Bill Williams Fractal Indicator for ThinkorSwim


2019 Donor
Bill Williams Fractal Indicator for ThinkorSwim

I hope everybody know what fractals are and importance of fractals in trading. This version of study I use and like the most, with
RSI technique of trading which I use so far and using till the date for my personal trading.


happy trading

# Bill Williams fractal indicator
# written by Mike Lapping
# Make sure that you change the settings for this indicator so that it plots arrows
# up for upfractal plots
# down for downfractal plots
# can be used and modified by anyone for any reason. do not sell.

def isupfractal;
def isdownfractal;

# Looking for high and low series of equalities
# checking for possible fractal formation

rec hicount = if (high == high[1], hicount[1] + 1, 0);
# if the last bar high is the same as this bar's high, increment
# otherwise set false(0)

rec hivalid = if ((hicount[1] == 0 and hicount == 1 and high > high[2] and high > high[3]) or (hicount[1] and hicount and hivalid[1] )
or (hicount[2] and hivalid[2] and high == high[2] and high > high[1]), 1, 0) ;
# set hivalid to true(1)
# if we are entering an equality series, check if the 2 bars preceding the first equal bar # are lower than the current bar
# or if the last bar was an equal bar and this bar is an equal bar and the current equal
# series is valid
# or if we skipped over a lower bar but two bars ago we had an equal bar and that was a
# valid fractal
# otherwise it is false

rec locount = if (low == low[1], locount[1] + 1, 0);
rec lovalid = if ((locount[1] == 0 and locount == 1 and low < low[2] and low < low[3])
or (locount[1] and locount and lovalid[1] )
or (locount[2] and lovalid[2] and low == low[2] and low < low[1]), 1, 0) ;

# Checking for a traditional or non-standard up fractal

isupfractal = if(((hicount and hivalid) or (high > high[1] and high > high[2])) and high > high[-1] and high > high[-2], high, 0);
# Ok this is complicated, basically its checking if there were a series of equal bars and
# if the two bars before the first equal bar were lower
# or if the last 2 bars were lower than the current bar
# and if the two following 2 bars are lower than the current bar

# Checking for a traditional or non-standard down fractal

isdownfractal = if(((locount and lovalid) or (low < low[1] and low < low[2])) and low < low[-1] and low < low[-2], low, 0);

plot upfractal = if( isupfractal, isupfractal + (1 * tickSize()), double.nan);

plot downfractal = if( isdownfractal, isdownfractal - (1 * tickSize()), double.nan);

# This business with the tickSize() function is basically putting the arrow further away fro
# from the bar so that the fractal is easier to read


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Thanks Yogesh

I am wondering, can anyone out there write me a scan, to tell me which stock has closed above or below its most recent fractal, based on the code kindly provided by Yogesh?

Thanks again.
I don't think there should be any such system or way to make such scan

so far fractals are good for below things on charts
1. creating actual and good trendlines those works
2. to see the market trend and movement
3. to understand where the buyers and sellers can be meeting together
4. to see the nature going on , on the charts and how swing highs and swing lows are so easily visible in up and down trend ,

# RSI with Williams Fractal Pivots
########START  Code
# Chat Room 04.20.2018

declare lower;

input length = 14;
input over_Bought = 70;
input over_Sold = 30;
input price = close;
input averageType = AverageType.WILDERS;
input New_HI_LO = 30;

def NetChgAvg = MovingAverage(averageType, price - price[1], length);
def TotChgAvg = MovingAverage(averageType, AbsValue(price - price[1]), length);
def ChgRatio = if TotChgAvg != 0 then NetChgAvg / TotChgAvg else 0;

plot RSI = 50 * (ChgRatio + 1);
plot OverSold = over_Sold;
plot OverBought = over_Bought;

RSI.DefineColor("OverBought", GetColor(5));
RSI.DefineColor("Normal", GetColor(7));
RSI.DefineColor("OverSold", GetColor(1));
RSI.AssignValueColor(if RSI > over_Bought then RSI.color("OverBought") else if RSI < over_Sold then RSI.color("OverSold") else RSI.color("Normal"));

plot NEWHIGH = if RSI == highest(RSI, new_HI_LO) then RSI else Double.NAN;

plot NEWLOW = if RSI == lowest(RSI, new_HI_LO) then RSI else Double.NAN;

# Fractals
# 1/5/17 Amalia added Aggregation periods?

def H = RSI;
def L = RSI;

input sequenceCount = 2;

def maxSideLength = sequenceCount+1;
def upRightSide = fold i1 = 1 to maxSideLength
                  with count1
                  while count1 != sequenceCount and
                        count1 != -1
                  do if GetValue(H, -i1) > H or
                       (GetValue(H, -i1) == H and
                        count1 == 0)
                     then -1
                     else if GetValue(H, -i1) < H
                          then count1 + 1
                          else count1;
def upLeftSide = fold i2 = 1 to maxSideLength
                 with count2
                 while count2 != sequenceCount and
                       count2 != -1
                 do if GetValue(H, i2) > H or
                      (GetValue(H, i2) == H and
                       count2 >= 1)
                    then -1
                    else if GetValue(H, i2) < H
                         then count2 + 1
                         else count2;
def downRightSide = fold i3 = 1 to maxSideLength
                    with count3
                    while count3 != sequenceCount and
                          count3 != -1
                    do if GetValue(L, -i3) < L or
                         (GetValue(L, -i3) == L and
                          count3 == 0)
                          then -1
                        else if GetValue(H, -i3) > L
                             then count3 + 1
                             else count3;
def downLeftSide = fold i4 = 1 to maxSideLength
                   with count4
                   while count4 != sequenceCount and
                         count4 != -1
                   do if GetValue(L, i4) < L or
                        (GetValue(L, i4) == L and
                         count4 >= 1)
                      then -1
                      else if GetValue(L, i4) > L
                      then count4 + 1
                      else count4;

plot UpFractal = if upRightSide == sequenceCount and
                    upLeftSide == sequenceCount and
                    RSI > OverBought
                 then RSI
                 else Double.NaN;
plot DownFractal = if downRightSide == sequenceCount and
                      downLeftSide == sequenceCount and
                      RSI < oversold
                   then RSI
                   else Double.NaN;


def Pre_hi = if !isnan(upfractal) then upfractal else pre_hi[1];

plot high_line = pre_hi;

def Pre_lo = if !isnan(downFractal) then downFractal else pre_lo[1];

plot lo_line = pre_lo;

addlabel(yes, brilliant
if RSI >= OverBought && RSI >= RSI[1]
    then "RSI OB & Rising: " +round(RSI, 2)
else if RSI >= OverBought && RSI < RSI[1]
    then "RSI OB & Falling: " +round(RSI, 2)
else if RSI <= OverSold && RSI < RSI[1]
    then "RSI OS & Falling: " +round(RSI, 2)
else if RSI <= OverSold && RSI >= RSI[1]
    then "RSI OS & Rising: " +round(RSI, 2)
else if RSI < OverBought && RSI > OverSold && RSI >= RSI[1]
    then "RSI Rising: " +round(RSI, 2)
else if RSI < OverBought && RSI > OverSold && RSI < RSI[1]
    then "RSI Falling: " +round(RSI, 2)
else "",
if RSI >= OverBought && RSI >= RSI[1]
    then color.dark_orange
else if RSI >= OverBought && RSI < RSI[1]
    then color.yellow
else if RSI <= OverSold && RSI < RSI[1]
    then createcolor(000, 100, 100)
else if RSI <= OverSold && RSI >= RSI[1]
    then color.cyan
else if RSI < OverBought && RSI > OverSold && RSI >= RSI[1]
else if RSI < OverBought && RSI > OverSold && RSI < RSI[1]
else color.gray);

plot Buffer = if RSI <= OverSold then RSI - 10 else if RSI >= OverBought then RSI + 10 else double.nan;

####END Code
The author stated there was no scan and my attempts also failed :(
I don't think there should be any such system or way to make such scan

so far fractals are good for below things on charts
1. creating actual and good trendlines those works
2. to see the market trend and movement
3. to understand where the buyers and sellers can be meeting together
4. to see the nature going on , on the charts and how swing highs and swing lows are so easily visible in up and down trend ,
As @diazlaz stated there is the built-in BW:
Hi @Nick

BW is built into the ToS Platform - no need for a custom indicator or scan.

Patterns, See below:

However I could only get the built-in ToS indicator to work if set to within 3 bars:
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I'm currently using Bill Williams Fractal Indicator with sequence count of 4 on a 1 min chart. I was wondering if there is a scan that could be utilized to scan for the Fractal when it appears on the chart. I would like to incorporate that into a Dynamic Watchlist so that i don't have to tab through multiple charts to get the Fractal. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
I looked into this same idea about 2 weeks ago. I was able to scan for fractals using the code. The thing to remember is that it’s delayed by the offset. What I do is add the study to the scan and set the condition as fractal down is true 2 bars ago (of your offset is 2). That works for me.
Bill Williams Fractal Indicator for ThinkorSwim

I hope everybody know what fractals are and importance of fractals in trading. This version of study I use and like the most, with
RSI technique of trading which I use so far and using till the date for my personal trading.


happy trading

# Bill Williams fractal indicator
# written by Mike Lapping
# Make sure that you change the settings for this indicator so that it plots arrows
# up for upfractal plots
# down for downfractal plots
# can be used and modified by anyone for any reason. do not sell.

def isupfractal;
def isdownfractal;

# Looking for high and low series of equalities
# checking for possible fractal formation

rec hicount = if (high == high[1], hicount[1] + 1, 0);
# if the last bar high is the same as this bar's high, increment
# otherwise set false(0)

rec hivalid = if ((hicount[1] == 0 and hicount == 1 and high > high[2] and high > high[3]) or (hicount[1] and hicount and hivalid[1] )
or (hicount[2] and hivalid[2] and high == high[2] and high > high[1]), 1, 0) ;
# set hivalid to true(1)
# if we are entering an equality series, check if the 2 bars preceding the first equal bar # are lower than the current bar
# or if the last bar was an equal bar and this bar is an equal bar and the current equal
# series is valid
# or if we skipped over a lower bar but two bars ago we had an equal bar and that was a
# valid fractal
# otherwise it is false

rec locount = if (low == low[1], locount[1] + 1, 0);
rec lovalid = if ((locount[1] == 0 and locount == 1 and low < low[2] and low < low[3])
or (locount[1] and locount and lovalid[1] )
or (locount[2] and lovalid[2] and low == low[2] and low < low[1]), 1, 0) ;

# Checking for a traditional or non-standard up fractal

isupfractal = if(((hicount and hivalid) or (high > high[1] and high > high[2])) and high > high[-1] and high > high[-2], high, 0);
# Ok this is complicated, basically its checking if there were a series of equal bars and
# if the two bars before the first equal bar were lower
# or if the last 2 bars were lower than the current bar
# and if the two following 2 bars are lower than the current bar

# Checking for a traditional or non-standard down fractal

isdownfractal = if(((locount and lovalid) or (low < low[1] and low < low[2])) and low < low[-1] and low < low[-2], low, 0);

plot upfractal = if( isupfractal, isupfractal + (1 * tickSize()), double.nan);

plot downfractal = if( isdownfractal, isdownfractal - (1 * tickSize()), double.nan);

# This business with the tickSize() function is basically putting the arrow further away fro
# from the bar so that the fractal is easier to read
Hi Yogesh,
what script do you use for the reversal bubble shown on the chart?
I looked into this same idea about 2 weeks ago. I was able to scan for fractals using the code. The thing to remember is that it’s delayed by the offset. What I do is add the study to the scan and set the condition as fractal down is true 2 bars ago (of your offset is 2). That works for me.
Thanks i was able to get the scan to work by following your suggestions. I'm using the code in a watchlist so i can monitor a group of stocks all at once, however i'm having issues trying to assign a background color based on the upfractal and downfractal. Any suggestions on how to write that piece of code. here's what i'm using in the watchlist so far. It generates a signal which will work, it just makes it easier on the eyes to see a background color.

BillWilliamsFractalRevised1212021()."upfractal" from 2 bars ago

can you post your WL code and I will take a look at it?
This is what I'm using in the watchlist (BillWilliamsFractalRevised1212021()."upfractal" from 2 bars ago) it generates numercial values which plots the fractal from 2 bars ago on the chart. This is the code im using on the chart. Any help you can provide on the background color for the watchlist would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

# Bill Williams fractal indicator
# written by Mike Lapping
# Make sure that you change the settings for this indicator so that it plots arrows
# up for upfractal plots
# down for downfractal plots
# can be used and modified by anyone for any reason. do not sell.

def isupfractal;
def isdownfractal;

# Looking for high and low series of equalities
# checking for possible fractal formation

rec hicount = if (high == high[1], hicount[1] + 1, 0);
# if the last bar high is the same as this bar's high, increment
# otherwise set false(0)

rec hivalid = if ((hicount[1] == 0 and hicount == 1 and high > high[2] and high > high[3]) or (hicount[1] and hicount and hivalid[1] )
or (hicount[2] and hivalid[2] and high == high[2] and high > high[1]), 1, 0) ;
# set hivalid to true(1)
# if we are entering an equality series, check if the 2 bars preceding the first equal bar # are lower than the current bar
# or if the last bar was an equal bar and this bar is an equal bar and the current equal
# series is valid
# or if we skipped over a lower bar but two bars ago we had an equal bar and that was a
# valid fractal
# otherwise it is false

rec locount = if (low == low[1], locount[1] + 1, 0);
rec lovalid = if ((locount[1] == 0 and locount == 1 and low < low[2] and low < low[3])
or (locount[1] and locount and lovalid[1] )
or (locount[2] and lovalid[2] and low == low[2] and low < low[1]), 1, 0) ;

# Checking for a traditional or non-standard up fractal

isupfractal = if(((hicount and hivalid) or (high > high[1] and high > high[2])) and high > high[-1] and high > high[-2], high, 0);
# Ok this is complicated, basically its checking if there were a series of equal bars and
# if the two bars before the first equal bar were lower
# or if the last 2 bars were lower than the current bar
# and if the two following 2 bars are lower than the current bar

# Checking for a traditional or non-standard down fractal

isdownfractal = if(((locount and lovalid) or (low < low[1] and low < low[2])) and low < low[-1] and low < low[-2], low, 0);

plot upfractal = if( isupfractal, isupfractal + (1 * tickSize()), double.nan);

plot downfractal = if( isdownfractal, isdownfractal - (1 * tickSize()), double.nan);

# This business with the tickSize() function is basically putting the arrow further away fro
# from the bar so that the fractal is easier to read
This is what I'm using in the watchlist (BillWilliamsFractalRevised1212021()."upfractal" from 2 bars ago) it generates numercial values which plots the fractal from 2 bars ago on the chart. This is the code im using on the chart. Any help you can provide on the background color for the watchlist would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Im confused on what you are looking for. You said you wanted the Watchlist background to change color but you mention numerical values being plotted on the chart. The code you posted is for the chart study and won't work in a watchlist column me for. Do you want the background to change on the chart or the WL column? If WL column, do you have working code for the WL?
Never mind. I figured out how you did it. The code below will color the words red or green. For some reason, the background color isn't working for this but not sure why. Try it on your side though as I left the code in there but commented it out. Hope this helps.

def cond1 = if WilliamsFractal()."UpFractal" from 2 bars ago is true then 1 else 0;
def cond2 = if WilliamsFractal()."DownFractal" from 2 bars ago is true then 1 else 0;

addlabel(yes, if cond1 then "UP " else if cond2 then "Down " else " ", if cond1 then else if cond2 then else;

#assignbackgroundColor(if cond1 then  else if cond2 then else );
Hello local genious', seriouly you all amaze me. It makes me embarrassed to ask this benign question. I have great confusion when it comes to uparrows and downarrows with BW Fractals. It seems folks set them all kinds of different ways. They are not at all intuitive to me. Red = bullish? downarrow = same. What the heck. Help! :ROFLMAO:
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Hello local genious', seriouly you all amaze me. It makes me embarrassed to ask this benign question. I have great confusion when it comes to uparrows and downarrows with BW Fractals. It seems folks set them all kinds of different ways. They are not at all intuitive to me. Red = bullish? downarrow = same. What the heck. Help! :ROFLMAO:
The wedges on the Williams fractals patters are as follows; red wedge at the low == fractal low and may reverse to the upside. Blue wedge at the high means the opposite. Hope this helps.
I am currently using the Bill Williams Fractal Indicator in a watchlist which plots the fractal two bars from the actual fractal. Is there a way to scan for a fractal upon the moment of the fractal closing bar, not two bars after. Any suggestions would be greatlyu appreciated. Thanks
I am currently using the Bill Williams Fractal Indicator in a watchlist which plots the fractal two bars from the actual fractal. Is there a way to scan for a fractal upon the moment of the fractal closing bar, not two bars after. Any suggestions would be greatlyu appreciated. Thanks
No, because Bill Williams Fractal concept is a five-bar pattern. You have to wait for it to be completed to be validated.
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Bill Williams Fractal Indicator for ThinkorSwim

I hope everybody know what fractals are and importance of fractals in trading. This version of study I use and like the most, with
RSI technique of trading which I use so far and using till the date for my personal trading.


happy trading

# Bill Williams fractal indicator
# written by Mike Lapping
# Make sure that you change the settings for this indicator so that it plots arrows
# up for upfractal plots
# down for downfractal plots
# can be used and modified by anyone for any reason. do not sell.

def isupfractal;
def isdownfractal;

# Looking for high and low series of equalities
# checking for possible fractal formation

rec hicount = if (high == high[1], hicount[1] + 1, 0);
# if the last bar high is the same as this bar's high, increment
# otherwise set false(0)

rec hivalid = if ((hicount[1] == 0 and hicount == 1 and high > high[2] and high > high[3]) or (hicount[1] and hicount and hivalid[1] )
or (hicount[2] and hivalid[2] and high == high[2] and high > high[1]), 1, 0) ;
# set hivalid to true(1)
# if we are entering an equality series, check if the 2 bars preceding the first equal bar # are lower than the current bar
# or if the last bar was an equal bar and this bar is an equal bar and the current equal
# series is valid
# or if we skipped over a lower bar but two bars ago we had an equal bar and that was a
# valid fractal
# otherwise it is false

rec locount = if (low == low[1], locount[1] + 1, 0);
rec lovalid = if ((locount[1] == 0 and locount == 1 and low < low[2] and low < low[3])
or (locount[1] and locount and lovalid[1] )
or (locount[2] and lovalid[2] and low == low[2] and low < low[1]), 1, 0) ;

# Checking for a traditional or non-standard up fractal

isupfractal = if(((hicount and hivalid) or (high > high[1] and high > high[2])) and high > high[-1] and high > high[-2], high, 0);
# Ok this is complicated, basically its checking if there were a series of equal bars and
# if the two bars before the first equal bar were lower
# or if the last 2 bars were lower than the current bar
# and if the two following 2 bars are lower than the current bar

# Checking for a traditional or non-standard down fractal

isdownfractal = if(((locount and lovalid) or (low < low[1] and low < low[2])) and low < low[-1] and low < low[-2], low, 0);

plot upfractal = if( isupfractal, isupfractal + (1 * tickSize()), double.nan);

plot downfractal = if( isdownfractal, isdownfractal - (1 * tickSize()), double.nan);

# This business with the tickSize() function is basically putting the arrow further away fro
# from the bar so that the fractal is easier to read
Hi Yogesh... Hope you are still trading with the Williams Fractal Indicator. Can you please tell me how do you get your entry and profit signals on the chart above? It seems there were two signals (There are 2 stop losses). Thank you
Hi Yogesh... Hope you are still trading with the Williams Fractal Indicator. Can you please tell me how do you get your entry and profit signals on the chart above? It seems there were two signals (There are 2 stop losses). Thank you
Did you know that clicking on a member's name will allow you to see when a member was last seen on the uTS forum? @ykd2018x has not been seen in a while. :(

I am not sure what entry and profit signals you are asking about. The 2 stop losses were manually drawn in. They are based on the RSI oversold and overbought levels (as shown in @ykd2018x's lower RSI indicator)

The bubbles are the repainting Trend Reversal Indicator
and now you can see exactly what I was talking about with the Williams fractals. We hit the top of the broadening formation, then had an inside bar (actionable signal) and then it headed to the bottom of the broadening formation.

Hello, do the fractal dots appear after candle close or are they delayed by a few candles or so? Just wondering as looking back on a weekly chart, they seem to pick tops and bottoms very well!!

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