A trend, momentum and cycle Trading System v3.0 (CSA)

In which image particularly are you referring to for me to share?...The lower CSA was just an example of Mobius MTF SuperTrend that can be found below if that is what you are referring to. This was just an idea I had in mind to make something similar as part of the lower study for this CSA using indicators that would serve as exit indicators to the upper study CSA.

# SuperTrend Multiple Time Frames
# Mobius with mods by tomsk to replace the script() function for secondary aggs with "standard" code
# V03.01.2016
# 11.4.2019

declare lower;

input agg1 = AggregationPeriod.Five_Min;
input agg2 = AggregationPeriod.Ten_Min;
input agg3 = AggregationPeriod.Fifteen_Min;
input agg4 = AggregationPeriod.Thirty_Min;
input agg5 = AggregationPeriod.Hour;
input AtrMult = .70;
input nATR = 4;
input AvgType = AverageType.HULL;

def Fh = FundamentalType.High;
def Fl = FundamentalType.Low;
def Fc = FundamentalType.Close;
def Fhl2 = FundamentalType.HL2;

def cl = close;
def x = isNaN(cl[2]) and !isNaN(cl[3]);
def ATR = MovingAverage(AvgType, TrueRange(high, close, low), nATR);
def UP = hl2 + (AtrMult * ATR);
def DN = hl2 + (-AtrMult * ATR);
def S = if close < S[1]
then Round(UP / tickSize(), 0) * tickSize()
else Round(DN / tickSize(), 0) * tickSize();
def FirstAgg = if close > S then 1 else 0;
plot FirstAggPlot = if isNaN(cl)
then double.nan
else 1;
FirstAggPlot.AssignValueColor(if FirstAgg == 1
then color.green
else color.red);
AddChartBubble(x, 1, (GetAggregationPeriod()/1000/60) + " min", color.white, yes);

# SecondAgg
def h2 = Fundamental(Fh, period = agg2)[1];
def l2 = Fundamental(Fl, period = agg2)[1];
def c2 = Fundamental(Fc, period = agg2)[1];
def hl2 = Fundamental(Fhl2, period = agg2)[1];
def ATR2 = MovingAverage(AvgType, TrueRange(h2, c2, l2), nATR);
def UP2 = hl2 + (AtrMult * ATR2);
def DN2 = hl2 + (-AtrMult * ATR2);
def S2 = if c2 < S2[1]
then Round(UP2 / tickSize(), 0) * tickSize()
else Round(DN2 / tickSize(), 0) * tickSize();
def SecondAgg = if c2 > S2 then 1 else 0;
plot SecondAggPlot = if isNaN(cl)
then double.nan
else 2;
SecondAggPlot.AssignValueColor(if SecondAgg == 1
then color.green
else color.red);
AddChartBubble(x, 2, (agg2/1000/60) + " min", color.white, yes);

# ThirdAgg
def h3 = Fundamental(Fh, period = agg3)[1];
def l3 = Fundamental(Fl, period = agg3)[1];
def c3 = Fundamental(Fc, period = agg3)[1];
def hl3 = Fundamental(Fhl2, period = agg3)[1];
def ATR3 = MovingAverage(AvgType, TrueRange(h3, c3, l3), nATR);
def UP3 = hl3 + (AtrMult * ATR3);
def DN3 = hl3 + (-AtrMult * ATR3);
def S3 = if c3 < S3[1]
then Round(UP3 / tickSize(), 0) * tickSize()
else Round(DN3 / tickSize(), 0) * tickSize();
def ThirdAgg = if c3 > S3 then 1 else 0;
plot ThirdAggPlot = if isNaN(cl)
then double.nan
else 3;
ThirdAggPlot.AssignValueColor(if ThirdAgg == 1
then color.green
else color.red);
AddChartBubble(x, 3, (agg3/1000/60) + " min", color.white, yes);

# FourthAgg
def h4 = Fundamental(Fh, period = agg4)[1];
def l4 = Fundamental(Fl, period = agg4)[1];
def c4 = Fundamental(Fc, period = agg4)[1];
def hl4 = Fundamental(Fhl2, period = agg4)[1];
def ATR4 = MovingAverage(AvgType, TrueRange(h4, c4, l4), nATR);
def UP4 = hl4 + (AtrMult * ATR4);
def DN4 = hl4 + (-AtrMult * ATR4);
def S4 = if c4 < S4[1]
then Round(UP4 / tickSize(), 0) * tickSize()
else Round(DN4 / tickSize(), 0) * tickSize();
def FourthAgg = if c4 > S4 then 1 else 0;
plot FourthAggPlot = if isNaN(cl)
then double.nan
else 4;
FourthAggPlot.AssignValueColor(if FourthAgg == 1
then color.green
else color.red);
AddChartBubble(x, 4, (agg4/1000/60) + " min", color.white, yes);

# FifthAgg
def h5 = Fundamental(Fh, period = agg5)[1];
def l5 = Fundamental(Fl, period = agg5)[1];
def c5 = Fundamental(Fc, period = agg5)[1];
def hl5 = Fundamental(Fhl2, period = agg5)[1];
def ATR5 = MovingAverage(AvgType, TrueRange(h5, c5, l5), nATR);
def UP5 = hl5 + (AtrMult * ATR5);
def DN5 = hl5 + (-AtrMult * ATR5);
def S5 = if c5 < S5[1]
then Round(UP5 / tickSize(), 0) * tickSize()
else Round(DN5 / tickSize(), 0) * tickSize();
def FifthAgg = if c5 > S5 then 1 else 0;
plot FifthAggPlot = if isNaN(cl)
then double.nan
else 5;
FifthAggPlot.AssignValueColor(if FifthAgg == 1
then color.green
else color.red);
AddChartBubble(x, 5, (agg5/1000/60)+ " min", color.white, yes);
plot Six = if isNaN(cl)
then double.nan
else 6;
Six.AssignValueColor(if FirstAgg and
SecondAgg and
ThirdAgg and
FourthAgg and
then color.green
else if !FirstAgg and
!SecondAgg and
!ThirdAgg and
!FourthAgg and
then color.red
else color.black);
# End Code ST MTF

@HighBredCloud sorry I was not clear earlier. I was referring to the 2nd image. In upper lables, I saw Prob Range Day, Energy level and Current bar sell % etc. Will you be to share those? or point me to where I can find them and how to use them?

In the lower studies, you have TMO Super Trend. What is that indicator? Also, you have talked couple of times about exit indicators. Can you share any good exit indicator?

Thanks in advance, you and @diazlaz are doing great service :)

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@HighBredCloud sorry I was not clear earlier. I was referring to the 2nd image. In upper lables, I saw Prob Range Day, Energy level and Current bar sell % etc. Will you be to share those? or point me to where I can find them and how to use them?

In the lower studies, you have TMO Super Trend. What is that indicator? Also, you have talked couple of times about exit indicators. Can you share any good exit indicator?

Thanks in advance, you and @diazlaz are doing great service :)
@pk1729 Here we go... https://tos.mx/T54w2ly updated it with the newest CSA_V3.2 along with the indicators that I think work the best with it...Feel free to change it...

The TMO indicator that you see below...starting from the bottom is paired with current timeframe (3m) Mobius Supertrend (horizontal dashed line)...current timeframe Heikin Ashi Trend (points) 3 min Trend Magic indicator (horizontal dashed line)

The upper portion of the TMO is the same indicators as the bottom portion ONLY difference being that they are MTF version. From the very top you have the SuperTrend (horizontal dashed lines) that is set to 5 min...Heikin Ashi MTF set to 10 min (points) and Trend Magic set to 5 min. (horizontal dashed line)

I use the lower version of the TMO as an entry/exit indicator when ALL are GREEN or RED. The UPPER MTF section just confirms the longer trend to avoid ANY fake outs. I have TMO itself set to a 5 min aggregation on a 3 min chart for the same reason...to avoid any fake outs due to pull backs. The histogram below is of Derivative RSI...which is now part of the CSA_V3.2...feel free to remove it.

Stay tuned for and look for updates to this CSA...there might be a lower study that will serve as an exit indicator...All will depend on how the Upper Study will turn out once all tweaks have been made. I hope this helps you and others...

PLEASE NOTE I am not a coder...The TMO indicator study I did was copy and paste. IF ANY coder can clean it up to reflect the picture or my chart settings to be the default layout for this indicator than I would really appreciate it. In particular I had trouble with the DATA1 plot in the study...ONLY way not to show it is to uncheck it from the plot section. Everything else I commented out on the SuperTrend as I only wanted to use 2 aggregation periods and not the 6 that came with the original code...I didn't know if by removing them I would somehow alter the script and therefore the trend results.
Last edited:
@Johnny Cash The time aggregation that you see in the CSA is for Heikin Ashi MTF...I will suggest that you should not go too far into higher aggregation from your original timeframe that you trade on. For example...If you are trading on a 3 min time frame...set the HA MTF aggregation to a 5 min timeframe...if you are trading on a 5 min time frame set the HA MTF aggregation to a 10 min...Basically step up one more time frame in the aggregation field than your original timeframe. This is intended to eliminate the fake outs a smaller timeframe might give you. Setting the aggregation to more than the Daily such as Weekly or Monthly is probably not suitable for this CSA...In my opinion.
got it, thanks
@pk1729 Here we go... https://tos.mx/T54w2ly updated it with the newest CSA_V3.2 along with the indicators that I think work the best with it...Feel free to change it...

The TMO indicator that you see below...starting from the bottom is paired with current timeframe (3m) Mobius Supertrend (horizontal dashed line)...current timeframe Heikin Ashi Trend (points) 3 min Trend Magic indicator (horizontal dashed line)

The upper portion of the TMO is the same indicators as the bottom portion ONLY difference being that they are MTF version. From the very top you have the SuperTrend (horizontal dashed lines) that is set to 5 min...Heikin Ashi MTF set to 10 min (points) and Trend Magic set to 5 min. (horizontal dashed line)

I use the lower version of the TMO as an entry/exit indicator when ALL are GREEN or RED. The UPPER MTF section just confirms the longer trend to avoid ANY fake outs. I have TMO itself set to a 5 min aggregation on a 3 min chart for the same reason...to avoid any fake outs due to pull backs. The histogram below is of Derivative RSI...which is now part of the CSA_V3.2...feel free to remove it.

Stay tuned for and look for updates to this CSA...there might be a lower study that will serve as an exit indicator...All will depend on how the Upper Study will turn out once all tweaks have been made. I hope this helps you and others...

PLEASE NOTE I am not a coder...The TMO indicator study I did was copy and paste. IF ANY coder can clean it up to reflect the picture or my chart settings to be the default layout for this indicator than I would really appreciate it. In particular I had trouble with the DATA1 plot in the study...ONLY way not to show it is to uncheck it from the plot section. Everything else I commented out on the SuperTrend as I only wanted to use 2 aggregation periods and not the 6 that came with the original code...I didn't know if by removing them I would somehow alter the script and therefore the trend results.
Hello , is there a document that shows what everything means with this chart and how to use it? I've been with TOS since 2007, but never used script, so I'm lost when trying to understand these charts and strategies CSA V3.2 thanks
Lastest Release: V3.2 - Last Updated: February 1, 2020

Release Modules

  1. Module HA1 - Heikin Ashi Candles
  2. Module HAMTF - Heikin Ashi Candles MTF (Multiple Time Frame)
  3. Module TTM - TTM Trend Module
  4. Module ST1 - SuperTrend Module
  5. Module STHA - SuperTrend HA
  6. Module SL1 - SLIM Module
  7. Module TOP - TOP Module
  8. Module DMI - DMI Trend
  9. Module BOP - BOP Module
  10. Module STCCI - Super Trend w/CCI Module
  11. Module CTT - CCI + TTM squeeze + TTM trend Module
  12. Module DRSI - Derivative RSI Oscillator Module
  13. Module SWCA - Schaff Wave CrossOver Average

#CSA - trend, a momentum and a cycle based indicator for ThinkorSwim V3.2
# 2020.02.01 V3.2 @diazlaz - Added SWCA - Schaff Wave CrossOver Average
# 2020.01.29 V3.1 @diazlaz - Added ADXPaintBarsMode
#                            Integrated Derivative RSI Oscillator
# 2020.01.29 V3.0 @diazlaz - Modules Restructured 3.0 Framework
#                            Improved ADX formula for Trend Detection
#                            Integrated HeikinAshiCandles and HeikinAshiCandles MTF
#                            set aggregationPeriod to MTF aggregation (default 5 mins)
#                            Integrated PaintBars MACD Neutral Condition trigger
#                            set enableNeutralMACDPainter to yes (default is no) and
#                            neutral gray will be evaluated by MACD (Dark Red/Green)
#                            Integrated Super Trend w/CCI and ATR
#                            Integrated CCI + TTM squeeze + TTM trend Combo
#                            Set treshold defaults to 7 (7 out of 10), removed scanmode.
#                            Integrated Slim Ribbon.
#                            Integrated DMI and BOP, restructured INPUTS to each module.
#                            threshold increased to 4 by default.
#                            Integrated ADX Trending States and BAR Line
#                            Integrated TTM Trends, modules selection
#                            and added threshold for signals
#                            Integrated FREMA
#                            Labels, Additional Dashboard, Lower Study
#Here is how I envision the paintbar working:
#When the supertrend indicator is long that would equal +1, when its short -1.
#When the TMO is green that would equal +1. when its red its -1.
#When the TOP Cycle Trader is above zero that would equal +1, when its below zero -1.
#When all 3 indicators are equal to +1 making +3 total the price bars would paint #green.
#When all 3 indicators are equal to -1 making -3 total the price bars would paint red.
#If the combination of all 3 indicators equals anything else, the price bars would #paint gray meaning all 3 indicators were not in agreement.

declare upper;

input showLabels = yes;
input PaintBars = yes;
input ADXPaintBarsMode = no;
input enableNeutralMACDPainter = no;
input aggregationPeriod = AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN;
input threshold = 7;

input displace = 0;

DefineGlobalColor("CycleLineColor", Color.RED);
DefineGlobalColor("CyclehistColor", Color.BLUE);
DefineGlobalColor("ZeroLineColor", Color.YELLOW);
DefineGlobalColor("Bullish", Color.GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("Bearish", Color.RED);
DefineGlobalColor("Neutral", Color.MAGENTA); #Color.YELLOW
DefineGlobalColor("Off", Color.DARK_GRAY);
DefineGlobalColor("On", Color.GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("Sync1", Color.YELLOW);
DefineGlobalColor("Sync2", Color.CYAN);
DefineGlobalColor("Up", Color.GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("Down", Color.RED);
DefineGlobalColor("NUp", Color.DARK_GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("NDown", Color.DARK_RED);
DefineGlobalColor("Neutral", Color.BLUE);
DefineGlobalColor("Neutral2", Color.PLUM);

def h = high;
def l = low;
def o = open;
def c = close;
def hl = hl2;

def h1 = high(period = aggregationPeriod);
def l1 = low(period = aggregationPeriod);
def o1 = open(period = aggregationPeriod);
def c1 = close(period = aggregationPeriod);
def hl2 = hl2(period = aggregationPeriod);

def na = Double.NaN;

AddLabel(showLabels, "A trend, momentum and cycle Trading System v3.2", Color.CYAN);


#START OF HA1 - Heikin Ashi Candles Module V1.0
# 2020.01.26 V1.0 @diazlaz Initial Module Release
input enableHA1 = yes; #Heikin Ashi Candles
def HA1_haopen;
def HA1_hahigh;
def HA1_halow;
def HA1_haclose;
def HA1_sState;
def HA1_sBullish;
def HA1_sBearish;
def HA1_sNeutral;

HA1_haopen = CompoundValue(1, (HA1_haopen[1] + HA1_haclose[1]) / 2, (o[1] + c[1]) / 2);
HA1_hahigh = Max(Max(h, HA1_haopen), HA1_haclose[1]);
HA1_halow = Min(Min(l, HA1_haopen), HA1_haclose[1]);
HA1_haclose = (o + h + l + c) / 4;
HA1_sState = if HA1_haclose > HA1_haopen then 100 else -100;
HA1_sBullish = if(enableHA1 and HA1_sState == 100,1,0);
HA1_sBearish = if(enableHA1 and HA1_sState == -100,1,0);
HA1_sNeutral = 0;

AddLabel(showlabels and enableHA1, "HA",
if IsNan(HA1_sState) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if HA1_sState[-displace] > 0 then COLOR.GREEN else
if HA1_sState[-displace] < 0 then COLOR.RED
#END OF HA1 - Heikin Ashi Candles Module V1.0

#START OF HAMTF - Heikin Ashi Candles MTF Module V1.0
# 2020.01.26 V1.0 @diazlaz Initial Module Release
def HAMTF_haopen;
def HAMTF_hahigh;
def HAMTF_halow;
def HAMTF_haclose;
def HAMTF_sState;
def HAMTF_sBullish;
def HAMTF_sBearish;
def HAMTF_sNeutral;

input enableHAMTF = yes; #Heikin Ashi Candles MTF

HAMTF_haopen = CompoundValue(1, (HAMTF_haopen[1] + HAMTF_haclose[1]) / 2, (o1[1] + c1[1]) / 2);
HAMTF_hahigh = Max(Max(h1, HAMTF_haopen), HAMTF_haclose[1]);
HAMTF_halow = Min(Min(l1, HAMTF_haopen), HAMTF_haclose[1]);
HAMTF_haclose = (o1 + h1 + l1 + c1) / 4;
HAMTF_sState = if HAMTF_haclose > HAMTF_haopen then 100 else -100;
HAMTF_sBullish = if(enableHAMTF and HAMTF_sState == 100,1,0);
HAMTF_sBearish = if(enableHAMTF and HAMTF_sState == -100,1,0);
HAMTF_sNeutral = 0;
AddLabel(showlabels and enableHAMTF, "HA",
if IsNan(HAMTF_sState) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if HAMTF_sState[-displace] > 0 then COLOR.GREEN else
if HAMTF_sState[-displace] < 0 then COLOR.RED
#END OF HAMTF - Heikin Ashi Candles MTF Module V1.0

#START OF TTM - TTM Trend Module V1.0
# 2020.01.26 V1.0 @diazlaz Initial Module Release
input enableTTM = yes; #TTM Trend
def TTM_trendup;
def TTM_trenddown;
def TTM_sState;
def TTM_sBullish;
def TTM_sBearish;
def TTM_sNeutral;

TTM_trendup = if TTM_Trend().TrendUp == 1 then 1 else 0;
TTM_trenddown = if TTM_Trend().TrendDown == 1 then 1 else 0;
TTM_sState = if TTM_trendup then 100 else if TTM_trenddown then -100 else 0;
TTM_sBullish = if(enableTTM and TTM_sState == 100,1,0);
TTM_sBearish = if(enableTTM and TTM_sState == -100,1,0);
TTM_sNeutral = 0;
AddLabel(showlabels and enableTTM, "TTM", if IsNan(TTM_sState) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if TTM_sState[-displace] > 0 then COLOR.GREEN else
if TTM_sState[-displace] < 0 then COLOR.RED
#END OF TTM - TTM Trend Module V1.0

#START OF ST1 - SuperTrend (Mobius) Module V1.0
# 2020.01.29 V1.0 @diazlaz Initial Module Release
input enableSuperTrend = yes; #ST1 - SuperTrend (Mobius)
input ST1_atrmult = 1.0; #SuperTrend
input ST1_natr = 4; #SuperTrend
input ST1_avgtype = AverageType.HULL; #SuperTrend

def ST1_atr = MovingAverage(ST1_avgtype, TrueRange(h, c, l), ST1_natr);
def ST1_up = hl + (ST1_atrmult * ST1_atr);
def ST1_dn = hl + (-ST1_atrmult * ST1_atr);
def ST1_st = if c < ST1_st[1] then ST1_up else ST1_dn;
def ST1_ssupertrend = if c < ST1_st then -100 else 100;
def ST1_sbullish = enableSuperTrend and ST1_ssupertrend == 100;
def ST1_sbearish = enableSuperTrend and ST1_ssupertrend == -100;
def ST1_sneutral = 0;
AddLabel(showlabels and enableSuperTrend, "SuperTrend", if IsNan(ST1_ssupertrend) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if ST1_ssupertrend[-displace] > 0 then COLOR.GREEN else
if ST1_ssupertrend[-displace] < 0 then COLOR.RED
#END OF ST1 - SuperTrend (Mobius) Module V1.0

#START OF STHA - SuperTrend HA (Mobius) Module V1.0
# 2020.01.29 V1.0 @diazlaz Initial Module Release
input enableSuperTrendHA = yes; #ST1 - SuperTrend HA (Mobius)
input STHA_atrmult = 1.0; #SuperTrend
input STHA_natr = 4; #SuperTrend
input STHA_avgtype = AverageType.HULL; #SuperTrend

def STHA_atr = MovingAverage(STHA_avgtype, TrueRange(ha1_hahigh, ha1_HAclose, ha1_HAlow), STHA_natr);
def STHA_up = HL + (STHA_atrmult * STHA_atr);
def STHA_dn = HL + (-STHA_atrmult * STHA_atr);
def STHA_st = if c < STHA_st[1] then STHA_up else STHA_dn;
def STHA_ssupertrend = if c < STHA_st then -100 else 100;
def STHA_sbullish = enableSuperTrendHA and STHA_ssupertrend == 100;
def STHA_sbearish = enableSuperTrendHA and STHA_ssupertrend == -100;
def STHA_sneutral = 0;
AddLabel(showlabels and enableSuperTrend, "SuperTrendHA", if IsNan(STHA_ssupertrend) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if STHA_ssupertrend[-displace] > 0 then COLOR.GREEN else
if STHA_ssupertrend[-displace] < 0 then COLOR.RED
#END OF STHA - SuperTrend HA (Mobius) Module V1.0

#START OF FRE - Frema Module V1.0
# 2020.01.29 V1.0 @diazlaz Initial Module Release
input enableFrema = yes; #FREMA
input FRE_aa = .1; #FREMA

def FRE_cc;
def FRE_zeroline = 0;
def FRE_re1;
def FRE_re2;
def FRE_re3;
def FRE_re4;
def FRE_re5;
def FRE_re6;
def FRE_re7;
def FRE_re8;
def FRE_ema;
FRE_cc = if FRE_cc[1] == 0 then .9 else 1 – FRE_aa;
FRE_ema = FRE_aa * c + FRE_cc * FRE_ema[1];
FRE_re1 = FRE_cc * FRE_ema + FRE_ema[1];
FRE_re2 = Power(FRE_cc, 2) * FRE_re1 + FRE_re1[1];
FRE_re3 = Power(FRE_cc, 4) * FRE_re2 + FRE_re2[1];
FRE_re4 = Power(FRE_cc, 8) * FRE_re3 + FRE_re3[1];
FRE_re5 = Power(FRE_cc, 16) * FRE_re4 + FRE_re4[1];
FRE_re6 = Power(FRE_cc, 32) * FRE_re5 + FRE_re5[1];
FRE_re7 = Power(FRE_cc, 64) * FRE_re6 + FRE_re6[1];
FRE_re8 = Power(FRE_cc, 128) * FRE_re7 + FRE_re7[1];
def FRE_ema_signal = FRE_ema – FRE_aa * FRE_re8;
def FRE_sfrema = if (FRE_ema_signal > FRE_zeroline) then 100 else -100;
def FRE_sbullish = enableFrema and FRE_sfrema == 100;
def FRE_sbearish = enableFrema and FRE_sfrema == -100;
def FRE_sneutral = 0;

AddLabel(showlabels and enableFrema, "Frema", if IsNan(FRE_sfrema) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if FRE_sfrema[-displace] > 0 then COLOR.GREEN else
if FRE_sfrema[-displace] < 0 then COLOR.RED
#END OF FRE - Frema Module V1.0

#START OF TMO - TMO Module V1.0
# 2020.01.29 V1.0 @diazlaz Initial Module Release
input enableTMO = yes; #TMO
input TMO_length = 14; #TMO
input TMO_calclength = 5; #TMO
input TMO_smoothlength = 3; #TMO

def TMO_data = fold i = 0 to TMO_length
        with s
        do s + (if c > getValue(o, i)
                then 1
                else if c < getValue(o, i)
                     then - 1
                     else 0);
def TMO_ema5 = ExpAverage(TMO_data, TMO_calclength);
def TMO_main = ExpAverage(TMO_ema5, TMO_smoothlength);
def TMO_signal = ExpAverage(TMO_main, TMO_smoothlength);
def TMO_smain = if TMO_main > TMO_signal then 100 else -100;
def TMO_ssignal = if TMO_main > TMO_signal then 100 else - 100;
def TMO_ob = if isNaN(c) then double.nan else round(TMO_length * .7);
def TMO_os = if isNaN(c) then double.nan else -round(TMO_length * .7);
def TMO_stmo = if TMO_main > TMO_signal then 100 else -100;
def TMO_sbullish = enableTMO and TMO_stmo == 100;
def TMO_sbearish = enableTMO and TMO_stmo == -100;
def TMO_sneutral = 0;

AddLabel(showlabels and enableTMO, "TMO", if IsNan(TMO_stmo) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if TMO_stmo[-displace] > 0 then COLOR.GREEN else
if TMO_stmo[-displace] < 0 then COLOR.RED
#END OF TMO - TMO Module V1.0

#START OF SL1 - SLIM Module V1.0
# 2020.01.29 V1.0 @diazlaz Initial Module Release
input enableSLIM = yes;
input SL1_ssuperfast = 8;
input SL1_sfast = 13;
input SL1_sslow = 21;

def SL1_superfast = ExpAverage(c[-displace], SL1_ssuperfast);
def SL1_fast = ExpAverage(c[-displace], SL1_sfast);
def SL1_slow = ExpAverage(c[-displace], SL1_sslow);
def SL1_buy = SL1_superfast > SL1_fast and SL1_fast > SL1_slow and l > SL1_superfast;
def SL1_stopbuy = SL1_superfast <= SL1_fast;
def SL1_buynow = !SL1_buy[1] and SL1_buy;
def SL1_buysignal = CompoundValue(1, if SL1_buynow and !SL1_stopbuy then 1
else if SL1_buysignal[1] == 1 and SL1_stopbuy then 0 else SL1_buysignal[1], 0);
def SL1_buy_signal = SL1_buysignal[1] == 0 and SL1_buysignal == 1;
def SL1_momentum_down = SL1_buysignal[1] == 1 and SL1_buysignal == 0;
def SL1_sell = SL1_superfast < SL1_fast and SL1_fast < SL1_slow and h < SL1_superfast;
def SL1_stopsell = SL1_superfast >= SL1_fast;
def SL1_sellnow = !SL1_sell[1] and SL1_sell;
def SL1_sellsignal = CompoundValue(1, if SL1_sellnow and !SL1_stopsell then 1
else if SL1_sellsignal[1] == 1 and SL1_stopsell then 0 else SL1_sellsignal[1], 0);
def SL1_sell_signal = SL1_sellsignal[1] == 0 and SL1_sellsignal;
def SL1_momentum_up = SL1_sellsignal[1] == 1 and SL1_sellsignal == 0;
def SL1_sstate = if SL1_buy_signal then 100 else if SL1_momentum_up then 10 else if SL1_sell_signal then -100 else if SL1_momentum_down then -10 else SL1_sstate[1];
def SL1_sbullish = enableSLIM and SL1_sstate == 100;
def SL1_sbearish = enableSLIM and SL1_sstate == -100;
def SL1_sneutral = 0;
AddLabel(showlabels and enableSLIM, "SLIM", if IsNan(SL1_sstate) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if SL1_sstate[-displace] >= 100 then COLOR.GREEN else
if SL1_sstate[-displace] <= -100 then COLOR.RED
#END OF SL1 - SLIM Module V1.0

#START OF TOP - TOP Module V1.0
# 2020.01.29 V1.0 @diazlaz Initial Module Release
input enableTOP = yes; #TOP
input TOP_fastcyclelength = 5; #TOP
input TOP_slowcyclelength = 8; #TOP

def TOP_fastvar = ExpAverage((H + L) / 2, TOP_fastcyclelength);
def TOP_slowvar = Average((H + L) / 2, TOP_slowcyclelength);
def TOP_diffvar = TOP_fastvar - TOP_slowvar;
def TOP_pdiffvar = TOP_diffvar;
def TOP_pdiffvar2 = TOP_diffvar;
def TOP_stop = if TOP_diffvar > 0 then 100 else -100;
def TOP_sbullish = enableTOP and TOP_stop == 100;
def TOP_sbearish = enableTOP and TOP_stop == -100;
def TOP_sneutral = 0;
AddLabel(showlabels and enableTOP, "TOP", if IsNan(TOP_stop) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if TOP_stop[-displace] > 0 then COLOR.GREEN else
if TOP_stop[-displace] < 0 then COLOR.RED
#END OF TOP - TOP Module V1.0

#START OF DMI - DMI Trend Module V1.0
# 2020.01.29 V1.0 @diazlaz Initial Module Release
input enableDMI = yes; #DMI Trend
input DMI_dmilength = 13;

def DMI_hidiff = h - h[1];
def DMI_lodiff = l[1] - l;
def DMI_plusdm = if DMI_hidiff > DMI_lodiff and DMI_hidiff > 0 then DMI_hidiff else 0;
def DMI_minusdm =  if DMI_lodiff > DMI_hidiff and DMI_lodiff > 0 then DMI_lodiff else 0;
def DMI_atrdmi = WildersAverage(TrueRange(h, c, l), DMI_dmilength);
Def DMI_diplus = 100 * WildersAverage(DMI_plusdm, DMI_dmilength) / DMI_atrdmi;
Def DMI_diminus = 100 * WildersAverage(DMI_minusdm, DMI_dmilength) / DMI_atrdmi;
def DMI_sdmi = if DMI_diplus > DMI_diminus then 100 else if DMI_diminus > DMI_diplus then -100 else 0;
def DMI_sbullish = enableDMI and DMI_sdmi == 100;
def DMI_sbearish = enableDMI and DMI_sdmi == -100;
def DMI_sneutral = 0;
AddLabel(showlabels and enableDMI, "DMI", if IsNan(DMI_sdmi) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if DMI_sdmi[-displace] > 0 then COLOR.GREEN else
if DMI_sdmi[-displace] < 0 then COLOR.RED
#END OF DMI - DMI Trend Module V1.0

#START OF BOP - BOP Module V1.0
# 2020.01.29 V1.0 @diazlaz Initial Module Release
input enableBOP = yes; #BOP
input BOP_averagetype = {Simple, Exponential, default Weighted, Wilders, Hull,  Disabled};
input BOP_boplength = 16;

def BOP_rawbmp = if h != l then (c - o) / (h - l) else 1;
def BMP;
switch (BOP_averagetype) {
case Simple:
BMP = Average(BOP_rawbmp, BOP_boplength);
case Exponential:
BMP = ExpAverage(BOP_rawbmp, BOP_boplength);
case Weighted:
BMP = wma(BOP_rawbmp, BOP_boplength);
case Wilders:
BMP = WildersAverage(BOP_rawbmp, BOP_boplength);
case Hull:
BMP = HullMovingAvg(BOP_rawbmp, BOP_boplength);
case Disabled:
BMP = BOP_rawbmp;
def BOP_sbop = if BMP > 0 then 100 else -100;
def BOP_sbullish = enableBOP and BOP_sbop == 100;
def BOP_sbearish = enableBOP and BOP_sbop == -100;
def BOP_sneutral = 0;
AddLabel(showlabels and enableBOP, "BOP", if IsNan(BOP_sbop) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if BOP_sbop[-displace] > 0 then COLOR.GREEN else
if BOP_sbop[-displace] < 0 then COLOR.RED
#END OF BOP - BOP Module V1.0

#START OF STCCI - Super Trend w/CCI Module V1.0
# 2020.01.29 V1.0 @diazlaz Initial Module Release
input enableSuperTrendCCI = yes; #Super Trend w/CCI
input STCCI_lengthcci = 50;
input STCCI_lengthatr = 21;
input STCCI_atrfactor = 1.0;
def STCCI_pricedata = hl;
def STCCI_atrcci = Average(TrueRange(h, c, l), STCCI_lengthatr) * STCCI_atrfactor;
def STCCI_price = c + l + h;
def STCCI_lindev = lindev(STCCI_price, STCCI_lengthcci);
def STCCI_cci = if STCCI_lindev == 0
       then 0
       else (STCCI_price - Average(STCCI_price, STCCI_lengthcci)) / STCCI_lindev / 0.015;
def STCCI_mt1 = if STCCI_cci > 0
       then Max(STCCI_mt1[1], STCCI_pricedata - STCCI_atrcci)
       else Min(STCCI_mt1[1], STCCI_pricedata + STCCI_atrcci);
def STCCI_ssupertrendcci = if c < STCCI_mt1 and c < ST1_st then -100 else if C > STCCI_mt1 and c > ST1_st then 100 else 0;
def STCCI_sbullish = enableSuperTrendCCI and STCCI_ssupertrendcci == 100;
def STCCI_sbearish = enableSuperTrendCCI and STCCI_ssupertrendcci == -100;
def STCCI_sneutral = 0;
AddLabel(showlabels and enableSuperTrendCCI, "SuperTrendCCI", if IsNan(STCCI_ssupertrendcci) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if STCCI_ssupertrendcci[-displace] > 0 then COLOR.GREEN else
if STCCI_ssupertrendcci[-displace] < 0 then COLOR.RED
#END OF STCCI - Super Trend w/CCI Module V1.0

#START OF CTT - CCI + TTM squeeze + TTM trend Module V1.0
# 2020.01.29 V1.0 @diazlaz Initial Module Release
input enableCCITTM = yes; #CCI + TTM squeeze + TTM trend
def CTT_ccibuy = CCI(length = 14).CCI > 0 and CCI(length = 50).CCI > 0;
def CTT_ccisell = CCI(length = 14).CCI < 0 and CCI(length = 50).CCI < 0;
def CTT_strendup = TTM_Trend().TrendUp;
def CTT_strenddn = TTM_Trend().TrendDown;
def CTT_squeezeup = TTM_Squeeze().Histogram >= 0;
def CTT_squeezedn = TTM_Squeeze().Histogram <= 0;
def CTT_buy = CTT_ccibuy and CTT_strendup and CTT_squeezeup;
def CTT_sell = CTT_ccisell and CTT_strenddn and CTT_squeezedn;
def CTT_sccittm = if CTT_buy then 100 else if CTT_sell then -100 else 0;
def CTT_sbullish = enableCCITTM and CTT_sccittm == 100;
def CTT_sbearish = enableCCITTM and CTT_sccittm == -100;
def CTT_sneutral = 0;
AddLabel(showlabels and enableCCITTM, "CCI+TTM", if IsNan(CTT_sccittm) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if CTT_sccittm[-displace] > 0 then COLOR.GREEN else
if CTT_sccittm[-displace] < 0 then COLOR.RED
#END OF CTT - CCI + TTM squeeze + TTM trend Module V1.0

#START OF DRSI - Derivative RSI Oscillator Module V1.0
# 2020.01.29 V1.0 @diazlaz Initial Module Release
# Derivative RSI Oscillator
# Can be used alone as a smoother RSI or as part of the Carting Wealth strategy when
# combined with the MACD and MAs Charting Wealth study.
# By Horserider 12/25/2019

#Derivative RSI Oscillator
input enableDRSI = yes; #Derivative RSI Oscillator
input DRSI_length = 14;
input DRSI_length1 = 5;
input DRSI_length2 = 3;
input DRSI_length3 = 9;
input DRSI_price = close;
input DRSI_averagetype = averagetype.EXPONENTIAL;
input DRSI_averagetype2 = averagetype.SIMPLE;

def DRSI_netchgavg = WildersAverage(DRSI_price - DRSI_price[1], DRSI_length);
def DRSI_totchgavg = WildersAverage(AbsValue(DRSI_price - DRSI_price[1]), DRSI_length);
def DRSI_chgratio = if DRSI_totchgavg != 0 then DRSI_netchgavg / DRSI_totchgavg else 0;

def DRSI_rsi = (50 * (DRSI_chgratio + 1) - 50);

def DRSI_x = MovingAverage(DRSI_averagetype,DRSI_rsi, DRSI_length1);
def DRSI_x2 = MovingAverage(DRSI_averagetype, DRSI_x, DRSI_length2);
def DRSI_xs = MovingAverage(DRSI_averagetype2, DRSI_x2 , DRSI_length3);
def DRSI_rsi__linediff = DRSI_x2 - DRSI_xs;
def DRSI_rsi_line = DRSI_rsi__linediff;
def DRSI_sstate = if DRSI_rsi_line >= 0 then if DRSI_rsi_line > DRSI_rsi_line[1] then 100 else 10 else if DRSI_rsi_line < DRSI_rsi_line[1] then -100 else -10;
def DRSI_sbullish = enableDRSI and DRSI_sstate > 0;
def DRSI_sbearish = enableDRSI and DRSI_sstate < 0;
def DRSI_sneutral = 0;
AddLabel(showlabels and enableDRSI, "DRSI", if IsNan(DRSI_sstate) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if DRSI_sstate[-displace] > 0 then COLOR.GREEN else
if DRSI_sstate[-displace] < 0 then COLOR.RED
#END OF DRSI - Derivative RSI Oscillator Module V1.0

#START OF SWCA - Schaff Wave CrossOver Average Module V1.0
# 2020.02.01 V1.0 @diazlaz Initial Module Release
input enableSWCA = yes;

input SWCA_fastlengthtrend = 48;
input SWCA_slowlengthtrend = 104;
input SWCA_kperiodtrend = 36;
input SWCA_dperiodtrend = 8;
input SWCA_averagetypetrend = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
input SWCA_fastlengthwave = 12;
input SWCA_slowlengthwave = 26;
input SWCA_kperiodwave = 9;
input SWCA_dperiodwave = 2;
input SWCA_averagetypewave = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;

def SWCA_macdtrend = MovingAverage(SWCA_averagetypetrend, c, SWCA_fastlengthtrend) - MovingAverage(SWCA_averagetypetrend, c, SWCA_slowlengthtrend);
def SWCA_macdwave = MovingAverage(SWCA_averagetypewave, c, SWCA_fastlengthwave) - MovingAverage(SWCA_averagetypewave, c, SWCA_slowlengthwave);
def SWCA_fastk1trend = FastKCustom(SWCA_macdtrend, SWCA_kperiodtrend);
def SWCA_fastk1wave = FastKCustom(SWCA_macdwave, SWCA_kperiodwave);
def SWCA_fastd1trend = MovingAverage(SWCA_averagetypetrend, SWCA_fastk1trend, SWCA_dperiodtrend);
def SWCA_fastd1wave = MovingAverage(SWCA_averagetypewave, SWCA_fastk1wave, SWCA_dperiodwave);
def SWCA_fastk2trend = FastKCustom(SWCA_fastd1trend, SWCA_kperiodtrend);
def SWCA_fastk2wave = FastKCustom(SWCA_fastd1wave, SWCA_kperiodwave);
def SWCA_stctrend = MovingAverage(SWCA_averagetypetrend, SWCA_fastk2trend, SWCA_dperiodtrend);
def SWCA_stcwave = MovingAverage(SWCA_averagetypewave, SWCA_fastk2wave, SWCA_dperiodwave);

def SWCA_sstate = if SWCA_stctrend > SWCA_stcwave then 100 else -100;
def SWCA_sbullish = enableSWCA and SWCA_sstate == 100;
def SWCA_sbearish = enableSWCA and SWCA_sstate == -100;
def SWCA_sneutral = 0;
AddLabel(showlabels and enableSWCA, "SWCA", if IsNan(SWCA_sstate) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if SWCA_sstate[-displace] > 0 then COLOR.GREEN else
if SWCA_sstate[-displace] < 0 then COLOR.RED
#END OF SWCA - Schaff Wave CrossOver Average Module V1.0


input ADXlength = 8; #ADX
input ADXTrending = 25; #ADX
input showADXBar = yes;
input DI_length = 8;

def DX = if (diplus(di_length) + diminus(di_length) > 0) then 100 * AbsValue(diplus(di_length) - diminus(di_length)) / (diplus(di_length) + diminus(di_length)) else 0;
def ADX = WildersAverage(DX, adxlength);

plot ADXCross = LowestAll(low);
    if ADX > ADXTrending then Color.LIME
    else Color.DARK_GRAY);

#MACD Neutal Eval
input fastLength_1 = 12;
input slowLength_1 = 26;
input MACDLength_1 = 9;
input AverageType_1 = {SMA, default EMA};
def macd_Val_1 = MACD(fastLength_1, slowLength_1, MACDLength_1, AverageType_1).Value;
def macd_Avg1 = MACD(fastLength_1, slowLength_1, MACDLength_1, AverageType_1).Avg;
def MACD_trig = if MACD().value > MACD().avg then 1 else 0;

if ADX > ADXTrending then "Trending" else
"Non Trending",
if IsNan(c) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if ADX > ADXTrending then COLOR.GREEN else

if IsNan(c) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if macd_Val_1 > macd_Avg1 then COLOR.DARK_GREEN else

def sResults = HA1_sState + HAMTF_sState + TTM_sState + ST1_ssupertrend + STHA_ssupertrend + FRE_sfrema + TMO_stmo + SL1_sstate + TOP_stop + DMI_sdmi + BOP_sbop
+ STCCI_ssupertrendcci + CTT_sccittm + DRSI_sstate + SWCA_sstate;

def sBullish = HA1_sBullish + HAMTF_sBullish + TTM_sBullish + ST1_sbullish + STHA_sbullish + FRE_sbullish + TMO_sbullish + SL1_sbullish + TOP_sbullish + DMI_sbullish + BOP_sbullish + STCCI_sbullish + CTT_sbullish + DRSI_sbullish + SWCA_sbullish;

def sBearish = HA1_sBearish + HAMTF_sBearish + TTM_sBearish + ST1_sbearish + STHA_sbearish + FRE_sbearish + TMO_sbearish + SL1_sbearish + TOP_sbearish + DMI_sbearish + BOP_sbearish + STCCI_sbearish + CTT_sbearish + DRSI_sbearish + SWCA_sbearish;

def bullish = if(sBullish >= threshold,1,0);
def bearish = if(sBearish >= threshold,1,0);
def sState = if bullish then 100 else if bearish then -100 else 0;
def sState2 = if sState != 0 then sState else sState2[1];

if PaintBars then
    if ADXPaintBarsMode then if ADX > ADXTrending then COLOR.ORANGE else COLOR.DARK_GRAY
    if bullish then COLOR.GREEN else if bearish then COLOR.RED
     if enableNeutralMACDPainter then
      if macd_Val_1 > macd_Avg1 then COLOR.DARK_GREEN else COLOR.DARK_RED

if bullish[-displace] then "LONG" else
if bearish[-displace] then "SHORT"
else "HOLD",
if IsNan(c) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if bullish[-displace] then COLOR.GREEN else
if bearish[-displace] then COLOR.RED

#END OF CSA - trend, a momentum and a cycle based indicator for ThinkorSwim V3.2
Hi how do I find out what each module means and how to use them in the CSA V3.2 thanks
@creditspread Every study in this CSA has a separate module meaning that you can just copy and past each as its own indicator to see how it works first without pasting the whole CSA. Based on your preference you can select the indicators you want in such a CSA that suit your trading style. The concept of this CSA is simple...when the indicators that you select are all in agreement you trade in the direction of the candle color.
@HighBredCloud do you mind sharing the chart in the image. Also, can you please point us to the lower CSA indicator you are using, I am assuming it posted somewhere in this forum?
It's not the kitchen sink indicator that will help your trading, its longer time frame direction, shorter time frame entry, price, what is price doing, and is volume reacting, nothing else.
^That's not kitchen sink, but if true, all very substantial.

Still, I don't think an uninitiated person would find this understandable to use. Hopefully someone (I believe diazlaz said he would) will break it down so it can be used and understood by everyone.
Hello, my tos crashed and it didn't save your setup. :( Could you please reupload once again? The link gives a 404 error
I am having some trouble replicating/remembering your settings you had for your 3 min timeframe
I made some great papertrades on friday with GNPX, FTSI, & BLNK using the signals displayed on your setup as additional confirmation.😁
#CSA - trend, a momentum and a cycle based indicator for ThinkorSwim V3.2
# 2020.02.01 V3.2 [USER=258]@diazlaz[/USER] - Added SWCA - Schaff Wave CrossOver Average
# 2020.01.29 V3.1 [USER=258]@diazlaz[/USER] - Added ADXPaintBarsMode
#                            Integrated Derivative RSI Oscillator
# 2020.01.29 V3.0 [USER=258]@diazlaz[/USER] - Modules Restructured 3.0 Framework
#                            Improved ADX formula for Trend Detection
#                            Integrated HeikinAshiCandles and HeikinAshiCandles MTF
#                            set aggregationPeriod to MTF aggregation (default 5 mins)
#                            Integrated PaintBars MACD Neutral Condition trigger
#                            set enableNeutralMACDPainter to yes (default is no) and
#                            neutral gray will be evaluated by MACD (Dark Red/Green)
#                            Integrated Super Trend w/CCI and ATR
#                            Integrated CCI + TTM squeeze + TTM trend Combo
#                            Set treshold defaults to 7 (7 out of 10), removed scanmode.
#                            Integrated Slim Ribbon.
#                            Integrated DMI and BOP, restructured INPUTS to each module.
#                            threshold increased to 4 by default.
#                            Integrated ADX Trending States and BAR Line
#                            Integrated TTM Trends, modules selection
#                            and added threshold for signals
#                            Integrated FREMA
#                            Labels, Additional Dashboard, Lower Study
#Here is how I envision the paintbar working:
#When the supertrend indicator is long that would equal +1, when its short -1.
#When the TMO is green that would equal +1. when its red its -1.
#When the TOP Cycle Trader is above zero that would equal +1, when its below zero -1.
#When all 3 indicators are equal to +1 making +3 total the price bars would paint #green.
#When all 3 indicators are equal to -1 making -3 total the price bars would paint red.
#If the combination of all 3 indicators equals anything else, the price bars would #paint gray meaning all 3 indicators were not in agreement.

declare upper;

input showLabels = yes;
input PaintBars = yes;
input ADXPaintBarsMode = no;
input enableNeutralMACDPainter = no;
input aggregationPeriod = AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN;
input threshold = 7;

input displace = 0;

DefineGlobalColor("CycleLineColor", Color.RED);
DefineGlobalColor("CyclehistColor", Color.BLUE);
DefineGlobalColor("ZeroLineColor", Color.YELLOW);
DefineGlobalColor("Bullish", Color.GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("Bearish", Color.RED);
DefineGlobalColor("Neutral", Color.MAGENTA); #Color.YELLOW
DefineGlobalColor("Off", Color.DARK_GRAY);
DefineGlobalColor("On", Color.GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("Sync1", Color.YELLOW);
DefineGlobalColor("Sync2", Color.CYAN);
DefineGlobalColor("Up", Color.GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("Down", Color.RED);
DefineGlobalColor("NUp", Color.DARK_GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("NDown", Color.DARK_RED);
DefineGlobalColor("Neutral", Color.BLUE);
DefineGlobalColor("Neutral2", Color.PLUM);

def h = high;
def l = low;
def o = open;
def c = close;
def hl = hl2;

def h1 = high(period = aggregationPeriod);
def l1 = low(period = aggregationPeriod);
def o1 = open(period = aggregationPeriod);
def c1 = close(period = aggregationPeriod);
def hl2 = hl2(period = aggregationPeriod);

def na = Double.NaN;

AddLabel(showLabels, "A trend, momentum and cycle Trading System v3.2", Color.CYAN);


#START OF HA1 - Heikin Ashi Candles Module V1.0
# 2020.01.26 V1.0 [USER=258]@diazlaz[/USER] Initial Module Release
input enableHA1 = yes; #Heikin Ashi Candles
def HA1_haopen;
def HA1_hahigh;
def HA1_halow;
def HA1_haclose;
def HA1_sState;
def HA1_sBullish;
def HA1_sBearish;
def HA1_sNeutral;

HA1_haopen = CompoundValue(1, (HA1_haopen[1] + HA1_haclose[1]) / 2, (o[1] + c[1]) / 2);
HA1_hahigh = Max(Max(h, HA1_haopen), HA1_haclose[1]);
HA1_halow = Min(Min(l, HA1_haopen), HA1_haclose[1]);
HA1_haclose = (o + h + l + c) / 4;
HA1_sState = if HA1_haclose > HA1_haopen then 100 else -100;
HA1_sBullish = if(enableHA1 and HA1_sState == 100,1,0);
HA1_sBearish = if(enableHA1 and HA1_sState == -100,1,0);
HA1_sNeutral = 0;

AddLabel(showlabels and enableHA1, "HA",
if IsNan(HA1_sState) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if HA1_sState[-displace] > 0 then COLOR.GREEN else
if HA1_sState[-displace] < 0 then COLOR.RED
#END OF HA1 - Heikin Ashi Candles Module V1.0

#START OF HAMTF - Heikin Ashi Candles MTF Module V1.0
# 2020.01.26 V1.0 [USER=258]@diazlaz[/USER] Initial Module Release
def HAMTF_haopen;
def HAMTF_hahigh;
def HAMTF_halow;
def HAMTF_haclose;
def HAMTF_sState;
def HAMTF_sBullish;
def HAMTF_sBearish;
def HAMTF_sNeutral;

input enableHAMTF = yes; #Heikin Ashi Candles MTF

HAMTF_haopen = CompoundValue(1, (HAMTF_haopen[1] + HAMTF_haclose[1]) / 2, (o1[1] + c1[1]) / 2);
HAMTF_hahigh = Max(Max(h1, HAMTF_haopen), HAMTF_haclose[1]);
HAMTF_halow = Min(Min(l1, HAMTF_haopen), HAMTF_haclose[1]);
HAMTF_haclose = (o1 + h1 + l1 + c1) / 4;
HAMTF_sState = if HAMTF_haclose > HAMTF_haopen then 100 else -100;
HAMTF_sBullish = if(enableHAMTF and HAMTF_sState == 100,1,0);
HAMTF_sBearish = if(enableHAMTF and HAMTF_sState == -100,1,0);
HAMTF_sNeutral = 0;
AddLabel(showlabels and enableHAMTF, "HA",
if IsNan(HAMTF_sState) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if HAMTF_sState[-displace] > 0 then COLOR.GREEN else
if HAMTF_sState[-displace] < 0 then COLOR.RED
#END OF HAMTF - Heikin Ashi Candles MTF Module V1.0

#START OF TTM - TTM Trend Module V1.0
# 2020.01.26 V1.0 [USER=258]@diazlaz[/USER] Initial Module Release
input enableTTM = yes; #TTM Trend
def TTM_trendup;
def TTM_trenddown;
def TTM_sState;
def TTM_sBullish;
def TTM_sBearish;
def TTM_sNeutral;

TTM_trendup = if TTM_Trend().TrendUp == 1 then 1 else 0;
TTM_trenddown = if TTM_Trend().TrendDown == 1 then 1 else 0;
TTM_sState = if TTM_trendup then 100 else if TTM_trenddown then -100 else 0;
TTM_sBullish = if(enableTTM and TTM_sState == 100,1,0);
TTM_sBearish = if(enableTTM and TTM_sState == -100,1,0);
TTM_sNeutral = 0;
AddLabel(showlabels and enableTTM, "TTM", if IsNan(TTM_sState) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if TTM_sState[-displace] > 0 then COLOR.GREEN else
if TTM_sState[-displace] < 0 then COLOR.RED
#END OF TTM - TTM Trend Module V1.0

#START OF ST1 - SuperTrend (Mobius) Module V1.0
# 2020.01.29 V1.0 [USER=258]@diazlaz[/USER] Initial Module Release
input enableSuperTrend = yes; #ST1 - SuperTrend (Mobius)
input ST1_atrmult = 1.0; #SuperTrend
input ST1_natr = 4; #SuperTrend
input ST1_avgtype = AverageType.HULL; #SuperTrend

def ST1_atr = MovingAverage(ST1_avgtype, TrueRange(h, c, l), ST1_natr);
def ST1_up = hl + (ST1_atrmult * ST1_atr);
def ST1_dn = hl + (-ST1_atrmult * ST1_atr);
def ST1_st = if c < ST1_st[1] then ST1_up else ST1_dn;
def ST1_ssupertrend = if c < ST1_st then -100 else 100;
def ST1_sbullish = enableSuperTrend and ST1_ssupertrend == 100;
def ST1_sbearish = enableSuperTrend and ST1_ssupertrend == -100;
def ST1_sneutral = 0;
AddLabel(showlabels and enableSuperTrend, "SuperTrend", if IsNan(ST1_ssupertrend) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if ST1_ssupertrend[-displace] > 0 then COLOR.GREEN else
if ST1_ssupertrend[-displace] < 0 then COLOR.RED
#END OF ST1 - SuperTrend (Mobius) Module V1.0

#START OF STHA - SuperTrend HA (Mobius) Module V1.0
# 2020.01.29 V1.0 [USER=258]@diazlaz[/USER] Initial Module Release
input enableSuperTrendHA = yes; #ST1 - SuperTrend HA (Mobius)
input STHA_atrmult = 1.0; #SuperTrend
input STHA_natr = 4; #SuperTrend
input STHA_avgtype = AverageType.HULL; #SuperTrend

def STHA_atr = MovingAverage(STHA_avgtype, TrueRange(ha1_hahigh, ha1_HAclose, ha1_HAlow), STHA_natr);
def STHA_up = HL + (STHA_atrmult * STHA_atr);
def STHA_dn = HL + (-STHA_atrmult * STHA_atr);
def STHA_st = if c < STHA_st[1] then STHA_up else STHA_dn;
def STHA_ssupertrend = if c < STHA_st then -100 else 100;
def STHA_sbullish = enableSuperTrendHA and STHA_ssupertrend == 100;
def STHA_sbearish = enableSuperTrendHA and STHA_ssupertrend == -100;
def STHA_sneutral = 0;
AddLabel(showlabels and enableSuperTrend, "SuperTrendHA", if IsNan(STHA_ssupertrend) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if STHA_ssupertrend[-displace] > 0 then COLOR.GREEN else
if STHA_ssupertrend[-displace] < 0 then COLOR.RED
#END OF STHA - SuperTrend HA (Mobius) Module V1.0

#START OF FRE - Frema Module V1.0
# 2020.01.29 V1.0 [USER=258]@diazlaz[/USER] Initial Module Release
input enableFrema = yes; #FREMA
input FRE_aa = .1; #FREMA

def FRE_cc;
def FRE_zeroline = 0;
def FRE_re1;
def FRE_re2;
def FRE_re3;
def FRE_re4;
def FRE_re5;
def FRE_re6;
def FRE_re7;
def FRE_re8;
def FRE_ema;
FRE_cc = if FRE_cc[1] == 0 then .9 else 1 – FRE_aa;
FRE_ema = FRE_aa * c + FRE_cc * FRE_ema[1];
FRE_re1 = FRE_cc * FRE_ema + FRE_ema[1];
FRE_re2 = Power(FRE_cc, 2) * FRE_re1 + FRE_re1[1];
FRE_re3 = Power(FRE_cc, 4) * FRE_re2 + FRE_re2[1];
FRE_re4 = Power(FRE_cc, 8) * FRE_re3 + FRE_re3[1];
FRE_re5 = Power(FRE_cc, 16) * FRE_re4 + FRE_re4[1];
FRE_re6 = Power(FRE_cc, 32) * FRE_re5 + FRE_re5[1];
FRE_re7 = Power(FRE_cc, 64) * FRE_re6 + FRE_re6[1];
FRE_re8 = Power(FRE_cc, 128) * FRE_re7 + FRE_re7[1];
def FRE_ema_signal = FRE_ema – FRE_aa * FRE_re8;
def FRE_sfrema = if (FRE_ema_signal > FRE_zeroline) then 100 else -100;
def FRE_sbullish = enableFrema and FRE_sfrema == 100;
def FRE_sbearish = enableFrema and FRE_sfrema == -100;
def FRE_sneutral = 0;

AddLabel(showlabels and enableFrema, "Frema", if IsNan(FRE_sfrema) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if FRE_sfrema[-displace] > 0 then COLOR.GREEN else
if FRE_sfrema[-displace] < 0 then COLOR.RED
#END OF FRE - Frema Module V1.0

#START OF TMO - TMO Module V1.0
# 2020.01.29 V1.0 [USER=258]@diazlaz[/USER] Initial Module Release
input enableTMO = yes; #TMO
input TMO_length = 14; #TMO
input TMO_calclength = 5; #TMO
input TMO_smoothlength = 3; #TMO

def TMO_data = fold i = 0 to TMO_length
        with s
        do s + (if c > getValue(o, i)
                then 1
                else if c < getValue(o, i)
                     then - 1
                     else 0);
def TMO_ema5 = ExpAverage(TMO_data, TMO_calclength);
def TMO_main = ExpAverage(TMO_ema5, TMO_smoothlength);
def TMO_signal = ExpAverage(TMO_main, TMO_smoothlength);
def TMO_smain = if TMO_main > TMO_signal then 100 else -100;
def TMO_ssignal = if TMO_main > TMO_signal then 100 else - 100;
def TMo_Ob = if isNaN(c) then double.nan else round(TMO_length * .7);
def TMo_Os = if isNaN(c) then double.nan else -round(TMO_length * .7);
def TMO_stmo = if TMO_main > TMO_signal then 100 else -100;
def TMO_sbullish = enableTMO and TMO_stmo == 100;
def TMO_sbearish = enableTMO and TMO_stmo == -100;
def TMO_sneutral = 0;

AddLabel(showlabels and enableTMO, "TMO", if IsNan(TMO_stmo) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if TMO_stmo[-displace] > 0 then COLOR.GREEN else
if TMO_stmo[-displace] < 0 then COLOR.RED
#END OF TMO - TMO Module V1.0

#START OF SL1 - SLIM Module V1.0
# 2020.01.29 V1.0 [USER=258]@diazlaz[/USER] Initial Module Release
input enableSLIM = yes;
input SL1_ssuperfast = 8;
input SL1_sfast = 13;
input SL1_sslow = 21;

def SL1_superfast = ExpAverage(c[-displace], SL1_ssuperfast);
def SL1_fast = ExpAverage(c[-displace], SL1_sfast);
def SL1_slow = ExpAverage(c[-displace], SL1_sslow);
def SL1_buy = SL1_superfast > SL1_fast and SL1_fast > SL1_slow and l > SL1_superfast;
def SL1_stopbuy = SL1_superfast <= SL1_fast;
def SL1_buynow = !SL1_buy[1] and SL1_buy;
def SL1_buysignal = CompoundValue(1, if SL1_buynow and !SL1_stopbuy then 1
else if SL1_buysignal[1] == 1 and SL1_stopbuy then 0 else SL1_buysignal[1], 0);
def SL1_buy_signal = SL1_buysignal[1] == 0 and SL1_buysignal == 1;
def SL1_momentum_down = SL1_buysignal[1] == 1 and SL1_buysignal == 0;
def SL1_sell = SL1_superfast < SL1_fast and SL1_fast < SL1_slow and h < SL1_superfast;
def SL1_stopsell = SL1_superfast >= SL1_fast;
def SL1_sellnow = !SL1_sell[1] and SL1_sell;
def SL1_sellsignal = CompoundValue(1, if SL1_sellnow and !SL1_stopsell then 1
else if SL1_sellsignal[1] == 1 and SL1_stopsell then 0 else SL1_sellsignal[1], 0);
def SL1_sell_signal = SL1_sellsignal[1] == 0 and SL1_sellsignal;
def SL1_momentum_up = SL1_sellsignal[1] == 1 and SL1_sellsignal == 0;
def SL1_sstate = if SL1_buy_signal then 100 else if SL1_momentum_up then 10 else if SL1_sell_signal then -100 else if SL1_momentum_down then -10 else SL1_sstate[1];
def SL1_sbullish = enableSLIM and SL1_sstate == 100;
def SL1_sbearish = enableSLIM and SL1_sstate == -100;
def SL1_sneutral = 0;
AddLabel(showlabels and enableSLIM, "SLIM", if IsNan(SL1_sstate) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if SL1_sstate[-displace] >= 100 then COLOR.GREEN else
if SL1_sstate[-displace] <= -100 then COLOR.RED
#END OF SL1 - SLIM Module V1.0

#START OF TOP - TOP Module V1.0
# 2020.01.29 V1.0 [USER=258]@diazlaz[/USER] Initial Module Release
input enableTOP = yes; #TOP
input TOP_fastcyclelength = 5; #TOP
input TOP_slowcyclelength = 8; #TOP

def TOP_fastvar = ExpAverage((H + L) / 2, TOP_fastcyclelength);
def TOP_slowvar = Average((H + L) / 2, TOP_slowcyclelength);
def TOP_diffvar = TOP_fastvar - TOP_slowvar;
def TOP_pdiffvar = TOP_diffvar;
def TOP_pdiffvar2 = TOP_diffvar;
def TOP_stop = if TOP_diffvar > 0 then 100 else -100;
def TOP_sbullish = enableTOP and TOP_stop == 100;
def TOP_sbearish = enableTOP and TOP_stop == -100;
def TOP_sneutral = 0;
AddLabel(showlabels and enableTOP, "TOP", if IsNan(TOP_stop) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if TOP_stop[-displace] > 0 then COLOR.GREEN else
if TOP_stop[-displace] < 0 then COLOR.RED
#END OF TOP - TOP Module V1.0

#START OF DMI - DMI Trend Module V1.0
# 2020.01.29 V1.0 [USER=258]@diazlaz[/USER] Initial Module Release
input enableDMI = yes; #DMI Trend
input DMI_dmilength = 13;

def DMI_hidiff = h - h[1];
def DMI_lodiff = l[1] - l;
def DMI_plusdm = if DMI_hidiff > DMI_lodiff and DMI_hidiff > 0 then DMI_hidiff else 0;
def DMI_minusdm =  if DMI_lodiff > DMI_hidiff and DMI_lodiff > 0 then DMI_lodiff else 0;
def DMI_atrdmi = WildersAverage(TrueRange(h, c, l), DMI_dmilength);
Def DMI_diplus = 100 * WildersAverage(DMI_plusdm, DMI_dmilength) / DMI_atrdmi;
Def DMI_diminus = 100 * WildersAverage(DMI_minusdm, DMI_dmilength) / DMI_atrdmi;
def DMI_sdmi = if DMI_diplus > DMI_diminus then 100 else if DMI_diminus > DMI_diplus then -100 else 0;
def DMI_sbullish = enableDMI and DMI_sdmi == 100;
def DMI_sbearish = enableDMI and DMI_sdmi == -100;
def DMI_sneutral = 0;
AddLabel(showlabels and enableDMI, "DMI", if IsNan(DMI_sdmi) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if DMI_sdmi[-displace] > 0 then COLOR.GREEN else
if DMI_sdmi[-displace] < 0 then COLOR.RED
#END OF DMI - DMI Trend Module V1.0

#START OF BOP - BOP Module V1.0
# 2020.01.29 V1.0 [USER=258]@diazlaz[/USER] Initial Module Release
input enableBOP = yes; #BOP
input BOP_averagetype = {Simple, Exponential, default Weighted, Wilders, Hull,  Disabled};
input BOP_boplength = 16;

def BOP_rawbmp = if h != l then (c - o) / (h - l) else 1;
def BMP;
switch (BOP_averagetype) {
case Simple:
BMP = Average(BOP_rawbmp, BOP_boplength);
case Exponential:
BMP = ExpAverage(BOP_rawbmp, BOP_boplength);
case Weighted:
BMP = wma(BOP_rawbmp, BOP_boplength);
case Wilders:
BMP = WildersAverage(BOP_rawbmp, BOP_boplength);
case Hull:
BMP = HullMovingAvg(BOP_rawbmp, BOP_boplength);
case Disabled:
BMP = BOP_rawbmp;
def BOP_sbop = if BMP > 0 then 100 else -100;
def BOP_sbullish = enableBOP and BOP_sbop == 100;
def BOP_sbearish = enableBOP and BOP_sbop == -100;
def BOP_sneutral = 0;
AddLabel(showlabels and enableBOP, "BOP", if IsNan(BOP_sbop) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if BOP_sbop[-displace] > 0 then COLOR.GREEN else
if BOP_sbop[-displace] < 0 then COLOR.RED
#END OF BOP - BOP Module V1.0

#START OF STCCI - Super Trend w/CCI Module V1.0
# 2020.01.29 V1.0 [USER=258]@diazlaz[/USER] Initial Module Release
input enableSuperTrendCCI = yes; #Super Trend w/CCI
input STCCI_lengthcci = 50;
input STCCI_lengthatr = 21;
input STCCI_atrfactor = 1.0;
def STCCI_pricedata = hl;
def STCCI_atrcci = Average(TrueRange(h, c, l), STCCI_lengthatr) * STCCI_atrfactor;
def STCCI_price = c + l + h;
def STCCI_lindev = lindev(STCCI_price, STCCI_lengthcci);
def STCCI_cci = if STCCI_lindev == 0
       then 0
       else (STCCI_price - Average(STCCI_price, STCCI_lengthcci)) / STCCI_lindev / 0.015;
def STCCI_mt1 = if STCCI_cci > 0
       then Max(STCCI_mt1[1], STCCI_pricedata - STCCI_atrcci)
       else Min(STCCI_mt1[1], STCCI_pricedata + STCCI_atrcci);
def STCCI_ssupertrendcci = if c < STCCI_mt1 and c < ST1_st then -100 else if C > STCCI_mt1 and c > ST1_st then 100 else 0;
def STCCI_sbullish = enableSuperTrendCCI and STCCI_ssupertrendcci == 100;
def STCCI_sbearish = enableSuperTrendCCI and STCCI_ssupertrendcci == -100;
def STCCI_sneutral = 0;
AddLabel(showlabels and enableSuperTrendCCI, "SuperTrendCCI", if IsNan(STCCI_ssupertrendcci) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if STCCI_ssupertrendcci[-displace] > 0 then COLOR.GREEN else
if STCCI_ssupertrendcci[-displace] < 0 then COLOR.RED
#END OF STCCI - Super Trend w/CCI Module V1.0

#START OF CTT - CCI + TTM squeeze + TTM trend Module V1.0
# 2020.01.29 V1.0 [USER=258]@diazlaz[/USER] Initial Module Release
input enableCCITTM = yes; #CCI + TTM squeeze + TTM trend
def CTT_ccibuy = CCI(length = 14).CCI > 0 and CCI(length = 50).CCI > 0;
def CTT_ccisell = CCI(length = 14).CCI < 0 and CCI(length = 50).CCI < 0;
def CTT_strendup = TTM_Trend().TrendUp;
def CTT_strenddn = TTM_Trend().TrendDown;
def CTT_squeezeup = TTM_Squeeze().Histogram >= 0;
def CTT_squeezedn = TTM_Squeeze().Histogram <= 0;
def CTT_buy = CTT_ccibuy and CTT_strendup and CTT_squeezeup;
def CTT_sell = CTT_ccisell and CTT_strenddn and CTT_squeezedn;
def CTT_sccittm = if CTT_buy then 100 else if CTT_sell then -100 else 0;
def CTT_sbullish = enableCCITTM and CTT_sccittm == 100;
def CTT_sbearish = enableCCITTM and CTT_sccittm == -100;
def CTT_sneutral = 0;
AddLabel(showlabels and enableCCITTM, "CCI+TTM", if IsNan(CTT_sccittm) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if CTT_sccittm[-displace] > 0 then COLOR.GREEN else
if CTT_sccittm[-displace] < 0 then COLOR.RED
#END OF CTT - CCI + TTM squeeze + TTM trend Module V1.0

#START OF DRSI - Derivative RSI Oscillator Module V1.0
# 2020.01.29 V1.0 [USER=258]@diazlaz[/USER] Initial Module Release
# Derivative RSI Oscillator
# Can be used alone as a smoother RSI or as part of the Carting Wealth strategy when
# combined with the MACD and MAs Charting Wealth study.
# By Horserider 12/25/2019

#Derivative RSI Oscillator
input enableDRSI = yes; #Derivative RSI Oscillator
input DRSI_length = 14;
input DRSI_length1 = 5;
input DRSI_length2 = 3;
input DRSI_length3 = 9;
input DRSI_price = close;
input DRSI_averagetype = averagetype.EXPONENTIAL;
input DRSI_averagetype2 = averagetype.SIMPLE;

def DRSI_netchgavg = WildersAverage(DRSI_price - DRSI_price[1], DRSI_length);
def DRSI_totchgavg = WildersAverage(AbsValue(DRSI_price - DRSI_price[1]), DRSI_length);
def DRSI_chgratio = if DRSI_totchgavg != 0 then DRSI_netchgavg / DRSI_totchgavg else 0;

def DRSI_rsi = (50 * (DRSI_chgratio + 1) - 50);

def DRSI_x = MovingAverage(DRSI_averagetype,DRSI_rsi, DRSI_length1);
def DRSI_x2 = MovingAverage(DRSI_averagetype, DRSI_x, DRSI_length2);
def DRSI_xs = MovingAverage(DRSI_averagetype2, DRSI_x2 , DRSI_length3);
def DRSI_rsi__linediff = DRSI_x2 - DRSI_xs;
def DRSI_rsi_line = DRSI_rsi__linediff;
def DRSI_sstate = if DRSI_rsi_line >= 0 then if DRSI_rsi_line > DRSI_rsi_line[1] then 100 else 10 else if DRSI_rsi_line < DRSI_rsi_line[1] then -100 else -10;
def DRSI_sbullish = enableDRSI and DRSI_sstate > 0;
def DRSI_sbearish = enableDRSI and DRSI_sstate < 0;
def DRSI_sneutral = 0;
AddLabel(showlabels and enableDRSI, "DRSI", if IsNan(DRSI_sstate) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if DRSI_sstate[-displace] > 0 then COLOR.GREEN else
if DRSI_sstate[-displace] < 0 then COLOR.RED
#END OF DRSI - Derivative RSI Oscillator Module V1.0

#START OF SWCA - Schaff Wave CrossOver Average Module V1.0
# 2020.02.01 V1.0 [USER=258]@diazlaz[/USER] Initial Module Release
input enableSWCA = yes;

input SWCA_fastlengthtrend = 48;
input SWCA_slowlengthtrend = 104;
input SWCA_kperiodtrend = 36;
input SWCA_dperiodtrend = 8;
input SWCA_averagetypetrend = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
input SWCA_fastlengthwave = 12;
input SWCA_slowlengthwave = 26;
input SWCA_kperiodwave = 9;
input SWCA_dperiodwave = 2;
input SWCA_averagetypewave = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;

def SWCA_macdtrend = MovingAverage(SWCA_averagetypetrend, c, SWCA_fastlengthtrend) - MovingAverage(SWCA_averagetypetrend, c, SWCA_slowlengthtrend);
def SWCA_macdwave = MovingAverage(SWCA_averagetypewave, c, SWCA_fastlengthwave) - MovingAverage(SWCA_averagetypewave, c, SWCA_slowlengthwave);
def SWCA_fastk1trend = FastKCustom(SWCA_macdtrend, SWCA_kperiodtrend);
def SWCA_fastk1wave = FastKCustom(SWCA_macdwave, SWCA_kperiodwave);
def SWCA_fastd1trend = MovingAverage(SWCA_averagetypetrend, SWCA_fastk1trend, SWCA_dperiodtrend);
def SWCA_fastd1wave = MovingAverage(SWCA_averagetypewave, SWCA_fastk1wave, SWCA_dperiodwave);
def SWCA_fastk2trend = FastKCustom(SWCA_fastd1trend, SWCA_kperiodtrend);
def SWCA_fastk2wave = FastKCustom(SWCA_fastd1wave, SWCA_kperiodwave);
def SWCA_stctrend = MovingAverage(SWCA_averagetypetrend, SWCA_fastk2trend, SWCA_dperiodtrend);
def SWCA_stcwave = MovingAverage(SWCA_averagetypewave, SWCA_fastk2wave, SWCA_dperiodwave);

def SWCA_sstate = if SWCA_stctrend > SWCA_stcwave then 100 else -100;
def SWCA_sbullish = enableSWCA and SWCA_sstate == 100;
def SWCA_sbearish = enableSWCA and SWCA_sstate == -100;
def SWCA_sneutral = 0;
AddLabel(showlabels and enableSWCA, "SWCA", if IsNan(SWCA_sstate) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if SWCA_sstate[-displace] > 0 then COLOR.GREEN else
if SWCA_sstate[-displace] < 0 then COLOR.RED
#END OF SWCA - Schaff Wave CrossOver Average Module V1.0


input ADXlength = 8; #ADX
input ADXTrending = 25; #ADX
input showADXBar = yes;
input DI_length = 8;

def DX = if (diplus(di_length) + diminus(di_length) > 0) then 100 * AbsValue(diplus(di_length) - diminus(di_length)) / (diplus(di_length) + diminus(di_length)) else 0;
def ADX = WildersAverage(DX, adxlength);

plot ADXCross = LowestAll(low);
    if ADX > ADXTrending then Color.LIME
    else Color.DARK_GRAY);

#MACD Neutal Eval
input fastLength_1 = 12;
input slowLength_1 = 26;
input MACDLength_1 = 9;
input AverageType_1 = {SMA, default EMA};
def macd_Val_1 = MACD(fastLength_1, slowLength_1, MACDLength_1, AverageType_1).Value;
def macd_Avg1 = MACD(fastLength_1, slowLength_1, MACDLength_1, AverageType_1).Avg;
def MACD_trig = if MACD().value > MACD().avg then 1 else 0;

if ADX > ADXTrending then "Trending" else
"Non Trending",
if IsNan(c) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if ADX > ADXTrending then COLOR.GREEN else

if IsNan(c) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if macd_Val_1 > macd_Avg1 then COLOR.DARK_GREEN else

def sResults = HA1_sState + HAMTF_sState + TTM_sState + ST1_ssupertrend + STHA_ssupertrend + FRE_sfrema + TMO_stmo + SL1_sstate + TOP_stop + DMI_sdmi + BOP_sbop
+ STCCI_ssupertrendcci + CTT_sccittm + DRSI_sstate + SWCA_sstate;

def sBullish = HA1_sBullish + HAMTF_sBullish + TTM_sBullish + ST1_sbullish + STHA_sbullish + FRE_sbullish + TMO_sbullish + SL1_sbullish + TOP_sbullish + DMI_sbullish + BOP_sbullish + STCCI_sbullish + CTT_sbullish + DRSI_sbullish + SWCA_sbullish;

def sBearish = HA1_sBearish + HAMTF_sBearish + TTM_sBearish + ST1_sbearish + STHA_sbearish + FRE_sbearish + TMO_sbearish + SL1_sbearish + TOP_sbearish + DMI_sbearish + BOP_sbearish + STCCI_sbearish + CTT_sbearish + DRSI_sbearish + SWCA_sbearish;

def bullish = if(sBullish >= threshold,1,0);
def bearish = if(sBearish >= threshold,1,0);
def sState = if bullish then 100 else if bearish then -100 else 0;
def sState2 = if sState != 0 then sState else sState2[1];

if PaintBars then
    if ADXPaintBarsMode then if ADX > ADXTrending then COLOR.ORANGE else COLOR.DARK_GRAY
    if bullish then COLOR.GREEN else if bearish then COLOR.RED
     if enableNeutralMACDPainter then
      if macd_Val_1 > macd_Avg1 then COLOR.DARK_GREEN else COLOR.DARK_RED

if bullish[-displace] then "LONG" else
if bearish[-displace] then "SHORT"
else "HOLD",
if IsNan(c) then COLOR.DARK_GRAY else
if bullish[-displace] then COLOR.GREEN else
if bearish[-displace] then COLOR.RED

#END OF CSA - trend, a momentum and a cycle based indicator for ThinkorSwim V3.2
Last edited by a moderator:
Thanks I think it did save the scripts, just not the adjusted settings/layout that were in the shared chart by highbredcloud with the TMO and DRSIO lower studies. The link seems to be not working again :/
Last edited:
Thanks I think it did save the scripts, just not the adjusted settings/layout that were in the shared chart by highbredcloud with the TMO and DRSIO lower studies. The link seems to be not working again :/
Let me look for that chart layout...TD Ameritrade deleted my account because I only use them for charting that's why the link is broken. They reinstated my account luckily after I said that I would deposit money in there. SO for everyone else who only uses their Think or Swim for charting be aware...
Thanks, I think I heard about that happening to some users. I place all my trades on webull, but use TOS as charting. I suppose I'd better make a deposit and buy a share of something cheap lol

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useThinkScript is the #1 community of stock market investors using indicators and other tools to power their trading strategies. Traders of all skill levels use our forums to learn about scripting and indicators, help each other, and discover new ways to gain an edge in the markets.

How do I get started?

We get it. Our forum can be intimidating, if not overwhelming. With thousands of topics, tens of thousands of posts, our community has created an incredibly deep knowledge base for stock traders. No one can ever exhaust every resource provided on our site.

If you are new, or just looking for guidance, here are some helpful links to get you started.

What are the benefits of VIP Membership?
VIP members get exclusive access to these proven and tested premium indicators: Buy the Dip, Advanced Market Moves 2.0, Take Profit, and Volatility Trading Range. In addition, VIP members get access to over 50 VIP-only custom indicators, add-ons, and strategies, private VIP-only forums, private Discord channel to discuss trades and strategies in real-time, customer support, trade alerts, and much more. Learn all about VIP membership here.
How can I access the premium indicators?
To access the premium indicators, which are plug and play ready, sign up for VIP membership here.