Active member
The Green and Red Arrow are a Bollinger Bands cross-over indicator. If you want a setup that mimics video games, more specifically games such as RPGs then this is the setup for you.
The chart.
input Budget = 2000;
def current_price = close;
def Share_Quantity_purchase_limit = Budget / current_price;
########### Moving Average Lines ###########
input price = close;
input fastLength = 9;
input medLength = 50;
input slowLength = 200;
input displace = 0;
input averageType = AverageType.WILDERS;
plot fastAvg = MovingAverage(averageType, price[-displace], fastLength);
plot medAvg = MovingAverage(averageType, price[-displace], medLength);
plot slowAvg = MovingAverage(averageType, price[-displace], slowLength);
fastAvg.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(51, 204, 255));
medAvg.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(255, 95, 95));
# Follow Line Indicator
# Coverted to ToS from TV by bigboss. Original © Dreadblitz
input BbPeriod = 9;
input BbDeviations = 1;
input UseAtrFilter = yes;
input AtrPeriod = 5;
input HideArrows = no;
def BBUpper = SimpleMovingAvg(close, BbPeriod) + StDev(close, BbPeriod) * BbDeviations;
def BBLower = SimpleMovingAvg(close, BbPeriod) - StDev(close, BbPeriod) * BbDeviations;
def BBSignal = if close > BBUpper then 1 else if close < BBLower then -1 else 0;
def TrendLine =
if BBSignal == 1 and UseAtrFilter == 1 then
Max(low - ATR(AtrPeriod), TrendLine[1])
else if BBSignal == -1 and UseAtrFilter == 1 then
Min(high + ATR(AtrPeriod), TrendLine[1])
else if BBSignal == 0 and UseAtrFilter == 1 then
else if BBSignal == 1 and UseAtrFilter == 0 then
Max(low, TrendLine[1])
else if BBSignal == -1 and UseAtrFilter == 0 then
Min(high, TrendLine[1])
else if BBSignal == 0 and UseAtrFilter == 0 then
else TrendLine[1];
def iTrend = if TrendLine > TrendLine[1] then 1 else if TrendLine < TrendLine[1] then -1 else iTrend[1];
plot buy_price = if iTrend[1] == -1 and iTrend == 1 and !HideArrows then TrendLine else Double.NaN;
plot buy_arrow = if iTrend[1] == -1 and iTrend == 1 and !HideArrows then TrendLine else Double.NaN;
plot sell_arrow = if iTrend[1] == 1 and iTrend == -1 and !HideArrows then TrendLine else Double.NaN;
plot sell_price = if iTrend[1] == 1 and iTrend == -1 and !HideArrows then TrendLine else Double.NaN;
def arrow_purchase_price = Budget / iTrend ;
######### Label control
input current_number_of_shares_that_you_can_purchase_at_the_current_price = no;
input current_number_of_shares_that_you_can_purchase_at_the_buy_arrow_price = no;
input buy_arrow_price = no;
input profit_if_you_bought_at_the_buy_arrow_with_your_budget = no;
input stock_price_of_the_fast_moving_average_line = no;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_the_fast_moving_Avg_price = no;
input stock_price_of_the_Medium_moving_average_line = no;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_the_Med_moving_Avg_price = no;
input stock_price_of_the_slow_moving_average_line = no;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_the_slow_moving_Avg_price = no;
def greenBuy = if iTrend[1] == -1 and iTrend == 1 and !HideArrows then TrendLine else greenBuy[1];
AddLabel(current_number_of_shares_that_you_can_purchase_at_the_current_price, Concat("current price shares = ", Round(Share_Quantity_purchase_limit)), Color.ORANGE);
AddLabel(current_number_of_shares_that_you_can_purchase_at_the_buy_arrow_price, Concat("Buy arrow shares = ", Round(arrow_purchase_price / greenBuy, 0)), Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(buy_arrow_price, Concat("Buy arrow price = ", Round (greenBuy)), Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(profit_if_you_bought_at_the_buy_arrow_with_your_budget, Concat("Profit @ GreenArw = ", Round (Budget / greenBuy * current_price - Budget)), Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(stock_price_of_the_fast_moving_average_line, Concat("MovAvg = ", Round(fastAvg)), (CreateColor(51, 204, 255)));
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_the_fast_moving_Avg_price, Concat("Profit @ fastAvg = ", Round(Budget / greenBuy * fastAvg - Budget)), (CreateColor(51, 204, 255)));
AddLabel(stock_price_of_the_Medium_moving_average_line, Concat("MovAvg = ", Round(medAvg)), (CreateColor(255, 95, 95)));
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_the_Med_moving_Avg_price, Concat("Profit @ medAvg = ", Round( Budget / greenBuy * medAvg - Budget)), (CreateColor(255, 95, 95)));
AddLabel(stock_price_of_the_slow_moving_average_line, Concat("MovAvg = ", Round (slowAvg)), Color.WHITE);
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_the_slow_moving_Avg_price, Concat("Profit @ slowAvg = ", Round (Budget / greenBuy * slowAvg - Budget)), Color.WHITE);
# spacer
input Spacer = yes;
addlabel(Spacer, " ",(CreateColor(8,65,93))); # my custom color for my setup.
# end spacer code
input Highest_Upper_Band_dev = 2.0;
input Med_Upper_Band_dev = 1.5;
input Low_Upper_Band_dev = 1.0;
input High_Low_Band_dev = -1.0;
input Med_Low_Band_dev = -1.5;
input Lowest_Low_Band_dev = -2.0;
input timeFrame = {default Month, WEEK, day};
def cap = GetAggregationPeriod();
def errorInAggregation =
timeFrame == timeFrame.DAY and cap >= AggregationPeriod.WEEK or
timeFrame == timeFrame.WEEK and cap >= AggregationPeriod.MONTH;
Assert(!errorInAggregation, "timeFrame should be not less than current chart aggregation period");
def yyyyMmDd = GetYYYYMMDD();
def periodIndx;
switch (timeFrame) {
case DAY:
periodIndx = yyyyMmDd;
case WEEK:
periodIndx = Floor((DaysFromDate(First(yyyyMmDd)) + GetDayOfWeek(First(yyyyMmDd))) / 7);
case MONTH:
periodIndx = RoundDown(yyyyMmDd / 100, 0);
def isPeriodRolled = CompoundValue(1, periodIndx != periodIndx[1], yes);
def volumeSum;
def volumeVwapSum;
def volumeVwap2Sum;
if (isPeriodRolled) {
volumeSum = volume;
volumeVwapSum = volume * vwap;
volumeVwap2Sum = volume * Sqr(vwap);
} else {
volumeSum = CompoundValue(1, volumeSum[1] + volume, volume);
volumeVwapSum = CompoundValue(1, volumeVwapSum[1] + volume * vwap, volume * vwap);
volumeVwap2Sum = CompoundValue(1, volumeVwap2Sum[1] + volume * Sqr(vwap), volume * Sqr(vwap));
def Vwap_price = volumeVwapSum / volumeSum;
def deviation = Sqrt(Max(volumeVwap2Sum / volumeSum - Sqr(Vwap_price), 0));
plot VWAP = Vwap_price;
plot Highest_Upper_Band = Vwap_price + Highest_Upper_Band_dev * deviation;
plot Med_Upper_Band = Vwap_price + Med_Upper_Band_dev *deviation;
plot Low_Upper_Band = Vwap_price + Low_Upper_Band_dev * deviation;
plot High_Low_Band = Vwap_price + High_Low_Band_dev * deviation;
plot Med_low_Band = Vwap_price + Med_Low_Band_dev * deviation;
plot Lowest_Low_Band = Vwap_price + Lowest_Low_Band_dev * deviation;
AddCloud(Highest_Upper_Band, Low_Upper_Band, CreateColor(255, 255, 255));
AddCloud(High_Low_Band, Lowest_Low_Band,(CreateColor(255, 255, 255)));
VWAP.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(153, 153, 255));
Highest_Upper_Band.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(255, 95, 95));
Med_Upper_Band.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(255, 255, 255));
Med_low_Band.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(255, 255, 255));
Lowest_Low_Band.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(255, 95, 95));
#############################4_band Vwap Control -- inputs#############################
input Current_Upper_Highest_band_price = no;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_highest_upper_band = no;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_current_price_and_sold_at_highest_upper_band = no;
input Current_Upper_Medium_band_price = no;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_medium_upper_band = no;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_current_price_and_sold_at_medium_upper_band = no;
input Current_Low_upper_band_price = no;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_Lower_upper_band = no;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_current_price_and_sold_at_lower_upper_band = no;
input current_Vwap_price = no;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_VWAP = no;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_current_price_and_sold_at_VWAP = no;
input current_high_Lower_band_price = no;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_high_lower_band = no;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_current_price_and_sold_at_high_lower_band = no;
input Current_lower_Medium_band_price = no;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_medium_lower_band = no;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_current_price_and_sold_at_medium_lower_band = no;
input current_Lowest_band_price = no;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_lowest_band = no;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_current_price_and_sold_at_lowest_band = no;
#################################################### Label code.#############################################################
### ### ### highest Upper band ### ### ###
AddLabel(Current_Upper_Highest_band_price, Concat(" highest Upper Band price = ", Round (Highest_Upper_Band)),(CreateColor(255, 95, 95)));
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_highest_upper_band, Concat("buy Arrow shares Profit @ highest Upper Band = ", Round( Budget / greenBuy *Highest_Upper_Band - Budget)), (CreateColor(255, 95, 95)));
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_current_price_and_sold_at_highest_upper_band, Concat("Current price shares profit @ Highest Upper Band = ", Round( Share_Quantity_purchase_limit * Highest_Upper_Band - Budget )), (CreateColor(255, 95, 95)));
### ### ### highest Upper band ### ### ###
### ### ### Medium Upper band ### ### ###
AddLabel(Current_Upper_Medium_band_price, Concat(" Medium Upper Band price = ", Round (med_Upper_Band)),(CreateColor(255, 255, 255)));
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_medium_upper_band, Concat("buy Arrow shares Profit @ Medium Upper Band = ", Round( Budget / greenBuy * Med_Upper_Band - Budget)), (CreateColor(255, 255, 255)));
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_current_price_and_sold_at_medium_upper_band, Concat("Current price shares profit @ Medium Upper Band = ", Round( Share_Quantity_purchase_limit * Med_Upper_Band - Budget )), (CreateColor(255, 255, 255)));
### ### ### Medium Upper band ### ### ###
### ### ### Lowest Upper band ### ### ###
AddLabel(Current_Low_upper_band_price, Concat(" Low upper band price = ", Round (Low_Upper_Band)),;
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_Lower_upper_band, Concat("buy Arrow shares Profit @ low Upper Band = ", Round( Budget / greenBuy * Low_Upper_Band - Budget)),;
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_current_price_and_sold_at_lower_upper_band, Concat("Current price shares profit @ low Upper Band = ", Round( Share_Quantity_purchase_limit *Low_Upper_Band - Budget )),;
### ### ### Lowest Upper band ### ### ###
### ### ### VWAP ### ### ###
AddLabel(current_Vwap_price, Concat(" Vwap price = ", Round (VWAP)), Color.viOLET);
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_VWAP, Concat("buy Arrow shares Profit @ Vwap = ", Round( Budget / greenBuy * vwap - Budget)), Color.viOLET);
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_current_price_and_sold_at_high_lower_band, Concat("Current price shares profit @ Vwap = ", Round( Share_Quantity_purchase_limit * vwap - Budget )), Color.viOLET);
### ### ### VWAP ### ### ###
### ### ### high lower band ### ### ###
AddLabel(current_high_Lower_band_price, Concat(" high low band price = ", Round (High_Low_Band)),;
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_high_lower_band, Concat("buy Arrow shares Profit @ high lower band = ", Round( Budget / greenBuy * High_Low_Band - Budget)),;
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_current_price_and_sold_at_VWAP, Concat("Current price shares profit @ high lower band = ", Round( Share_Quantity_purchase_limit * High_Low_Band - Budget )),;
### ### ### high lower band ### ### ###
### ### ### Medium lower band ### ### ###
AddLabel(Current_lower_Medium_band_price, Concat(" Medium lower Band price = ", Round (Med_low_Band)),(CreateColor(255, 255, 255)));
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_medium_lower_band, Concat("buy Arrow shares Profit @ Medium lower Band = ", Round( Budget / greenBuy * Med_low_Band - Budget)), (CreateColor(255, 255, 255)));
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_current_price_and_sold_at_medium_lower_band, Concat("Current price shares profit @ Medium lower Band = ", Round( Share_Quantity_purchase_limit * Med_low_Band - Budget )), (CreateColor(255, 255, 255)));
### ### ### Medium lower band ### ### ###
### ### ### Lowest lower band ### ### ###
AddLabel(current_Lowest_band_price, Concat(" Lowest band price = ", Round (Lowest_Low_Band)),(CreateColor(255, 95, 95)));
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_lowest_band, Concat("buy Arrow shares Profit @ lowest band = ", Round( Budget / greenBuy * Lowest_Low_Band - Budget)),(CreateColor(255, 95, 95)));
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_current_price_and_sold_at_lowest_band, Concat("Current price shares profit @ lowest band = ", Round( Share_Quantity_purchase_limit * Lowest_Low_Band - Budget )),(CreateColor(255, 95, 95)));
### ### ### Lowest lower band ### ### ###
# spacer
input Spacer2 = yes;
addlabel(Spacer2, " ",(CreateColor(8,65,93))); # my custom color for my setup.
# end spacer code
input Stop_loss_dollar_amount = 250;
input profit_target = 50.0;
input Stop_Loss_targeted_max_loss = no;
input Stop_Loss_share_price_target = no;
input The_Current_stock_price_Stop_Loss_share_price_target = no;
input profit_goal = no;
input Required_Price_Change_for_profit =no;
input Stock_Price_Profit_goal_share_price = no;
AddLabel(Stop_Loss_targeted_max_loss, Concat("Stop Loss targeted max loss = ", Round( Stop_loss_dollar_amount)),Color.white);
AddLabel(Stop_Loss_share_price_target, Concat("Stop Loss share price target = ", Round( Stop_loss_dollar_amount / Share_Quantity_purchase_limit )),Color.white);
AddLabel(The_Current_stock_price_Stop_Loss_share_price_target, Concat("The Current stock price minus the Stop Loss share price target share = ", Round( current_price - (Stop_loss_dollar_amount / Share_Quantity_purchase_limit) )),Color.white);
AddLabel(profit_goal, Concat("profit goal = ", Round( profit_target )),;
AddLabel(Required_Price_Change_for_profit, Concat("Required Price Change for profit = ", Round( profit_target / Share_Quantity_purchase_limit )),;
AddLabel(Stock_Price_Profit_goal_share_price , Concat("Stock Price + Profit goal share price = ", Round( profit_target / Share_Quantity_purchase_limit + current_price )),;
plot stop_loss_line = current_price - (Stop_loss_dollar_amount / Share_Quantity_purchase_limit);
plot profit_target_line = profit_target / Share_Quantity_purchase_limit + current_price;
The Notification side.
input Budget = 2000;
def current_price = close;
def Share_Quantity_purchase_limit = Budget / current_price;
########### Moving Average Lines ###########
input price = close;
input fastLength = 9;
input medLength = 50;
input slowLength = 200;
input displace = 0;
input averageType = AverageType.WILDERS;
plot fastAvg = MovingAverage(averageType, price[-displace], fastLength);
plot medAvg = MovingAverage(averageType, price[-displace], medLength);
plot slowAvg = MovingAverage(averageType, price[-displace], slowLength);
fastAvg.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(51, 204, 255));
medAvg.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(255, 95, 95));
# Follow Line Indicator
# Coverted to ToS from TV by bigboss. Original © Dreadblitz
input BbPeriod = 9;
input BbDeviations = 1;
input UseAtrFilter = yes;
input AtrPeriod = 5;
input HideArrows = no;
def BBUpper = SimpleMovingAvg(close, BbPeriod) + StDev(close, BbPeriod) * BbDeviations;
def BBLower = SimpleMovingAvg(close, BbPeriod) - StDev(close, BbPeriod) * BbDeviations;
def BBSignal = if close > BBUpper then 1 else if close < BBLower then -1 else 0;
def TrendLine =
if BBSignal == 1 and UseAtrFilter == 1 then
Max(low - ATR(AtrPeriod), TrendLine[1])
else if BBSignal == -1 and UseAtrFilter == 1 then
Min(high + ATR(AtrPeriod), TrendLine[1])
else if BBSignal == 0 and UseAtrFilter == 1 then
else if BBSignal == 1 and UseAtrFilter == 0 then
Max(low, TrendLine[1])
else if BBSignal == -1 and UseAtrFilter == 0 then
Min(high, TrendLine[1])
else if BBSignal == 0 and UseAtrFilter == 0 then
else TrendLine[1];
def iTrend = if TrendLine > TrendLine[1] then 1 else if TrendLine < TrendLine[1] then -1 else iTrend[1];
plot buy_price = if iTrend[1] == -1 and iTrend == 1 and !HideArrows then TrendLine else Double.NaN;
plot buy_arrow = if iTrend[1] == -1 and iTrend == 1 and !HideArrows then TrendLine else Double.NaN;
plot sell_arrow = if iTrend[1] == 1 and iTrend == -1 and !HideArrows then TrendLine else Double.NaN;
plot sell_price = if iTrend[1] == 1 and iTrend == -1 and !HideArrows then TrendLine else Double.NaN;
def arrow_purchase_price = Budget / iTrend ;
######### Label control
input current_number_of_shares_that_you_can_purchase_at_the_current_price = Yes;
input current_number_of_shares_that_you_can_purchase_at_the_buy_arrow_price = Yes;
input buy_arrow_price = Yes;
input profit_if_you_bought_at_the_buy_arrow_with_your_budget = Yes;
input stock_price_of_the_fast_moving_average_line = Yes;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_the_fast_moving_Avg_price = Yes;
input stock_price_of_the_Medium_moving_average_line = Yes;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_the_Med_moving_Avg_price = Yes;
input stock_price_of_the_slow_moving_average_line = Yes;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_the_slow_moving_Avg_price = Yes;
#input remaining_percentage_until_the_fast_and_Medium_moving_average_lines_cross_over =yes;
def greenBuy = if iTrend[1] == -1 and iTrend == 1 and !HideArrows then TrendLine else greenBuy[1];
AddLabel(current_number_of_shares_that_you_can_purchase_at_the_current_price, Concat("current price shares = ", Round(Share_Quantity_purchase_limit)), Color.ORANGE);
AddLabel(current_number_of_shares_that_you_can_purchase_at_the_buy_arrow_price, Concat("Buy arrow shares = ", Round(arrow_purchase_price / greenBuy, 0)), Color.GREEN);
# spacer
input Spacer1 = yes;
addlabel(Spacer1, " ",(CreateColor(8,65,93))); # my custom color for my setup.
# end spacer code
AddLabel(buy_arrow_price, Concat("Buy arrow price = ", Round (greenBuy)), Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(profit_if_you_bought_at_the_buy_arrow_with_your_budget, Concat("Profit @ GreenArw = ", Round (Budget / greenBuy * current_price - Budget)), Color.GREEN);
# spacer
input Spacer2 = yes;
addlabel(Spacer2, " ",(CreateColor(8,65,93))); # my custom color for my setup.
# end spacer code
AddLabel(stock_price_of_the_fast_moving_average_line, Concat("MovAvg = ", Round(fastAvg)), (CreateColor(51, 204, 255)));
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_the_fast_moving_Avg_price, Concat("Profit @ fastAvg = ", Round(Budget / greenBuy * fastAvg - Budget)), (CreateColor(51, 204, 255)));
AddLabel(stock_price_of_the_Medium_moving_average_line, Concat("MovAvg = ", Round(medAvg)), (CreateColor(255, 95, 95)));
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_the_Med_moving_Avg_price, Concat("Profit @ medAvg = ", Round( Budget / greenBuy * medAvg - Budget)), (CreateColor(255, 95, 95)));
AddLabel(stock_price_of_the_slow_moving_average_line, Concat("MovAvg = ", Round (slowAvg)), Color.WHITE);
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_the_slow_moving_Avg_price, Concat("Profit @ slowAvg = ", Round (Budget / greenBuy * slowAvg - Budget)), Color.WHITE);
#Four Line VWAP #Four Line VWAP #Four Line VWAP #Four Line VWAP #Four Line VWAP #Four Line VWAP #Four Line VWAP #Four Line VWAP #Four Line VWAP
#Four Line VWAP #Four Line VWAP #Four Line VWAP #Four Line VWAP #Four Line VWAP #Four Line VWA #Four Line VWAP #Four Line VWAP #Four Line VWAPP
# spacer
input Spacer3 = yes;
addlabel(Spacer3, " ",(CreateColor(8,65,93))); # my custom color for my setup.
# end spacer code
input Highest_Upper_Band_dev = 2.0;
input Med_Upper_Band_dev = 1.5;
input Low_Upper_Band_dev = 1.0;
input High_Low_Band_dev = -1.0;
input Med_Low_Band_dev = -1.5;
input Lowest_Low_Band_dev = -2.0;
input timeFrame = {default Month, WEEK, day};
def cap = GetAggregationPeriod();
def errorInAggregation =
timeFrame == timeFrame.DAY and cap >= AggregationPeriod.WEEK or
timeFrame == timeFrame.WEEK and cap >= AggregationPeriod.MONTH;
Assert(!errorInAggregation, "timeFrame should be not less than current chart aggregation period");
def yyyyMmDd = GetYYYYMMDD();
def periodIndx;
switch (timeFrame) {
case DAY:
periodIndx = yyyyMmDd;
case WEEK:
periodIndx = Floor((DaysFromDate(First(yyyyMmDd)) + GetDayOfWeek(First(yyyyMmDd))) / 7);
case MONTH:
periodIndx = RoundDown(yyyyMmDd / 100, 0);
def isPeriodRolled = CompoundValue(1, periodIndx != periodIndx[1], yes);
def volumeSum;
def volumeVwapSum;
def volumeVwap2Sum;
if (isPeriodRolled) {
volumeSum = volume;
volumeVwapSum = volume * vwap;
volumeVwap2Sum = volume * Sqr(vwap);
} else {
volumeSum = CompoundValue(1, volumeSum[1] + volume, volume);
volumeVwapSum = CompoundValue(1, volumeVwapSum[1] + volume * vwap, volume * vwap);
volumeVwap2Sum = CompoundValue(1, volumeVwap2Sum[1] + volume * Sqr(vwap), volume * Sqr(vwap));
def Vwap_price = volumeVwapSum / volumeSum;
def deviation = Sqrt(Max(volumeVwap2Sum / volumeSum - Sqr(Vwap_price), 0));
plot VWAP = Vwap_price;
plot Highest_Upper_Band = Vwap_price + Highest_Upper_Band_dev * deviation;
plot Med_Upper_Band = Vwap_price + Med_Upper_Band_dev *deviation;
plot Low_Upper_Band = Vwap_price + Low_Upper_Band_dev * deviation;
plot High_Low_Band = Vwap_price + High_Low_Band_dev * deviation;
plot Med_low_Band = Vwap_price + Med_Low_Band_dev * deviation;
plot Lowest_Low_Band = Vwap_price + Lowest_Low_Band_dev * deviation;
AddCloud(Highest_Upper_Band, Low_Upper_Band, CreateColor(8,65,93));
AddCloud(High_Low_Band, Lowest_Low_Band,(CreateColor(8,65,93)));
VWAP.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(153, 153, 255));
Highest_Upper_Band.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(255, 95, 95));
Med_Upper_Band.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(255, 255, 255));
Med_low_Band.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(255, 255, 255));
Lowest_Low_Band.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(255, 95, 95));
#############################4_band Vwap Control -- inputs#############################
input Current_Upper_Highest_band_price = Yes;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_highest_upper_band = yes;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_current_price_and_sold_at_highest_upper_band = yes;
input Current_Upper_Medium_band_price = Yes;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_medium_upper_band = yes;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_current_price_and_sold_at_medium_upper_band = yes;
input Current_Low_upper_band_price = Yes;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_Lower_upper_band = yes;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_current_price_and_sold_at_lower_upper_band = yes;
input current_Vwap_price = Yes;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_VWAP = yes;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_current_price_and_sold_at_VWAP = yes;
input current_high_Lower_band_price = yes;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_high_lower_band = yes;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_current_price_and_sold_at_high_lower_band = yes;
input Current_lower_Medium_band_price = Yes;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_medium_lower_band = yes;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_current_price_and_sold_at_medium_lower_band = yes;
input current_Lowest_band_price = yes;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_lowest_band = yes;
input Profit_if_you_bought_at_current_price_and_sold_at_lowest_band = yes;
#################################################### Label code.#############################################################
### ### ### highest Upper band ### ### ###
AddLabel(Current_Upper_Highest_band_price, Concat(" highest Upper Band price = ", Round (Highest_Upper_Band)),(CreateColor(255, 95, 95)));
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_highest_upper_band, Concat("buy Arrow shares Profit @ highest Upper Band = ", Round( Budget / greenBuy *Highest_Upper_Band - Budget)), (CreateColor(255, 95, 95)));
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_current_price_and_sold_at_highest_upper_band, Concat("Current price shares profit @ Highest Upper Band = ", Round( Share_Quantity_purchase_limit * Highest_Upper_Band - Budget )), (CreateColor(255, 95, 95)));
### ### ### highest Upper band ### ### ###
### ### ### Medium Upper band ### ### ###
AddLabel(Current_Upper_Medium_band_price, Concat(" Medium Upper Band price = ", Round (med_Upper_Band)),(CreateColor(255, 255, 255)));
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_medium_upper_band, Concat("buy Arrow shares Profit @ Medium Upper Band = ", Round( Budget / greenBuy * Med_Upper_Band - Budget)), (CreateColor(255, 255, 255)));
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_current_price_and_sold_at_medium_upper_band, Concat("Current price shares profit @ Medium Upper Band = ", Round( Share_Quantity_purchase_limit * Med_Upper_Band - Budget )), (CreateColor(255, 255, 255)));
### ### ### Medium Upper band ### ### ###
### ### ### Lowest Upper band ### ### ###
AddLabel(Current_Low_upper_band_price, Concat(" Low upper band price = ", Round (Low_Upper_Band)),;
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_Lower_upper_band, Concat("buy Arrow shares Profit @ low Upper Band = ", Round( Budget / greenBuy * Low_Upper_Band - Budget)),;
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_current_price_and_sold_at_lower_upper_band, Concat("Current price shares profit @ low Upper Band = ", Round( Share_Quantity_purchase_limit *Low_Upper_Band - Budget )),;
### ### ### Lowest Upper band ### ### ###
### ### ### VWAP ### ### ###
AddLabel(current_Vwap_price, Concat(" Vwap price = ", Round (VWAP)), Color.viOLET);
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_VWAP, Concat("buy Arrow shares Profit @ Vwap = ", Round( Budget / greenBuy * vwap - Budget)), Color.viOLET);
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_current_price_and_sold_at_high_lower_band, Concat("Current price shares profit @ Vwap = ", Round( Share_Quantity_purchase_limit * vwap - Budget )), Color.viOLET);
### ### ### VWAP ### ### ###
### ### ### high lower band ### ### ###
AddLabel(current_high_Lower_band_price, Concat(" high low band price = ", Round (High_Low_Band)),;
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_high_lower_band, Concat("buy Arrow shares Profit @ high lower band = ", Round( Budget / greenBuy * High_Low_Band - Budget)),;
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_current_price_and_sold_at_VWAP, Concat("Current price shares profit @ high lower band = ", Round( Share_Quantity_purchase_limit * High_Low_Band - Budget )),;
### ### ### high lower band ### ### ###
### ### ### Medium lower band ### ### ###
AddLabel(Current_lower_Medium_band_price, Concat(" Medium lower Band price = ", Round (Med_low_Band)),(CreateColor(255, 255, 255)));
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_medium_lower_band, Concat("buy Arrow shares Profit @ Medium lower Band = ", Round( Budget / greenBuy * Med_low_Band - Budget)), (CreateColor(255, 255, 255)));
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_current_price_and_sold_at_medium_lower_band, Concat("Current price shares profit @ Medium lower Band = ", Round( Share_Quantity_purchase_limit * Med_low_Band - Budget )), (CreateColor(255, 255, 255)));
### ### ### Medium lower band ### ### ###
### ### ### Lowest lower band ### ### ###
AddLabel(current_Lowest_band_price, Concat(" Lowest band price = ", Round (Lowest_Low_Band)),(CreateColor(255, 95, 95)));
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_buy_arrow_and_sold_at_lowest_band, Concat("buy Arrow shares Profit @ lowest band = ", Round( Budget / greenBuy * Lowest_Low_Band - Budget)),(CreateColor(255, 95, 95)));
AddLabel(Profit_if_you_bought_at_current_price_and_sold_at_lowest_band, Concat("Current price shares profit @ lowest band = ", Round( Share_Quantity_purchase_limit * Lowest_Low_Band - Budget )),(CreateColor(255, 95, 95)));
### ### ### Lowest lower band ### ### ###
# spacer
input Spacer4 = yes;
addlabel(Spacer4, " ",(CreateColor(8,65,93))); # my custom color for my setup.
# end spacer code
input Stop_loss_dollar_amount = 250;
input profit_target = 50.0;
input Stop_Loss_targeted_max_loss = yes;
input Stop_Loss_share_price_target = yes;
input The_Current_stock_price_Stop_Loss_share_price_target = yes;
input profit_goal = yes;
input Required_Price_Change_for_profit = yes;
input Stock_Price_Profit_goal_share_price = yes;
AddLabel(Stop_Loss_targeted_max_loss, Concat("Stop Loss targeted max loss = ", Round( Stop_loss_dollar_amount)),Color.white);
AddLabel(Stop_Loss_share_price_target, Concat("Stop Loss share price target = ", Round( Stop_loss_dollar_amount / Share_Quantity_purchase_limit )),Color.white);
AddLabel(The_Current_stock_price_Stop_Loss_share_price_target, Concat("The Current stock price minus the Stop Loss share price target share = ", Round( current_price - (Stop_loss_dollar_amount / Share_Quantity_purchase_limit) )),Color.white);
AddLabel(profit_goal, Concat("profit goal = ", Round( profit_target )),;
AddLabel(Required_Price_Change_for_profit, Concat("Required Price Change for profit = ", Round( profit_target / Share_Quantity_purchase_limit )),;
AddLabel(Stock_Price_Profit_goal_share_price , Concat("Stock Price + Profit goal share price = ", Round( profit_target / Share_Quantity_purchase_limit + current_price )),;
plot stop_loss_line = current_price - (Stop_loss_dollar_amount / Share_Quantity_purchase_limit);
plot profit_target_line = profit_target / Share_Quantity_purchase_limit + current_price;