About the SafeHullMovingAverage indicator:
This indicator is the standard colored Hull, expect that it has a neutral color. When the Hull does not match the MACD, it colors it yellow. We assume that when the Hull color is Green and Red, those are the safe periods.
thinkScript Code
Rich (BB code):
input price = close;
input length = 100;
input displace = 0;
input FastLength = 180;
input SlowLength = 208;
input MACDLength = 72;
input AverageType = {SMA, default EMA};
def macd = MACD(FastLength, SlowLength, MACDLength, AverageType).Diff;
def halflength = Ceil(length / 2);
def sqrtlength = Ceil(Sqrt(length));
def val = 2 * wma(price, halflength) - wma(price, length);
plot HMA = wma(val, sqrtlength)[-displace];
HMA.DefineColor("UP", Color.BLUE);
HMA.DefineColor("DOWN", Color.RED);
HMA.DefineColor("NEUTRAL", Color.ORANGE);
def isUP;
def isDOWN;
def isNEUTRAL;
if HMA > HMA[1] and macd >= 0 then {
isUP = yes;
isDOWN = no;
isNEUTRAL = no;
} else {
if HMA < HMA[1] and macd <= 0 then {
isUP = no;
isDOWN = yes;
isNEUTRAL = no;
} else {
isUP = no;
isDOWN = no;
isNEUTRAL = yes;
HMA.AssignValueColor(if isUP then HMA.color("UP") else if isDOWN then HMA.color("DOWN") else HMA.color("NEUTRAL"));
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