@MerryDayTSI Dashboard For ThinkOrSwim
Here is my TSI Dashboard.
You should be able to amend it to meet your needs.
This version is superior to the Tradestation code you listed. Your code only looks at above and below zero. This takes all the conditions into account.
I use the True Strength dashboard to weed out the false signals of other studies.
Ruby:########################################################################### #TSItsiTSI #Settings #standard = 25,13,8 #quicker = 13,7,8 #daily, weekly & monthly = 40,20,8 #A quick review of the BUY signals: #1. TSI crosses above zero. #2. TSI crosses above moving average. #3. TSI makes higher low (below zero) while price makes a lower low #And the SELL signals: #1. TSI crosses below zero #2. TSI crosses below moving average #3. TSI makes a lower high (above zero) while price makes a higher high #4. Trend of TSI breaks down declare lower; input longLength = 25; input shortLength = 13; input signalLength = 8; input averageType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL; def diff = close - close[1]; def doubleSmoothedAbsDiff = MovingAverage(averageType, MovingAverage(averageType, AbsValue(diff), longLength), shortLength); def TSI = if doubleSmoothedAbsDiff == 0 then 0 else 100 * (MovingAverage(averageType, MovingAverage(averageType, diff, longLength), shortLength)) / doubleSmoothedAbsDiff; def Signal = MovingAverage(averageType, TSI, signalLength); ########################################################################## #TSI Short Term input longLengths = 8; input shortLengths = 8; input signalLengths = 3; def diffs = close - close[1]; def doubleSmoothedAbsDiffs = MovingAverage(averageType, MovingAverage(averageType, AbsValue(diffs), longLengths), shortLengths); def TSIs; TSIs = if doubleSmoothedAbsDiffs == 0 then 0 else 100 * (MovingAverage(averageType, MovingAverage(averageType, diffs, longLengths), shortLengths)) / doubleSmoothedAbsDiffs; ########################################################################## #TSI Long Term input longLengthl = 40; input shortLengthl = 20; input signalLengthl = 8; def diffl = close - close[1]; def doubleSmoothedAbsDiffl = MovingAverage(averageType, MovingAverage(averageType, AbsValue(diffl), longLengthl), shortLengthl); def TSIl; TSIl = if doubleSmoothedAbsDiffl == 0 then 0 else 100 * (MovingAverage(averageType, MovingAverage(averageType, diffl, longLengthl), shortLengthl)) / doubleSmoothedAbsDiffl; ###################################################################### #TSI Horizontal Line def bullish = TSIl > TSIl[1] and TSIs > TSIs[1] and TSI > TSI[1]; def bearish = TSIl < TSIl[1] and TSIs < TSIs[1] and TSI < TSI[1]; def bar = barNumber(); plot TSI_Dashboard = 0.00; TSI_Dashboard.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.HORIZONTAL); TSI_Dashboard.SetLineWeight(2); TSI_Dashboard.AssignValueColor(if bullish then Color.cyan else if bearish then Color.dark_orange else Color.GRAY);
Another question is about the time axis. When "Expansion area" is used (shown as in the picture below):
The TSI dashboard cannot have the "expansion area" automatically (shown in the picture below):
How can I make this work?