@tjlizwelicha I believe those are just labels added. Not really a functional indicator. But feel free to share an image so I know for sure what you're asking for.
I totally agree it has to be confined to swingarm's indicator to keep it simple. I am thinking #1 use case is to enter a trade when ATR truns Green to red and Vice Versa.@madantv73 I don't recall seeing any backtesting strategy for this indicator. However, it should be fairly simple to set one up. How would you like the buy and sell orders to be triggered? I would keep the conditions within the SwingArm indicator's scope and not get any other scripts involved to simplify the coding process.
TOS already has a strategy called ATRTrailingStopLE and ATRTrailingStopSE that I believe will do what you're looking for.I totally agree it has to be confined to swingarm's indicator to keep it simple. I am thinking #1 use case is to enter a trade when ATR truns Green to red and Vice Versa.
Thank you.TOS already has a strategy called ATRTrailingStopLE and ATRTrailingStopSE that I believe will do what you're looking for.
Could you please help me find the thinkscript for the above two? I have used the thinkscript from page one, however it's not appearing as above. Thanks.@Playstation, it does seem to work correctly for me, I even posted a 10min screenshot of the zone, the watchlist on ES was showing short in zone 4 as per above posts. I can also see it now for instance live on a 1min chart ES short and in the zones as well for the alert.
From Playstation concerning The Swingarm@tjlizwelicha Which component are you looking for exactly?
Hi! Are you done with your chart? Can you share the chart and indicators that look like your screenshot please?Thank you @Playstation
Updated chart. As soon as some of the detailed work is done, I will update the code and settings for all tools being used.
Hi @BenTen Are you able to create a backtest strategy when price comes to zone 4 and take profit at a specified amount? Takes a bit of time to see which timeframe works best for each ticker. I attempted myself and couldn't get it work.@madantv73 I don't recall seeing any backtesting strategy for this indicator. However, it should be fairly simple to set one up. How would you like the buy and sell orders to be triggered? I would keep the conditions within the SwingArm indicator's scope and not get any other scripts involved to simplify the coding process.
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