I would like to have the indices shown on the upper part of the chart by the candles.
I don't know if you could simply copy and paste the code from where it says
add label. Or if I need to add any special code before or after the code I copied so that it will show up in the upper part.
Weighted Advancing and Declining Issues
I don't know if you could simply copy and paste the code from where it says
add label. Or if I need to add any special code before or after the code I copied so that it will show up in the upper part.
Weighted Advancing and Declining Issues
# # Sources:
# best with 5 mins timeframe.
# concept from shadowtrader.net
# coded by TWOO
# [URL]https://www.spglobal.com/spdji/en/indices/equity/sp-500/#data[/URL]
# sector-breakdown
declare lower;
input open_time = 930;
DEF displace = 0;
input length = 12;
input xlpwt = 6.8; #ConsumerStaples
input xluwt = 2.9; #Utilities
input xlcwt = 8.6; #Communications
input xlfwt = 11.0; #Financials
input xlbwt = 2.8; #Materials
input xliwt = 8.0; #Industrials
input xlewt = 4.2; #Energy
input xlrewt = 2.9; #RealEstate
input xlvwt = 14.2; #HealthCare
input xlkwt = 27.2; #InformationTechnology
input xlywt = 11.5; #ConsumerDiscretionary
def SectorCount = 11;
def Scale = 5000;
#SP500 ETF sectors percent change
script PC {
input Symbol = "SPX";
def isFirstBar = GetTime() == RegularTradingStart(GetYYYYMMDD()) + 1;
def O = if isFirstBar then close(Symbol) else O[1];
def C = close(Symbol);
plot PctChg = (C - O) / O;
def xlkPctChg = PC("XLK");
def xlyPctChg = PC("XLY");
def xlvPctChg = PC("XLV");
def xlfPctChg = PC("XLF");
def xlcPctChg = PC("XLC");
def xliPctChg = PC("XLI");
def xlpPctChg = PC("XLP");
def xlrePctChg = PC("XLRE");
def xlePctChg = PC("XLE");
def xlbPctChg = PC("XLB");
def xluPctChg = PC("XLU");
def xlkSizing = xlkPctChg * xlkwt;
def xlvSizing = xlvPctChg * xlvwt;
def xlySizing = xlyPctChg * xlywt;
def xlfSizing = xlfPctChg * xlfwt;
def xlcSizing = xlcPctChg * xlcwt;
def xliSizing = xliPctChg * xliwt;
def xlpSizing = xlpPctChg * xlpwt;
def xleSizing = xlePctChg * xlewt;
def xlreSizing = xlrePctChg * xlrewt;
def xlbSizing = xlbPctChg * xlbwt;
def xluSizing = xluPctChg * xluwt;
def combinedSizing = Scale * (
xlkSizing +
xlvSizing +
xlySizing +
xlfSizing +
xlcSizing +
xliSizing +
xlpSizing +
xleSizing +
xlreSizing +
xlbSizing +
) / SectorCount;
# Weighted_AD
DEF Weighted_AD = if !IsNaN(combinedSizing) then combinedSizing else Double.NaN;
#Weighted_AD.DefineColor("Lower", Color.YELLOW);
#Weighted_AD.DefineColor("Higher", Color.MAGENTA);
#Weighted_AD.AssignValueColor(if Weighted_AD < Weighted_AD[1] then Weighted_AD.Color("Lower") else Weighted_AD.Color("Higher"));
plot LowerBand = Lowest(Weighted_AD[-displace + 1], length);
plot UpperBand = Highest(Weighted_AD[-displace + 1], length);
PLOT MID = (UPPERBand + LOWErBand)/2;
plot Diff_Weighted_AD = Weighted_AD;
Diff_Weighted_AD.DefineColor("Positive and Up", Color.GREEN);
Diff_Weighted_AD.DefineColor("Positive and Down", Color.DARK_GREEN);
Diff_Weighted_AD.DefineColor("Negative and Down", Color.RED);
Diff_Weighted_AD.DefineColor("Negative and Up", Color.pink);
Diff_Weighted_AD.AssignValueColor(if Diff_Weighted_AD >= 0 then if Diff_Weighted_AD > Diff_Weighted_AD[1] then Diff_Weighted_AD.color("Positive and Up") else Diff_Weighted_AD.color("Positive and Down") else if Diff_Weighted_AD < Diff_Weighted_AD[1] then Diff_Weighted_AD.color("Negative and Down") else Diff_Weighted_AD.color("Negative and Up"));
plot zero = 0;
# SPX Non_Weighted_AD
def spxcombinedSizing = Scale *
(xlkPctChg +
xlvPctChg +
xlyPctChg +
xlfPctChg +
xlcPctChg +
xliPctChg +
xlpPctChg +
xlePctChg +
xlrePctChg +
xlbPctChg +
plot Non_Weighted_AD = spxcombinedSizing ;
DefineGlobalColor("Bullish", Color.cyan);
DefineGlobalColor("Bearish", Color.pink);
AddCloud(Non_Weighted_AD, zero , globalColor("Bullish"), globalColor("Bearish"));
# NDX Non_Weighted_AD
def NDXPctChg = PC("NDX") * 35000;
plot Non_Weighted_NDX = NDXPctChg ;
def na = double.NaN ;
def isbulldiv = if (weighted_AD - weighted_AD[1] )>0 and (LOW[1] - LOW)>0 then 1 else 0;
def isbeardiv = if (weighted_AD[1] - weighted_AD )>0 and (HIGH - HIGH[1])>0 then 1 else 0;
DEF PositveDivergence = if
isbulldiv > 0 then
non_Weighted_AD else na;
plot PD = if PositveDivergence IS TRUE then non_Weighted_AD else Double.NaN;
DEF NegativeDivergence = if
isbeardiv > 0 then
non_Weighted_AD else na;
plot ND = if NEGativeDivergence IS TRUE then non_Weighted_AD else Double.NaN;
AddVerticalLine(( GetDay() <> GetDay()[1]), "", Color.YeLLOW, Curve.SHORT_DASH);
#SP500 ETF sectors BUBBLE
Script pct {
input Symbol = "SPX";
def aggregationPeriod = AggregationPeriod.DAY;
def price = open(Symbol, period = aggregationPeriod);
def diff = close (Symbol) - open(Symbol, period = aggregationPeriod);
plot d_pct = 100 * diff / price;
def XLK_d_pct = pct(“XLK”) ;
def XLV_d_pct = pct(“XLV”) ;
def XLY_d_pct = pct(“XLY”) ;
def XLC_d_pct = pct(“XLC”) ;
def XLF_d_pct = pct(“XLF”) ;
def XLI_d_pct = pct(“XLI”) ;
def XLP_d_pct = pct(“XLP”) ;
def XLRE_d_pct = pct(“XLRE”) ;
def XLB_d_pct = pct(“XLB”) ;
def XLU_d_pct = pct(“XLU”) ;
def XLE_d_pct = pct(“XLE”) ;
AddLabel(yes, "InfoTech 27.2%: " + XLK_d_pct, (if xlk_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xlk_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "Healthcare 14.2%: " + XLV_d_pct, (if xlv_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xlv_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "ConsDisc 11.5: " + XLY_d_pct, (if xly_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xly_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "Comms 8.6%: " + XLC_d_pct, (if xlc_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xlc_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "Financials 11.0%: " + XLF_d_pct, (if xlf_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xlf_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "Industrials 8.0%: " + XLI_d_pct,(if xli_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xli_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "ConsStaples 6.8%: " + XLP_d_pct, (if xlp_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xlp_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "RealEstate 2.9%: " + XLRE_d_pct,(if xlre_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xlre_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "Materials 2.8%: " + XLB_d_pct, (if xlb_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xlb_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "Utilities 2.9%: " + XLU_d_pct, (if xlu_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xlu_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
AddLabel(yes, "Energy 4.2%: " + XLE_d_pct,(if xle_d_pct > 0 then Color.GREEN else if xle_d_pct < 0 then color.RED else Color.gray));
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