Bill Williams Fractal Indicator for ThinkorSwim

I use the Williams Fractal
to make entries when the price crosses above the upfractal or below the downfractal. I need a way to create a horizontal line from the plotted indicator upfractal that stays visible until the next upfractal is plotted. Same for the downside. This is the code I'm using to start with:

# Bill Williams fractal indicator
# written by Mike Lapping
# Make sure that you change the settings for this indicator so that it plots arrows
# up for upfractal plots
# down for downfractal plots
# can be used and modified by anyone for any reason. do not sell.
declare upper;

def isupfractal;
def isdownfractal;

# Looking for high and low series of equalities
# checking for possible fractal formation

rec hicount = If (high == high[1], hicount[1] + 1, 0);
rec hivalid = If (
(hicount[1] == 0 and hicount == 1 and high > high[2] and high > high[3]) or
(hicount[1] and hicount and hivalid[1]) or
(hicount[2] and hivalid[2] and high == high[2] and high > high[1]), 1, 0);

rec locount = If (low == low[1], locount[1] + 1, 0);
rec lovalid = If (
(locount[1] == 0 and locount == 1 and low < low[2] and low < low[3]) or
(locount[1] and locount and lovalid[1]) or
(locount[2] and lovalid[2] and low == low[2] and low < low[1]), 1, 0);

# Checking for a traditional or non-standard up fractal
isupfractal = If(
((hicount and hivalid) or (high > high[1] and high > high[2])) and
high > high[-1] and high > high[-2], high, 0);

# Checking for a traditional or non-standard down fractal
isdownfractal = If(
((locount and lovalid) or (low < low[1] and low < low[2])) and
low < low[-1] and low < low[-2], low, 0);

plot upfractal = If(isupfractal, isupfractal + (1 * TickSize()), Double.NaN);

plot downfractal = If(isdownfractal, isdownfractal - (1 * TickSize()), Double.NaN);
Last edited by a moderator:
I use the Williams Fractal
to make entries when the price crosses above the upfractal or below the downfractal. I need a way to create a horizontal line from the plotted indicator upfractal that stays visible until the next upfractal is plotted. Same for the downside. This is the code I'm using to start with:

# Bill Williams fractal indicator
# written by Mike Lapping
# Make sure that you change the settings for this indicator so that it plots arrows
# up for upfractal plots
# down for downfractal plots
# can be used and modified by anyone for any reason. do not sell.
declare upper;

def isupfractal;
def isdownfractal;

# Looking for high and low series of equalities
# checking for possible fractal formation

rec hicount = If (high == high[1], hicount[1] + 1, 0);
rec hivalid = If (
(hicount[1] == 0 and hicount == 1 and high > high[2] and high > high[3]) or
(hicount[1] and hicount and hivalid[1]) or
(hicount[2] and hivalid[2] and high == high[2] and high > high[1]), 1, 0);

rec locount = If (low == low[1], locount[1] + 1, 0);
rec lovalid = If (
(locount[1] == 0 and locount == 1 and low < low[2] and low < low[3]) or
(locount[1] and locount and lovalid[1]) or
(locount[2] and lovalid[2] and low == low[2] and low < low[1]), 1, 0);

# Checking for a traditional or non-standard up fractal
isupfractal = If(
((hicount and hivalid) or (high > high[1] and high > high[2])) and
high > high[-1] and high > high[-2], high, 0);

# Checking for a traditional or non-standard down fractal
isdownfractal = If(
((locount and lovalid) or (low < low[1] and low < low[2])) and
low < low[-1] and low < low[-2], low, 0);

plot upfractal = If(isupfractal, isupfractal + (1 * TickSize()), Double.NaN);

plot downfractal = If(isdownfractal, isdownfractal - (1 * TickSize()), Double.NaN);

Line code added to the bottom of your code

Screenshot 2023-10-19 120254.png
# Bill Williams fractal indicator
# written by Mike Lapping
# Make sure that you change the settings for this indicator so that it plots arrows
# up for upfractal plots
# down for downfractal plots
# can be used and modified by anyone for any reason. do not sell.
declare upper;

def isupfractal;
def isdownfractal;

# Looking for high and low series of equalities
# checking for possible fractal formation

rec hicount = If (high == high[1], hicount[1] + 1, 0);
rec hivalid = If (
(hicount[1] == 0 and hicount == 1 and high > high[2] and high > high[3]) or
(hicount[1] and hicount and hivalid[1]) or
(hicount[2] and hivalid[2] and high == high[2] and high > high[1]), 1, 0);

rec locount = If (low == low[1], locount[1] + 1, 0);
rec lovalid = If (
(locount[1] == 0 and locount == 1 and low < low[2] and low < low[3]) or
(locount[1] and locount and lovalid[1]) or
(locount[2] and lovalid[2] and low == low[2] and low < low[1]), 1, 0);

# Checking for a traditional or non-standard up fractal
isupfractal = If(
((hicount and hivalid) or (high > high[1] and high > high[2])) and
high > high[-1] and high > high[-2], high, 0);

# Checking for a traditional or non-standard down fractal
isdownfractal = If(
((locount and lovalid) or (low < low[1] and low < low[2])) and
low < low[-1] and low < low[-2], low, 0);

plot upfractal = If(isupfractal, isupfractal + (1 * TickSize()), Double.NaN);

plot downfractal = If(isdownfractal, isdownfractal - (1 * TickSize()), Double.NaN);

def up = if isupfractal then high else up[1];
plot upline = up;

def dn = if isdownfractal then low else dn[1];
plot dnline = dn;
This indicator
was posted five years ago and the OP is long gone. I'm getting an invalid statement for the section in bold below. I'm sure it's a simple fix.. I tried to figure it out, but I'm not a coder. If someone could fix it, I'll go back to the original post and add it for the next person.

Original code:
# RSI with Williams Fractal Pivots
########START Code
# Chat Room 04.20.2018

declare lower;

input length = 14;
input over_Bought = 70;
input over_Sold = 30;
input price = close;
input averageType = AverageType.WILDERS;
input New_HI_LO = 30;

def NetChgAvg = MovingAverage(averageType, price - price[1], length);
def TotChgAvg = MovingAverage(averageType, AbsValue(price - price[1]), length);
def ChgRatio = if TotChgAvg != 0 then NetChgAvg / TotChgAvg else 0;

plot RSI = 50 * (ChgRatio + 1);
plot OverSold = over_Sold;
plot OverBought = over_Bought;

RSI.DefineColor("OverBought", GetColor(5));
RSI.DefineColor("Normal", GetColor(7));
RSI.DefineColor("OverSold", GetColor(1));
RSI.AssignValueColor(if RSI > over_Bought then RSI.Color("OverBought") else if RSI < over_Sold then RSI.Color("OverSold") else RSI.Color("Normal"));

plot NEWHIGH = if RSI == Highest(RSI, New_HI_LO) then RSI else Double.NaN;

plot NEWLOW = if RSI == Lowest(RSI, New_HI_LO) then RSI else Double.NaN;

# Fractals
# 1/5/17 Amalia added Aggregation periods?

def H = RSI;
def L = RSI;

input sequenceCount = 2;

def maxSideLength = sequenceCount + 1;
def upRightSide = fold i1 = 1 to maxSideLength
with count1
while count1 != sequenceCount and
count1 != -1
do if GetValue(H, -i1) > H or
(GetValue(H, -i1) == H and
count1 == 0)
then -1
else if GetValue(H, -i1) < H
then count1 + 1
else count1;
def upLeftSide = fold i2 = 1 to maxSideLength
with count2
while count2 != sequenceCount and
count2 != -1
do if GetValue(H, i2) > H or
(GetValue(H, i2) == H and
count2 >= 1)
then -1
else if GetValue(H, i2) < H
then count2 + 1
else count2;
def downRightSide = fold i3 = 1 to maxSideLength
with count3
while count3 != sequenceCount and
count3 != -1
do if GetValue(L, -i3) < L or
(GetValue(L, -i3) == L and
count3 == 0)
then -1
else if GetValue(H, -i3) > L
then count3 + 1
else count3;
def downLeftSide = fold i4 = 1 to maxSideLength
with count4
while count4 != sequenceCount and
count4 != -1
do if GetValue(L, i4) < L or
(GetValue(L, i4) == L and
count4 >= 1)
then -1
else if GetValue(L, i4) > L
then count4 + 1
else count4;

plot UpFractal = if upRightSide == sequenceCount and
upLeftSide == sequenceCount and
RSI > OverBought
then RSI
else Double.NaN;
plot DownFractal = if downRightSide == sequenceCount and
downLeftSide == sequenceCount and
RSI < OverSold
then RSI
else Double.NaN;


def Pre_hi = if !IsNaN(UpFractal) then UpFractal else Pre_hi[1];

plot high_line = Pre_hi;

def Pre_lo = if !IsNaN(DownFractal) then DownFractal else Pre_lo[1];

plot lo_line = Pre_lo;

Want to add:
addlabel(yes, brilliant
if RSI >= OverBought && RSI >= RSI[1]
then "RSI OB & Rising: " +round(RSI, 2)
else if RSI >= OverBought && RSI < RSI[1]
then "RSI OB & Falling: " +round(RSI, 2)
else if RSI <= OverSold && RSI < RSI[1]
then "RSI OS & Falling: " +round(RSI, 2)
else if RSI <= OverSold && RSI >= RSI[1]
then "RSI OS & Rising: " +round(RSI, 2)
else if RSI < OverBought && RSI > OverSold && RSI >= RSI[1]
then "RSI Rising: " +round(RSI, 2)
else if RSI < OverBought && RSI > OverSold && RSI < RSI[1]
then "RSI Falling: " +round(RSI, 2)
else "",
if RSI >= OverBought && RSI >= RSI[1]
then color.dark_orange
else if RSI >= OverBought && RSI < RSI[1]
then color.yellow
else if RSI <= OverSold && RSI < RSI[1]
then createcolor(000, 100, 100)
else if RSI <= OverSold && RSI >= RSI[1]
then color.cyan
else if RSI < OverBought && RSI > OverSold && RSI >= RSI[1]
else if RSI < OverBought && RSI > OverSold && RSI < RSI[1]
else color.gray);

plot Buffer = if RSI <= OverSold then RSI - 10 else if RSI >= OverBought then RSI + 10 else Double.NaN;

####END Code
Last edited by a moderator:
This indicator
was posted five years ago and the OP is long gone. I'm getting an invalid statement for the section in bold below. I'm sure it's a simple fix.. I tried to figure it out, but I'm not a coder. If someone could fix it, I'll go back to the original post and add it for the next person.
orignal code:
# RSI with Williams Fractal Pivots
########START Code
# Chat Room 04.20.2018

declare lower;

input length = 14;
input over_Bought = 70;
input over_Sold = 30;
input price = close;
input averageType = AverageType.WILDERS;
input New_HI_LO = 30;

def NetChgAvg = MovingAverage(averageType, price - price[1], length);
def TotChgAvg = MovingAverage(averageType, AbsValue(price - price[1]), length);
def ChgRatio = if TotChgAvg != 0 then NetChgAvg / TotChgAvg else 0;

plot RSI = 50 * (ChgRatio + 1);
plot OverSold = over_Sold;
plot OverBought = over_Bought;

RSI.DefineColor("OverBought", GetColor(5));
RSI.DefineColor("Normal", GetColor(7));
RSI.DefineColor("OverSold", GetColor(1));
RSI.AssignValueColor(if RSI > over_Bought then RSI.Color("OverBought") else if RSI < over_Sold then RSI.Color("OverSold") else RSI.Color("Normal"));

plot NEWHIGH = if RSI == Highest(RSI, New_HI_LO) then RSI else Double.NaN;

plot NEWLOW = if RSI == Lowest(RSI, New_HI_LO) then RSI else Double.NaN;

# Fractals
# 1/5/17 Amalia added Aggregation periods?

def H = RSI;
def L = RSI;

input sequenceCount = 2;

def maxSideLength = sequenceCount + 1;
def upRightSide = fold i1 = 1 to maxSideLength
with count1
while count1 != sequenceCount and
count1 != -1
do if GetValue(H, -i1) > H or
(GetValue(H, -i1) == H and
count1 == 0)
then -1
else if GetValue(H, -i1) < H
then count1 + 1
else count1;
def upLeftSide = fold i2 = 1 to maxSideLength
with count2
while count2 != sequenceCount and
count2 != -1
do if GetValue(H, i2) > H or
(GetValue(H, i2) == H and
count2 >= 1)
then -1
else if GetValue(H, i2) < H
then count2 + 1
else count2;
def downRightSide = fold i3 = 1 to maxSideLength
with count3
while count3 != sequenceCount and
count3 != -1
do if GetValue(L, -i3) < L or
(GetValue(L, -i3) == L and
count3 == 0)
then -1
else if GetValue(H, -i3) > L
then count3 + 1
else count3;
def downLeftSide = fold i4 = 1 to maxSideLength
with count4
while count4 != sequenceCount and
count4 != -1
do if GetValue(L, i4) < L or
(GetValue(L, i4) == L and
count4 >= 1)
then -1
else if GetValue(L, i4) > L
then count4 + 1
else count4;

plot UpFractal = if upRightSide == sequenceCount and
upLeftSide == sequenceCount and
RSI > OverBought
then RSI
else Double.NaN;
plot DownFractal = if downRightSide == sequenceCount and
downLeftSide == sequenceCount and
RSI < OverSold
then RSI
else Double.NaN;


def Pre_hi = if !IsNaN(UpFractal) then UpFractal else Pre_hi[1];

plot high_line = Pre_hi;

def Pre_lo = if !IsNaN(DownFractal) then DownFractal else Pre_lo[1];

plot lo_line = Pre_lo;

Want to add:
addlabel(yes, brilliant​
if RSI >= OverBought && RSI >= RSI[1]​
then "RSI OB & Rising: " +round(RSI, 2)​
else if RSI >= OverBought && RSI < RSI[1]​
then "RSI OB & Falling: " +round(RSI, 2)​
else if RSI <= OverSold && RSI < RSI[1]​
then "RSI OS & Falling: " +round(RSI, 2)​
else if RSI <= OverSold && RSI >= RSI[1]​
then "RSI OS & Rising: " +round(RSI, 2)​
else if RSI < OverBought && RSI > OverSold && RSI >= RSI[1]​
then "RSI Rising: " +round(RSI, 2)​
else if RSI < OverBought && RSI > OverSold && RSI < RSI[1]​
then "RSI Falling: " +round(RSI, 2)​
else "",​
if RSI >= OverBought && RSI >= RSI[1]​
then color.dark_orange​
else if RSI >= OverBought && RSI < RSI[1]​
then color.yellow​
else if RSI <= OverSold && RSI < RSI[1]​
then createcolor(000, 100, 100)​
else if RSI <= OverSold && RSI >= RSI[1]​
then color.cyan​
else if RSI < OverBought && RSI > OverSold && RSI >= RSI[1]​
else if RSI < OverBought && RSI > OverSold && RSI < RSI[1]​
else color.gray);​
plot Buffer = if RSI <= OverSold then RSI - 10 else if RSI >= OverBought then RSI + 10 else Double.NaN;​
####END Code​

in the addlabel() , the word brilliant looks odd
addlabel(yes, brilliant

i don't think it belongs , but will test something first,

add a comma after it,.. nope , still error.

i add a def at top of code to see if it complains of a duplicate define,
def brilliant = 0;
nope. no error , was not defined , so it doesn't belong. i delete that def.

i delete the word brilliant
it works

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