I found an S&P 500 Sector Performance chart from the Yahoo ThinkScript newsgroup, written by Jaimie Pinto that folks might find interesting.
It was written sometime ago but still very applicable today. Please enjoy it!
It was written sometime ago but still very applicable today. Please enjoy it!
# PINTO_SectorsOverlay
# Emulation of the PerfChart: S&P Sector ETFs
# http://stockcharts.com/freecharts/perf.php?[SECT]
# Updated on May/22/2012
declare upper;
input ShowOverlay = yes;
input pivot = 180; ### bars
input length = 4;
input displace = 3;
input SnP500 = "SPY";
input Cyclicals = "XLY";
input Technology = "XLK";
input Industrials = "XLI";
input Materials = "XLB";
input Energy = "XLE";
input Staples = "XLP";
input HealthCare = "XLV";
input Utilities = "XLU";
input Financials = "XLF";
def BasePrice = WildersAverage(open , length)[-length + displace];
def SnP500Price = WildersAverage(open(SnP500) , length)[-length + displace];
def CyclicalsPrice = WildersAverage(open(Cyclicals) , length)[-length + displace];
def TechnologyPrice = WildersAverage(open(Technology) , length)[-length + displace];
def IndustrialsPrice = WildersAverage(open(Industrials), length)[-length + displace];
def MaterialsPrice = WildersAverage(open(Materials) , length)[-length + displace];
def EnergyPrice = WildersAverage(open(Energy) , length)[-length + displace];
def StaplesPrice = WildersAverage(open(Staples) , length)[-length + displace];
def HealthCarePrice = WildersAverage(open(HealthCare) , length)[-length + displace];
def UtilitiesPrice = WildersAverage(open(Utilities) , length)[-length + displace];
def FinancialsPrice = WildersAverage(open(Financials) , length)[-length + displace];
def barNumber = if barNumber() > pivot then barNumber() else 1;
def BaseOpen = if barNumber == 1 then basePrice else BaseOpen[1];
def SnP500Open = if barNumber == 1 then SnP500Price else SnP500Open[1];
def CyclicalsOpen = if barNumber == 1 then CyclicalsPrice else CyclicalsOpen[1];
def TechnologyOpen = if barNumber == 1 then TechnologyPrice else TechnologyOpen[1];
def IndustrialsOpen = if barNumber == 1 then IndustrialsPrice else IndustrialsOpen[1];
def MaterialsOpen = if barNumber == 1 then MaterialsPrice else MaterialsOpen[1];
def EnergyOpen = if barNumber == 1 then EnergyPrice else EnergyOpen[1];
def StaplesOpen = if barNumber == 1 then StaplesPrice else StaplesOpen[1];
def HealthCareOpen = if barNumber == 1 then HealthCarePrice else HealthCareOpen[1];
def UtilitiesOpen = if barNumber == 1 then UtilitiesPrice else UtilitiesOpen[1];
def FinancialsOpen = if barNumber == 1 then FinancialsPrice else FinancialsOpen[1];
def Multiplier = BaseOpen;
plot dot = if barNumber() == pivot then BaseOpen else Double.NaN;
plot basePriceToPlot = if ShowOverlay then BasePrice - (BasePrice - BaseOpen) + Multiplier * (BasePrice - BaseOpen) / BaseOpen else Double.NaN;
AddLabel(ShowOverlay, " " + GetUnderlyingSymbol() + " ", Color.WHITE);
plot SnP500PriceToPlot = if ShowOverlay then SnP500Price - (SnP500Open - BaseOpen) + Multiplier * (SnP500Price - SnP500Open) / SnP500Open else Double.NaN;
AddLabel(ShowOverlay, " SnP500 ", Color.RED);
plot CyclicalsPriceToPlot = if ShowOverlay then CyclicalsPrice - (CyclicalsOpen - BaseOpen) + Multiplier * (CyclicalsPrice - CyclicalsOpen) / CyclicalsOpen else Double.NaN;
AddLabel(ShowOverlay, " Cyclicals ", Color.VIOLET);
plot TechologyPriceToPlot = if ShowOverlay then TechnologyPrice - (TechnologyOpen - BaseOpen) + Multiplier * (TechnologyPrice - TechnologyOpen) / TechnologyOpen else Double.NaN;
AddLabel(ShowOverlay, " Techology ", Color.GREEN);
plot IndustrialsPriceToPlot = if ShowOverlay then IndustrialsPrice - (IndustrialsOpen - BaseOpen) + Multiplier * (IndustrialsPrice - IndustrialsOpen) / IndustrialsOpen else Double.NaN;
AddLabel(ShowOverlay, " Industrials ", Color.MAGENTA);
plot MaterialsPriceToPlot = if ShowOverlay then MaterialsPrice - (MaterialsOpen - BaseOpen) + Multiplier * (MaterialsPrice - MaterialsOpen) / MaterialsOpen else Double.NaN;
AddLabel(ShowOverlay, " Materials ", Color.CYAN);
plot EnergyPriceToPlot = if ShowOverlay then EnergyPrice - (EnergyOpen - BaseOpen) + Multiplier * (EnergyPrice - EnergyOpen) / EnergyOpen else Double.NaN;
AddLabel(ShowOverlay, " Energy ", Color.YELLOW);
plot StaplesPriceToPlot = if ShowOverlay then StaplesPrice - (StaplesOpen - BaseOpen) + Multiplier * (StaplesPrice - StaplesOpen) / StaplesOpen else Double.NaN;
AddLabel(ShowOverlay, " Staples ", Color.DARK_GREEN);
plot HealthCarePriceToPlot = if ShowOverlay then HealthCarePrice - (HealthCareOpen - BaseOpen) + Multiplier * (HealthCarePrice - HealthCareOpen) / HealthCareOpen else Double.NaN;
AddLabel(ShowOverlay, " HealthCare ", Color.PLUM);
plot UtilitiesPriceToPlot = if ShowOverlay then UtilitiesPrice - (UtilitiesOpen - BaseOpen) + Multiplier * (UtilitiesPrice - UtilitiesOpen) / UtilitiesOpen else Double.NaN;
AddLabel(ShowOverlay, " Utilities ", Color.ORANGE);
plot FinancialsPriceToPlot = if ShowOverlay then FinancialsPrice - (FinancialsOpen - BaseOpen) + Multiplier * (FinancialsPrice - FinancialsOpen) / FinancialsOpen else Double.NaN;
AddLabel(ShowOverlay, " Financials ", Color.PINK);