Planetary Cycles Indicator for ThinkorSwim


This indicator is to show planetary cycles that can start from your selected date to display astrological turning points in the market. The inner planets are used for short cycles and the outer planets are used for longer cycles. The indicator provides the option to use smaller multiples of a planet's cycle for custom analysis. In order to use this indicator, the user will need to have knowledge of astrological trading methods. Examples of how to use this concept can be found on YouTube by searching for them. Link:

declare upper;

input StartDate   = 20181226;
def StartBar = if GetYYYYMMDD() == StartDate then BarNumber() else StartBar[1];

input Planet = {Mercury, Venus, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, default Earth};
input PartialOrbit = 1;  # Divide Planet's Cycle Into Smaller Multiples
def PlanetaryCycle;

#########  Days In A Planet's Orbit ##########

def Moon = 27.32;
def Mercury = 87.9691;
def Venus = 225;
def Earth = 365.25636;
def Mars = 1.881 * Earth;
def Jupiter = 11.86 * Earth;
def Saturn = 29.46 * Earth;
def Uranus = 84.01 * Earth;
def Neptune = 164.8 * Earth;
def Pluto = 248.1 * Earth;

#########  Selection Of Planets ##########

switch (Planet) {
case "Mercury":
    PlanetaryCycle = 88;
case "Venus":
    PlanetaryCycle = 225;
case "Earth":
    PlanetaryCycle = 365;
case "Moon":
    PlanetaryCycle = 27;
case "Mars":
    PlanetaryCycle = 687;
case "Jupiter":
    PlanetaryCycle = 4329;
case "Saturn":
    PlanetaryCycle = 10753;
case "Uranus":
    PlanetaryCycle = 30664;
case "Neptune":
    PlanetaryCycle = 60152;
case "Pluto":
    PlanetaryCycle = 90557;

#########  Vertical Lines ##########

AddVerticalLine(BarNumber() == StartBar, "                                       " + Planet  + "   " + AsPrice(GetYYYYMMDD()) + "    " + AsDollars(close), Color.Blue, Curve.FIRM);

AddVerticalLine(BarNumber() == StartBar + (PlanetaryCycle / PartialOrbit), "                                                            "  + Planet  +  " "  + AsDollars(close), Color.Blue, Curve.FIRM);

AddVerticalLine(BarNumber() == StartBar + (2 * (PlanetaryCycle / PartialOrbit)), "                                                            "  + Planet  +  " "  + AsDollars(close), Color.Blue, Curve.FIRM);

AddVerticalLine(BarNumber() == StartBar + (3 * (PlanetaryCycle / PartialOrbit)), "                                                            "  + Planet  +  " "  + AsDollars(close), Color.Blue, Curve.FIRM);

AddVerticalLine(BarNumber() == StartBar + (4 * (PlanetaryCycle / PartialOrbit)), "                                                            "  + Planet  +  " "  + AsDollars(close), Color.Blue, Curve.FIRM);

AddVerticalLine(BarNumber() == StartBar + (5 * (PlanetaryCycle / PartialOrbit)), "                                                            "  + Planet  +  " "  + AsDollars(close), Color.Blue, Curve.FIRM);

AddVerticalLine(BarNumber() == StartBar + (6 * (PlanetaryCycle / PartialOrbit)), "                                                            "  + Planet  +  " "  + AsDollars(close), Color.Blue, Curve.FIRM);
Can you recommend any resources to learn about this topic that stands out from others as being the best resources?
I know creativity is key in trading but come on, you really think the planets have any merit in the movement of stocks? Seems far fetched. I'll check this out.

Take a look at the Hurst cycle indicator. It's very interesting. See if you can come up with something like this

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@mcdon030 Yes, there's value in your script for sure. You just got to know how to read it. Pay attention to where the planet's longitudes cross each other and see if there's any price reaction. I might add, if you could somehow write the script so that when a longitude crosses 360° and loops back down to 1° we don't get that vertical line (see Post #12), it'd be perfect. Great work for sure though.
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@d4dahl Then the above script which was posted earlier/at the beginning of this thread is not what you want and the one I posted actually has the longitude coordinates of our solar system. I did way more than what your suggestioning ; i can add it should you wish.
@Picard I think I spotted an error in your script (from Post #1). Take Mercury for example, you must remember that 88 calendar days is different than 88 bars. You'll need to take into account weekends and non-trading days for this script to be accurate. This holds true for the other planets, too. Hopefully you can figure it out!
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@mcdon030 If you are saying that you can edit your script (from Post #7) with no vertical lines like this picture below, then yes please do. I would be forever grateful.

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@Picard I think I spotted an error in your script. Take Mercury for example, you must remember that 88 days is different than 88 bars. You'll need to take into account weekends and non-trading days for this script to be accurate. This holds true for the other planets, too. Hopefully you can figure it out!
Review the link with real time data planetary data and the script. The longitude coordinates, both heliocentric and geocentric perfectly align. I don’t understand you when you say, “you must remember that 88 day’s is different than 88 bars”. If you review the script, it’s not based on any data within the thinkscript. It literally gives you the position of the planets based on solar coordinates. As I was saying, the only peice left would be offsetting price in some manner.
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@mcdon030 Please understand that I've been talking about two separate scripts, Picard's and yours. Both are potentially very useful. I've went back and edited my posts to try and clarify them. Your script is incredible. In a perfect world I'd like there to be no "loopback-vertical-line" which I've illustrated in Post #12, but I can live with it should you not be able to do such a thing.

To illustrate my point on Picard's script only about Bars vs Calendar Days, see pic below. It's a day chart on LULU. What I'm saying is that as a "bar counter" the script will be inaccurate to actual planetary day cycles. If it were accurate, the length of both would be the same.

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Planetary Model

I came across this code on the internet somewhere; so I cannot answer any questions about it. Examine it for yourself to figure out how to use it.

#Planet positions using elliptical orbits   
#Caution- <Caution- >   
#Caution- <Caution- >    
#Caution- <Caution- >
## need sun and moon added
            declare upper;
            # return angles between 0 and 2*PI
script FNrange {
    input x = 0.0;
    def a_ = x % 6.283185307179586;
    plot   a =  if a_ < 0 then 6.283185307179586 +
a_ else a_;
            #   returns the true anomaly given
            #   m - the mean anomaly in radians
            #   ecc - the eccentricity of the orbit
            #   eps set to 0.00000001 - the convergence paramter(e-8 or e-9 is usually fine, 2-12 e-14 for very accurate work
script FNkep {
    input m = 0.0;
    input ecc = 0.0;
    def ev = fold i = 0 to 100 with e = m while
(AbsValue(e - ecc * Sin(e) - m) > 0.00000001) do  e - (e - ecc * Sin(e) - m)
/ (1 - ecc * Cos(e));
    def v_ = 2 * ATan( Sqrt((1 + ecc) / (1 - ecc)) *
Tan(.5 * ev));
    plot v = if v_ < 0 then v_ + 6.283185307179586 else v_;
            #'   Atan depending of depending on the signs of x and y.
script FNatn2 {
    input y = 0.0;
    input x = 0.0;
    def   a1 = ATan(y / x);
    def   a2 = if x < 0.0 then a1 +
3.141592653589793 else a1;
    plot  a = if  (y < 0) and  x >= 0.0  then a2 +
6.283185307179586 else a2;
            #def JD = 2440588.5 + GetTime() / 86400000;
            #def nd =  - 2451545 + 2440588.5 + GetTime() /86400000;;
def nd =  -10956.5 + GetTime() / 86400000;
def Ct = nd / 36525; # delta t in century from J2000
            #AddLabel(yes, "J2000:  " + nd, Color.WHITE);

def PI = 3.141592653589793;
def degs = 180.0 / PI;
def rads = PI / 180.0;

def ec = ( 23.43929111 - (46.815 + (0.00059 -
0.001813 * Ct) * Ct) * Ct / 3600 ) * rads;
            #Heliocentric coordinates of Earth
            # Earth
def I_e = (0.00005 - 0.000000356985 * nd) * rads;
def O_e = (-11.26064 - 0.00013863 * nd) * rads;
def P_e = (102.94719 + 0.00000911309 * nd) * rads;
def a_e = 1.00000011 - 1.36893 / 1000000000000.0  *
def e_e = 0.01671022 - 0.00000000104148 * nd;
def L_e = (100.46435 + 0.985609101 * nd) * rads;

def m_e = FNrange( L_e - P_e);
def v_e = FNkep (m_e , e_e);

def er = a_e * ( 1 - e_e * e_e ) / ( 1 + e_e *
            #earth Heliocentric Coordindates
def Xh_e = er * Cos(v_e + P_e);
def Yh_e = er * Sin(v_e + P_e);
def Zh_e = 0;

def EarthLong = v_e + P_e;
def Earth_Long = EarthLong * degs % 360;
            # Mercury
def I_me = (7.00487 - 0.000000178797 * nd) * rads;#### inclination
def O_me = (48.33167 - 0.0000033942 * nd) * rads;#### long of asc 
def P_me = (77.45645 + 0.00000436208 * nd) * rads;###
def a_me = 0.38709893 + 1.80698 / 100000000000.0 *
nd;###smei major
def e_me = 0.20563069 + 0.000000000691855 * nd;  ### ecentricity
def L_me = (252.25084 + 4.092338796 * nd) * rads;##### mean anonaly

def m_me = FNrange( L_me - P_me);
def v_me = FNkep (m_me , e_me);
def r_me = a_me * ( 1 - e_me * e_me ) / ( 1 + e_me *
            #Heliocentric coordinates of  Mercury
def Xh_me = r_me * (Cos(O_me) * Cos(v_me + P_me -
O_me) - Sin(O_me) * Sin(v_me + P_me - O_me) * Cos(I_me));
def Yh_me = r_me * (Sin(O_me) * Cos(v_me + P_me -
O_me) + Cos(O_me) * Sin(v_me + P_me - O_me) * Cos(I_me));
def Zh_me = r_me * (Sin(v_me + P_me - O_me) *
            #Equatorial Coordinate
def Xq_me =  Xh_me - Xh_e;
def Yq_me = (Yh_me - Yh_e) * Cos(ec) - Zh_me *
def Zq_me = (Yh_me - Yh_e) * Sin(ec) + Zh_me *

def MerLong = v_me + P_me;
def MerLongDeg = (MerLong * degs) % 360;
            #Right Ascension and declination function:

def ra_me = (FNatn2(Yq_me, Xq_me) * degs % 360)/15;
def dec_me = ATan(Zq_me / Sqr(Xq_me * Xq_me + Yq_me * Yq_me)) * degs % 360;
def dr_me = Sqrt(Xq_me * Xq_me + Yq_me * Yq_me +
Zq_me * Zq_me);
            #def Mersdelta = ATan(Zq_me / Sqrt(Xq_me * Xq_me +Yq_me * Yq_me));
def trydistance = dr_me;
            #AddLabel(yes, "Mer long " + (MerLong * degs) % 360,Color.LIME);
            #AddLabel(yes, "Mer Distance " + dr_me, Color.LIME);
            # Mars
def I_ma = (1.85061 - 0.000000193703 * nd) * rads;
def O_ma = (49.57854 - 0.0000077587 * nd) * rads;
def P_ma = (336.04084 + 0.00001187 * nd) * rads;
def a_ma = 1.52366231 - 0.000000001977 * nd;
def e_ma = 0.09341233 - 0.00000000325859 * nd;
def L_ma = (355.45332 + 0.524033035 * nd) * rads;

def m_ma = FNrange( L_ma - P_ma);
def v_ma = FNkep (m_ma , e_ma);
def r_ma = a_ma * ( 1 - e_ma * e_ma ) / ( 1 + e_ma *
            #Heliocentric coordinates of Mars
def Xh_ma = r_ma * (Cos(O_ma) * Cos(v_ma + P_ma -
O_ma) - Sin(O_ma) * Sin(v_ma + P_ma - O_ma) * Cos(I_ma));
def Yh_ma = r_ma * (Sin(O_ma) * Cos(v_ma + P_ma -
O_ma) + Cos(O_ma) * Sin(v_ma + P_ma - O_ma) * Cos(I_ma));
def Zh_ma = r_ma * (Sin(v_ma + P_ma - O_ma) *
            #Equatorial Coordinate
def Xq_ma = Xh_ma - Xh_e;
def Yq_ma = (Yh_ma - Yh_e) * Cos(ec) - Zh_ma *
def Zq_ma = (Yh_ma - Yh_e) * Sin(ec) + Zh_ma *

def MarLong = v_ma + P_ma;
def  MarLong_deg = MarLong * degs % 360;

def ra_ma = (FNatn2(Yq_ma, Xq_ma) * degs % 360) /
def dec_ma = ATan(Zq_ma / Sqr(Xq_ma * Xq_ma + Yq_ma * Yq_ma)) * degs;
def dr_ma = Sqrt(Xq_ma * Xq_ma + Yq_ma * Yq_ma +
Zq_ma * Zq_ma);
            #plot Marsdelta = ATan(Zq_ma / Sqrt(Xq_ma * Xq_ma +Yq_ma * Yq_ma));

def MarsDistance = Sqrt(Xq_ma * Xq_ma + Yq_ma *
Yq_ma + Zq_ma * Zq_ma);
            #AddLabel(yes, "Mars long " + (MarLong * degs) %360, Color.ORANGE);
            #AddLabel(yes, "Mars Distance " + MarsDistance,Color.ORANGE);
# venus
def I_ve = (3.39471 - 0.0000000217507 * nd) * rads;
def O_ve = (76.68069 - 0.0000075815 * nd) * rads;
def P_ve = (131.53298 - 0.000000827439 * nd) * rads;
def a_ve = 0.72333199 + 2.51882 / 100000000000.0 *
def e_ve = 0.00677323 - 0.00000000135195 * nd;
def L_ve = (181.97973 + 1.602130474 * nd) * rads;

def m_ve = FNrange( L_ve - P_ve);
def v_ve = FNkep (m_ve , e_ve);
def r_ve = a_ve * ( 1 - e_ve * e_ve ) / ( 1 + e_ve *
            #Heliocentric coordinates of Venus
def Xh_ve = r_ve * (Cos(O_ve) * Cos(v_ve + P_ve -
O_ve) - Sin(O_ve) * Sin(v_ve + P_ve - O_ve) * Cos(I_ve));
def Yh_ve = r_ve * (Sin(O_ve) * Cos(v_ve + P_ve -
O_ve) + Cos(O_ve) * Sin(v_ve + P_ve - O_ve) * Cos(I_ve));
def Zh_ve = r_ve * (Sin(v_ve + P_ve - O_ve) *
            #Equatorial Coordinate
def Xq_ve = Xh_ve - Xh_e;
def Yq_ve = (Yh_ve - Yh_e) * Cos(ec) - Zh_ve *
def Zq_ve = (Yh_ve - Yh_e) * Sin(ec) + Zh_ve *

def VeLong = v_ve + P_ve;
def  VeLong_deg = VeLong * degs % 360;

def ra_ve = (FNatn2(Yq_ve, Xq_ve) * degs % 360) /
def dec_ve = ATan(Zq_ve / Sqr(Xq_ve * Xq_ve + Yq_ve * Yq_ve)) * degs;
def dr_ve = Sqrt(Xq_ve * Xq_ve + Yq_ve * Yq_ve +
Zq_ve * Zq_ve);
            #plot Venusdelta = ATan(Zq_ve / Sqrt(Xq_ve * Xq_ve +Yq_ve * Yq_ve));

def VenusDistance = Sqrt(Xq_ve * Xq_ve + Yq_ve *
Yq_ve + Zq_ve * Zq_ve);
            #AddLabel(yes, "Venus long " + (VeLong * degs) %360, Color.ORANGE);
            #AddLabel(yes, "Venus Distance " + VenusDistance,Color.ORANGE);

# jupiter
def I_ju = (1.3053 - 0.0000000315613 * nd) * rads;
def O_ju = (100.55615 + 0.00000925675 * nd) * rads;
def P_ju = (14.75385 + 0.00000638779 * nd) * rads;
def a_ju = 5.20336301 + 0.0000000166289 * nd;
def e_ju = 0.04839266 - 0.00000000352635 * nd;
def L_ju = (34.40438 + 0.083086762 * nd) * rads;

def m_ju = FNrange( L_ju - P_ju);
def v_ju = FNkep (m_ju, e_ju);
def r_ju = a_ju * ( 1 - e_ju * e_ju) / ( 1 + e_ju *
            #Heliocentric coordinates of Jupiter
def Xh_ju = r_ju * (Cos(O_ju) * Cos(v_ju + P_ju -
O_ju) - Sin(O_ju) * Sin(v_ju + P_ju - O_ju) * Cos(I_ju));
def Yh_ju = r_ju * (Sin(O_ju) * Cos(v_ju + P_ju -
O_ju) + Cos(O_ju) * Sin(v_ju + P_ju - O_ju) * Cos(I_ju));
def Zh_ju = r_ju * (Sin(v_ju + P_ju - O_ju) *
            #Equatorial Coordinate
def Xq_ju = Xh_ju - Xh_e;
def Yq_ju = (Yh_ju - Yh_e) * Cos(ec) - Zh_ju *
def Zq_ju = (Yh_ju - Yh_e) * Sin(ec) + Zh_ju *

def JupLong = v_ju + P_ju;
def  JupLong_deg = JupLong * degs % 360;

def ra_ju = (FNatn2(Yq_ju, Xq_ju) * degs % 360) /
def dec_ju = ATan(Zq_ju / Sqr(Xq_ju * Xq_ju + Yq_ju * Yq_ju)) * degs;
def dr_ju = Sqrt(Xq_ju * Xq_ju + Yq_ju * Yq_ju +
Zq_ju * Zq_ju);
            #plot Jupiterdelta = ATan(Zq_ju / Sqrt(Xq_ju * Xq_ju+ Yq_ju * Yq_ju));

def JupiterDistance = Sqrt(Xq_ju * Xq_ju + Yq_ju *
Yq_ju + Zq_ju * Zq_ju);
            #AddLabel(yes, "Jupiter long " + (JupLong * degs) %360, Color.ORANGE);
            #AddLabel(yes, "Jupiter Distance " +JupiterDistance, Color.ORANGE

# saturn
def I_sa = (2.48446 + 0.0000000464674 * nd) * rads;
def O_sa = (113.71504 - 0.0000121 * nd) * rads;
def P_sa = (92.43194 - 0.0000148216 * nd) * rads;
def a_sa = 9.53707032 - 0.0000000825544 * nd;
def e_sa = 0.0541506 - 0.0000000100649 * nd;
def L_sa = (49.94432 + 0.033470629 * nd) * rads;

def m_sa = FNrange( L_sa - P_sa);
def v_sa = FNkep (m_sa, e_sa);
def r_sa = a_sa * ( 1 - e_sa * e_sa) / ( 1 + e_sa *
            #Heliocentric coordinates of Saturn
def Xh_sa = r_sa * (Cos(O_sa) * Cos(v_sa + P_sa -
O_sa) - Sin(O_sa) * Sin(v_sa + P_sa - O_sa) * Cos(I_sa));
def Yh_sa = r_sa * (Sin(O_sa) * Cos(v_sa + P_sa -
O_sa) + Cos(O_sa) * Sin(v_sa + P_ju - O_ju) * Cos(I_ju));
def Zh_sa = r_sa * (Sin(v_sa + P_sa - O_sa) *
            #Equatorial Coordinate
def Xq_sa = Xh_sa - Xh_e;
def Yq_sa = (Yh_sa - Yh_e) * Cos(ec) - Zh_sa *
def Zq_sa = (Yh_sa - Yh_e) * Sin(ec) + Zh_sa *

def SatLong = v_sa + P_sa;
def  SatLong_deg = SatLong * degs % 360;

def ra_sa = (FNatn2(Yq_sa, Xq_sa) * degs % 360) /
def dec_sa = ATan(Zq_sa / Sqr(Xq_sa * Xq_sa + Yq_sa * Yq_sa)) * degs;
def dr_sa = Sqrt(Xq_sa * Xq_sa + Yq_sa * Yq_sa +
Zq_sa * Zq_sa);
            #plot Saturndelta = ATan(Zq_sa / Sqrt(Xq_sa * Xq_sa+ Yq_sa * Yq_sa));

def SaturnDistance = Sqrt(Xq_sa * Xq_sa + Yq_sa *
Yq_sa + Zq_sa * Zq_sa);
            #AddLabel(yes, "Saturn long " + (SatLong * degs) %360, Color.ORANGE);
            #AddLabel(yes, "Saturn Distance " + SaturnDistance,Color.ORANGE

def I_ur = (0.76986 - 0.0000000158947 * nd) * rads;
def O_ur = (74.22988 + 0.0000127873 * nd) * rads;
def P_ur = (170.96424 + 0.0000099822 * nd) * rads;
def a_ur = 19.19126393 + 0.0000000416222 * nd;
def e_ur = 0.04716771 - 0.00000000524298 * nd;
def L_ur = (313.23218 + 0.011731294 * nd) * rads;

def m_ur = FNrange( L_ur - P_ur);
def v_ur = FNkep (m_ur, e_ur);
def r_ur = a_ur * ( 1 - e_ur * e_ur) / ( 1 + e_ur *
            #Heliocentric coordinates of uranus
def Xh_ur = r_ur * (Cos(O_ur) * Cos(v_ur + P_ur -
O_ur) - Sin(O_ur) * Sin(v_ur + P_ur - O_ur) * Cos(I_ur));
def Yh_ur = r_ur * (Sin(O_ur) * Cos(v_ur + P_ur -
O_ur) + Cos(O_ur) * Sin(v_ur + P_ur - O_ur) * Cos(I_ur));
def Zh_ur = r_ur * (Sin(v_ur + P_ur - O_ur) *
            #Equatorial Coordinate
def Xq_ur = Xh_ur - Xh_e;
def Yq_ur = (Yh_ur - Yh_e) * Cos(ec) - Zh_ur *
def Zq_ur = (Yh_ur - Yh_e) * Sin(ec) + Zh_ur *

def UranLong = v_ur + P_ur;
def  UranLong_deg = UranLong * degs % 360;

def ra_ur = (FNatn2(Yq_ur, Xq_ur) * degs % 360) /
def dec_ur = ATan(Zq_ur / Sqr(Xq_ur * Xq_ur + Yq_ur * Yq_ur)) * degs;
def dr_ur = Sqrt(Xq_ur * Xq_ur + Yq_ur * Yq_ur +
Zq_ur * Zq_ur);
            #plot Uranusdelta = ATan(Zq_ur / Sqrt(Xq_ur * Xq_ur+ Yq_ur * Yq_ur));

def UranusDistance = Sqrt(Xq_ur * Xq_ur + Yq_ur *
Yq_ur + Zq_ur * Zq_ur);
            #AddLabel(yes, "Uranus long " + (UranLong * degs) %360, Color.ORANGE);
            #AddLabel(yes, "Uranus Distance " + UranusDistance,Color.ORANGE
def I_ne = (1.76917 - 0.0000000276827 * nd) * rads;
def O_ne = (131.72169 - 0.0000011503 * nd) * rads;
def P_ne = (44.97135 - 0.00000642201 * nd) * rads;
def a_ne = 30.06896348 - 0.0000000342768 * nd;
def e_ne = 0.00858587 + 0.000000000688296 * nd;
def L_ne = (304.88003 + 0.0059810572 * nd) * rads;

def m_ne = FNrange( L_ne - P_ne);
def v_ne = FNkep (m_ne, e_ne);
def r_ne = a_ne * ( 1 - e_ne * e_ne) / ( 1 + e_ne *
            #Heliocentric coordinates of neptune
def Xh_ne = r_ne * (Cos(O_ne) * Cos(v_ne + P_ne -
O_ne) - Sin(O_ne) * Sin(v_ne + P_ne - O_ne) * Cos(I_ne));
def Yh_ne = r_ne * (Sin(O_ne) * Cos(v_ne + P_ne -
O_ne) + Cos(O_ne) * Sin(v_ne + P_ne - O_ne) * Cos(I_ne));
def Zh_ne = r_ne * (Sin(v_ne + P_ne - O_ne) *
            #Equatorial Coordinate
def Xq_ne = Xh_ne - Xh_e;
def Yq_ne = (Yh_ne - Yh_e) * Cos(ec) - Zh_ne *
def Zq_ne = (Yh_ne - Yh_e) * Sin(ec) + Zh_ne *

def NepLong = v_ne + P_ne;
def  NepLong_deg = NepLong * degs % 360;

def ra_ne = (FNatn2(Yq_ne, Xq_ne) * degs % 360) /
def dec_ne = ATan(Zq_ne / Sqr(Xq_ne * Xq_ne + Yq_ne * Yq_ne)) * degs;
def dr_ne = Sqrt(Xq_ne * Xq_ne + Yq_ne * Yq_ne +
Zq_ne * Zq_ne);
            #plot Neptunedelta = ATan(Zq_ne / Sqrt(Xq_ne * Xq_ne+ Yq_ne * Yq_ne));

def NeptuneDistance = Sqrt(Xq_ne * Xq_ne + Yq_ne *
Yq_ne + Zq_ne * Zq_ne);
            #AddLabel(yes, "Neptune long " + (NepLong * degs) %360, Color.ORANGE);
            #AddLabel(yes, "Neptune Distance " +NeptuneDistance, Color.ORANGE

def I_p = (17.14175 + 0.0000000841889 * nd) * rads;
def O_p = (110.30347 - 0.0000002839 * nd) * rads;
def P_p = (224.06676 - 0.00000100578 * nd) * rads;
def a_p = 39.48168677 - 0.0000000210574 * nd;
def e_p = 0.24880766 + 0.00000000177002 * nd;
def L_p = (238.92881 + 3.97557152635181 / 100.00 * nd)
* rads;

def m_p = FNrange( L_p - P_p);
def v_p = FNkep (m_p, e_p);
def r_p = a_p * ( 1 - e_p * e_p) / ( 1 + e_p *
            #Heliocentric coordinates of pluto
def Xh_p = r_p * (Cos(O_p) * Cos(v_p + P_p -
O_p) - Sin(O_p) * Sin(v_p + P_p - O_p) * Cos(I_p));
def Yh_p = r_p * (Sin(O_p) * Cos(v_p + P_p -
O_p) + Cos(O_p) * Sin(v_p + P_p - O_p) * Cos(I_p));
def Zh_p = r_p * (Sin(v_p + P_p - O_p) *
            #Equatorial Coordinate
def Xq_p = Xh_p - Xh_e;
def Yq_p = (Yh_p - Yh_e) * Cos(ec) - Zh_p *
def Zq_p = (Yh_p - Yh_e) * Sin(ec) + Zh_p *

def PlutoLong = v_p + P_p;
def  PlutoLong_deg = PlutoLong * degs % 360;

def ra_p = (FNatn2(Yq_p, Xq_p) * degs % 360) /
def dec_p = ATan(Zq_p / Sqr(Xq_p * Xq_p + Yq_p * Yq_p)) * degs;
def dr_p = Sqrt(Xq_p * Xq_p + Yq_p * Yq_p +
Zq_p * Zq_p);
            #plot Plutodelta = ATan(Zq_p / Sqrt(Xq_p * Xq_p+ Yq_p * Yq_p));

def PlutoDistance = Sqrt(Xq_p * Xq_p + Yq_p *
Yq_p + Zq_p * Zq_p);

def I_sun = 0.0;
#def O_sun = (23.4406-.000000003563*nd)*rads;
def O_sun = 0.0;
def P_sun = (282.9404 - 0.00000470935 * nd) * rads;
def a_sun = 1.000000;
def e_sun = 0.016709 - 0.000000001151 * nd;
def L_sun = (356.047 + 0.9856002585
* nd) * rads;
def m_sun = FNrange( L_sun - P_sun);
def v_sun = FNkep (m_sun , e_sun);
def r_sun = a_sun * ( 1 - e_sun * e_sun ) / ( 1 + e_sun *
            #Heliocentric coordinates of  sun
def Xh_sun = r_sun * (Cos(O_sun) * Cos(v_sun + P_sun -
O_me) - Sin(O_sun) * Sin(v_sun + P_sun - O_sun) * Cos(I_sun));
def Yh_sun = r_sun * (Sin(O_sun) * Cos(v_sun + P_sun -
O_sun) + Cos(O_sun) * Sin(v_sun + P_sun - O_sun) * Cos(I_sun));
def Zh_sun = r_sun * (Sin(v_sun + P_sun - O_sun) *
            #Equatorial Coordinate
def Xq_sun =  0;
def Yq_sun = (Yh_sun - Yh_e) * Cos(ec) - Zh_sun *
def Zq_sun = (Yh_sun - Yh_e) * Sin(ec) + Zh_sun *

def SunLon = v_sun + P_sun;
def sunLongDeg = (SunLon * degs) % 360;

def xs = r_sun * Cos(SunLon);
def ys = r_sun * Sin(SunLon);

def xe = xs;
def ye = ys * Cos(ec);
def ze = ys * Sin(ec);
def ra_sun = (FNatn2(Yq_sun, Xq_sun)* degs % 360) /
def dec_sun = ATan(Zq_sun / Sqr(Xq_sun * Xq_sun + Yq_sun * Yq_sun));
def dr_sun = Sqrt(Xq_sun * Xq_sun + Yq_sun * Yq_sun +
Zq_sun * Zq_sun);

#plot sunn = ra_sun;
#AddLabel(yes, "SUNN" + sunn);
def r = Sqrt(xs * xs + ye * ye);
def vv = fnatn2( ye, xe);
#plot last = vv + O_sun;

def mer;
def ven;
def mar;
def jup;
def sat;
def ura;
def nep;
def plu;
input solarposition = {dec, long, ra, helat, default Longdeg};
switch (solarposition ){
case dec:

    mer = dec_me;
    ven = dec_ve;
    mar = dec_ma;
   jup = dec_ju;
    sat = dec_sa;
    ura = dec_ur;
    nep = dec_ne;
    plu = dec_p;
case long:
    mer = MerLong;
    ven = VeLong;
    mar = MarLong;
    jup = JupLong;
    sat = SatLong;
    ura = UranLong;
    nep = NepLong;
    plu = PlutoLong;
case Longdeg:
    mer = MerLongDeg;
    ven = VeLong_deg;
    mar = MarLong_deg;
    jup = JupLong_deg;
    sat = SatLong_deg;
    ura = UranLong_deg;
    nep = NepLong_deg;
    plu = PlutoLong_deg;
case ra:
    mer = ra_me;
    ven = ra_ve;
    mar = ra_ma;
    jup = ra_ju;
    sat= ra_sa;
    ura = ra_ur;
    nep = ra_ne;
    plu = ra_p;
case helat:
    mer = Xh_me;
    ven = Xh_ve;
    mar = Xh_ma;
    jup = Xh_ju;
    sat = Xh_sa;
    ura = Xh_ur;
    nep = Xh_ne;
    plu = Xh_p;

input showLabel = Yes;

plot mercury = mer;
plot venus = ven;
plot mars = mar;
plot jupiter = jup;
plot saturn = sat;
plot uranus = ura;
plot neptune = nep;
plot pluto = plu;


AddLabel(showLabel, "MER   " + mer, mercury.TakeValueColor());
AddLabel(showLabel, "Ven  " + ven, venus.TakeValueColor());
AddLabel(showLabel, "Mar  " + mar, mars.TakeValueColor());
AddLabel(showLabel, "Jup  " + jup, jupiter.TakeValueColor());
AddLabel(showLabel, "Sat  " + sat, saturn.TakeValueColor());
AddLabel(showLabel, "Uran  " + ura, uranus.TakeValueColor());
AddLabel(showLabel, "Nep  " + nep, neptune.TakeValueColor());
AddLabel(showLabel, "Plut  " + plu, pluto.TakeValueColor());

def meconj = if mer[1] crosses ven then 1 else 0;
AddChartBubble(meconj,mer, "Mercury conj Venus", Color.CYAN, yes);

Shared Link:
@mcdon030 I'm curious if you would be able to add Geocentric longitude to your script? I see you have Heliocentric, Right Ascension, and Latitude which I use frequently. Adding Geocentric to those would be even more awesome.

I might add, there's a drop-down labelled "Longitude". Could that be the geocentric longitude I'm looking for? If so, it doesn't seem to plot properly on a day chart... ?

Many thanks for any help.
@Picard You may like this one.

#hint: Counts Calendar Days Since Sping Equinox
#You'll need to update this yearly.

input label = yes;
AddLabel(label, " Days from Spring ", Color.White);

input Spring = 20210320;
AddLabel(yes, DaysfromDate(Spring));
This indicator is to show planetary cycles that can start from your selected date to display astrological turning points in the market. The inner planets are used for short cycles and the outer planets are used for longer cycles. The indicator provides the option to use smaller multiples of a planet's cycle for custom analysis. In order to use this indicator, the user will need to have knowledge of astrological trading methods. Examples of how to use this concept can be found on YouTube by searching for them. Link:

declare upper;

input StartDate   = 20181226;
def StartBar = if GetYYYYMMDD() == StartDate then BarNumber() else StartBar[1];

input Planet = {Mercury, Venus, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, default Earth};
input PartialOrbit = 1;  # Divide Planet's Cycle Into Smaller Multiples
def PlanetaryCycle;

#########  Days In A Planet's Orbit ##########

def Moon = 27.32;
def Mercury = 87.9691;
def Venus = 225;
def Earth = 365.25636;
def Mars = 1.881 * Earth;
def Jupiter = 11.86 * Earth;
def Saturn = 29.46 * Earth;
def Uranus = 84.01 * Earth;
def Neptune = 164.8 * Earth;
def Pluto = 248.1 * Earth;

#########  Selection Of Planets ##########

switch (Planet) {
case "Mercury":
    PlanetaryCycle = 88;
case "Venus":
    PlanetaryCycle = 225;
case "Earth":
    PlanetaryCycle = 365;
case "Moon":
    PlanetaryCycle = 27;
case "Mars":
    PlanetaryCycle = 687;
case "Jupiter":
    PlanetaryCycle = 4329;
case "Saturn":
    PlanetaryCycle = 10753;
case "Uranus":
    PlanetaryCycle = 30664;
case "Neptune":
    PlanetaryCycle = 60152;
case "Pluto":
    PlanetaryCycle = 90557;

#########  Vertical Lines ##########

AddVerticalLine(BarNumber() == StartBar, "                                       " + Planet  + "   " + AsPrice(GetYYYYMMDD()) + "    " + AsDollars(close), Color.Blue, Curve.FIRM);

AddVerticalLine(BarNumber() == StartBar + (PlanetaryCycle / PartialOrbit), "                                                            "  + Planet  +  " "  + AsDollars(close), Color.Blue, Curve.FIRM);

AddVerticalLine(BarNumber() == StartBar + (2 * (PlanetaryCycle / PartialOrbit)), "                                                            "  + Planet  +  " "  + AsDollars(close), Color.Blue, Curve.FIRM);

AddVerticalLine(BarNumber() == StartBar + (3 * (PlanetaryCycle / PartialOrbit)), "                                                            "  + Planet  +  " "  + AsDollars(close), Color.Blue, Curve.FIRM);

AddVerticalLine(BarNumber() == StartBar + (4 * (PlanetaryCycle / PartialOrbit)), "                                                            "  + Planet  +  " "  + AsDollars(close), Color.Blue, Curve.FIRM);

AddVerticalLine(BarNumber() == StartBar + (5 * (PlanetaryCycle / PartialOrbit)), "                                                            "  + Planet  +  " "  + AsDollars(close), Color.Blue, Curve.FIRM);

AddVerticalLine(BarNumber() == StartBar + (6 * (PlanetaryCycle / PartialOrbit)), "                                                            "  + Planet  +  " "  + AsDollars(close), Color.Blue, Curve.FIRM);
picard i have some ideas i want to run by you, what do you thin the real number is, if you catch my drift. I am can share some information.
Hi and thanks for this discussion. I am new to ThinkScript but I've studied Gann for decades now. I thought the planetary stuff was nonsense but I kept an open mind. Mr. Gann or someone like him once said that a person that cannot change their mind may soon have no change to mind. That is deep and wise. :) I hope to see if I can get some planetary fun working in ToS if my brain cell can handle the chore. I'm hoping you have at least gotten me started down that path...
I should have noted that I'm old school enough to have done some hand charting so this scripting stuff is fancy. I even remember a time when public water utility service was free and porn cost money. Things have reversed a bit since then. LOL Still, there is no new thing under the Sun.
I should have noted that I'm old school enough to have done some hand charting so this scripting stuff is fancy. I even remember a time when public water utility service was free and porn cost money. Things have reversed a bit since then. LOL Still, there is no new thing under the Sun.

i'm a casual reader of a couple FB groups , that talk about gann and other topics, like planetary cycles, weather, markets ...

search FB , inigo gann

inigo jones - long term weather forecaster
inigo jones weather


a few posts

inigo jones - long term weather forecaster
As you can see from Gold chart and some other stuff, the real money doesn't believe a word what government says. The Gann angles show the buy points if you know how to use them. Never follow news and stories follow only price and time cycles.
Inigo Jones has been dead for 63 years this year, yet the cycles still work. The Bruckner cycle of 35 years shows a drought this year (1982 +35 years = 2017). I predicted a drought this year not just based on this cycle as you need to know what all the other cycles are doing. Watch all the experts come out and start talking about sunspots and Inigo Jones only after I started the face book. It won't take long, this is why Inigo Jones , W.D.Gann never revealed the other cycles and neither do I.

inigo jones weather
My main business is commodities/economic cycles of W.D.Gann which I have been doing full time since 1983. Weather I have only been doing for the last 20 years. My system is my own with parts of W.D.Gann and Inigo. My clients (wheat and cotton farmers) have hedge all there inputs 2 years ago, paid off debt ready for now. They bought lots of fuel tanks when oil was at $40 a barrel, today $106. Inflation cycle runs on Neptune which is 14 years long and repeats every 56 years ( close to Gann 144 x 144= 20,736 days, 56.77 years). Neptune in fire degrees which is close now, but enters in 2025 ( Neptune is slow moving). Civil war started in 1861 + 165 years = 2029. This is why I stocked up an bought gold 2 years ago. Inflation peaks after a war about 6 years ( 1914 + 6 years =1920, 1939 + 11 years = 1950).
Those people will never be able to rebuild in flood plains, the costs will be double or more by then. Not that you should, just walk away and if you can find the keys give them to the bank and say good luck.
Increase in money supply is super inflation as your purchasing power collapses. Chart below.
Gann's larger cycle wheel of planets is back to 1492. Gann said he got all his cycles from the bible and most know the numbers of 3,7and 12. But also the larger cycles of 70,490,1260,1335 and 2300 years which is related to the moon and sun cycles.

For example the great floods of Europe (which could be the world) is due around 2025 when you go back 1335 years, 1335 is 1260 year + 75 years etc. This is also coded in Gann book TTTTA or looking back from 1940 (2300 -1940 = 360, on page 360 it has the word "birthday" 8 times, 8 x 45 =360). What I post is only the very simple stuff of Gann that you need to know to study cycles. How can you predict weather only going back 1 EVER( BOMS, NASA, IPCC of 20 years).
Gann said the smallest you can divide the circle into is 1/64th ,
Pluto at 248 year / 16 = 22.5 degrees which is 11.02 years, but you cant count years because its degrees you are counting. 22.5 degree movement at Pluto's Perihelion is way shorter than when its at Aphelion, hence computer models will never work. Then you have Pluto making the same with all other planets, and planets with other planets. There's no way you can understand this unless you understand Gann's system of codes, you cant computerise it because next to know one has the knowledge of planetary vibrations and what they mean and how they affect weather in the different degrees. 11.02 years is close to the 11.11 average sunspots , but average sunspots go from 8 years to 14 years, and this is why.
Inigo is pretty famous "down under". He does interesting work for sure. I've been fortunate to meet several authors and Gann researchers but I've not had the pleasure of meeting him. Odds are that he wouldn't tell me anything anyway! LOL That said, I end up with a lot of cool and interesting things to do with indicators but a lack of skills to computerize them. Such is life I suppose. If everyone could do everything, no one would have much need for anyone else...

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