Can someone please help create two Thinkscript scanners based on this WaveTrend Oscillator from LazyBear?
Buy Signal Scanner 1: Scan for stocks where the WT1 (Green Line) just crossed ABOVE the WT2 (Red Dotted Line) for the FIRST time while both lines are BELOW minus 20 (-20)
Sell Signal Scanner 2: Scan for stocks where the WT1 (Green Line) just crossed UNDER the WT2 (Red Dotted Line) for the FIRST time while both lines are ABOVE 20
It should be The "first time in the last 3 bars"
add this code snippet to the bottom of your study:
def BuySig = wt1_1<-20 and wt2_1<-20 and wt1_1 crosses above wt2_1;
plot BuySigScan = !BuySig[1] and !BuySig[2] and BuySig; BuySigScan.hide();
def SellSig = wt1_1>20 and wt2_1>20 and wt1_1 crosses below wt2_1;
plot SellSigScan = !SellSig[1] and !SellSig[2] and SellSig; SellSigScan.hide();
Your scan filter will be:
orBuySigScan is true
SellSigScan is true
Here is a tutorial for adding scan filters to the Scan Hacker:
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