All Buy / Sell Volume Pressure Indicators & Labels For ThinkOrSwim

Knowing the percentage of buyers and sellers in the market is a powerful tool for making informed investment decisions. By using this script, traders can assess the market sentiment and determine whether there is a high demand for a particular stock, or if there are more sellers than buyers. This information can help traders to time their trades more effectively, as well as to identify potential trends or market reversals. The buyPercent and sellPercent variables calculate the percentage of buying and selling volume, respectively, in relation to the total trading volume. These percentages are displayed in the labels, along with the current buying and selling volumes. The labels are color-coded to indicate whether there is more buying or selling pressure in the market, with green indicating more buying and red indicating more selling.

(Added Current bar volume and last bar volume.) 5-06-2023


Install: Go to Studies, Edit Studies, Create, Delete whats in there, copy the code below, paste it, Name it, Move it over to the chart if not already there.

#hint: Buy_Sell_Percent_Label - Created by @uptwobucks . This Volume Label measures the percentage of buys and sells live. Wait for the buys to outnumber the sells (Turns Green) then make your decision.

declare upper;

input Show_Labels = yes;

def O = open;
def H = high;
def C = close;
def L = low;
def V = volume;
def Buying = V * (C - L) / (H - L);
def Selling = V * (H - C) / (H - L);
def OL = open[1];
def HL = high[1];
def CL = close[1];
def LL = low[1];
def VL = volume[1];
def LBuying = VL * (CL - LL) / (HL - LL);
def LSelling = VL * (HL - CL) / (HL - LL);
def totVol = Round(Buying, 0) + Round(Selling, 0) ;
def buyPercent  = ( Round(Buying, 0)  / totVol ) * 100;
def sellPercent = ( Round(Selling, 0) / totVol ) * 100;

AddLabel(Show_Labels, "Total Vol: " + volume(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY), Color.WHITE);

#Volume of Current Bar
AddLabel(yes, "CurrentBar Vol: " + volume, Color.LIGHT_GREEN);

#Volume of the Last Bar
AddLabel(yes, "LastBar Vol: " + volume[1], Color.LIGHT_ORANGE);

AddLabel(Show_Labels, "  BUYERS: " + Round(Buying, 0) + " -- " + Round(buyPercent, 0) + "%"  , if Buying > Selling then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else Color.BLACK);

AddLabel(Show_Labels, "  SELLERS: " + Round(Selling, 0) + " -- " + Round(sellPercent, 0) + "%"  , if Selling > Buying then Color.LIGHT_RED else Color.BLACK);

Help, I can't get this to load, each time it comes up blank on TOS

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Help, I can't get this to load, each time it comes up blank on TOS

You didn't provide enough information to say where you went astray.

Here is a shared chart link:!ngpkElyB with the label indicator applied.
MUST follow these instructions for loading shared links.

When you import the chart link, the indicator will be put into your library.
Im not much of a scripter, but is there any way it can plot some type of indication like a dot or arrow when volume switches to buying and the candlestick is red(selling) and vise versa for when the volume switches to selling but the candlestick is green(buying)

Here's an example of what I mean. These were Friday's EXPY SPY contracts. The Chart set up is with heiken ashi candles. What I've noticed is that when momentum is shifting to the bullish or bearish side. The Candlestick stick opposes its volume indication. So a bearish candlestick on a positive volume indication followed by a second consecutive bullish volume has been indicating a quick bullish move or a true bullish move and vise versa for the bear side. Any way we can find a way to get indications for those kinds of moments?
That chart looks good for options from the screenshot. Could you please chare the chart if possible? Thanks
I downloaded this short script:

AddLabel(yes, "This: " + volume, Color.yellow);
AddLabel(yes, "Last: " + volume[1], color.yellow);
input startTime = 0400;
input endTime = 0929;
def startCounter = SecondsFromTime(startTime);
def endCounter = SecondsTillTime(endTime);
def targetPeriod = if startCounter >= 0 and endCounter >= 0 then 1 else 0;
rec volumeTotal = if targetPeriod and !targetPeriod[1] then volume else if targetPeriod then volumeTotal[1] + volume else volumeTotal[1];
declare lower;
def O = open;
def H = high;
def C = close;
def L = low;
def V = volume;
def Buying = V * (C - L) / (H - L);
def Selling = V * (H - C) / (H - L);
plot BV = Buying;
plot SV = Selling;
plot VolumeHistogram = volume;

# Average Volume Line
def AverageVolume = Average(VolumeHistogram, 50);
plot AverageVolumeLine = AverageVolume;

# Label indicating Buyers/Sellers Volume
def isBuyersVolumeGreater = BV > SV;
def isSellersVolumeGreater = SV > BV;
AddLabel(yes, if isBuyersVolumeGreater then "Buyers Volume > Sellers Volume" else if isSellersVolumeGreater then "Sellers Volume > Buyers Volume" else "Buyers Volume = Sellers Volume",
if isBuyersVolumeGreater then Color.GREEN else if isSellersVolumeGreater then Color.RED else Color.YELLOW);

# Buyer and Seller Percentage Labels
def TotalVolume = VolumeHistogram + AverageVolume;
def BuyerPercentage = Buying / TotalVolume * 100;
def SellerPercentage = Selling / TotalVolume * 100;
AddLabel(yes, "Buyer %: " + Round(BuyerPercentage, 2) + "%", Color.GRAY);
AddLabel(yes, "Seller %: " + Round(SellerPercentage, 2) + "%", Color.GRAY);

I like to change it a bit to show on the buyer and seller percentage labels at the end, to lit up green if the isBuyerVolumeGreater is true or if the isSellersVolumeGreater is true at any point in time. In other words whichever of the two is higher at any point will lit green. Not sure how to change it to reflect this. I tried using If Then Else but no luck there...
I downloaded this short script:

AddLabel(yes, "This: " + volume, Color.yellow);
AddLabel(yes, "Last: " + volume[1], color.yellow);
input startTime = 0400;
input endTime = 0929;
def startCounter = SecondsFromTime(startTime);
def endCounter = SecondsTillTime(endTime);
def targetPeriod = if startCounter >= 0 and endCounter >= 0 then 1 else 0;
rec volumeTotal = if targetPeriod and !targetPeriod[1] then volume else if targetPeriod then volumeTotal[1] + volume else volumeTotal[1];
declare lower;
def O = open;
def H = high;
def C = close;
def L = low;
def V = volume;
def Buying = V * (C - L) / (H - L);
def Selling = V * (H - C) / (H - L);
plot BV = Buying;
plot SV = Selling;
plot VolumeHistogram = volume;

# Average Volume Line
def AverageVolume = Average(VolumeHistogram, 50);
plot AverageVolumeLine = AverageVolume;

# Label indicating Buyers/Sellers Volume
def isBuyersVolumeGreater = BV > SV;
def isSellersVolumeGreater = SV > BV;
AddLabel(yes, if isBuyersVolumeGreater then "Buyers Volume > Sellers Volume" else if isSellersVolumeGreater then "Sellers Volume > Buyers Volume" else "Buyers Volume = Sellers Volume",
if isBuyersVolumeGreater then Color.GREEN else if isSellersVolumeGreater then Color.RED else Color.YELLOW);

# Buyer and Seller Percentage Labels
def TotalVolume = VolumeHistogram + AverageVolume;
def BuyerPercentage = Buying / TotalVolume * 100;
def SellerPercentage = Selling / TotalVolume * 100;
AddLabel(yes, "Buyer %: " + Round(BuyerPercentage, 2) + "%", Color.GRAY);
AddLabel(yes, "Seller %: " + Round(SellerPercentage, 2) + "%", Color.GRAY);

I like to change it a bit to show on the buyer and seller percentage labels at the end, to lit up green if the isBuyerVolumeGreater is true or if the isSellersVolumeGreater is true at any point in time. In other words whichever of the two is higher at any point will lit green. Not sure how to change it to reflect this. I tried using If Then Else but no luck there...
Replace these portions of your code with the following and it should do what you want.
AddLabel(yes, "Buyer %: " + Round(BuyerPercentage, 2) + "%", if BuyerPercentage > SellerPercentage then Color.GREEN else Color.GRAY);
AddLabel(yes, "Seller %: " + Round(SellerPercentage, 2) + "%", if SellerPercentage > BuyerPercentage then Color.GREEN else Color.GRAY);
This is a mashup of buy Sell volume & Built-in Warningsymbols indicator to generate a buy sell signal based on Buy volume crossing over or under Sell volume to show the Buy/Sell Bubble.

Also, the warning symbols code is used to generate Yellow color on the GREEN and RED lines - whenever the market is going from bull / bear to sideways or losing momentum.

# Filtered Buy and Sell Volume Averages with Warning
# Conversion from Pine Script to ThinkScript
# Author Keyur Shah (softwareklinic)

# Part of this code for warning symbols is an extract of the original think or swim WarningSymbols indicator to plot yellow color on GREEN and RED lines for buy and sell volumes
# the yellow color is to advise traders to stay away from trading that area of price

declare lower;
# Inputs
input BuyVolumeAvgLength = 18;
input SellVolumeAvgLength = 18;
input EMA_Filter_Length = 34;
input weightedAverageLength = 34;
input exponentialAverageLength = 55;

# Buy and Sell Volume calculations
def buyvol = Round(((high - open) + (close - low)) / 2 / (high - low) * volume, 0);
def sellvol = Round(((low - open) + (close - high)) / 2 / (high - low) * volume, 0);

# Moving Averages for Buy and Sell Volume
def buyvolavg = ExpAverage(buyvol, BuyVolumeAvgLength);
def sellvolavg = ExpAverage(AbsValue(sellvol), SellVolumeAvgLength);

# Additional EMA-34 filtering to reduce intertwining
def buyvolavg_filtered = ExpAverage(buyvolavg, EMA_Filter_Length);
def sellvolavg_filtered = ExpAverage(sellvolavg, EMA_Filter_Length);

# Warning conditions based on weighted and exponential averages (WMA and EMA)
def weightedAverage = WMA(close, weightedAverageLength);
def exponentialAverage = ExpAverage(close, exponentialAverageLength);

def upperWarningSymbol = close < weightedAverage and high >= exponentialAverage;
def lowerWarningSymbol = exponentialAverage > weightedAverage and close > weightedAverage;
def warningCondition = upperWarningSymbol or lowerWarningSymbol;

# Plot the Filtered Buy and Sell Volume Averages as lines
plot BuyVolumeAvgLine = buyvolavg_filtered;
plot SellVolumeAvgLine = sellvolavg_filtered;

# Set line thickness

# Change line colors based on warning condition
BuyVolumeAvgLine.AssignValueColor(if warningCondition then Color.YELLOW else Color.GREEN);
SellVolumeAvgLine.AssignValueColor(if warningCondition then Color.YELLOW else Color.RED);

# Detect crossovers and add Buy/Sell labels aligned with the lines
def buyCross = buyvolavg_filtered crosses above sellvolavg_filtered;
def sellCross = buyvolavg_filtered crosses below sellvolavg_filtered;

# AddChartBubble for Buy and Sell events
AddChartBubble(buyCross, buyvolavg_filtered, "Buy", Color.GREEN, yes);
AddChartBubble(sellCross, sellvolavg_filtered, "Sell", Color.RED, yes);

I do understand ToS does not have buyers and sellers information to know if a volume bar has large number of sellers or buyers as explained in this thread, but is there anything close that I can use? the same thread links to this All Buy / Sell Volume Pressure Indicators & Labels, is this close enough, or would you recommend anything else from this website that will be useful for such volume analysis?

No, this thread is not volume analysis.
The scripts discussed herein are representative of the PRICE spread compared to the overall volume spread in an attempt to imbue some sort of TREND to volume.

For Volume Analysis, here are the VPA threads sorted by popularity:[title_only]=1&o=replies&g=1

For the Volume Action, here are the top relative volume threads sorted by popularity:[title_only]=1&o=replies&g=1

hope this helps.
Last edited:
No, this thread is not volume analysis.
The scripts discussed herein are representative of the PRICE spread compared to the overall volume spread.

For Volume Analysis, here are the VPA threads sorted by popularity:[title_only]=1&o=replies&g=1

For the Volume Action, here are the top relative volume threads sorted by popularity:[title_only]=1&o=replies&g=1

hope this helps.
Thank you very much, this is helpful!
Can someone help me find DTSsellers indicator I saw it in All buy/sell volume indicators +labels for tos page 7 #166

but I can't find this thread again?
Hello, i saw that you have differents time frame, i add the tos but just time frame day appear, don't appear 15 min 1hour, 30 min, 1 min, 5 min
Add the indicator multiple times to your chart

Then click on the gear icon and change the timeframes to what you want.

The timeframes that you choose must be higher than the chart aggregation
Voilà there is your MTF labels:
shared chart link:!aa4TIlOx MUST follow these instructions for loading shared links.

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