@DDW Thank you, I'll check it out. Been meaning to learn about fractals.
@DDW Would you by any chance have a scan for the Bill Williams Fractals? Thanks! Also, do you trade fractals on the 1 min. or the 5 min. ?Keep in mind that two bars need to print after a fractal forms in order for it to be a valid fractal. Also, you may have realized that it can be an excellent trading strategy in itself. Place a buy or sell stop a tick above or below the most recent fractal and more times than not you will get a nice follow through in that direction.
@DDW Would you by any chance have a scan for the Bill Williams Fractals? Thanks! Also, do you trade fractals on the 1 min. or the 5 min. ?
I like it on the 5min time frame. I don’t take the arrows solely as entry signals, because they fake out a lot.
arrows taken near swingarm zones, ORB levels or wedge breaks have much higher probability to follow through,
so I look for entry arrows in those conditions.
@TradeUpWould you by any chance have a scan for the Bill Williams Fractals? Thanks! Also, do you trade fractals on the 1 min. or the 5 min. ?
Thank you so much!@TradeUp
Williams_Fractal()."upfractal" is true within 10 bars
that's assuming you've saved the study as "Williams_Fractal". You can change "upfractal" to "downfractal" and of course 10 bars to whatever you want.
****ers.Holy Moly, just checked Jose's website and he is charging $400 a month to view his stream. WTF?
I think the way Jose started this "Help Each Other" and took advantage of some good coder from this forum to make it perfect and all of a sudden this thread lost energy ... because he lost interest ( what i try to mean here at least answer to the member when someone asking some question when they are confused ... at least he could do this for this GREAT forum and its members in return ... is to too much to ask ?Holy Moly, just checked Jose's website and he is charging $400 a month to view his stream. WTF?
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