input price = close;
input superfast_length = 8;
input fast_length = 13;
input slow_length = 21;
input displace = 0;
input atrMult = 1.2;
input nATR = 3;
input avgType = AverageType.HULL;
input enableAlerts = no;
input hideMovingAverages = yes;
input hideSuperTrendAtr = no;
input tradesize = 1;
def ATR = MovingAverage(avgType, TrueRange(high, close, low), nATR);
def UP = HL2 + (atrMult * ATR);
def DN = HL2 + (-atrMult * ATR);
def ST = if close < ST[1] then UP else DN;
plot SuperTrend = ST;
SuperTrend.AssignValueColor(if close < ST then Color.RED else Color.GREEN);
def SuperTrendUP = if ST crosses below close[-1] then 1 else 0;
def isSuperTrendUP = SuperTrend > close;
def SuperTrendDN = if ST crosses above close[-1] then 1 else 0;
def isSuperTrendDN = SuperTrend < close;
def mov_avg8 = ExpAverage(price[-displace], superfast_length);
def mov_avg13 = ExpAverage(price[-displace], fast_length);
def mov_avg21 = ExpAverage(price[-displace], slow_length);
plot Superfast = mov_avg8;
plot Fast = mov_avg13;
plot Slow = mov_avg21;
def buy = mov_avg8 > mov_avg13 and mov_avg13 > mov_avg21 and low > mov_avg8;
def stopbuy = mov_avg8 <= mov_avg13;
def buynow = !buy[1] and buy;
def buysignal = CompoundValue(1, if buynow and !stopbuy then 1 else if buysignal[1] == 1 and stopbuy then 0 else buysignal[1], 0);
plot Buy_Signal = buysignal[1] == 0 and buysignal == 1;
plot Momentum_Down = buysignal[1] == 1 and buysignal == 0;
def sell = mov_avg8 < mov_avg13 and mov_avg13 < mov_avg21 and high < mov_avg8;
def stopsell = mov_avg8 >= mov_avg13;
def sellnow = !sell[1] and sell;
def sellsignal = CompoundValue(1, if sellnow and !stopsell then 1 else if sellsignal[1] == 1 and stopsell then 0 else sellsignal[1], 0);
plot Sell_Signal = sellsignal[1] == 0 and sellsignal;
plot Momentum_Up = sellsignal[1] == 1 and sellsignal == 0;
plot Colorbars = if buysignal == 1 then 1 else if sellsignal == 1 then 2 else if buysignal == 0 or sellsignal == 0 then 3 else 0;
Colorbars.DefineColor("Buy_Signal_Bars", Color.GREEN);
Colorbars.DefineColor("Sell_Signal_Bars", Color.RED);
Colorbars.DefineColor("Neutral", Color.YELLOW);
AssignPriceColor(if Colorbars == 1 then Colorbars.Color("buy_signal_bars") else if Colorbars == 2 then Colorbars.Color("Sell_Signal_bars") else Colorbars.Color("neutral"));
def sellTrigger = if SuperTrendDN or Sell_Signal then 1 else 0;
def buyTrigger = Buy_Signal;
AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_OPEN, condition = buyTrigger, price = close, tradeSize = tradesize, tickcolor = Color.CYAN, arrowcolor = Color.CYAN, name = "Buy");
AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_CLOSE, condition = sellTrigger, price = close[-1], tradeSize = tradesize, tickcolor = Color.PINK, arrowcolor = Color.DARK_RED, name = "Sell");
Alert(condition = enableAlerts and buysignal[1] == 0 and buysignal == 1, text = "Buy Signal", sound = Sound.Bell, "alert type" = Alert.BAR);
Alert(condition = enableAlerts and buysignal[1] == 1 and buysignal == 0, text = "Momentum_Down", sound = Sound.Bell, "alert type" = Alert.BAR);
Alert(condition = enableAlerts and sellsignal[1] == 0 and sellsignal == 1, text = "Sell Signal", sound = Sound.Bell, "alert type" = Alert.BAR);
Alert(condition = enableAlerts and sellsignal[1] == 1 and sellsignal == 0, text = "Momentum_Up", sound = Sound.Bell, "alert type" = Alert.BAR);