New member
Hello,Hello everyone and Happy New year! I've come across another strategy that I wanted to share with you guys for SPX only.
- 10 Min chart
- Heikin Ashi candles
- SMA 3/9
- MACD Bollinger Bands (the one Ben has posted on here a while back) 8,16,36 and uncheck "show plot" on the BB upper, BB lower and BB mid line. You will only be using the zero line, MACD dots and MACD Line for entry purposes. The inputs of "b length" and "bb num dev" are irrelevant here since you will remove the the plots that I mentioned.
- ErgodicOsc 2,10,36 (changed the default negative to red)
Option call logic:
1. The SMA's have to cross first.
2. For a call opportunity, you will then wait to see if the MACD dots cross above the MACD zero line. Its critical here to wait until one dot has cleared the zero MUST see a gap....never enter with the dot on the line. Dots must be consistent as well...if its going up...then they must all be white...if a red dot populates between the time a white dot hits the zero line and the time one crosses clear....don't enter. I have a screenshot below showing this example - 13:00 a red dot appears.
3. The ErgodicOsc HAS to be green when the MACD dot crosses above the zero line. You can hold the trade most of the time until this turns from green to red....but I always set a sell limit just in case it whips back in the opposite direction.
Option put logic:
Obviously its the complete opposite of what I've described above for a call. BUT - the SMA's still have to cross first.
I backtested this 90 days and it came back with 95 opportunities. 75 were positive and 20 were breakeven or didn't move more than $1-$2 on the next candle before it changed to the opposite color candle.
For the positives, SPX only needs to move a minimum of $3 for the option premium to move to quick and decent profit. I generally buy 10 contracts with a delta of at least .35 or higher. So there were 75 times the past 90 days that SPX moved $3 or more (up or down) to be claimed a positive for me.
FYI - Since SPX doesn't begin trading until the opening bell, make sure you have your chart set to at least 1 day/10 mins. The 1 day will allow you to get a clear view of the chart and indicators, otherwise it will fill your entire screen if you use current day.
There's 2 opportunities on the attached screenshot: a put at 11:20 and a call at 14:10.
I hope those of you that trade SPX have the same success and feel free to ask questions regarding this strategy.
Can anyone please share TOS Link for this strategy ? I am not able to setup correctly for some reason in TOS. Thanks in Advance.