#Scalper Upper v2 Created 02/01/2022 by Christopher84
#Sound Alerts added by Barbaros
declare upper;
input price = close;
input length = 10;
input length2 = 35;
input agperiod1 = { "1 min", default "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", "4 hours", "Day", "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod2 = {"1 min", "2 min", default "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", "4 hours", "Day", "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod3 = {"1 min", "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", default "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", "4 hours", "Day", "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod4 = {"1 min", "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", default "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", "4 hours", "Day", "Week", "Month"};
input agperiod5 = {"1 min", "2 min", "3 min", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 hour", "2 hours", default "4 hours", "Day", "Week", "Month"};
def displace = 0;
input paintCandles = yes;
input show_ema_cloud = yes;
#Current Period
plot AvgExp = ExpAverage(price[-displace], length);
def UPC1 = AvgExp > AvgExp[1];
def DNC1 = AvgExp < AvgExp[1];
plot AvgExp2 = ExpAverage(price[-displace], length2);
def UPC2 = AvgExp2 > AvgExp2[1];
def DNC2 = AvgExp2 < AvgExp2[1];
def Below = AvgExp < AvgExp2;
def Spark = UPC1 + UPC2 + Below;
def UPEMA = AvgExp[1] < AvgExp;
def DOWNEMA = AvgExp[1] > AvgExp;
AvgExp.AssignValueColor(if UPEMA then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else if DOWNEMA then Color.RED else Color.YELLOW);
def UPEMA2 = AvgExp2[1] < AvgExp2;
def DOWNEMA2 = AvgExp2[1] > AvgExp2;
AvgExp2.AssignValueColor(if UPEMA2 then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else if DOWNEMA2 then Color.RED else Color.YELLOW);
AddCloud(if show_ema_cloud and (AvgExp2 > AvgExp) then AvgExp2 else Double.NaN, AvgExp, Color.LIGHT_RED, Color.CURRENT);
AddCloud(if show_ema_cloud and (AvgExp > AvgExp2) then AvgExp else Double.NaN, AvgExp2, Color.LIGHT_GREEN, Color.CURRENT);
def avg = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod1), length);
def height = avg - avg[length];
def avg2 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod1), length2);
def height2 = avg2 - avg2[length2];
def UP = avg > avg2;
def DOWN = avg < avg2;
def R1UP = avg > avg[1];
def R1DN = avg < avg[1];
def R2UP = avg2 > avg2[1];
def R2DN = avg2 < avg2[1];
def avg3 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod2), length);
def height3 = avg3 - avg3[length];
def avg4 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod2), length2);
def height4 = avg4 - avg4[length2];
def UP2 = avg3 > avg4;
def DOWN2 = avg3 < avg4;
def R3UP = avg3 > avg3[1];
def R3DN = avg3 < avg3[1];
def R4UP = avg4 > avg4[1];
def R4DN = avg4 < avg4[1];
def avg5 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod3), length);
def height5 = avg5 - avg5[length];
def avg6 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod3), length2);
def height6 = avg6 - avg6[length2];
def UP3 = avg5 > avg6;
def DOWN3 = avg5 < avg6;
def R5UP = avg5 > avg5[1];
def R5DN = avg5 < avg5[1];
def R6UP = avg6 > avg6[1];
def R6DN = avg6 < avg6[1];
def avg7 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod4), length);
def height7 = avg7 - avg7[length];
def avg8 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod4), length2);
def height8 = avg8 - avg8[length2];
def UP4 = avg7 > avg8;
def DOWN4 = avg7 < avg8;
def R7UP = avg7 > avg7[1];
def R7DN = avg7 < avg7[1];
def R8UP = avg8 > avg8[1];
def R8DN = avg8 < avg8[1];
def avg9 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod5), length);
def height9 = avg9 - avg9[length];
def avg10 = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod5), length2);
def height10 = avg10 - avg10[length2];
def UP5 = avg9 > avg10;
def DOWN5 = avg9 < avg10;
def R9UP = avg9 > avg9[1];
def R9DN = avg9 < avg9[1];
def R10UP = avg10 > avg10[1];
def R10DN = avg10 < avg10[1];
def Long_Only = UP + UP2 + UP3 + UP4 + UP5;
def Short_Only = DOWN + DOWN2 + DOWN3 + DOWN4 + DOWN5;
def Consensus_Bias = Long_Only - Short_Only;
def RUP = UPC1 + UPC2 + R1UP + R2UP + R3UP + R4UP + R5UP + R6UP + R7UP + R8UP + R9UP + R10UP;
def RDN = DNC1 + DNC2 + R1DN + R2DN + R3DN + R4DN + R5DN + R6DN + R7DN + R8DN + R9DN + R10DN;
def ConsensusR = RUP - RDN;
script WMA_Smooth {
input price = hl2;
plot smooth = (4 * price
+ 3 * price[1]
+ 2 * price[2]
+ price[3]) / 10;
script Phase_Accumulation {
# This is Ehler's Phase Accumulation code. It has a full cycle delay.
# However, it computes the correction factor to a very high degree.
input price = hl2;
rec Smooth;
rec Detrender;
rec Period;
rec Q1;
rec I1;
rec I1p;
rec Q1p;
rec Phase1;
rec Phase;
rec DeltaPhase;
rec DeltaPhase1;
rec InstPeriod1;
rec InstPeriod;
def CorrectionFactor;
if BarNumber() <= 5
then {
Period = 0;
Smooth = 0;
Detrender = 0;
CorrectionFactor = 0;
Q1 = 0;
I1 = 0;
Q1p = 0;
I1p = 0;
Phase = 0;
Phase1 = 0;
DeltaPhase1 = 0;
DeltaPhase = 0;
InstPeriod = 0;
InstPeriod1 = 0;
} else {
CorrectionFactor = 0.075 * Period[1] + 0.54;
# Smooth and detrend my smoothed signal:
Smooth = WMA_Smooth(price);
Detrender = ( 0.0962 * Smooth
+ 0.5769 * Smooth[2]
- 0.5769 * Smooth[4]
- 0.0962 * Smooth[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;
# Compute Quadrature and Phase of Detrended signal:
Q1p = ( 0.0962 * Detrender
+ 0.5769 * Detrender[2]
- 0.5769 * Detrender[4]
- 0.0962 * Detrender[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;
I1p = Detrender[3];
# Smooth out Quadrature and Phase:
I1 = 0.15 * I1p + 0.85 * I1p[1];
Q1 = 0.15 * Q1p + 0.85 * Q1p[1];
# Determine Phase
if I1 != 0
then {
# Normally, ATAN gives results from -pi/2 to pi/2.
# We need to map this to circular coordinates 0 to 2pi
if Q1 >= 0 and I1 > 0
then { # Quarant 1
Phase1 = ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
} else if Q1 >= 0 and I1 < 0
then { # Quadrant 2
Phase1 = Double.Pi - ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
} else if Q1 < 0 and I1 < 0
then { # Quadrant 3
Phase1 = Double.Pi + ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
} else { # Quadrant 4
Phase1 = 2 * Double.Pi - ATan(AbsValue(Q1 / I1));
} else if Q1 > 0
then { # I1 == 0, Q1 is positive
Phase1 = Double.Pi / 2;
} else if Q1 < 0
then { # I1 == 0, Q1 is negative
Phase1 = 3 * Double.Pi / 2;
} else { # I1 and Q1 == 0
Phase1 = 0;
# Convert phase to degrees
Phase = Phase1 * 180 / Double.Pi;
if Phase[1] < 90 and Phase > 270
then {
# This occurs when there is a big jump from 360-0
DeltaPhase1 = 360 + Phase[1] - Phase;
} else {
DeltaPhase1 = Phase[1] - Phase;
# Limit our delta phases between 7 and 60
if DeltaPhase1 < 7
then {
DeltaPhase = 7;
} else if DeltaPhase1 > 60
then {
DeltaPhase = 60;
} else {
DeltaPhase = DeltaPhase1;
# Determine Instantaneous period:
InstPeriod1 =
-1 * (fold i = 0 to 40 with v=0 do
if v < 0 then
else if v > 360 then
v + GetValue(DeltaPhase, i, 41)
if InstPeriod1 <= 0
then {
InstPeriod = InstPeriod[1];
} else {
InstPeriod = InstPeriod1;
Period = 0.25 * InstPeriod + 0.75 * Period[1];
plot DC = Period;
script Ehler_MAMA {
input price = hl2;
input FastLimit = 0.5;
input SlowLimit = 0.05;
rec Period;
rec Period_raw;
rec Period_cap;
rec Period_lim;
rec Smooth;
rec Detrender;
rec I1;
rec Q1;
rec jI;
rec jQ;
rec I2;
rec Q2;
rec I2_raw;
rec Q2_raw;
rec Phase;
rec DeltaPhase;
rec DeltaPhase_raw;
rec alpha;
rec alpha_raw;
rec Re;
rec Im;
rec Re_raw;
rec Im_raw;
rec SmoothPeriod;
rec vmama;
rec vfama;
def CorrectionFactor = Phase_Accumulation(price).CorrectionFactor;
if BarNumber() <= 5
then {
Smooth = 0;
Detrender = 0;
Period = 0;
Period_raw = 0;
Period_cap = 0;
Period_lim = 0;
I1 = 0;
Q1 = 0;
I2 = 0;
Q2 = 0;
jI = 0;
jQ = 0;
I2_raw = 0;
Q2_raw = 0;
Re = 0;
Im = 0;
Re_raw = 0;
Im_raw = 0;
SmoothPeriod = 0;
Phase = 0;
DeltaPhase = 0;
DeltaPhase_raw = 0;
alpha = 0;
alpha_raw = 0;
vmama = 0;
vfama = 0;
} else {
# Smooth and detrend my smoothed signal:
Smooth = WMA_Smooth(price);
Detrender = ( 0.0962 * Smooth
+ 0.5769 * Smooth[2]
- 0.5769 * Smooth[4]
- 0.0962 * Smooth[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;
Q1 = ( 0.0962 * Detrender
+ 0.5769 * Detrender[2]
- 0.5769 * Detrender[4]
- 0.0962 * Detrender[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;
I1 = Detrender[3];
jI = ( 0.0962 * I1
+ 0.5769 * I1[2]
- 0.5769 * I1[4]
- 0.0962 * I1[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;
jQ = ( 0.0962 * Q1
+ 0.5769 * Q1[2]
- 0.5769 * Q1[4]
- 0.0962 * Q1[6] ) * CorrectionFactor;
# This is the complex conjugate
I2_raw = I1 - jQ;
Q2_raw = Q1 + jI;
I2 = 0.2 * I2_raw + 0.8 * I2_raw[1];
Q2 = 0.2 * Q2_raw + 0.8 * Q2_raw[1];
Re_raw = I2 * I2[1] + Q2 * Q2[1];
Im_raw = I2 * Q2[1] - Q2 * I2[1];
Re = 0.2 * Re_raw + 0.8 * Re_raw[1];
Im = 0.2 * Im_raw + 0.8 * Im_raw[1];
# Compute the phase
if Re != 0 and Im != 0
then {
Period_raw = 2 * Double.Pi / ATan(Im / Re);
} else {
Period_raw = 0;
if Period_raw > 1.5 * Period_raw[1]
then {
Period_cap = 1.5 * Period_raw[1];
} else if Period_raw < 0.67 * Period_raw[1] {
Period_cap = 0.67 * Period_raw[1];
} else {
Period_cap = Period_raw;
if Period_cap < 6
then {
Period_lim = 6;
} else if Period_cap > 50
then {
Period_lim = 50;
} else {
Period_lim = Period_cap;
Period = 0.2 * Period_lim + 0.8 * Period_lim[1];
SmoothPeriod = 0.33 * Period + 0.67 * SmoothPeriod[1];
if I1 != 0
then {
Phase = ATan(Q1 / I1);
} else if Q1 > 0
then { # Quadrant 1:
Phase = Double.Pi / 2;
} else if Q1 < 0
then { # Quadrant 4:
Phase = -Double.Pi / 2;
} else { # Both numerator and denominator are 0.
Phase = 0;
DeltaPhase_raw = Phase[1] - Phase;
if DeltaPhase_raw < 1
then {
DeltaPhase = 1;
} else {
DeltaPhase = DeltaPhase_raw;
alpha_raw = FastLimit / DeltaPhase;
if alpha_raw < SlowLimit
then {
alpha = SlowLimit;
} else {
alpha = alpha_raw;
vmama = alpha * price + (1 - alpha) * vmama[1];
vfama = 0.5 * alpha * vmama + (1 - 0.5 * alpha) * vfama[1];
plot MAMA = vmama;
plot FAMA = vfama;
input price2 = hl2;
input FastLimit = 0.5;
input SlowLimit = 0.05;
def MAMA = Ehler_MAMA(price2, FastLimit, SlowLimit).MAMA;
def FAMA = Ehler_MAMA(price2, FastLimit, SlowLimit).FAMA;
def Crossing = Crosses((MAMA < FAMA), yes);
def Crossing1 = Crosses((MAMA > FAMA), yes);
AddLabel(yes, Concat("MAMA: ", Concat("",
if MAMA > FAMA then "Bull" else "Bear")),
if MAMA > FAMA then createColor(33,145,72) else Color.RED);
plot C3_MF_Line = (MAMA + FAMA) / 2;
def direction = if ConsensusR > Consensus_Bias then 1 else if ConsensusR < Consensus_Bias then -1 else 0;
C3_MF_Line.AssignValueColor(if paintCandles and ((direction == 1) and (price > C3_MF_Line)) then Color.GREEN else if paintCandles and ((direction == -1) and (price < C3_MF_Line)) then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);
# ====================MTF ===================
# ============================================================
def Price2Ag1 = hl2(period = agperiod1);
def Price2Ag2 = hl2(period = agperiod2);
def Price2Ag3 = hl2(period = agperiod3);
def Price2Ag4 = hl2(period = agperiod4);
def Price2Ag5 = hl2(period = agperiod5);
def MAMAagg1 = Ehler_MAMA(Price2Ag1, FastLimit, SlowLimit).MAMA;
def FAMAagg1 = Ehler_MAMA(Price2Ag1, FastLimit, SlowLimit).FAMA;
def MAMAagg2 = Ehler_MAMA(Price2Ag2, FastLimit, SlowLimit).MAMA;
def FAMAagg2 = Ehler_MAMA(Price2Ag2, FastLimit, SlowLimit).FAMA;
def MAMAagg3 = Ehler_MAMA(Price2Ag3, FastLimit, SlowLimit).MAMA;
def FAMAagg3 = Ehler_MAMA(Price2Ag3, FastLimit, SlowLimit).FAMA;
def MAMAagg4 = Ehler_MAMA(Price2Ag4, FastLimit, SlowLimit).MAMA;
def FAMAagg4 = Ehler_MAMA(Price2Ag4, FastLimit, SlowLimit).FAMA;
def MAMAagg5 = Ehler_MAMA(Price2Ag5, FastLimit, SlowLimit).MAMA;
def FAMAagg5 = Ehler_MAMA(Price2Ag5, FastLimit, SlowLimit).FAMA;
def C3_MF_LineAgg1 = (MAMAagg1 + FAMAagg1) / 2;
def C3_MF_LineAgg2 = (MAMAagg2 + FAMAagg2) / 2;
def C3_MF_LineAgg3 = (MAMAagg3 + FAMAagg3) / 2;
def C3_MF_LineAgg4 = (MAMAagg4 + FAMAagg4) / 2;
def C3_MF_LineAgg5 = (MAMAagg5 + FAMAagg5) / 2;
def C3_MF_UPAgg1 = C3_MF_LineAgg1 > C3_MF_LineAgg1[1];
def C3_MF_DNAgg1 = C3_MF_LineAgg1 < C3_MF_LineAgg1[1];
def C3_MF_UPAgg2 = C3_MF_LineAgg2 > C3_MF_LineAgg2[1];
def C3_MF_DNAgg2 = C3_MF_LineAgg2 < C3_MF_LineAgg2[1];
def C3_MF_UPAgg3 = C3_MF_LineAgg3 > C3_MF_LineAgg3[1];
def C3_MF_DNAgg3 = C3_MF_LineAgg3 < C3_MF_LineAgg3[1];
def C3_MF_UPAgg4 = C3_MF_LineAgg4 > C3_MF_LineAgg4[1];
def C3_MF_DNAgg4 = C3_MF_LineAgg4 < C3_MF_LineAgg4[1];
def C3_MF_UPAgg5 = C3_MF_LineAgg5 > C3_MF_LineAgg5[1];
def C3_MF_DNAgg5 = C3_MF_LineAgg5 < C3_MF_LineAgg5[1];
def MF_UP1 = FAMAagg1 < MAMAagg1;
def MF_DN1 = FAMAagg1 > MAMAagg1;
def MF_UP2 = FAMAagg2 < MAMAagg2;
def MF_DN2 = FAMAagg2 > MAMAagg2;
def MF_UP3 = FAMAagg3 < MAMAagg3;
def MF_DN3 = FAMAagg3 > MAMAagg3;
def MF_UP4 = FAMAagg4 < MAMAagg4;
def MF_DN4 = FAMAagg4 > MAMAagg4;
def MF_UP5 = FAMAagg5 < MAMAagg5;
def MF_DN5 = FAMAagg5 > MAMAagg5;
def MFUP = MF_UP1 and MF_UP2 and MF_UP3 and MF_UP4 and MF_UP5;
def MFDN = MF_DN1 and MF_DN2 and MF_DN3 and MF_DN4 and MF_DN5;
input length8 = 10;
input length9 = 35;
plot AvgExp8 = ExpAverage(price[-displace], length8);
plot AvgExp9 = ExpAverage(price[-displace], length9);
def UPD = AvgExp8[1] < AvgExp8;
def UPW = AvgExp9[1] < AvgExp9;
AvgExp8.AssignValueColor(if UPEMA then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else if DOWNEMA then Color.RED else Color.YELLOW);
AvgExp9.AssignValueColor(if UPEMA2 then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else if DOWNEMA2 then Color.RED else Color.YELLOW);
AddCloud(if show_ema_cloud and (AvgExp9 > AvgExp8) then AvgExp9 else Double.NaN, AvgExp8, Color.LIGHT_RED, Color.CURRENT);
AddCloud(if show_ema_cloud and (AvgExp8 > AvgExp9) then AvgExp8 else Double.NaN, AvgExp9, Color.LIGHT_GREEN, Color.CURRENT);
def UP8 = UPEMA and UPEMA2;
def priceColor8 = if UP8 then 1
else if DOWN8 then -1
else 0;
def MaxTimeAvg = ExpAverage(close(period = agperiod5), length8);
def MaxTimeUp = MaxTimeAvg > MaxTimeAvg[1];
def MaxTimeDown = MaxTimeAvg < MaxTimeAvg[1];
input MACDBB_FastLength = 12;
input MACDBB_SlowLength = 26;
input MACDBB_BandLength = 15;
input MACDBB_NumDev = 1.0;
def MACDBB_Data = MACD(fastLength = MACDBB_FastLength, slowLength = MACDBB_SlowLength, MACDLength = 5);
def MACDBB_Upper = reference BollingerBands(price = MACDBB_Data, length = MACDBB_BandLength,
Num_Dev_Dn = -MACDBB_NumDev, Num_Dev_Up = MACDBB_NumDev).UpperBand;
def MACDBB_Lower = reference BollingerBands(price = MACDBB_Data, length = MACDBB_BandLength,
Num_Dev_Dn = -MACDBB_NumDev, Num_Dev_Up = MACDBB_NumDev).Lowerband;
def MACDBB_Midline = reference BollingerBands(price = MACDBB_Data, length = MACDBB_BandLength,
Num_Dev_Dn = -MACDBB_NumDev, Num_Dev_Up = MACDBB_NumDev).MidLine;
def MACDBB_Line = MACDBB_Data;
def B4Long = MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Upper
or MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Upper;
def B4Short = MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Lower
or MACDBB_Line > MACDBB_Line[1] and MACDBB_Line < MACDBB_Lower;
# ===========================================================
# ===========================================================================
def Longarrow = Long_Only > Short_Only and RUP > RDN and C3_MF_UPAgg1 and C3_MF_UPAgg2 and C3_MF_UPAgg3 and C3_MF_UPAgg4 and C3_MF_UPAgg5 and MFUP > MFDN and ((UP5 == 1)) and (Consensus_Bias > 0) AND MaxTimeUp and B4Long;
def ShortArrow = Long_Only < Short_Only and RUP < RDN and C3_MF_DNAgg1 and C3_MF_DNAgg2 and C3_MF_DNAgg3 and C3_MF_DNAgg4 and C3_MF_DNAgg5 and MFUP < MFDN and ((DOWN5) and (Consensus_Bias < 0) and MaxTimeDown and B4short);
# ========================================================
# =======================================================================
plot buySCA = Longarrow; #AvgExp crosses above AvgExp2 and RUP and MaxTimeUp and long_Only and C3_MF_UPAgg1 and C3_MF_UPAgg2 and C3_MF_UPAgg3 and C3_MF_UPAgg4 and C3_MF_UPAgg5 ; # and Mf_UP1 and MF_UP2 and MF_UP3 and MF_UP4 and MF_UP5 and MF_UP6 and((UP6 == 1) and (Consensus_Bias > 0)) and maxTimeUp ;#highest time expup #direction crosses above 0;
buySCA.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(56, 223, 153));
plot sellSCA = ShortArrow;
#AvgExp crosses below AvgExp2 and RDN and MaxTimeDown and Short_Only and C3_MF_DNAgg1 and C3_MF_DNAgg2 and C3_MF_DNAgg3 and C3_MF_DNAgg4 and C3_MF_DNAgg5;# and MF_DN1 and MF_DN2 and MF_DN3 and MF_DN4 and MF_DN5 and MF_DN6 and ((DOWN6) and (Consensus_Bias < 0)); #HighestTime frame EMA down #direction crosses below 0;
sellSCA.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_ARROW_DOWN );
AssignPriceColor(if paintCandles then if direction == 1 then Color.GREEN else if direction == -1 then Color.RED else Color.GRAY else Color.CURRENT);
AddLabel(yes, if (Spark == 3) then "SPARK UP = " + Round(Spark, 1) else if (Spark == 0) then "SPARK DOWN = " + Round(Spark, 1) else "SPARK = " + Round(Spark, 1), if (Spark == 3) then Color.YELLOW else if ((Spark == 2) and (AvgExp > AvgExp2)) then createColor(33,145,72) else if (Spark == 0) then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);
AddLabel(yes, if ((UP5 == 1) and (Consensus_Bias > 0)) then " SCALP_LONG " else if ((DOWN5) and (Consensus_Bias < 0)) then " SCALP_SHORT " else " CHOP ", if ((Consensus_Bias > 0) and (UP5 == 1)) then createColor(33,145,72) else if ((Consensus_Bias < 0) and (DOWN5 == 1)) then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);
AddLabel(yes, if (ConsensusR > 0) then " LONG BIAS = %" + Round((ConsensusR / 14) * 100, 1) + " " else if (ConsensusR < 0) then " SHORT BIAS = %" + Round(((ConsensusR * -1) / 14) * 100, 1) + " " else " CHOP =" + Round((ConsensusR / 14) * 100, 1) + " ", if (ConsensusR > 0) then createColor(33,145,72) else if (ConsensusR < 0) then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);
Alert(Longarrow, "long", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);
Alert(ShortArrow, "short", Alert.BAR, Sound.DING);