Buy/Sell by Prakash For ThinkOrSwim


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@samer800 Need help in converting below trading view indicator to TOS script


study(title="Buy/Sell by Prakash EEE", overlay=true)

source = input(defval=close, title="Source")

quickEMA = ema(close, 9)
plot(series=quickEMA,, linewidth=1)
per1 = input(defval=27, minval=1, title="Fast period")
mult1 = input(defval=1.6, minval=0.1, title="Fast range")
per2 = input(defval=55, minval=1, title="Slow period")
mult2 = input(defval=2, minval=0.1, title="Slow range")
smoothrng(x, t, m) =>
    wper = t * 2 - 1
    avrng = ema(abs(x - x[1]), t)
    smoothrng = ema(avrng, wper) * m
smrng1 = smoothrng(source, per1, mult1)
smrng2 = smoothrng(source, per2, mult2)
smrng = (smrng1 + smrng2) / 2
rngfilt(x, r) =>
    rngfilt = x
    rngfilt := x > nz(rngfilt[1]) ? x - r < nz(rngfilt[1]) ? nz(rngfilt[1]) : x - r :
       x + r > nz(rngfilt[1]) ? nz(rngfilt[1]) : x + r
filt = rngfilt(source, smrng)
upward = 0.0
upward := filt > filt[1] ? nz(upward[1]) + 1 : filt < filt[1] ? 0 : nz(upward[1])
downward = 0.0
downward := filt < filt[1] ? nz(downward[1]) + 1 : filt > filt[1] ? 0 : nz(downward[1])
hband = filt + smrng
lband = filt - smrng
longCond = bool(na)
shortCond = bool(na)
longCond := source > filt and source > source[1] and upward > 0 or source > filt and source < source[1] and upward > 0
shortCond := source < filt and source < source[1] and downward > 0 or source < filt and source > source[1] and downward > 0
CondIni = 0
CondIni := longCond ? 1 : shortCond ? -1 : CondIni[1]
long = longCond and CondIni[1] == -1
short = shortCond and CondIni[1] == 1
plotshape(long, title="BUY", text="BUY", style=shape.labelup, textcolor=color.white,, location=location.belowbar,, transp=0)
plotshape(short, title="SELL", text="SELL", style=shape.labeldown, textcolor=color.white,, location=location.abovebar,, transp=0)
alertcondition(long, title="BUY", message="BUY")
alertcondition(short, title="SELL", message="SELL")
anchor = input(defval = "Session", title="Anchor Period", type=input.string)
MILLIS_IN_DAY = 86400000
dwmBarTime = timeframe.isdwm ? time : time("D")
if na(dwmBarTime)
    dwmBarTime := nz(dwmBarTime[1])
var periodStart = time - time // zero
makeMondayZero(dayOfWeek) => (dayOfWeek + 5) % 7
isMidnight(t) =>
    hour(t) == 0 and minute(t) == 0
isSameDay(t1, t2) =>
    dayofmonth(t1) == dayofmonth(t2) and
  month(t1) == month(t2) and
  year(t1) == year(t2)
isOvernight() =>
    not (isMidnight(dwmBarTime) or security(syminfo.tickerid, "D", isSameDay(time, time_close), lookahead=true))
tradingDayStart(t) =>
    y = year(t)
    m = month(t)
    d = dayofmonth(t)
    timestamp(y, m, d, 0, 0)
numDaysBetween(time1, time2) =>
    y1 = year(time1)
    m1 = month(time1)
    d1 = dayofmonth(time1)
    y2 = year(time2)
    m2 = month(time2)
    d2 = dayofmonth(time2)
    diff = abs(timestamp("GMT", y1, m1, d1, 0, 0) - timestamp("GMT", y2, m2, d2, 0, 0))
    diff / MILLIS_IN_DAY
tradingDay = isOvernight() ? tradingDayStart(dwmBarTime + MILLIS_IN_DAY) : tradingDayStart(dwmBarTime)
isNewPeriod() =>
    isNew = false
    if tradingDay != nz(tradingDay[1])
        if anchor == "Session"
            isNew := na(tradingDay[1]) or tradingDay > tradingDay[1]
        if anchor == "Week"
            DAYS_IN_WEEK = 7
            isNew := makeMondayZero(dayofweek(periodStart)) + numDaysBetween(periodStart, tradingDay) >= DAYS_IN_WEEK
        if anchor == "Month"
            isNew := month(periodStart) != month(tradingDay) or year(periodStart) != year(tradingDay)
        if anchor == "Year"
            isNew := year(periodStart) != year(tradingDay)
src = hlc3
sumSrc = float(na)
sumVol = float(na)
sumSrc := nz(sumSrc[1], 0)
sumVol := nz(sumVol[1], 0)
if isNewPeriod()
    periodStart := tradingDay
    sumSrc := 0.0
    sumVol := 0.0,y=close,text="  \n\n\n\n\n\n      "+"Prakash\n\n  "+"    EEE" ,
if not na(src) and not na(volume)
    sumSrc := sumSrc + src * volume
    sumVol := sumVol + volume
vwapValue = sumSrc / sumVol
plot(vwapValue, title="VWAP",, linewidth=3)

check the below. I added some filters as well.

# Indicator for TOS
#study(title="Buy/Sell by Prakash EEE", overlay=true)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 07/2024
input filterSelect = {Default "Moving Average", "VWAP", "MA & VWAP", "Don't use Filter"};
input source = close; #(defval=close, title="Source")
input fastPeriod = 27; #(defval=27, minval=1, title="Fast period")
input slowPeriod = 55; #, minval=1, title="Slow period")
input fastMultiplier = 1.6; #(defval=1.6, minval=0.1, title="Fast range")
input slowMultiplier = 2.0; #(defval=2, minval=0.1, title="Slow range")
input showRangeFilterLine= yes;
input showVwapLine = yes;
input vwapTimeFrame = {default DAY, WEEK, MONTH};

def na = Double.NaN;
def quickEMA = ExpAverage(source, 9);
def wap = Reference vwap(timeFrame = vwapTimeFrame).price;

DefineGlobalColor("blue"   , CreateColor(33,150,243));
DefineGlobalColor("orange"  , CreateColor(255,152,0));

#smoothrng(x, t, m)
script smoothrng {
    input src  = close;
    input per  = 100;
    input mult = 3;
    def wper = per * 2 - 1;
    def srcDif = AbsValue(src - src[1]);
    def avrng = ExpAverage(srcDif, per);
    def smoothrng = ExpAverage(avrng, wper) * mult;
    plot result = smoothrng;
#// Range Filter
#rngfilt(x, r) =>
script rngfilt {
input src  = close;
input r  = 0;
def  rngfilt = CompoundValue(1, if !rngfilt[1] then src else
               if src > rngfilt[1] then
               if (src - r) < rngfilt[1] then rngfilt[1] else (src - r) else
               if (src + r) > rngfilt[1] then rngfilt[1] else (src + r), src);
 plot result = rngfilt;
def smrng1 = smoothrng(source, fastPeriod, fastMultiplier);
def smrng2 = smoothrng(source, slowPeriod, slowMultiplier);
def smrng = (smrng1 + smrng2) / 2;
def filt = rngfilt(source, smrng);

def filterUp; def filterDn;
Switch (filterSelect) {
Case "VWAP" :
    filterUp = filt > wap;
    filterDn = filt < wap;
Case "MA & VWAP" :
    filterUp = filt > quickEMA and filt > wap;
    filterDn = filt < quickEMA and filt < wap;
Case "Don't use Filter" :
    filterUp = yes;
    filterDn = yes;
Default :
    filterUp = filt > quickEMA;
    filterDn = filt < quickEMA;
def upward = if filt > filt[1] then upward[1] + 1 else
             if filt < filt[1] then 0 else upward[1];
def downward = if filt < filt[1] then downward[1] + 1 else
               if filt > filt[1] then 0 else downward[1];
def col = if upward > 0 then 1 else if downward > 0 then -1 else 0;
def longCond  = source > filt and source > source[1] and upward > 0 and filterUp;
def shortCond = source < filt and source < source[1] and downward > 0  and filterDn;
def CondIni = if longCond then 1 else if shortCond then -1 else CondIni[1];
def long  = longCond and CondIni[1] == -1;
def short = shortCond and CondIni[1] == 1;

plot rfLine = if showRangeFilterLine then filt else na;
plot vwapLine = if showVwapLine then wap else na;
rfLine.AssignValueColor(if col > 0 then GlobalColor("blue") else
                        if col < 0 then GlobalColor("orange") else Color.GRAY);

AddChartBubble(long, low, "BUY", Color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(short, high, "Sell", Color.RED);

#-- END of CODE

check the below. I added some filters as well.

# Indicator for TOS
#study(title="Buy/Sell by Prakash EEE", overlay=true)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 07/2024
input filterSelect = {Default "Moving Average", "VWAP", "MA & VWAP", "Don't use Filter"};
input source = close; #(defval=close, title="Source")
input fastPeriod = 27; #(defval=27, minval=1, title="Fast period")
input slowPeriod = 55; #, minval=1, title="Slow period")
input fastMultiplier = 1.6; #(defval=1.6, minval=0.1, title="Fast range")
input slowMultiplier = 2.0; #(defval=2, minval=0.1, title="Slow range")
input showRangeFilterLine= yes;
input showVwapLine = yes;
input vwapTimeFrame = {default DAY, WEEK, MONTH};

def na = Double.NaN;
def quickEMA = ExpAverage(source, 9);
def wap = Reference vwap(timeFrame = vwapTimeFrame).price;

DefineGlobalColor("blue"   , CreateColor(33,150,243));
DefineGlobalColor("orange"  , CreateColor(255,152,0));

#smoothrng(x, t, m)
script smoothrng {
    input src  = close;
    input per  = 100;
    input mult = 3;
    def wper = per * 2 - 1;
    def srcDif = AbsValue(src - src[1]);
    def avrng = ExpAverage(srcDif, per);
    def smoothrng = ExpAverage(avrng, wper) * mult;
    plot result = smoothrng;
#// Range Filter
#rngfilt(x, r) =>
script rngfilt {
input src  = close;
input r  = 0;
def  rngfilt = CompoundValue(1, if !rngfilt[1] then src else
               if src > rngfilt[1] then
               if (src - r) < rngfilt[1] then rngfilt[1] else (src - r) else
               if (src + r) > rngfilt[1] then rngfilt[1] else (src + r), src);
 plot result = rngfilt;
def smrng1 = smoothrng(source, fastPeriod, fastMultiplier);
def smrng2 = smoothrng(source, slowPeriod, slowMultiplier);
def smrng = (smrng1 + smrng2) / 2;
def filt = rngfilt(source, smrng);

def filterUp; def filterDn;
Switch (filterSelect) {
Case "VWAP" :
    filterUp = filt > wap;
    filterDn = filt < wap;
Case "MA & VWAP" :
    filterUp = filt > quickEMA and filt > wap;
    filterDn = filt < quickEMA and filt < wap;
Case "Don't use Filter" :
    filterUp = yes;
    filterDn = yes;
Default :
    filterUp = filt > quickEMA;
    filterDn = filt < quickEMA;
def upward = if filt > filt[1] then upward[1] + 1 else
             if filt < filt[1] then 0 else upward[1];
def downward = if filt < filt[1] then downward[1] + 1 else
               if filt > filt[1] then 0 else downward[1];
def col = if upward > 0 then 1 else if downward > 0 then -1 else 0;
def longCond  = source > filt and source > source[1] and upward > 0 and filterUp;
def shortCond = source < filt and source < source[1] and downward > 0  and filterDn;
def CondIni = if longCond then 1 else if shortCond then -1 else CondIni[1];
def long  = longCond and CondIni[1] == -1;
def short = shortCond and CondIni[1] == 1;

plot rfLine = if showRangeFilterLine then filt else na;
plot vwapLine = if showVwapLine then wap else na;
rfLine.AssignValueColor(if col > 0 then GlobalColor("blue") else
                        if col < 0 then GlobalColor("orange") else Color.GRAY);

AddChartBubble(long, low, "BUY", Color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(short, high, "Sell", Color.RED);

#-- END of CODE
@samer800 great job. a quick question do you think its possible to add color candles with the signal, meaning if is a BUY paint the candles green and if is a SELL paint the candles red, also add a input to use the signal label and arrow. thank you in advance
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@samer800 another great conversion. Thank you very much. this looks really good for intraday. specially the first hour of trading. is it too much of an ask if there is a scan for it when there is a buy bubble or a sell bubble? Thank you very much.
@samer800 great job. a quick question do you think its possible to add color candles with the signal, meaning if is a BUY paint the candles green and if is a SELL paint the candles red, also add a input to use the signal label and arrow. thank you in advance
is there is a scan for it when there is a buy bubble or a sell bubble?

Delete these 2 lines from the end of your script:
AddChartBubble(long, low, "BUY", Color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(short, high, "Sell", Color.RED);

Append this code snippet to the end of your script:
input showBubbles = no ;
input showArrows = yes;
input showLabel = yes;
AddChartBubble(showBubbles and long, low, "BUY", Color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(showBubbles and short, high, "Sell", Color.RED);

plot upArrow = if showArrows then long else double.NaN ;
upArrow.SetDefaultColor(color.cyan) ;

plot dnArrow = if showArrows then short else double.NaN ;
dnArrow.SetDefaultColor(color.magenta) ;

AddLabel(showLabel and (long or short), if long then "buy" else "sell",
                        if long then else;

input SignalCandles = yes ;
AssignPriceColor(if !SignalCandles then color.current else
                 if long then else
                 if short then else color.gray);

To create a scanner for Buy/Sell by Prakash
Follow the instructions above.
Then your scan conditions will be:
upArrow is true
dnArrow is true

For a tutorial on how to set up up your scan conditions in the ToS Scan Hacker:

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