Do any of you know if I can find the volume by price study in ThinkorSwim to display volume on the left as horizontal volume bars? I have played with the default ToS Volume Profile indicator and I can't get so it's simple to see on my charts. Is there a custom script that anyone has used in the past for just a simple / easy to read study? I copied a few below from other charting systems for what I consider simple.
# Volume by Price location
# Mobius
# Chat Room Request 08.16.2016
declare lower;
def Active = if SecondsFromTime(0930) > 0 and
SecondsTillTime(1600) >= 0
then 1
else 0;
def hh = if Active and !Active[1]
then high
else if Active and
high > hh[1]
then high
else hh[1];
def ll = if Active and !Active[1]
then low
else if Active and
low < ll[1]
then low
else ll[1];
def volP = if ((close - ll) / (hh - ll)) > .5
then volume
else -volume;
def data = if Active then
data[1] + volP
else data[1];
plot Histo = if Active then data else double.nan;