input bubblemoversideways = -2;
def b = bubblemoversideways;
def b1 = b + 1;
input bubblemoverupdown = 3;
Addchartbubble(!isnan(close[b1]) and isnan(close[b]), low[b1+1], "Low previous candle: " +low[b1+1], color.violet);
Addchartbubble(!isnan(close[b1]) and isnan(close[b]), high[b1+1], "Hi previous candle: " +high[b1+1], color.violet);
def PCH = round(high);
def PCL = round(low);
AddChartBubble(!isnan(close[b1]) and isnan(close[b]), high[b1+1] + bubblemoverupdown * TickSize(), "" + PCH[b1+1], Color.YELLOW);
def hc = (open + high + low + close ) / 4;
def ho = CompoundValue( 1, ( ho[1] + hc[1] ) / 2, hc );
def hh = Max(Max(high , ho), hc);
def hl = Min(Min(low , ho), hc);
Addchartbubble(!isnan(close[-1]) and isnan(close[-2]), hl[0], "Low(2): " +hl[0], color.violet, no);
Addchartbubble(!isnan(close[-1]) and isnan(close[-2]), hh[0], "Hi(2): " +hh[0], color.violet, yes);