Hmm. I haven't had that happen. What stock/ticker are you using when it disappears? If you are trying it on SPX it will not work.@METAL The lrc works great when they show up. Has anyone figured out why they disappear randomly? Around 1est/11cst the lines just vanished from the chart. When I update the starttime/entime they show up for a split second. I've never seen anything like this before. Thanks
Yes. That is correct. Set it to the time when premarket starts to 1 minute before open.The settings on your LRC to anchor it start at 0400. I am assuming that is EST. If I am in and set my charts to CST should I change that to 0300 which is beginning of premarket in my TZ. Forgive me for overlooking this if you have already covered it.
Unfortunately no. Can't get it to work on mobile.@METAL Do you have LRC version that works on Mobile thinkorswim ? I tried this setup on my phone thinkorswim app but it doesn’t work.
How are you choosing the stocks? Do you have a scanner? Do you just have a bunch of charts open that you watch? How do you decide which charts?
Thanks for the strategy!
Honestly, I gave up on this strategy. It wasnt working for me as price was constantly passing the levels. Maybe I am confused about the rules, but I followed for a while. Glad it is working for others.Hey everyone. I hope you are having a great weekend! If you are using this strategy, Please, when you have time, Let us know how it is working for you.
I had the same question but if you look at his above chart it shows market open for him being 7:58pmThe settings on your LRC to anchor it start at 0400. I am assuming that is EST. If I am in and set my charts to CST should I change that to 0300 which is beginning of premarket in my TZ. Forgive me for overlooking this if you have already covered it.
Market open time for me is 9:30 Eastern and closes at 16:00. The anchored times are from 4:00 - 9:29 Eastern.I had the same question but if you look at his above chart it shows market open for him being 7:58pmView attachment 23086. So I tried converting that and chatgpt said to put 0930 to 1600 and all of the lines went away lol so I am not sure
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