OOF! Non bien! That wouldn't go over well on my side either.

I am doing fine paper trading and even trading when live. I have many mental hurdles I have had to cross and am still finding more. I can't
even go into my trading room I liked so much because I get distracted too easily right now.
For instance, if I had traded ROKU today when I saw first support bounce I would have bought OTM call option for .61 and sold it at .87. a whopping $26. bucks, but, Im new at live and happy with that. I am just trying to get my confidence up so little gains are okay. I have rules for getting out if not working, I would not have, granted the stock stay stable, risked $61. I would have risked maybe $20. MAYBE.
I would have gone back in at that second bounce and lawd knows how long I would have held it. The stock just kept bouncing at supports until just recently. I am spending and risking .61 or $61.00 for a stock with high volatility. Meaning if I buy OTM options they will appreciate because of
the control of shares and volatility. One day I will buy ATM on regular volatility. Wouldn't that be nice.
So nah! You see?

However, if you have a secret I don't know or if Ive made a mistake above please let me know your thoughts.