# Previous Intradays High, Low, Mean
# Mobius
# V01.12.2017 Desktop and Mobile
# Revised original code that uses SecondsFromTime() and SecondsTillTime(). Code now uses RegularTradingStart() and RegularTradingEnd() to bracket RTH. Works in Mobile Apps
def bar = barNumber();
def h = high;
def l = low;
def c = close;
def firstBar = if getTime() crosses above RegularTradingStart(GetYYYYMMDD()) and
then bar
else double.nan;
def lastBar = if getTime() crosses above RegularTradingEnd(GetYYYYMMDD()) and
then bar
else double.nan;
addVerticalLine(bar == HighestAll(firstBar), "first bar", color.cyan, curve.short_dash);
addVerticalLine(bar == HighestAll(lastBar), "last bar", color.cyan, curve.short_dash);
def bar_t1 = if !isNaN(firstBar)
then bar
else bar_t1[1];
def bar_t2 = if !isNaN(lastBar)
then bar
else bar_t2[1];
def prevFirstBar = if bar_t1 != bar_t1[1]
then bar_t1[1]
else prevFirstBar[1];
def prevLastBar = if bar_t2 != bar_t2[1]
then bar_t2[1]
else prevLastBar[1];
addVerticalLine(bar == HighestAll(prevFirstBar), "prev first bar", color.red, curve.short_dash);
addVerticalLine(bar == HighestAll(prevLastBar), "prev Last bar", color.red, curve.short_dash);
def hh = if bar == HighestAll(prevFirstBar)
then h
else if between(bar, highestAll(prevFirstBar), highestAll(LastBar)) and
h > hh[1]
then h
else hh[1];
def hhBar = if h == hh and between(bar, highestAll(prevFirstBar), highestAll(LastBar))
then barNumber()
else double.nan;
def ll = if bar == HighestAll(prevFirstBar)
then l
else if between(bar, highestAll(prevFirstBar), highestAll(LastBar)) and
l < ll[1]
then l
else ll[1];
def llBar = if l == ll and between(bar, highestAll(prevFirstBar), highestAll(LastBar))
then bar
else double.nan;
plot PrevDayHigh = if bar >= highestAll(hhBar)
then highestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
then hh
else double.nan)
else double.nan;
plot PrevDayLow = if bar >= HighestAll(llBar)
then highestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
then ll
else double.nan)
else double.nan;
def hl2bar = Floor((highestAll(hhbar) + highestAll(llBar)) / 2);
def hl2price = Round(((PrevDayHigh + PrevDayLow) / 2) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize();
plot PrevDayHL2 = if bar >= highestAll(HL2bar)
then highestAll(if !isNaN(c[-1])
then HL2price
else double.nan)
else double.nan;
# End Code Previous Days High, Low, Mean