Tillson T3 Moving Average for Thinkorswim

post it here or create a new post if it's not relevant to T3 and let's see what we can do.
Its a MACD code Tony Lipton it creates very good levels to lean on, using the 30 minutes on a 5 minute time would be useful with the T3 slope

# R1V1   2011.05.14:22:15 - TONY LIPTON
#        monitors macd divergenge for entry

#        MAJOR CODE CONTRIBUTION by KumoBob aka Bob Campbell
#        http://fibonacci-financial.blogspot.com/



DEF vh34 = highest(MACDHistogram(VFL,VSL),VLB);
DEF vl34 = lowest(MACDHistogram(VFL,VSL),VLB);

input ChartBubblesON = Yes;
input LinesON = Yes;

rec top;
rec bot;

top = if
MACDHistogram(VFL,VSL) == VH34
then High  else top[1];
bot = if
MACDHistogram(VFL,VSL) == VL34
then Low  else bot[1];

plot topline = if !LinesOn then Double.NaN else top;
topline.assignValueColor(if ((top < HIGH)) then color.white  else color.Gray);

plot bottomline =  if !LinesOn then Double.NaN else bot;
bottomline.assignValueColor(if ((LOW < bot)) then color.White else color.Gray);

Last edited by a moderator:

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@diazlaz For the Cash session we would use the MACD on a 15-minute time frame for tops and bottoms and we would use 2 or 3 min with a T3 slope for a guide for a profit target of 50% of the previous range, a profit target would have to be tested for SPY 1.0 point at minimum.
The red slope downward is where the good trades are at coming from the larger time frame resistance, but we want to dial down even further and make the entry with lower risk so we would use the 2 or 3 minutes which will get in even closer to the highs, when we narrow down the risk we can trade more size because the stop area is manageable
@Trading51 I have compared MTF Hull to MTF Tillson and I think that Tillson is just too late. In the pix you posted...how do you know that these are the tops? You can't tell by the Tillson MA...ONLY way is to know when the candle is below the Tillson MA that signifies a potential trend change. I think Leavitt Projection MTF would be a nice addition and potentially would serve as a better entry. Below pic is a comparison between Tillson T3 MTF and Hull MTF set to 15 min aggregation on a 5 min chart...IF you enter on the color change on the 5 min chart based on the 15 min aggregation you can for sure make some good trades. Also try MTF Stochastic instead of MACD. That will probably work better as stochastic tends to hit fasters and both indicate the same thing.

@Trading51 I have compared MTF Hull to MTF Tillson and I think that Tillson is just too late. In the pix you posted...how do you know that these are the tops? You can't tell by the Tillson MA...ONLY way is to know when the candle is below the Tillson MA that signifies a potential trend change. I think Leavitt Projection MTF would be a nice addition and potentially would serve as a better entry. Below pic is a comparison between Tillson T3 MTF and Hull MTF set to 15 min aggregation on a 5 min chart...IF you enter on the color change on the 5 min chart based on the 15 min aggregation you can for sure make some good trades. Also try MTF Stochastic instead of MACD. That will probably work better as stochastic tends to hit fasters and both indicate the same thing.

I like the HULL it’s what I used before the T3, I like the smoothness in the T3 it has less whipsaw even on a 2 min time frame, MACD is an interesting code it’s showing you were the divergence is in price, it’s not the MACD that goes in the lower pane that’s one of the unique features, that’s why I’m asking for help to get it with MTF inputs i think it will work really well, I use that for locating where price is most likely going to reverse, I like the Hull 15 with 11 period, what period do you use, HULL is one of the good ones along with MESA, T3 works really well with futures on the lower time frames, that’s the true test for chop.
I like the HULL it’s what I used before the T3, I like the smoothness in the T3 it has less whipsaw even on a 2 min time frame, MACD is an interesting code it’s showing you were the divergence is in price, it’s not the MACD that goes in the lower pane that’s one of the unique features, that’s why I’m asking for help to get it with MTF inputs i think it will work really well, I use that for locating where price is most likely going to reverse, I like the Hull 15 with 11 period, what period do you use, HULL is one of the good ones along with MESA, T3 works really well with futures on the lower time frames, that’s the true test for chop.
In the picture taken above Tillson was set to default 15 and Hull default 20...both aggregation set to 15 min. and running on a 5 min chart. When you set higher aggregation to both...the smoothness of the lines is gone regardless...You can clearly see that based on the color change of the HULL which is Magenta and Cyan...it hits much faster than Tillson...I have even tested both on no aggregations and Hull is faster but it dos throw in fake outs in a choppy market. Test out the divergence by the MTF Stochastic as well...I am not a coder so I can't do your request but hopefully someone here will.
A small addition to this thread
There is a less know variation of T3 invented by Bob Fulks and Alex Matulich that makes the t3 more responsive than the original Tim Tillson version (the lag in Fulks/Matulich variation is comparable to ema lag). This version is :
  • adding an option to use original Tim Tillson calculation of Fulks/Matulich calculation
  • adding floating levels
  • adding coloring (and signaling) modes based on :
  • slope change
  • outer levels cross
  • middle level cross

Script is shared here T3 extended
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A small addition to this thread
There is a less know variation of T3 invented by Bob Fulks and Alex Matulich that makes the t3 more responsive than the original Tim Tillson version (the lag in Fulks/Matulich variation is comparable to ema lag). This version is :
  • adding an option to use original Tim Tillson calculation of Fulks/Matulich calculation
  • adding floating levels
  • adding coloring (and signaling) modes based on :
  • slope change
  • outer levels cross
  • middle level cross

Script is shared here T3 extended
Could you add an input for T4 and T5 ?
@diazlaz I've tried adjusting the script to only paint the longer aggregation. Then my candle colors would be MTF :)
I thought it would be easy but I'm stumped. I know if it can be done it will repaint.
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AssignPriceColor(if sState2 == 100 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

Turning off paintbars and adding above will paint the candles for the second aggregation
Thanks for the prompt @MerryDay 😊
View attachment 1481

# filename: _Tillson_T3_Moving_Average_
# source: https://futures.io/thinkorswim/34287-tilson-t3-moving-average.html#post460861
# created by: rmejia
# last update: 12/17/2014

#hint:<b>T3 Adaptive Smoothing Indicator</b>\nThis study was adopted from the Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities article "Smoothing Techniques for More Accurate Signals" by Tim Tillson, Jan 1998 (V16:1 pp33-37)
#hint: indicator: Defines the level of filtering to occur, default is 3
#hint: volumeFactor: Adjusts the amplitude of the feedback added back into the base filter

declare upper;

input indicator    = { T1, T2, default T3, T4, T5, T6 };
input price        = close;
input period       = 15;
input volumeFactor = 0.70;
input displace = 0;
input sign         = { default plus, minus };
input Label        = No;
input paintbars    = No;

script _gd {
  input _price  = close;
  input _period = 10;
  input _v      = 0.70;
  input _sign   = { default plus, minus };
  def _ema      = ExpAverage( _price, _period );
  plot _gd      = ( _ema * ( 1 + _v ) ) - ( ExpAverage( _ema, _period ) * _v );

def _t1 = _gd( price[-displace], period, volumeFactor, sign );
def _t2 = _gd( _t1,   period, volumeFactor, sign );
def _t3 = _gd( _t2,   period, volumeFactor, sign );
def _t4 = _gd( _t3,   period, volumeFactor, sign );
def _t5 = _gd( _t4,   period, volumeFactor, sign );
def _t6 = _gd( _t5,   period, volumeFactor, sign );

plot T3;
switch( indicator ) {
  case T1:
    T3 = _t1;
  case T2:
    T3 = _t2;
  case T3:
    T3 = _t3;
  case T4:
    T3 = _t4;
  case T5:
    T3 = _t5;
  case T6:
    T3 = _t6;

T3.AssignValueColor(if T3 > T3[1] then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

AddLabel(Label, if T3 > T3[1] then "  A  " else "  A  ", if T3 > T3[1] then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

assignPriceColor(if paintbars and T3 < T3[1] then color.DARK_RED else if paintbars and T3 > T3[1] then color.DARK_GREEN else color.CURRENT);

More info: https://technicalindicators.net/indicators-technical-analysis/150-t3-moving-average

View attachment 1482

Comparing 8 period EMA (Green/Red) with 8 period Tillson T3 MA with T1 setting (Magenta/Yellow)...

View attachment 1483

Comparing 8 period Hull MA (Green/Red) with 8 period Tillson T3 MA with T1 setting (Magenta/Yellow)...

View attachment 1484

The "Winner": 8 period Tillson T3 MA with T1 and 0.10 Volume Factor settings...
I am only interested in the value return instead of the plot itself. For example, I want to use this value (Tilson T5, period = 2 price = close (aggregation= 2_min). What code should I write to get this value for the lower study? Thanks
I am only interested in the value return instead of the plot itself. For example, I want to use this value (Tilson T5, period = 2 price = close (aggregation= 2_min). What code should I write to get this value for the lower study? Thanks
# TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. (c) 2009-2023
input agg = AggregationPeriod.TWO_MIN;
def price = close(period = agg);;
input length = 2;

def ema1 = ExpAverage(price, length);
def ema2 = ExpAverage(ema1, length);
def ema3 = ExpAverage(ema2, length);

declare lower;
plot TEMA = 3 * ema1 - 3 * ema2 + ema3;
Hi @Trading51, Here is an MTF version. please adjust your agg periods (1=A, 2=B), Label and color paints for the first Agg period included. please share your backtest and findings on how we might be able to trade this ;) I'm sure this can be further enhanced but wanted to refactor the gd script to make it MTF as an initial release. took me a bit of work and testing to make sure it was correct.

View attachment 6834

#Tillson T3 Moving Average MTF Edition for ThinkOrSwim
#@diazlaz 2020.03.31 Version 1.0
# filename: Tillson_T3_Moving_Average
# source: https://futures.io/thinkorswim/34287-tilson-t3-moving-average.html#post460861
# created by: rmejia
# last update: 12/17/2014
# MTF Version @diazlaz 2020.03.31 Version 1.0
#hint:<b>T3 Adaptive Smoothing Indicator</b>\nThis study was adopted from the Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities article "Smoothing Techniques for More Accurate Signals" by Tim Tillson, Jan 1998 (V16:1 pp33-37)
#hint: indicator: Defines the level of filtering to occur, default is 3
#hint: volumeFactor: Adjusts the amplitude of the feedback added back into the base filter
input indicator    = { T1, T2, default T3, T4, T5, T6 };
input price = close;
input period = 15;
input volumeFactor = 0.70;
input displace = 0;
input sign = { plus, default minus };
input Label = Yes;
input paintbars    = Yes; #paints Primary aggregation1
input aggregation1 = AggregationPeriod.MIN;
input aggregation2 = AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN;
def t1_price_01 = close(period = aggregation1);
def t1_ema_01 = ExpAverage( t1_price_01, period );
def t1_gd_01 = ( t1_ema_01 * ( 1 + volumeFactor ) ) - ( ExpAverage( t1_ema_01, period ) * volumeFactor );
def t2_price_01 = t1_gd_01;
def t2_ema_01 = ExpAverage( t2_price_01, period );
def t2_gd_01 = ( t2_ema_01 * ( 1 + volumeFactor ) ) - ( ExpAverage( t2_ema_01, period ) * volumeFactor );
def t3_price_01 = t2_gd_01;
def t3_ema_01 = ExpAverage( t3_price_01, period );
def t3_gd_01 = ( t3_ema_01 * ( 1 + volumeFactor ) ) - ( ExpAverage( t3_ema_01, period ) * volumeFactor );
def T4_price_01 = t3_gd_01;
def T4_ema_01 = ExpAverage( T4_price_01, period );
def T4_gd_01 = ( T4_ema_01 * ( 1 + volumeFactor ) ) - ( ExpAverage( T4_ema_01, period ) * volumeFactor );
def T5_price_01 = T4_gd_01;
def T5_ema_01 = ExpAverage( T5_price_01, period );
def T5_gd_01 = ( T5_ema_01 * ( 1 + volumeFactor ) ) - ( ExpAverage( T5_ema_01, period ) * volumeFactor );
def T6_price_01 = T5_gd_01;
def T6_ema_01 = ExpAverage( T6_price_01, period );
def T6_gd_01 = ( T6_ema_01 * ( 1 + volumeFactor ) ) - ( ExpAverage( T6_ema_01, period ) * volumeFactor );
plot T3_01;
switch( indicator ) {
case T1:
T3_01 = t1_gd_01;
case T2:
T3_01 = t2_gd_01;
case T3:
T3_01 = t3_gd_01;
case T4:
T3_01 = t4_gd_01;
case T5:
T3_01 = t5_gd_01;
case T6:
T3_01 = t6_gd_01;
T3_01.AssignValueColor(if T3_01 > T3_01[1] then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
AddLabel(Label, if T3_01 > T3_01[1] then " A " else " A ", if T3_01 > T3_01[1] then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
assignPriceColor(if paintbars and T3_01 < T3_01[1] then color.DARK_RED else if paintbars and T3_01 > T3_01[1] then color.DARK_GREEN else color.CURRENT);
def t1_price_02 = close(period = aggregation2);
def t1_ema_02 = ExpAverage( t1_price_02, period );
def t1_gd_02 = ( t1_ema_02 * ( 1 + volumeFactor ) ) - ( ExpAverage( t1_ema_02, period ) * volumeFactor );
def t2_price_02 = t1_gd_02;
def t2_ema_02 = ExpAverage( t2_price_02, period );
def t2_gd_02 = ( t2_ema_02 * ( 1 + volumeFactor ) ) - ( ExpAverage( t2_ema_02, period ) * volumeFactor );
def t3_price_02 = t2_gd_02;
def t3_ema_02 = ExpAverage( t3_price_02, period );
def t3_gd_02 = ( t3_ema_02 * ( 1 + volumeFactor ) ) - ( ExpAverage( t3_ema_02, period ) * volumeFactor );
def T4_price_02 = t3_gd_02;
def T4_ema_02 = ExpAverage( T4_price_02, period );
def T4_gd_02 = ( T4_ema_02 * ( 1 + volumeFactor ) ) - ( ExpAverage( T4_ema_02, period ) * volumeFactor );
def T5_price_02 = T4_gd_02;
def T5_ema_02 = ExpAverage( T5_price_02, period );
def T5_gd_02 = ( T5_ema_02 * ( 1 + volumeFactor ) ) - ( ExpAverage( T5_ema_02, period ) * volumeFactor );
def T6_price_02 = T5_gd_02;
def T6_ema_02 = ExpAverage( T6_price_02, period );
def T6_gd_02 = ( T6_ema_02 * ( 1 + volumeFactor ) ) - ( ExpAverage( T6_ema_02, period ) * volumeFactor );
plot T3_02;
switch( indicator ) {
case T1:
T3_02 = t1_gd_02;
case T2:
T3_02 = t2_gd_02;
case T3:
T3_02 = t3_gd_02;
case T4:
T3_02 = t4_gd_02;
case T5:
T3_02 = t5_gd_02;
case T6:
T3_02 = t6_gd_02;
T3_02.AssignValueColor(if T3_02 > T3_02[1] then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
AddLabel(Label, if T3_02 > T3_02[1] then "  B  " else "  B  ", if T3_02 > T3_02[1] then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

#End of #Tillson T3 Moving Average MTF Edition for ThinkOrSwim

Updated as per request.

View attachment 6836

#Tillson T3 Moving Average MTF Edition for ThinkOrSwim
#@diazlaz 2020.03.31 Version 1.1
# filename: Tillson_T3_Moving_Average
# source: https://futures.io/thinkorswim/34287-tilson-t3-moving-average.html#post460861
# created by: rmejia
# last update: 12/17/2014
# MTF Version @diazlaz 2020.03.31 Version 1.0
# Version 1.1 @diazlaz 2020.03.31 Version 1.1 - Updated Line Plots to plot both states at lower timeframe.
#hint:<b>T3 Adaptive Smoothing Indicator</b>\nThis study was adopted from the Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities article "Smoothing Techniques for More Accurate Signals" by Tim Tillson, Jan 1998 (V16:1 pp33-37)
#hint: indicator: Defines the level of filtering to occur, default is 3
#hint: volumeFactor: Adjusts the amplitude of the feedback added back into the base filter

input indicator    = { T1, T2, default T3, T4, T5, T6 };
input price = close;
input period = 15;
input volumeFactor = 0.70;
input displace = 0;
input sign = { plus, default minus };
input Label = Yes;
input paintbars    = Yes; #paints Primary aggregation1
input aggregation1 = AggregationPeriod.MIN;
input aggregation2 = AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN;
def t1_price_01 = close(period = aggregation1);
def t1_ema_01 = ExpAverage( t1_price_01, period );
def t1_gd_01 = ( t1_ema_01 * ( 1 + volumeFactor ) ) - ( ExpAverage( t1_ema_01, period ) * volumeFactor );
def t2_price_01 = t1_gd_01;
def t2_ema_01 = ExpAverage( t2_price_01, period );
def t2_gd_01 = ( t2_ema_01 * ( 1 + volumeFactor ) ) - ( ExpAverage( t2_ema_01, period ) * volumeFactor );
def t3_price_01 = t2_gd_01;
def t3_ema_01 = ExpAverage( t3_price_01, period );
def t3_gd_01 = ( t3_ema_01 * ( 1 + volumeFactor ) ) - ( ExpAverage( t3_ema_01, period ) * volumeFactor );
def T4_price_01 = t3_gd_01;
def T4_ema_01 = ExpAverage( T4_price_01, period );
def T4_gd_01 = ( T4_ema_01 * ( 1 + volumeFactor ) ) - ( ExpAverage( T4_ema_01, period ) * volumeFactor );
def T5_price_01 = T4_gd_01;
def T5_ema_01 = ExpAverage( T5_price_01, period );
def T5_gd_01 = ( T5_ema_01 * ( 1 + volumeFactor ) ) - ( ExpAverage( T5_ema_01, period ) * volumeFactor );
def T6_price_01 = T5_gd_01;
def T6_ema_01 = ExpAverage( T6_price_01, period );
def T6_gd_01 = ( T6_ema_01 * ( 1 + volumeFactor ) ) - ( ExpAverage( T6_ema_01, period ) * volumeFactor );
plot T3_01;
switch( indicator ) {
case T1:
T3_01 = t1_gd_01;
case T2:
T3_01 = t2_gd_01;
case T3:
T3_01 = t3_gd_01;
case T4:
T3_01 = t4_gd_01;
case T5:
T3_01 = t5_gd_01;
case T6:
T3_01 = t6_gd_01;
T3_01.AssignValueColor(if T3_01 > T3_01[1] then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
AddLabel(Label, if T3_01 > T3_01[1] then " A " else " A ", if T3_01 > T3_01[1] then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
assignPriceColor(if paintbars and T3_01 < T3_01[1] then color.DARK_RED else if paintbars and T3_01 > T3_01[1] then color.DARK_GREEN else color.CURRENT);
def t1_price_02 = close(period = aggregation2);
def t1_ema_02 = ExpAverage( t1_price_02, period );
def t1_gd_02 = ( t1_ema_02 * ( 1 + volumeFactor ) ) - ( ExpAverage( t1_ema_02, period ) * volumeFactor );
def t2_price_02 = t1_gd_02;
def t2_ema_02 = ExpAverage( t2_price_02, period );
def t2_gd_02 = ( t2_ema_02 * ( 1 + volumeFactor ) ) - ( ExpAverage( t2_ema_02, period ) * volumeFactor );
def t3_price_02 = t2_gd_02;
def t3_ema_02 = ExpAverage( t3_price_02, period );
def t3_gd_02 = ( t3_ema_02 * ( 1 + volumeFactor ) ) - ( ExpAverage( t3_ema_02, period ) * volumeFactor );
def T4_price_02 = t3_gd_02;
def T4_ema_02 = ExpAverage( T4_price_02, period );
def T4_gd_02 = ( T4_ema_02 * ( 1 + volumeFactor ) ) - ( ExpAverage( T4_ema_02, period ) * volumeFactor );
def T5_price_02 = T4_gd_02;
def T5_ema_02 = ExpAverage( T5_price_02, period );
def T5_gd_02 = ( T5_ema_02 * ( 1 + volumeFactor ) ) - ( ExpAverage( T5_ema_02, period ) * volumeFactor );
def T6_price_02 = T5_gd_02;
def T6_ema_02 = ExpAverage( T6_price_02, period );
def T6_gd_02 = ( T6_ema_02 * ( 1 + volumeFactor ) ) - ( ExpAverage( T6_ema_02, period ) * volumeFactor );
plot T3_02;
switch( indicator ) {
case T1:
T3_02 = t1_gd_02;
case T2:
T3_02 = t2_gd_02;
case T3:
T3_02 = t3_gd_02;
case T4:
T3_02 = t4_gd_02;
case T5:
T3_02 = t5_gd_02;
case T6:
T3_02 = t6_gd_02;

def sState1 = if T3_01 > T3_01[1] then 100 else -100;
def sState2 = if T3_02 > T3_02[1] then 100 else -100;
T3_02.AssignValueColor(if sState2 == 100 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
AddLabel(Label, if T3_02 > T3_02[1] then "  B  " else "  B  ", if T3_02 > T3_02[1] then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

#End of #Tillson T3 Moving Average MTF Edition for ThinkOrSwim

This indicator will not appear on my chart. I have imported it and added as a study.
This indicator will not appear on my chart. I have imported it and added as a study.

You didn't provide enough information to say where you went astray.
The most common error, when using MTF indicators, is trying to use a time frame that is lower than the chart you are posting it on.

On the TOS platform, you can display data from a higher timeframe onto a lower timeframe but not the other way around.

For example, you can overlay daily on hourly but cannot use hourly on your daily chart.

If this does not answer your question; please provide a shared chart link of the chart where the indicator is being applied but not showing up.

How to create a shared chart link:

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