Predictive Ranges [LuxAlgo] for ThinkOrSwim


Moderator - Expert

Author Message:

The Predictive Ranges indicator aims to efficiently predict future trading ranges in real-time, providing multiple effective support & resistance levels as well as indications of the current trend direction.

Predictive Ranges was a premium feature originally released by LuxAlgo in 2020.

The feature was discontinued & made legacy, however, due to its popularity and reproduction attempts, we deemed it necessary to release it open source to the community.

#// This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
#// © LuxAlgo
#indicator("Predictive Ranges [LuxAlgo]", "LuxAlgo - Predictive Ranges", overlay = true)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 07/2023

input showCloud = yes;
input useChartTimeframe = {Default "Yes", "No"};
input manualTimeframe   = AggregationPeriod.FIFTEEN_MIN;    # 'Timeframe'
input Source    = close;    # 'Source'
input atrLength = 200;      # 'Length'
input atrMulti = 6.0;       # 'Factor'
input rangeMulti = 2.0;

def na = Double.NaN;
DefineGlobalColor("pru", CreateColor(242,54,69));
DefineGlobalColor("dpru", CreateColor(201, 95, 104));
DefineGlobalColor("avg", CreateColor(91,156,246));
DefineGlobalColor("prl", CreateColor(8,153,129));
DefineGlobalColor("dprl", CreateColor(27,134,117));

def src; def hi; def lo;
Switch (useChartTimeframe) {
Case "Yes" : src = Source;
              hi = high;
              lo = low;
Case "No"  : src = close(Period=manualTimeframe);
              hi = high(Period=manualTimeframe);
              lo = low(Period=manualTimeframe);
def tr = TrueRange(hi, src, lo);
#pred_ranges(length, mult)=>
    def avg;
    def ATRtf = WildersAverage(tr, atrLength);
    def nATR =  if(isNaN(ATRtf), 0, ATRtf) * atrMulti;
    def avg_ = if (isNaN(avg[1]) or avg[1]==0) then src else avg[1];
        avg  = if src - avg_ > nATR then avg_ + nATR else
               if avg_ - src > nATR then avg_ - nATR else avg_;

    def hold_atr = if avg != avg[1] then nATR / 2 else hold_atr[1];
    def prR2 = avg + hold_atr * rangeMulti;
    def prR1 = avg + hold_atr;
    def avg0  = avg;
    def prS1 = avg - hold_atr;
    def prS2 = avg - hold_atr * rangeMulti;

plot plot_pru2  = if avg!=avg[1] then na else prR2;#, 'PR Upper 2'
plot plot_pru1  = if avg!=avg[1] then na else prR1;#, 'PR Upper 1'
plot plot_pravg = if avg!=avg[1] then na else avg0;# , 'PR Average'
plot plot_prl1  = if avg!=avg[1] then na else prS1;#, 'PR Lower 1'
plot plot_prl2  = if avg!=avg[1] then na else prS2;#, 'PR Lower 2'

AddCloud(if !showCloud or avg0!=avg0[1] then na else plot_pru2, plot_pru1, GlobalColor("dpru"));
AddCloud(if !showCloud or avg0!=avg0[1] then na else plot_prl1, plot_prl2, GlobalColor("dprl"));

#-- END of CODE
fantastic... will it work on one minute chart?
There you go for 1min chart.
  • Set to AggregationPeriod.MIN to represent 1-minute intervals.
  • No changes were needed in the logic since the structure of calculations should still work correctly with the 1-minute data.

#// This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
#// © LuxAlgo
#indicator("Predictive Ranges [LuxAlgo]", "LuxAlgo - Predictive Ranges", overlay = true)
# Converted by vinod    - 09/2024

input showCloud = yes;
input useChartTimeframe = {Default "Yes", "No"};
input manualTimeframe   = AggregationPeriod.MIN;    # Change to '1 Minute'
input Source    = close;    # 'Source'
input atrLength = 200;      # 'Length'
input atrMulti = 6.0;       # 'Factor'
input rangeMulti = 2.0;

def na = Double.NaN;
DefineGlobalColor("pru", CreateColor(242,54,69));
DefineGlobalColor("dpru", CreateColor(201, 95, 104));
DefineGlobalColor("avg", CreateColor(91,156,246));
DefineGlobalColor("prl", CreateColor(8,153,129));
DefineGlobalColor("dprl", CreateColor(27,134,117));

def src; def hi; def lo;
Switch (useChartTimeframe) {
Case "Yes" : src = Source;
              hi = high;
              lo = low;
Case "No"  : src = close(Period=manualTimeframe);
              hi = high(Period=manualTimeframe);
              lo = low(Period=manualTimeframe);
def tr = TrueRange(hi, src, lo);

# Define predictive ranges
def avg;
def ATRtf = WildersAverage(tr, atrLength);
def nATR = if(isNaN(ATRtf), 0, ATRtf) * atrMulti;
def avg_ = if (isNaN(avg[1]) or avg[1]==0) then src else avg[1];
avg  = if src - avg_ > nATR then avg_ + nATR else
       if avg_ - src > nATR then avg_ - nATR else avg_;

def hold_atr = if avg != avg[1] then nATR / 2 else hold_atr[1];
def prR2 = avg + hold_atr * rangeMulti;
def prR1 = avg + hold_atr;
def avg0  = avg;
def prS1 = avg - hold_atr;
def prS2 = avg - hold_atr * rangeMulti;

# Plots
plot plot_pru2  = if avg != avg[1] then na else prR2;
plot plot_pru1  = if avg != avg[1] then na else prR1;
plot plot_pravg = if avg != avg[1] then na else avg0;
plot plot_prl1  = if avg != avg[1] then na else prS1;
plot plot_prl2  = if avg != avg[1] then na else prS2;


# Fills
AddCloud(if !showCloud or avg0 != avg0[1] then na else plot_pru2, plot_pru1, GlobalColor("dpru"));
AddCloud(if !showCloud or avg0 != avg0[1] then na else plot_prl1, plot_prl2, GlobalColor("dprl"));

#-- END of CODE
There you go for 1min chart.
  • Set to AggregationPeriod.MIN to represent 1-minute intervals.
  • No changes were needed in the logic since the structure of calculations should still work correctly with the 1-minute data.

#// This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
#// © LuxAlgo
#indicator("Predictive Ranges [LuxAlgo]", "LuxAlgo - Predictive Ranges", overlay = true)
# Converted by vinod    - 09/2024

input showCloud = yes;
input useChartTimeframe = {Default "Yes", "No"};
input manualTimeframe   = AggregationPeriod.MIN;    # Change to '1 Minute'
input Source    = close;    # 'Source'
input atrLength = 200;      # 'Length'
input atrMulti = 6.0;       # 'Factor'
input rangeMulti = 2.0;

def na = Double.NaN;
DefineGlobalColor("pru", CreateColor(242,54,69));
DefineGlobalColor("dpru", CreateColor(201, 95, 104));
DefineGlobalColor("avg", CreateColor(91,156,246));
DefineGlobalColor("prl", CreateColor(8,153,129));
DefineGlobalColor("dprl", CreateColor(27,134,117));

def src; def hi; def lo;
Switch (useChartTimeframe) {
Case "Yes" : src = Source;
              hi = high;
              lo = low;
Case "No"  : src = close(Period=manualTimeframe);
              hi = high(Period=manualTimeframe);
              lo = low(Period=manualTimeframe);
def tr = TrueRange(hi, src, lo);

# Define predictive ranges
def avg;
def ATRtf = WildersAverage(tr, atrLength);
def nATR = if(isNaN(ATRtf), 0, ATRtf) * atrMulti;
def avg_ = if (isNaN(avg[1]) or avg[1]==0) then src else avg[1];
avg  = if src - avg_ > nATR then avg_ + nATR else
       if avg_ - src > nATR then avg_ - nATR else avg_;

def hold_atr = if avg != avg[1] then nATR / 2 else hold_atr[1];
def prR2 = avg + hold_atr * rangeMulti;
def prR1 = avg + hold_atr;
def avg0  = avg;
def prS1 = avg - hold_atr;
def prS2 = avg - hold_atr * rangeMulti;

# Plots
plot plot_pru2  = if avg != avg[1] then na else prR2;
plot plot_pru1  = if avg != avg[1] then na else prR1;
plot plot_pravg = if avg != avg[1] then na else avg0;
plot plot_prl1  = if avg != avg[1] then na else prS1;
plot plot_prl2  = if avg != avg[1] then na else prS2;


# Fills
AddCloud(if !showCloud or avg0 != avg0[1] then na else plot_pru2, plot_pru1, GlobalColor("dpru"));
AddCloud(if !showCloud or avg0 != avg0[1] then na else plot_prl1, plot_prl2, GlobalColor("dprl"));

#-- END of CODE
Thanks for sharing. Is it fair to draw parallels with the Supply/Demand zone indicator? First pass renders it as such hence wanted to ask.
Thanks for sharing. Is it fair to draw parallels with the Supply/Demand zone indicator? First pass renders it as such hence wanted to ask.

Author Message:

The Predictive Ranges indicator aims to efficiently predict future trading ranges in real-time, providing multiple effective support & resistance levels as well as indications of the current trend direction.
View attachment 19013

Author Message:

The Predictive Ranges indicator aims to efficiently predict future trading ranges in real-time, providing multiple effective support & resistance levels as well as indications of the current trend direction.

Predictive Ranges was a premium feature originally released by LuxAlgo in 2020.

The feature was discontinued & made legacy, however, due to its popularity and reproduction attempts, we deemed it necessary to release it open source to the community.

#// This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
#// © LuxAlgo
#indicator("Predictive Ranges [LuxAlgo]", "LuxAlgo - Predictive Ranges", overlay = true)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 07/2023

input showCloud = yes;
input useChartTimeframe = {Default "Yes", "No"};
input manualTimeframe   = AggregationPeriod.FIFTEEN_MIN;    # 'Timeframe'
input Source    = close;    # 'Source'
input atrLength = 200;      # 'Length'
input atrMulti = 6.0;       # 'Factor'
input rangeMulti = 2.0;

def na = Double.NaN;
DefineGlobalColor("pru", CreateColor(242,54,69));
DefineGlobalColor("dpru", CreateColor(201, 95, 104));
DefineGlobalColor("avg", CreateColor(91,156,246));
DefineGlobalColor("prl", CreateColor(8,153,129));
DefineGlobalColor("dprl", CreateColor(27,134,117));

def src; def hi; def lo;
Switch (useChartTimeframe) {
Case "Yes" : src = Source;
              hi = high;
              lo = low;
Case "No"  : src = close(Period=manualTimeframe);
              hi = high(Period=manualTimeframe);
              lo = low(Period=manualTimeframe);
def tr = TrueRange(hi, src, lo);
#pred_ranges(length, mult)=>
    def avg;
    def ATRtf = WildersAverage(tr, atrLength);
    def nATR =  if(isNaN(ATRtf), 0, ATRtf) * atrMulti;
    def avg_ = if (isNaN(avg[1]) or avg[1]==0) then src else avg[1];
        avg  = if src - avg_ > nATR then avg_ + nATR else
               if avg_ - src > nATR then avg_ - nATR else avg_;

    def hold_atr = if avg != avg[1] then nATR / 2 else hold_atr[1];
    def prR2 = avg + hold_atr * rangeMulti;
    def prR1 = avg + hold_atr;
    def avg0  = avg;
    def prS1 = avg - hold_atr;
    def prS2 = avg - hold_atr * rangeMulti;

plot plot_pru2  = if avg!=avg[1] then na else prR2;#, 'PR Upper 2'
plot plot_pru1  = if avg!=avg[1] then na else prR1;#, 'PR Upper 1'
plot plot_pravg = if avg!=avg[1] then na else avg0;# , 'PR Average'
plot plot_prl1  = if avg!=avg[1] then na else prS1;#, 'PR Lower 1'
plot plot_prl2  = if avg!=avg[1] then na else prS2;#, 'PR Lower 2'

AddCloud(if !showCloud or avg0!=avg0[1] then na else plot_pru2, plot_pru1, GlobalColor("dpru"));
AddCloud(if !showCloud or avg0!=avg0[1] then na else plot_prl1, plot_prl2, GlobalColor("dprl"));

#-- END of CODE
@samer800 please where is TOS code

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