#/ This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
#// © loxx
#indicator("Super 6x: RSI, MACD, Stoch, Loxxer, CCI, & Velocity [Loxx]", shorttitle="S6XRMSDCV [Loxx]",
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 03/2023
declare lower;
input ColorTriggerCandle = yes;
input colorbars = yes; # "Color bars?"
input loxxPeriod = 14; # 'Loxxer Period'
input loxxChartTimeframe = yes;
input loxxAgg = AggregationPeriod.TWO_MIN; # 'Loxxer Resolution'
input loxxRepainting = yes; # 'Loxxer Allow Repainting?'
input macdSource = close; # 'MACD Source'
input macdFastPeriod = 12; # 'MACD Fast Period'
input macdSlowPeriod = 26; # 'MACD Slow Period'
input macdChartTimeframe = yes;
input macdAgg = AggregationPeriod.TWO_MIN; # 'MACD Resolution'
input macdRepainting = yes; # 'MACD Allow Repainting?'
input rsiSource = close; # 'RSI Source'
input rsiPeriod = 14; # 'RSI Period'
input rsiChartTimeframe = yes;
input rsiAgg = AggregationPeriod.TWO_MIN; # 'RSI Resolution'
input rsiRepainting = yes; # 'RSI Allow Repainting?'
input VelocitySource = close; # 'Velocity Source'
input VelocityPeriod = 32; # "Velocity Period"
input VelocityFastPeriod = 1; # "Velocity Fast Period"
input VelocitySlowPeriod = 2; # "Velocity Slow Period"
input VelChartTimeframe = yes;
input velAgg = AggregationPeriod.TWO_MIN; # 'Velocity Resolution'
input velRepainting = yes; # 'Velocity Allow Repainting?'
input cciSource = close; # "CCI Source"
input cciPeriod = 14; # "CCI Period"
input cciChartTimeframe = yes;
input cciAgg = AggregationPeriod.TWO_MIN; # 'CCI Resolution'
input cciRepainting = yes; # 'CCI Allow Repainting?'
input periodK = 14; # "Stochasitc %K Length"
input smoothK = 1; # "Stochasitc %K Smoothing"
input periodD = 3; # "Stochasitc %D Smoothing"
input stochChartTimeframe = yes;
input stochAgg = AggregationPeriod.TWO_MIN; # 'Stochasitc Resolution'
input stochRepainting = yes; # 'Stochasitc Allow Repainting?'
#/ This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
#// © QuantraAI
#indicator("Scalper's Volatility Filter", "SVF", false, timeframe = '', timeframe_gaps = false)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 02/2024
input DisplayType = {default "Crosses", "Histogram"}; # " Display Type"
input BaseAtrLength = 13; # "Base ATR Length"
input SecondAtrLength = 40; # "Second ATR Length"
input BaseStdDevLength = 20; # "Base StdDev"
input SecondStdDevLength = 100; # "Second StdDev"
input adxSmoothing = 14; # "ADX Smoothing"
input diLength = 14; # "DI Length"
input adxBaseline = 25; # "ADX Baseline"
input RegressionLengt = 20; # "Regression Length"
input RegressionSensitivity = 350; # "Regression Sensitivity"
input BarColoring = no; # "Bar Coloring"
input showLabel = no;
def na = Double.NaN;
def last = IsNaN(close);
def his = DisplayType == DisplayType."Histogram";
#// Functions //
#// Modified Damiani Voltemter // Credit to @xinolia
script DV {
input src = close;
input vis_atr = 13;
input vis_std = 20;
input sed_atr = 40;
input sed_std = 100;
def lag_s_K = 0.5;
def vol;
def s1 = if IsNaN(vol[1]) then 0 else vol[1];
def s3 = if IsNaN(vol[3]) then 0 else vol[3];
def visAtr = ATR(Length = vis_atr);
def sedAtr = ATR(Length = sed_atr);
def visStd = StDev(src, vis_std);
def sedStd = StDev(src, sed_std);
vol = visAtr / sedAtr + lag_s_K * (s1 - s3);
def anti_thres = visStd / sedStd;
def t1 = 1.4 - anti_thres;
def t = t1 - vol;
def DV = -t * 100;
plot out = if IsNaN(DV) then 0 else DV;
#// Average Directional Index
script nADX {
input dilen = 14;
input adxlen = 14;
def averageType = AverageType.WILDERS;
def hiDiff = high - high[1];
def loDiff = low[1] - low;
def plusDM = if hiDiff > loDiff and hiDiff > 0 then hiDiff else 0;
def minusDM = if loDiff > hiDiff and loDiff > 0 then loDiff else 0;
def ATR = MovingAverage(averageType, TrueRange(high, close, low), dilen);
def "DI+" = 100 * MovingAverage(averageType, plusDM, dilen) / ATR;
def "DI-" = 100 * MovingAverage(averageType, minusDM, dilen) / ATR;
def DX = if ("DI+" + "DI-" > 0) then 100 * AbsValue("DI+" - "DI-") / ("DI+" + "DI-") else 0;
def nADX = MovingAverage(averageType, DX, adxlen);
plot out = nADX;
#// Linear Regression Dispersion
script dispersion {
input period = 20;
input TrSens = 350;
def linRegLine = Inertia(close, period);
def tes = StDev(close - linRegLine, period);
def dispersion = (tes - Median(tes, TrSens)) / 2;
plot out = dispersion;
# / Calculations //
def dvm = DV(close, BaseAtrLength, BaseStdDevLength, SecondAtrLength, SecondStdDevLength);
def sig = (nADX(diLength, adxSmoothing) - adxBaseline) * 3;
def dis = dispersion(RegressionLengt, RegressionSensitivity);
def av = (dvm + sig + dis) / 3;
def clr = if av > 0 then if av > av[1] then 2 else -2 else
if av < 0 then if av < av[1] then 1 else -1 else 0;
############################ORIG TREND_METER########################################;
def pos = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
def neg = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
def isrealtime = !IsNaN(close);
########### Theme 1################
DefineGlobalColor("green" , Color.GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("red" , Color.RED);
# stoch(source, high, low, length) =>
script stoch {
input src = close;
input h = high;
input l = low;
input len = 14;
def stoch = 100 * (src - Lowest(l, len)) / (Highest(h, len) - Lowest(l, len));
plot return = stoch;
#_imom(src, length, powSlow, powFast)=>
script _imom {
input src = close;
input length = 32;
input powSlow = 1;
input powFast = 2;
def suma;
def sumwa;
def imom;
def sumb;
def sumwb;
suma = fold k = 0 to length with p do
p + src[k] * Power(length - k, powSlow);
sumb = fold k1 = 0 to length with p1 do
p1 + src[k1] * Power(length - k1, powFast);
sumwa = fold k2 = 0 to length with p2 do
p2 + Power(length - k2, powSlow);
sumwb = fold k3 = 0 to length with p3 do
p3 + Power(length - k3, powFast);
imom = (sumb / sumwb - suma / sumwa);
plot out = imom;
#_dm(per, res, rep)=>
script _dm {
input per = 14;
input changeHi = 0;
input changeLo = 0;
def demax = if changeHi > 0 then changeHi else 0;
def demin = if changeLo < 0 then AbsValue(changeLo) else 0;
def maxma = Average(demax, per);
def minma = Average(demin, per);
def loxxer = 100 * maxma / (maxma + minma);
plot out = loxxer;
def macdsrc = if macdChartTimeframe then
if macdRepainting then macdSource else if isrealtime then macdSource[1] else macdSource else
if macdRepainting then close(Period = macdAgg) else if isrealtime then close(Period = macdAgg)[1] else close(Period = macdAgg);
def rsisrc = if rsiChartTimeframe then
if rsiRepainting then rsiSource else if isrealtime then rsiSource[1] else rsiSource else
if rsiRepainting then close(Period = rsiAgg) else if isrealtime then close(Period = rsiAgg)[1] else close(Period = rsiAgg);
def velsrc = if VelChartTimeframe then
if velRepainting then VelocitySource else if isrealtime then VelocitySource[1] else VelocitySource else
if velRepainting then close(Period = velAgg) else if isrealtime then close(Period = velAgg)[1] else close(Period = velAgg);
def ccisrc = if cciChartTimeframe then
if cciRepainting then cciSource else if isrealtime then cciSource[1] else cciSource else
if cciRepainting then close(Period = cciAgg) else if isrealtime then close(Period = cciAgg)[1] else close(Period = cciAgg);
def stochhi = if stochChartTimeframe then
if stochRepainting then high else if isrealtime then high[1] else high else
if stochRepainting then high(Period = stochAgg) else if isrealtime then high(Period = stochAgg)[1] else high(Period = stochAgg);
def stochlo = if stochChartTimeframe then
if stochRepainting then low else if isrealtime then low[1] else low else
if stochRepainting then low(Period = stochAgg) else if isrealtime then low(Period = stochAgg)[1] else low(Period = stochAgg);
def stochclose = if stochChartTimeframe then
if stochRepainting then close else if isrealtime then close[1] else close else
if stochRepainting then close(Period = stochAgg) else if isrealtime then close(Period = stochAgg)[1] else close(Period = stochAgg);
def highin = if loxxChartTimeframe then
if loxxRepainting then high else if isrealtime then high[1] else high else
if loxxRepainting then high(Period = loxxAgg) else if isrealtime then high(Period = loxxAgg)[1] else high(Period = loxxAgg);
def lowin = if loxxChartTimeframe then
if loxxRepainting then low else if isrealtime then low[1] else low else
if loxxRepainting then low(Period = loxxAgg) else if isrealtime then low(Period = loxxAgg)[1] else low(Period = loxxAgg);
def macdValue = ExpAverage(macdsrc, macdFastPeriod) - ExpAverage(macdsrc, macdSlowPeriod);
def linDev = LinDev(ccisrc, cciPeriod);
def nCCI = if linDev == 0 then 0 else (ccisrc - Average(ccisrc, cciPeriod)) / linDev / 0.015;
def changeHi = highin - highin[1];
def changeLo = lowin - lowin[1];
def dmark1 = _dm(loxxPeriod, changeHi, changeLo);
def macd1 = macdValue;
def rsi1 = RSI(Price = rsisrc, Length = rsiPeriod);
def stoch1 = Average(stoch(stochclose, stochhi, stochlo, periodK), smoothK);
def cci1 = nCCI;
def vel1 = _imom(velsrc, VelocityPeriod, VelocityFastPeriod, VelocitySlowPeriod);
def dmark = if !IsNaN(dmark1) then dmark1 else dmark[1];
def macd = if !IsNaN(macd1) then macd1 else macd[1];
def rsi = if !IsNaN(rsi1) then rsi1 else rsi[1];
def stoch = if !IsNaN(stoch1) then stoch1 else stoch[1];
def cci = if !IsNaN(cci1) then cci1 else cci[1];
def vel = if !IsNaN(vel1) then vel1 else vel[1];
def dmarkCol = dmark > 50;
def macdCol = macd > 0;
def rsiCol = rsi > 50;
def stochCol = stoch > 50;
def cciCol = cci > 0;
def velCol = vel > 0;
def upup = clr == 2;
def updown = clr == -2;
def downdown = clr == 1;
def downup = clr == -1;
plot dmarkLine = if last then na else 2;
plot macdLine = if last then na else 3;
plot rsiLine = if last then na else 4;
plot stochLine = if last then na else 5;
plot cciLine = if last then na else 6;
plot velLine = if last then na else 7;
plot pavHist = if his then av else 9;#, "Average Volatility", clr, 3, disp)
plot pavHist2 = if his then av else 0;
pavHist.AssignValueColor(if upup then Color.DARK_ORANGE else
if updown then Color.DARK_ORANGE else
if downdown then Color.DARK_GRAY else
if downup then Color.YELLOW else Color.BLACK);
pavHist2.AssignValueColor(if upup then Color.DARK_ORANGE else
if updown then Color.DARK_ORANGE else
if downdown then Color.DARK_GRAY else
if downup then Color.YELLOW else Color.BLACK);
dmarkLine.AssignValueColor(if dmarkCol then GlobalColor("green") else GlobalColor("red"));
macdLine.AssignValueColor(if macdCol then GlobalColor("green") else GlobalColor("red"));
rsiLine.AssignValueColor(if rsiCol then GlobalColor("green") else GlobalColor("red"));
stochLine.AssignValueColor(if stochCol then GlobalColor("green") else GlobalColor("red"));
cciLine.AssignValueColor(if cciCol then GlobalColor("green") else GlobalColor("red"));
velLine.AssignValueColor(if velCol then GlobalColor("green") else GlobalColor("red"));
def goLong_pre = dmark > 50 and macd > 0 and rsi > 50 and stoch > 50 and cci > 0 and vel > 0;
def goShort_pre = dmark < 50 and macd < 0 and rsi < 50 and stoch < 50 and cci < 0 and vel < 0;
def contSwitch;
contSwitch = if goLong_pre then 1 else if goShort_pre then -1 else 0;
def goLong = goLong_pre and (contSwitch - contSwitch[1]);
def goShort = goShort_pre and (contSwitch - contSwitch[1]);
plot long = if last then na else if contSwitch > 0 then 1 else na;
plot short = if last then na else if contSwitch < 0 then 8 else na;
#---- END of Code