price is above or below premarket high or low watchlist


hi, can someone create a premarket high low on watchlist? if current price greater then PM high then color greeen else red on watchlist? thank you!
EDIT 2022/01 --- changed the label color , from black to white
sorry for that mistake

i think this will do it

# prehighlow_col_01

# -------------------
# halcyonguy
# 21-06-15
# column study. find highest and lowest in premarket, and compare to daytime highs/lows
# -------------------

#can someone create a premarket high low on watchlist? if current price greater then PM high then color green else red on watchlist?

input start = 0930;
input end = 1600;
# is current bar during normal trading hours?
def daytime = if secondsfromTime(start) >= 0 and secondstillTime(end) > 0 then 1 else 0;

def prehi =
  # starting pre, reset
  if  daytime[1] and !daytime then high
  # if a higher high, set it to var
  else if !daytime and high > prehi[1] then high
  # else keep previous value
  else prehi[1];

def prelo =
  # starting pre, reset
  if  daytime[1] and !daytime then low
  # if a lower low, set it to var
  else if !daytime and low < prelo[1] then low
  # else keep previous value
  else prelo[1];

def dayhigher = ( high > prehi );
def daylower = ( low < prelo );

addlabel(1, (if close > prehi then ((close - prehi) + " above pre hi")
else if close < prelo then ((prelo - close) + " below pre low") else "in pre rng"), color.white);

assignbackgroundcolor( if dayhigher then else if daylower then else color.current );

# -----------------
# test data for upper study
#input show_test_data = no;
#addlabel( show_test_data , "pre high= " + prehi, color.yellow);
#addlabel( show_test_data , "pre low= " + prelo, color.yellow);
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Re: Create a watchlist Column thinkscript that tells you if the price is above or below premarket high or low?

I have tried various scripts that have been posted but none seem to do what I want them to do. Which is create a watchlist Column thinkscript that tells you if the price is above or below premarket high or low with a simple red color for below premarket low or green for above the premarket high after the open between 930 and 1400. Can anybody help me?

Installed the script in columns on both my watchlists but no luck. Using this script on the chart to determine Premarket H/L:
declare hide_on_daily;

input length = 1;
input showOnlyLastPeriod = yes;
input ShowBubbles = yes;
input locate_bubbles_at = {default Expansion, Time};
input locate_bubbles_at_time = 800;
input BarsFromExpansion = 1;
input ShowPricesInBubbles = yes;

def bn = BarNumber();
def na = Double.NaN;
def h = high;
def l = low;
def o = open;
def c = close;
def v = volume;
def aggregationPeriod = AggregationPeriod.DAY;
def displace = -1;
def timeopen = SecondsFromTime(locate_bubbles_at_time) == 0;
def isExpansion = locate_bubbles_at == locate_bubbles_at.Expansion and IsNaN(close);
def firstExpansionBar = if !IsNaN(close[-1]) and isExpansion then 1 else if isExpansion then firstExpansionBar[1] + 1 else 0;
def BubbleLocation = if locate_bubbles_at == locate_bubbles_at.Time then timeopen else isExpansion and firstExpansionBar == BarsFromExpansion;

def GlobeX = GetTime() < RegularTradingStart(GetYYYYMMDD());

def vol = if GlobeX and !GlobeX[1]
then v
else if GlobeX
then vol[1] + v
else na;

def GlobeX_Volume = vol;

def ONhigh = if GlobeX and !GlobeX[1]
then h
else if GlobeX and
h > ONhigh[1]
then h
else ONhigh[1];

def ONhighBar = if GlobeX and h == ONhigh
then bn
else na;

def ONlow = if GlobeX and !GlobeX[1]
then l
else if GlobeX and
l < ONlow[1]
then l
else ONlow[1];

def ONlowBar = if GlobeX and l == ONlow
then bn
else na;

def OverNightHigh = if BarNumber() == HighestAll(ONhighBar)
then ONhigh
else OverNightHigh[1];

def OverNightLow = if BarNumber() == HighestAll(ONlowBar)
then ONlow
else OverNightLow[1];

plot PM_High;
plot PM_Low;
if showOnlyLastPeriod and !IsNaN(close(period = aggregationPeriod)[-1]) {
PM_High = na;
PM_Low = na;
} else {
PM_High = if OverNightHigh > 0 then OverNightHigh else na;
PM_Low = if OverNightLow > 0 then OverNightLow else na;



DefineGlobalColor("PM_High", CreateColor(102, 255, 255));
AddChartBubble(ShowBubbles and if locate_bubbles_at == locate_bubbles_at.Time then bn == ONhighBar else isExpansion and firstExpansionBar == BarsFromExpansion, PM_High, "PMH: " + (if ShowPricesInBubbles then AsText(PM_High) else ""), GlobalColor("PM_High"));

DefineGlobalColor("PM_Low", CreateColor(102, 255, 255));
AddChartBubble(ShowBubbles and if locate_bubbles_at == locate_bubbles_at.Time then bn == ONlowBar else isExpansion and firstExpansionBar == BarsFromExpansion, PM_Low, "PML: " + (if ShowPricesInBubbles then AsText(PM_Low) else ""), GlobalColor("PM_Low"), no);

So far I haven't found any useful codes that work for the watchlist column, I even tried getting co-pilot AI to write something.
Yes, you can create a ThinkScript for a watchlist column that indicates if the current price is above or below the premarket high or low. Here’s an example of how you can do it:
# Define the color rules
def color;
if close < PM_Low then {
    color = Color.RED;
} else if close > PM_High then {
    color = Color.GREEN;
} else {
    color = Color.YELLOW;

# Add the color column
AddLabel(yes, "PreMkt", color);

In this script, AddLabel adds a label to your watchlist column that changes color based on the current closing price in relation to the premarket high and low. If the closing price is below the premarket low, the label will be red. If it’s above the premarket high, the label will be green. If the price is between the premarket high and low, the label will be yellow1.
Please note that you should add this code at the end of your existing script. Also, make sure to replace close with the appropriate price variable in your script. In your provided script, close represents the closing price. If you want to use a different price (like the opening price or the high price), you should replace close with the appropriate variable (open for the opening price, high for the high price, etc.).
Remember to test the script in a demo environment before using it in live trading to ensure it works as expected. If you encounter any issues, feel free to ask for further assistance. Happy trading! 😊

Also used ChatGPt: Results

# Define Inputsinput premarketLength = 60;  # Length of time in minutes for premarket data# Calculate premarket high and lowdef premarketHigh = highest(high(period = "day")[premarketLength]);def premarketLow = lowest(low(period = "day")[premarketLength]);# Determine if current price is above or below premarket high or lowdef isAbovePremarketHigh = close > premarketHigh;def isBelowPremarketLow = close < premarketLow;# Assign color based on conditionsAssignBackgroundColor(if isAbovePremarketHigh then Color.GREEN else if isBelowPremarketLow then Color.RED else Color.CURRENT);# Plot text in watchlist columnAddLabel(yes, if isAbovePremarketHigh then "Above PM High" else if isBelowPremarketLow then "Below PM Low" else "Within PM Range", if isAbovePremarketHigh then Color.GREEN else if isBelowPremarketLow then Color.RED else Color.CURRENT);

None of these have worked. Anybody in the group who can help with this will surely be appreciated.

Thanks Morris


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Re: Create a watchlist Column thinkscript that tells you if the price is above or below premarket high or low?

I have tried various scripts that have been posted but none seem to do what I want them to do. Which is create a watchlist Column thinkscript that tells you if the price is above or below premarket high or low with a simple red color for below premarket low or green for above the premarket high after the open between 930 and 1400. Can anybody help me?

None of these have worked. Anybody in the group who can help with this will surely be appreciated.

Thanks Morris

the code in post#2 of this thread by halcyonguy works fine however its for all of extended hours. if you want it to be for ONLY PREMARKET then to fix that you just change the time input. this will make it so it just scans the premarket high/low rather than the entire extended hours. his code will also change colors like you want and works as a column. if you want colors change you can edit the code to change the colors to your liking or to change the text in the label, which i assume is pretty straight forward for most people.

REMEMBER to SET THE AGGREGATION to 1 minute and to check the EXTENDED HOURS box.

for just pre-market change the following lines from post #2 of this thread.

input start = 0930;
input end = 1600;


input start = 0930;
input end = 1959;
Tried your change to the column script but no luck, then proceeded to try it on a chart as a regular indicator. It worked but it turned the entire chart green or red or the color of my background which black when price was between PM high or low. This was on a 1 min chart. When I used the same script with your change I get no results in the column Just the "words in pre mg" Please post the script that works for you in a watchlist column using your suggestions. As far as SETTING THE AGGREGATION to 1 minute and to check the EXTENDED HOURS box., You can't do that in this script


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the script works as you want it with the modification i mentioned above, i personally loaded it and tested it.
in "in pre rng" means thats the current closing price is within the pre market range meaning its inbetween the premarket high and the premarket low.

you should familiarize yourself with tos columns by watching YouTube videos.

SET THE AGGREGATION to 1 minute and to check the EXTENDED HOURS box.,
You can't do that in this script, it must be done in the column settings

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