else Double.NaN;
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