That vid is what I was attempting to explain LOL....
once you have it set up save your workspace again
baxtr, duh, I feel like I am a klutz....and I have been using TOS for 15 years at least. Thank you again!!!
That vid is what I was attempting to explain LOL....
once you have it set up save your workspace again
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@fjr1300 thank you for your time and teachings and videos on this strategy. Your generosity is much appreciated and your story and background is inspiring. And thank you BenTen and all the helpful folks here for all the assistance provided. I watched Jose's videos TWICE and I think I have a good grasp of the methodology. I highly recommend people watch them at least a couple of times and take notes! There are many indicators and one can get lost and confused easily but they all provide an important function....which is to help one trade better.
I love Heikin Ashi and am glad that its part of the system. The one indicator I am not too gung ho on is the Hull moving average with its green/red/brown colors. It seems confusing. I prefer the standard TOS Hull moving average.
One question I have is that Jose never mentions making a trade based on the change of color of the Heikin Ashi candle. If the price is hitting support and the color changes from red to green, even though the SwingArm is bearish, wouldn't it make sense to go along with a stop below the previous red candle?
Thank you in advance. I like the idea of paying it forward. I hope to be able to do so as my trading improves.
Thank you. I will check it out when I get to my office.@fjr1300, like so many here I am really enjoying studying this method. Thank you for your time and effort!
In terms of discussion regarding the Hull and how it may help with new people trading this, I have found your initial grid posted on the Hull Concavity thread quite useful as a resource, as it contains both a 55 and 21 length HMA. The chart can get a little bit busy with the number of indicators, but watching those two in relation to each other can be really helpful.
I agree with @Tradervic regarding the Hull in terms of appearance. I am lousy at coding, but I hacked together a version I am posting here - for people ramping up like myself, this may be helpful. Others better at reading price action than I am probably do not need it. It shows the Swing Arm, and the 21 and 55 length HMAs. Trying to keep it really simple. I changed the bubbles to show which HMA is firing the signal. Again, not a technical coder here so please be nice ...
There was a really excellent posting on Discord today with a multiple timeframe feature to the Hull - also worth looking at in my view.
Just a beginner but in case this helps someone else....
It's in the first post of this thread, swing arm bearish, and swing arm bullish, right above the overbought oversold alerts.. Set that as a watchlist then have that watchlist alert when a ticker is added@fjr1300 I need some Help. I see the buy confirmation Alert and the Oversold/ Overbought alert but cant find the alert for when thh swingarm breaks Bullish/Bearish. I just see the watchlist code which wont work in an alert
Delete that last section
assignBackgroundColor(if state == state.long then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
AddLabel(yes, if bullZone2 then "ZONE2" else if bullZone3 then "ZONE3" else if bullZone4 then "BUY ZONE4" else if bearZone2 then " ZONE 2" else if bearZone3 then " ZONE3" else if bearZone4 then "SELL ZONE4" else " ", if bullZone4 or bearZone4 then color.BLUE else Color.BLACK);
add this
Plot scan = bullZone4;
#Plot scan = bearZone4;
Move the # up one line to scan for bearZone4
Leave as you see it for bullZone4
Adjust your aggregation period at the top (not within the code)
Let me know if you need more assistance
@thatguytrades See this comment here.
hey there is a video on how to insert the video onto thinkorswim. ill try and find itDo you know why the alert when i put in the study it say rec usuage is not allowed in this context? The one you posted the study is not working on it.
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