Remove Horizontal Line When Crossed For ThinkOrSwim


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Remove Horizontal Line When Crossed For ThinkOrSwim
it finds previous high , low levels and draws horizontal lines from them.
if a line is crossed , all of the line is removed.

i posted this to a question awhile back. i thought if i put a copy of it here, it will be more easily found

# show lines from previous day levels, except if price crosses a level.

# pick a desired day of week, monday, tues,....
# pick how many weeks to look at, 1 to 6
# pick how to show lines if price crosses them: invisible, dashes, solid

# find the high and low for each desired day
# draw lines from high and low levels, from each desired day of the week
# check if price crossess a high or low level, from one of the previous selected days of the week
# change the line if price crosses it, solid, dashed, or invisible
# show bubbles on right side of chart, that identify the lines

on the first bar of the desired days, it runs a loop to check if price crossed a line.

at the end of the code are code samples, some that worked, some that didn't.
some for testing, displaying variables.
it is possible to use an if-then to choose a PaintingStrategy, but when zoomed out, a dash line looks solid, so i didn't use it.
i couldn't get SetStyle(Curve. to work with an if-then, so i ended up using a separate code line for each line.

# fridaylevels_disappear_01

# halcyonguy
# 21-09-10
# show lines from previous day levels, except if price crosses a level.

# pick a desired day of week, monday, tues,....
# pick how many weeks to look at, 1 to 6
# pick how to show lines if price crosses them: invisible, dashes, solid

# find the high and low for each desired day
# check if price crossess a high or low level, from one of the previous selected days of the week
# draw lines from high and low levels, from each desired day of the week
#  change the line if price crosses it, solid, dashed, or invisible
# show bubbles on right side of chart, that identify the lines

# ---------------------------------------------
# original post code request
# draw horizontal lines. remove them if price crosses them
# jan 2021  redart1021
# ----------------------------------------

def bn = BarNumber();
def na = Double.NaN;
def h = high;
def l = low;

def lastbar = HighestAll(If(IsNaN(close), 0, bn));
#addlabel(1, "lastbar " + lastbar, color.cyan);

# ----------------------------------

input crossed_line = {"invisible", default "dashes", "solid"};
#hint crossed_line: "choose the type of line to draw when a line is crossed.   invisible, dashes, solid"
def crslin;
if crossed_line == crossed_line."invisible" then {
    crslin = 1;
} else if crossed_line == crossed_line."dashes" then {
    crslin = 2;
} else if crossed_line == crossed_line."solid" then {
    crslin = 3;
} else {
    crslin = 0;

# addlabel(1, "crossed line: " +  crossed_line , color.yellow);
# addlabel(1, "crslin " + crslin , color.cyan);
#  crslin = 1  invisible
#  crslin = 2  dashes
#  crslin = 3  solid

# ------------------------------------------
# there are formulas for up to 6 days/sets of lines
def maxdays = 6;
input quantity_of_days = 6; #hint quantity_of_days: "Pick quantity of days to show high/low lines, 1 to 6"
def dayqty = if quantity_of_days < 1 then 1 else if quantity_of_days > maxdays then maxdays else quantity_of_days;
addlabel( (quantity_of_days < 1 or quantity_of_days > maxdays) , " <<<< quantity of days out of range >>>", color.cyan);
# --------------------------------------
input day_of_week = {Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, default Friday, Saturday, Sunday};
#hint day_of_week: "pick a day that the high/low levels come from"

def dow = GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) ;
# find valid days
def dayen = (dow == (day_of_week + 1)) and !IsNaN(close);
# find first bar of desired day
def firstbar = (dayen and (dayen[1] <> dayen));

# count desired days on chart
def daycnt =
 if (bn == 1 and (dayen and (dayen[1] <> dayen))) then 1
 else if bn == 1 then 0
 else if (dayen and (dayen[1] <> dayen)) then daycnt[1] + 1
 else daycnt[1];

# get qty of desired days on the chart
def daycntmax = HighestAll(daycnt);

# rev the day count, the last day (on the right) is #1
def daycntrev = (daycntmax - daycnt) + 1;
def dayrev_en = (daycntrev <= dayqty);

# ====================================

# get bn of first bar in each desired day
def d1rev_startbn = if bn == 1 then 0 else if (dayrev_en and firstbar and daycntrev == 1) then bn else d1rev_startbn[1];
def d2rev_startbn = if bn == 1 then 0 else if (dayrev_en and firstbar and daycntrev == 2) then bn else d2rev_startbn[1];
def d3rev_startbn = if bn == 1 then 0 else if (dayrev_en and firstbar and daycntrev == 3) then bn else d3rev_startbn[1];
def d4rev_startbn = if bn == 1 then 0 else if (dayrev_en and firstbar and daycntrev == 4) then bn else d4rev_startbn[1];
def d5rev_startbn = if bn == 1 then 0 else if (dayrev_en and firstbar and daycntrev == 5) then bn else d5rev_startbn[1];
def d6rev_startbn = if bn == 1 then 0 else if (dayrev_en and firstbar and daycntrev == 6) then bn else d6rev_startbn[1];

# ==================================================================

# draw vertical line at start of desired days
input show_day_vertical_lines = yes;
AddVerticalLine(show_day_vertical_lines and dayen and firstbar, "DAY " + daycntrev, Color.YELLOW);

# ========================================

# get highest high from each desired day, 1 to 6
def little = 0;
def d1hi = if (daycntrev == 1 and dayrev_en and firstbar) then h
 else if (daycntrev == 1 and dayen and h > d1hi[1]) then h
 else if (daycntrev == 1 and dayen) then d1hi[1]
 else little;
def d1highest = HighestAll(d1hi);

def d2hi = if (daycntrev == 2 and dayrev_en and firstbar) then h
 else if (daycntrev == 2 and dayen and h > d2hi[1]) then h
 else if (daycntrev == 2 and dayen) then d2hi[1]
 else little;
def d2highest = HighestAll(d2hi);

def d3hi = if (daycntrev == 3 and dayrev_en and firstbar) then h
 else if (daycntrev == 3 and dayen and h > d3hi[1]) then h
 else if (daycntrev == 3 and dayen) then d3hi[1]
 else little;
def d3highest = HighestAll(d3hi);

def d4hi = if (daycntrev == 4 and dayrev_en and firstbar) then h
 else if (daycntrev == 4 and dayen and h > d4hi[1]) then h
 else if (daycntrev == 4 and dayen) then d4hi[1]
 else little;
def d4highest = HighestAll(d4hi);

def d5hi = if (daycntrev == 5 and dayrev_en and firstbar) then h
 else if (daycntrev == 5 and dayen and h > d5hi[1]) then h
 else if (daycntrev == 5 and dayen) then d5hi[1]
 else little;
def d5highest = HighestAll(d5hi);

def d6hi = if (daycntrev == 6 and dayrev_en and firstbar) then h
 else if (daycntrev == 6 and dayen and h > d6hi[1]) then h
 else if (daycntrev == 6 and dayen) then d6hi[1]
 else little;
def d6highest = HighestAll(d6hi);

# ========================================

def big = 99999;
# get lowest low from each desired day, 1 to 6
def d1lo = if (daycntrev == 1 and dayrev_en and firstbar) then l
 else if (daycntrev == 1 and dayen and l < d1lo[1]) then l
 else if (daycntrev == 1 and dayen) then d1lo[1]
 else big;
def d1lowest = LowestAll(d1lo);

def d2lo = if (daycntrev == 2 and dayrev_en and firstbar) then l
 else if (daycntrev == 2 and dayen and l < d2lo[1]) then l
 else if (daycntrev == 2 and dayen) then d2lo[1]
 else big;
def d2lowest = LowestAll(d2lo);

def d3lo = if (daycntrev == 3 and dayrev_en and firstbar) then l
 else if (daycntrev == 3 and dayen and l < d3lo[1]) then l
 else if (daycntrev == 3 and dayen) then d3lo[1]
 else big;
def d3lowest = LowestAll(d3lo);

def d4lo = if (daycntrev == 4 and dayrev_en and firstbar) then l
 else if (daycntrev == 4 and dayen and l < d4lo[1]) then l
 else if (daycntrev == 4 and dayen) then d4lo[1]
 else big;
def d4lowest = LowestAll(d4lo);

def d5lo = if (daycntrev == 5 and dayrev_en and firstbar) then l
 else if (daycntrev == 5 and dayen and l < d5lo[1]) then l
 else if (daycntrev == 5 and dayen) then d5lo[1]
 else big;
def d5lowest = LowestAll(d5lo);

def d6lo = if (daycntrev == 6 and dayrev_en and firstbar) then l
 else if (daycntrev == 6 and dayen and l < d6lo[1]) then l
 else if (daycntrev == 6 and dayen) then d6lo[1]
 else big;
def d6lowest = LowestAll(d6lo);

# ---------------------------------

# find the 1st bar of 6 desired days, starting from the right (rev cnt)
def rev1start = (dayen and firstbar and daycntrev == 1);
def rev2start = (dayen and firstbar and daycntrev == 2);
def rev3start = (dayen and firstbar and daycntrev == 3);
def rev4start = (dayen and firstbar and daycntrev == 4);
def rev5start = (dayen and firstbar and daycntrev == 5);
def rev6start = (dayen and firstbar and daycntrev == 6);

# ---------------------------------
# hi lines,  count how many times price crosses up over a level
#  if line is a high, price starts below it. so don't need to check if it crosses down below the line
#   if the 1st bar on a desired day, run fold, to check if price crosses up over a hi line
#  opposite for lo line.
#    i don't know why i didn't use crosses, i guess i prefer < >...
#    44 has no meaning,  just random variable names..
# -------------------------
# script to count how many times price crosses a high line
script hixcnt {
  input lastbar = 0;
  input bn = 0;
  input rstart = 0;
  input hix = 0;
# if the 1st bar on a desired day, check if prev low crosses over #2 hi, to current high
def dhix;
if rstart then {
  dhix = fold i44 = 1 to (lastbar - bn + 1)
  with p44
  do p44 + (if (GetValue(low, -i44 + 1) < GetValue(hix, -i44)) and (GetValue(high, -i44) > GetValue(hix, -i44)) then 1 else 0);
} else {
    dhix = if bn == 1 then 0 else dhix[1];
# qty of line crossings
plot cnthi = dhix;

# -----------------------------
# script to count how many times price crosses a low line
script loxcnt {
  input lastbar = 0;
  input bn = 0;
  input rstart = 0;
  input lox = 0;
# if the 1st bar on a desired day, check if prev low crosses over #2 hi, to current high
def dlox;
if rstart then {
  dlox = fold k44 = 1 to (lastbar - bn + 1)
  with q44
  do q44 + (if (GetValue(high, -k44 + 1) > GetValue(lox, -k44)) and (GetValue(low, -k44) < GetValue(lox, -k44)) then 1 else 0);
} else {
    dlox = if bn == 1 then 0 else dlox[1];
# qty of line crossings
plot cntlo = dlox;

# ------------------------------------
# ref the scripts, count qty of crossings, of lines, for each day
def d1hixsub = hixcnt(lastbar, bn, rev1start, d1highest);
def d2hixsub = hixcnt(lastbar, bn, rev2start, d2highest);
def d3hixsub = hixcnt(lastbar, bn, rev3start, d3highest);
def d4hixsub = hixcnt(lastbar, bn, rev4start, d4highest);
def d5hixsub = hixcnt(lastbar, bn, rev5start, d5highest);
def d6hixsub = hixcnt(lastbar, bn, rev6start, d6highest);
# --------------
def d1loxsub = loxcnt(lastbar, bn, rev1start, d1lowest);
def d2loxsub = loxcnt(lastbar, bn, rev2start, d2lowest);
def d3loxsub = loxcnt(lastbar, bn, rev3start, d3lowest);
def d4loxsub = loxcnt(lastbar, bn, rev4start, d4lowest);
def d5loxsub = loxcnt(lastbar, bn, rev5start, d5lowest);
def d6loxsub = loxcnt(lastbar, bn, rev6start, d6lowest);

# ---------------------------------
# def dayrev_en = (daycntrev <= dayqty);
# plot lines
# day1 hi
plot z1hi = if (daycntrev <= 1 and dayqty >= 1 and dayrev_en and (d1hixsub == 0 or crslin == 3)) then d1highest else na;
plot z1hix = if (daycntrev <= 1 and dayqty >= 1 and dayrev_en and d1hixsub > 0 and crslin == 2) then d1highest else na;

# day2 hi
plot z2hi = if (daycntrev <= 2 and dayqty >= 2 and dayrev_en and (d2hixsub == 0 or crslin == 3)) then d2highest else na;
plot z2hix = if (daycntrev <= 2 and dayqty >= 2 and dayrev_en and d2hixsub > 0 and crslin == 2) then d2highest else na;

# day3 hi
plot z3hi = if (daycntrev <= 3 and dayqty >= 3 and dayrev_en and (d3hixsub == 0 or crslin == 3)) then d3highest else na;
plot z3hix = if (daycntrev <= 3 and dayqty >= 3 and dayrev_en and d3hixsub > 0 and crslin == 2) then d3highest else na;

# day4 hi
plot z4hi = if (daycntrev <= 4 and dayqty >= 4 and dayrev_en and (d4hixsub == 0 or crslin == 3)) then d4highest else na;
plot z4hix = if (daycntrev <= 4 and dayqty >= 4 and dayrev_en and d4hixsub > 0 and crslin == 2) then d4highest else na;

# day5 hi
plot z5hi = if (daycntrev <= 5 and dayqty >= 5 and dayrev_en and (d5hixsub == 0 or crslin == 3)) then d5highest else na;
plot z5hix = if (daycntrev <= 5 and dayqty >= 5 and dayrev_en and d5hixsub > 0 and crslin == 2) then d5highest else na;

# day6 hi
plot z6hi = if (daycntrev <= 6 and dayqty >= 6 and dayrev_en and (d6hixsub == 0 or crslin == 3)) then d6highest else na;
plot z6hix = if (daycntrev <= 6 and dayqty >= 6 and dayrev_en and d6hixsub > 0 and crslin == 2) then d6highest else na;

# -------------------
# low lines
# day1 lo
plot z1lo = if (daycntrev <= 1 and dayqty >= 1 and dayrev_en and (d1loxsub == 0 or crslin == 3)) then d1lowest else na;
plot z1lox = if (daycntrev <= 1 and dayqty >= 1 and dayrev_en and d1loxsub > 0 and crslin == 2) then d1lowest else na;

# day2 lo
plot z2lo = if (daycntrev <= 2 and dayqty >= 2 and dayrev_en and (d2loxsub == 0 or crslin == 3)) then d2lowest else na;
plot z2lox = if (daycntrev <= 2 and dayqty >= 2 and dayrev_en and d2loxsub > 0 and crslin == 2) then d2lowest else na;

# day3 lo
plot z3lo = if (daycntrev <= 3 and dayqty >= 3 and dayrev_en and (d3loxsub == 0 or crslin == 3)) then d3lowest else na;
plot z3lox = if (daycntrev <= 3 and dayqty >= 3 and dayrev_en and d3loxsub > 0 and crslin == 2) then d3lowest else na;

# day4 lo
plot z4lo = if (daycntrev <= 4 and dayqty >= 4 and dayrev_en and (d4loxsub == 0 or crslin == 3)) then d4lowest else na;
plot z4lox = if (daycntrev <= 4 and dayqty >= 4 and dayrev_en and d4loxsub > 0 and crslin == 2) then d4lowest else na;

# day5 lo
plot z5lo = if (daycntrev <= 5 and dayqty >= 5 and dayrev_en and (d5loxsub == 0 or crslin == 3)) then d5lowest else na;
plot z5lox = if (daycntrev <= 5 and dayqty >= 5 and dayrev_en and d5loxsub > 0 and crslin == 2) then d5lowest else na;

# day6 lo
plot z6lo = if (daycntrev <= 6 and dayqty >= 6 and dayrev_en and (d6loxsub == 0 or crslin == 3)) then d6lowest else na;
plot z6lox = if (daycntrev <= 6 and dayqty >= 6 and dayrev_en and d6loxsub > 0 and crslin == 2) then d6lowest else na;
# -----------------------------

# ------------------ line on desired days -----------------

input show_lines_over_days = yes; #hint show_lines_over_days: "show 2 horizontal gray dashed lines, on the desired days. default is at the high and low levels."
def slod = show_lines_over_days;

#   lines on desired days, above bars
input day_line_offset_percent = 0.0; #hint day_line_offset_percent: "offset % for day gray lines. at 0%, they are at the high and low. ex. if 0.2 then slighly above the high and below the low.

def per2 = (1 + (day_line_offset_percent / 100));
# rev day 1
plot z1periodhi = if (slod and daycntrev == 1 and dayen) then (d1highest * per2) else na;

# rev day 2
plot z2periodhi = if (slod and daycntrev == 2 and dayen) then (d2highest * per2) else na;

# rev day 3
plot z3periodhi = if (slod and daycntrev == 3 and dayen) then (d3highest * per2) else na;

# rev day 4
plot z4periodhi = if (slod and daycntrev == 4 and dayen) then (d4highest * per2) else na;

# rev day 5
plot z5periodhi = if (slod and daycntrev == 5 and dayen) then (d5highest * per2) else na;

# rev day 6
plot z6periodhi = if (slod and daycntrev == 6 and dayen) then (d6highest * per2) else na;

# -----------------------
def per3 = (1 - (day_line_offset_percent / 100));
# low lines
plot z1periodlo = if (slod and daycntrev == 1 and dayen) then (d1lowest * per3) else na;

plot z2periodlo = if (slod and daycntrev == 2 and dayen) then (d2lowest * per3) else na;

plot z3periodlo = if (slod and daycntrev == 3 and dayen) then (d3lowest * per3) else na;

plot z4periodlo = if (slod and daycntrev == 4 and dayen) then (d4lowest * per3) else na;

plot z5periodlo = if (slod and daycntrev == 5 and dayen) then (d5lowest * per3) else na;

plot z6periodlo = if (slod and daycntrev == 6 and dayen) then (d6lowest * per3) else na;

# ---------------------

# ---------------------------------------------------
input show_line_description_bubbles = yes; #hint show_line_bubbles: "plot line descriptions, in bubbles, x bars after last bar, on each visible high/low lines"
input place_description_bubbles_x_bars_in_future = 22;
def bif = place_description_bubbles_x_bars_in_future;
def cl = close;
def x = IsNaN(cl[bif]) and !IsNaN(cl[bif + 1]);
#def vert = close[bif+1];
#AddChartBubble(x, vert, vert, color.white, yes);

#  crslin = 1  invisible , crslin = 2  dashes , crslin = 3  solid
def bub = (show_line_description_bubbles and x );
AddChartBubble((bub and dayqty >= 1 and (crslin == 2 or crslin == 3 or d1hixsub == 0)), d1highest, "day 1 high", Color.GRAY, yes);
AddChartBubble((bub and dayqty >= 2 and (crslin == 2 or crslin == 3 or d2hixsub == 0)), d2highest, "day 2 high", Color.GRAY, yes);
AddChartBubble((bub and dayqty >= 3 and (crslin == 2 or crslin == 3 or d3hixsub == 0)), d3highest, "day 3 high", Color.GRAY, yes);
AddChartBubble((bub and dayqty >= 4 and (crslin == 2 or crslin == 3 or d4hixsub == 0)), d4highest, "day 4 high", Color.GRAY, yes);
AddChartBubble((bub and dayqty >= 5 and (crslin == 2 or crslin == 3 or d5hixsub == 0)), d5highest, "day 5 high", Color.GRAY, yes);
AddChartBubble((bub and dayqty >= 6 and (crslin == 2 or crslin == 3 or d6hixsub == 0)), d6highest, "day 6 high", Color.GRAY, yes);

AddChartBubble((bub and dayqty >= 1 and (crslin == 2 or crslin == 3 or d1loxsub == 0)), d1lowest, "day 1 low", Color.GRAY, no);
AddChartBubble((bub and dayqty >= 2 and (crslin == 2 or crslin == 3 or d2loxsub == 0)), d2lowest, "day 2 low", Color.GRAY, no);
AddChartBubble((bub and dayqty >= 3 and (crslin == 2 or crslin == 3 or d3loxsub == 0)), d3lowest, "day 3 low", Color.GRAY, no);
AddChartBubble((bub and dayqty >= 4 and (crslin == 2 or crslin == 3 or d4loxsub == 0)), d4lowest, "day 4 low", Color.GRAY, no);
AddChartBubble((bub and dayqty >= 5 and (crslin == 2 or crslin == 3 or d5loxsub == 0)), d5lowest, "day 5 low", Color.GRAY, no);
AddChartBubble((bub and dayqty >= 6 and (crslin == 2 or crslin == 3 or d6loxsub == 0)), d6lowest, "day 6 low", Color.GRAY, no);

# --------------------------------------------------

input show_day_of_week_label = yes;
AddLabel(show_day_of_week_label, day_of_week, Color.WHITE);

input day_number_bubbles = yes; #hint day_number_bubbles: "show bubbles with the count of the desired days"
AddChartBubble(day_number_bubbles and dayen and firstbar, (high * 1.01), daycntrev, if dayrev_en then Color.YELLOW else Color.GRAY, yes);

# --------------------------------------------------

input OOOO_test_data_below_OOOO = 0;

# ======================================================
# ---- test code ----------------------------------
# ---- code samples -------------------------------
# ======================================================

input test_day_count_bubbles = no;
AddChartBubble(test_day_count_bubbles and dayen, (high * 1.01), "F." + daycnt + "\nR." + daycntrev, if dayrev_en then Color.YELLOW else Color.GRAY, yes);

input test_bubbles2 = no; #hint test_bubbles2: "dayrev_en , daycntrev , dayqt"
#addchartbubble(1, low, dayrev_en, if dayrev_en then color.cyan else color.gray, no);
AddChartBubble(test_bubbles2, low, dayrev_en + "\n" + daycntrev + "\n" + dayqty, if dayrev_en then Color.CYAN else Color.GRAY, no);
# =======================================================

input test_barnumbers_for_days = no;
AddLabel(test_barnumbers_for_days, "start bn's for " + dayqty + " days" , Color.CYAN);
AddLabel(test_barnumbers_for_days, "1= " + d1rev_startbn , Color.CYAN);
AddLabel(test_barnumbers_for_days, "2= " + d2rev_startbn , Color.CYAN);
AddLabel(test_barnumbers_for_days, "3= " + d3rev_startbn , Color.CYAN);
AddLabel(test_barnumbers_for_days, "4= " + d4rev_startbn , Color.CYAN);
AddLabel(test_barnumbers_for_days, "5= " + d5rev_startbn , Color.CYAN);
AddLabel(test_barnumbers_for_days, "6= " + d6rev_startbn , Color.CYAN);

# ----------------
# show labels, with qty of crossings, for all lines
input test_labels_line_crossing_counts = no;
addlabel(test_labels_line_crossing_counts, "#1 hi crosses " + d1hixsub, color.magenta);
addlabel(test_labels_line_crossing_counts, "#2 hi crosses " + d2hixsub, color.magenta);
addlabel(test_labels_line_crossing_counts, "#3 hi crosses " + d3hixsub, color.magenta);
addlabel(test_labels_line_crossing_counts, "#4 hi crosses " + d4hixsub, color.magenta);
addlabel(test_labels_line_crossing_counts, "#5 hi crosses " + d5hixsub, color.magenta);
addlabel(test_labels_line_crossing_counts, "#6 hi crosses " + d6hixsub, color.magenta);

addlabel(test_labels_line_crossing_counts, "#1 lo crosses " + d1loxsub,;
addlabel(test_labels_line_crossing_counts, "#2 lo crosses " + d2loxsub,;
addlabel(test_labels_line_crossing_counts, "#3 lo crosses " + d3loxsub,;
addlabel(test_labels_line_crossing_counts, "#4 lo crosses " + d4loxsub,;
addlabel(test_labels_line_crossing_counts, "#5 lo crosses " + d5loxsub,;
addlabel(test_labels_line_crossing_counts, "#6 lo crosses " + d6loxsub,;
# --------------------------
# =======================================================

#AddChartBubble(1, high, dayen, color.cyan, yes);
# puts a bubble on every bar, on the desired day
#AddChartBubble(dow == (day_of_week + 1), high, day_of_week, color.cyan, yes);

# test -  first bar of day
#AddChartBubble(show_bubbles and (daycntrev == 1 ) and ( !day1[1] and Day1), (low * 0.99), "hi " + d1hi, color.yellow, no);
#AddChartBubble(show_bubbles and (daycntrev == 2 ) and ( !day1[1] and Day1), (low * 0.98), "hi " + d2hi, color.cyan, no);

# all bars on the day
#AddChartBubble(show_bubbles and dayen, (high * 1.01), day_of_week + "\n" + dayen + "\n" + daycnt, color.yellow, yes);

#AddChartBubble(show_bubbles and (daycntrev == 1 ) , (low * 0.99),
# "dayen " + dayen
# + "\nhigh." + high
# + "\nd1hi." + d1hi
# + "\nH." + d1highest
# + "\nR." + daycntrev,
# if (high == d1highest) then color.yellow else color.gray, no);

#addchartbubble(1, low*0.996, "R." + "\n" + daycntrev , color.magenta, no);

#AddChartBubble(show_bubbles and (daycntrev == 2 ) , (low * 0.99), "2 " + high + "\n" + d2highest, if (high == d2highest) then color.yellow else color.gray, no);

# show_bubbles2
#AddChartBubble(show_bubbles , (low * 0.95), daycntrev, color.gray, no);

# =======================================================

# //////////////////////////////////////
# disable - use script --------------
# this works
# count crossings of #1 hi, after desired day

#def d1hix;
#if rev1start then {
#  d1hix = fold i = 1 to (lastbar - bn + 1)
#  with p
#  do p + (if (GetValue(low, -i + 1) < GetValue(d1highest, -i)) and (GetValue(high, -i) > GetValue(d1highest, -i)) then 1 else 0);
#} else {
#    d1hix = if bn == 1 then 0 else d1hix[1];
# //////////////////////////////////////

# ========================================

# i used curve,  because curve.dash line always looks like a dash line

# this works,  but points are drawn much thicker than if a line.
#  and paint.dash looks solid when zoomed out.  didn't use this

# paint , line , points
#input lines = {default LINE, POINTS};
#def paint = if lines == lines.POINTS then PaintingStrategy.POINTS else  PaintingStrategy.LINE;
# plot x1 =

# this doesn't work
# chg line if price crosses it
#def paint1hi = if d1hix > 0 then PaintingStrategy.POINTS else  PaintingStrategy.LINE;

#signal.SetPaintingStrategy(if crossingType == CrossingType.above
#    then PaintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_ARROW_UP
#    else PaintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_ARROW_DOWN);

# ========================================

# input crossed_line = {"invisible", "dots", default "dashes", "solid"};
# this works , but the PaintingStrategy.dashes  line looks like a solid line when zoomed out
# --------------------
#input test_price_line1 = no;
#plot line1x = if ( test_price_line1 and (crslin == 2 or crslin == 3 or crslin == 4)) then line1 else na;
#line1x.SetPaintingStrategy(if crossed_line == crossed_line."dots" then PaintingStrategy.points
#  else if crossed_line == crossed_line."dashes" then PaintingStrategy.dashes
#  else if crossed_line == crossed_line."solid" then PaintingStrategy.line
#  else PaintingStrategy.squares);
# -------------------

# this works.  curve.dash  looks like a dash always
#plot L1_dash = if crslin == 2 then line1 else na;
#plot L1_solid = if crslin == 3 then line1 else na;

# this doesn't work
#plot line1x = if (crslin == 2 or crslin == 3) then line1 else na;
#line1x.SetStyle(if crossed_line == crossed_line."dashes" then curve.short_dash else if crossed_line == crossed_line."solid" then curve.firm else curve.long_dash);

# ------------------------

#z1hi.SetPaintingStrategy(if d1hix > 0 then PaintingStrategy.points else PaintingStrategy.line);

# this has error
#z1hi.SetStyle(if d1hix > 0 then Curve.POINTS else Curve.FIRM);


# x.SetStyle(Curve.MEDIUM_DASH);
# x.setlineweight(1);
# x.hidebubble();
# --------------------------

# ---- sample codes --------------------------------

# plot x = (  ) ;
# x.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.VALUES_ABOVE);  # setlineweight() has no effect on font size
# x.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_ARROW_UP);
# x.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_wedge_down);
# x.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.ARROW_UP);
# x.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.HORIZONTAL);
# x.SetStyle(Curve.MEDIUM_DASH);
# x.SetDefaultColor(;
# x.setlineweight(1);
# x.hidebubble();

# -----------------------
Last edited:

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