Peaks Valleys Bar Questions


Active member
How would I call the BarNumber of a condition in its most recent occurrence prior to either the current bar or counting from x number of bars back? All I saw in the tutorial is that BarNumber() calls up the current bar. I do not understand what that means.

Let's say I want to call up the most recent occurrence of the Low being less than a defined reference in number of bars back, eg Low < Lowest(Low, 34)[1]. Thanks!

Join useThinkScript to post your question to a community of 21,000+ developers and traders.

If you want to look back to all bars remaining on the chart, how do you define each bar number going back to subtract from the current bar number in order to determine how far back to count in a Fold sequence?
If you want to look back to all bars remaining on the chart, how do you define each bar number going back to subtract from the current bar number in order to determine how far back to count in a Fold sequence?

your words are contradictory.
...look back , implies historical bars , before the current bar, to the left.
...remaining, implies future bars , after the current bar, to the right.

please try to rephrase your question.
don't say, define bar number, or fold, or any other function name.
try to use simple words to describe what you want to have happen.

here is a simple study that draws bubbles under all the bars, with
1. the barnumber
2. how many bars are to the right of the current bar.

is #2 what you are asking about ?

# fold_test2

def bn = barnumber();

# find the number of the last bar
def lastbn = HighestAll(If(IsNaN(close), 0, bn));

# set a true/false value on the last bar
def lastbar = if (bn == lastbn) then 1 else 0;

# find how many bars are to the right of the current bar
def future_bars = lastbn - bn;

addchartbubble(1, low, 
bn + "\n" +
, color.yellow, no);

this draws bubbles on every bar
the top number is the barnumber.
the bottom number is how many future bars are to the right of the current bar.

Can custom stats from a study, including hypothetical performance, be displayed in their own data window from a script? The image shows an example of what's needed for my ABCD pattern...

a study could create a bubble, that displays many variables.

there is something called a data box, that can be turned on, in settings, to display some values when the cursor is over a line or shape.
Data Box is a tool that displays values from the status string on chart.


I'm looking for help in calculating my Price Density Index (PDI) at every price level during favorable price movement to display only the first value that would be bigger than the Thrust Factor (having already been determined). The PDI is the number of prior bar matches to each price level in favorable movement (eg, above the trigger price in a long trade) once a pattern completes and a trade is indicated.
The PDI will be calculated in addition to any Peaks or Valleys (Primary or Secondary) to determine the first/nearest exit point for a trade as soon as it's entered. The same impedance criteria would apply for an occasional adverse move to more than reverse a loss and hopefully produce what would be a net 100% win %. Crazy ain't it!?!
Anyway, the PDI as well as any other impedance criteria would be imagined or, in the cases of an impedance point being found, actually displayed as thin horizontal lines akin to those of the existing Volume Profile indicator. and perhaps labeled with text above or below the line as an exit point.
With the Peaks and Valleys acting as Impedance Points, the exit point (with a MIT order) is always 89% of the way from the entry price to any such Impedance Point. So you know where you're getting out and your profit amount as soon as you get into any position. The 89% level can be optimized or user-defined (soft-coded?). The idea there is to get out just shy of where most other traders watching an obvious key level would be likely to have as their target. That's something like Joe Ross' "trader's trick" I learned many years ago from one of his $150 books. Always be a step ahead, maybe two. The market will not ALWAYS get to the target level but almost always gets close. If it does not and goes the other direction, it usually portends an extended move in that new direction.
Give up a little gain to save TIME and maximize win %. Make $5 per trade 100% of the time and you're rich!

Click for PDI example chart
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is your pattern anything like a a harmonic or a wave?
I think those cyclical waves are anticipatory or project likely direction so not really that. It all seems too theoretical and complicated, and I like to keep things as simple as possible or at least boil the complex down to simple, timeless concepts that involve no guesswork.

I am looking for a double top or bottom where the second peak or valley surpassed the first before a sharp break above/below the interim correction level. Further research suggested this pattern does not have to be perfectly structured like that to produce reliable signals. The two most important things are what I call a "whip-snap" or "fake-and-break" when a market makes a new high or low after a minimum size correction before quickly snapping back/breaking the other way after the hopeful herd has been lured in and the players take the market the other way and the level of support or resistance that would stand in the way of a favorable move and either negate it altogether if prohibitive or determine your best exit point. I call support and resistance "impedance" for simplicity. It's the irresistible force (Thrust Factor) vs the immovable object (Impedance Factor) and the bigger dog in the fight wins.
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I think what the poster wants to do is go back X bars and enumerate a function moving forward to today. It's probably not something built in like Average where the length is already there and it's far enough back that the events can't just be statically coded.
declare lower;

def bn = barnumber();

# Peak Left Bars = plb
# Peak left bar count = plbc
# Peak right bar count = prbc
# Peak left bar count start point = plbcsp
# Peak right bar count start point = prbcsp
# Valley Left Bars = vlb
# Valley left bar count = vlbc
# Valley right bar count = vrbc
# Valley left bar count start point = vlbcsp
# Valley right bar count start point = vrbcsp

# Is it a peak with at least 3 bars with lower highs on each side?

def peakcheck = if high > highest(high, 3)[1] && high > highest(high, 3)[-3] then 1 else 0;

# How many bars with lower highs are on the left side of the peak (minimum 3)?
plot plb = -if peakcheck == 1 then fold plbc = 1 to bn with plbcsp = 1 while high > getvalue(high, plbcsp) do plbc + 1 else 0;

# How many bars with lower highs are on the right side of the peak (minimum 3)?
plot prb = if peakcheck == 1 then fold prbc = 1 to bn with prbcsp = 1 while high > getvalue(high, -prbcsp) do prbc + 1 else 0;
declare lower;

def bn = barnumber();

# Peak Left Bars = plb
# Peak left bar count = plbc
# Peak right bar count = prbc
# Peak left bar count start point = plbcsp
# Peak right bar count start point = prbcsp
# Valley Left Bars = vlb
# Valley left bar count = vlbc
# Valley right bar count = vrbc
# Valley left bar count start point = vlbcsp
# Valley right bar count start point = vrbcsp

# Is it a peak with at least 3 bars with lower highs on each side?

def peakcheck = if high > highest(high, 3)[1] && high > highest(high, 3)[-3] then 1 else 0;

# How many bars with lower highs are on the left side of the peak (minimum 3)?
plot plb = -if peakcheck == 1 then fold plbc = 1 to bn with plbcsp = 1 while high > getvalue(high, plbcsp) do plbc + 1 else 0;

# How many bars with lower highs are on the right side of the peak (minimum 3)?
plot prb = if peakcheck == 1 then fold prbc = 1 to bn with prbcsp = 1 while high > getvalue(high, -prbcsp) do prbc + 1 else 0;
I also tried bn - 1 in the fold TO parameter to avoid counting beyond the number of loaded bars to no avail. I think the fold TO would have to be dependent upon the number in question per the Thrust Factor of a pattern. With a Thrust Factor of 5, the bar count to either side of a peak/valley need only be 5 or more bars to make it an Impedance Point and stop a trade.

Otherwise, one or more longer timeframes would need to be referenced in order to go back far enough to find support or resistance (aka impedance) that could have been formed weeks/months/years ago. This necessitates the question: Is that possible?
declare lower;

def bn = barnumber();

# Peak Left Bars = plb
# Peak left bar count = plbc
# Peak right bar count = prbc
# Peak left bar count start point = plbcsp
# Peak right bar count start point = prbcsp
# Valley Left Bars = vlb
# Valley left bar count = vlbc
# Valley right bar count = vrbc
# Valley left bar count start point = vlbcsp
# Valley right bar count start point = vrbcsp

# Is it a peak with at least 3 bars with lower highs on each side?

def peakcheck = if high > highest(high, 3)[1] && high > highest(high, 3)[-3] then 1 else 0;

# How many bars with lower highs are on the left side of the peak (minimum 3)?
plot plb = -if peakcheck == 1 then fold plbc = 1 to bn with plbcsp = 1 while high > getvalue(high, plbcsp) do plbc + 1 else 0;

# How many bars with lower highs are on the right side of the peak (minimum 3)?
plot prb = if peakcheck == 1 then fold prbc = 1 to bn with prbcsp = 1 while high > getvalue(high, -prbcsp) do prbc + 1 else 0;

thinking and typing on my cell...

it helps to make sense of fold code to put each part on a new line.

using a fold loop to bn isn't going to do what you want.
on bar2, the 2nd bar on the chart,
it will loop on the start number, 1.
then when fold increments to 2 , and it will stop. fold doesn't execute the 'to' number.
better to pick a constant for the 'to' number, so the loop is the same on all bars.
think of the biggest realistic quantity that could happen , then add to it. i tend to use 50 or 100. plenty big, but not so big it bogs down the running of the script.

def t = 50;
def g = fold i = 1 to t
with p
do p + 1;


def peakcheck = if high > highest(high, 3)[1] && high > highest(high, 3)[-3] then 1 else 0; have offset on the function highest() instead of on high

def peakcheck = if high > highest(high[1], 3) and high > highest(high[-3], 3) then 1 else 0;

...i use AND instead of &&

x = highest(high[-3], 3)
high[-3] , this says go to the 3rd bar after (to the right) of the current bar.
lets call this a ref bar.

highest( .. , 3) , starting on the ref bar,
look at 3 bars and find the highest high.
the ,3 means look at current ref bar and the 2 bars before it.
so the range of bars that highest( ) is looking at, won't include the original bar.


# left side of the peak
plot plb = -if peakcheck == 1 then
fold plbc = 1 to bn
with plbcsp = 1
while high > getvalue(high, plbcsp)
do plbc + 1
else 0;

...why plot ? use def. there is no reason to plot these numbers. have -if ? why the negative?

...getvalue has wrong offset variable. should be the plbc.

...the format of the if then may be an issue. might need ( ) around all of the fold part.
simpler if you can check if not a thing first, ... then do the fold thing...

!= means not equal to

plot plb = if peakcheck != 1 then 0
else fold plbc = 1 to bn ....

...using 3 variables spelled similar is confusing

...might be an issue trying to do a complicated if then, fold formula on a plot variable.
i think it's better to use def for calulating values.
def x = .....
then use a plot and different variable to plot that variable.
plot z = x;

def a = if peakcheck != 1 then 0
else fold b = 1 to bn
with c = 1
while high > getvalue(high, b)
do c + 1;


# right side of the peak
plot prb = if peakcheck == 1 then
fold prbc = 1 to bn
with prbcsp = 1
while high > getvalue(high, -prbcsp)
do prbc + 1
else 0;

wrong var in getvalue()
should be prbc


take a look at this study by robert, for finding valleys
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I also tried bn - 1 in the fold TO parameter to avoid counting beyond the number of loaded bars to no avail. I think the fold TO would have to be dependent upon the number in question per the Thrust Factor of a pattern. With a Thrust Factor of 5, the bar count to either side of a peak/valley need only be 5 or more bars to make it an Impedance Point and stop a trade.

Otherwise, one or more longer timeframes would need to be referenced in order to go back far enough to find support or resistance (aka impedance) that could have been formed weeks/months/years ago. This necessitates the question: Is that possible?

way too many words that aren't relevant.
no idea what 'that' is,
don't know what question you are asking.

all you need to say is ,
i want to use a variable , thrust, for the 'to' value , in a fold loop.

yes, should be able to do that.
might have to add +1 or? +2 , or..
to thrust to get the desired loop range

in a fold loop, the 'to' number is not evaluated.
fold a = 1 to 10
this will process the numbers 1 through 9 , then stop. 10 won't be used
declare lower;

def bn = barnumber();

# Peak Left Bars = plb
# Peak left bar count = plbc
# Peak right bar count = prbc
# Peak left bar count start point = plbcsp
# Peak right bar count start point = prbcsp
# Valley Left Bars = vlb
# Valley left bar count = vlbc
# Valley right bar count = vrbc
# Valley left bar count start point = vlbcsp
# Valley right bar count start point = vrbcsp

# Is it a peak with at least 3 bars with lower highs on each side?

def peakcheck = if high > highest(high, 3)[1] && high > highest(high, 3)[-3] then 1 else 0;

# How many bars with lower highs are on the left side of the peak (minimum 3)?
plot plb = -if peakcheck == 1 then fold plbc = 1 to bn with plbcsp = 1 while high > getvalue(high, plbcsp) do plbc + 1 else 0;

# How many bars with lower highs are on the right side of the peak (minimum 3)?
plot prb = if peakcheck == 1 then fold prbc = 1 to bn with prbcsp = 1 while high > getvalue(high, -prbcsp) do prbc + 1 else 0;

what exactly are these 2?
aren't they the same?
# Peak Left Bars = plb
# Peak left bar count = plbc

if not the same, why isn't there a , right version?
Peak right Bars = prb
valley right Bars = vrb

what is the starting point?
Peak left bar count start point = plbcsp
the barnumber of the farthest away lower high?
I'm looking for help in calculating my Price Density Index (PDI) at every price level during favorable price movement to display only the first value that would be bigger than the Thrust Factor (having already been determined). The PDI is the number of prior bar matches to each price level in favorable movement (eg, above the trigger price in a long trade) once a pattern completes and a trade is indicated.
The PDI will be calculated in addition to any Peaks or Valleys (Primary or Secondary) to determine the first/nearest exit point for a trade as soon as it's entered. The same impedance criteria would apply for an occasional adverse move to more than reverse a loss and hopefully produce what would be a net 100% win %. Crazy ain't it!?!
Anyway, the PDI as well as any other impedance criteria would be imagined or, in the cases of an impedance point being found, actually displayed as thin horizontal lines akin to those of the existing Volume Profile indicator. and perhaps labeled with text above or below the line as an exit point.
With the Peaks and Valleys acting as Impedance Points, the exit point (with a MIT order) is always 89% of the way from the entry price to any such Impedance Point. So you know where you're getting out and your profit amount as soon as you get into any position. The 89% level can be optimized or user-defined (soft-coded?). The idea there is to get out just shy of where most other traders watching an obvious key level would be likely to have as their target. That's something like Joe Ross' "trader's trick" I learned many years ago from one of his $150 books. Always be a step ahead, maybe two. The market will not ALWAYS get to the target level but almost always gets close. If it does not and goes the other direction, it usually portends an extended move in that new direction.
Give up a little gain to save TIME and maximize win %. Make $5 per trade 100% of the time and you're rich!

Click for PDI example chart

this may turn into a long post, but please know, i want to help you make your program. i want to help you communicate better.
you continue to use words that no one else uses, and that is making it hard to understand what you want.

i have read most of the posts on this site. i have read all of your posts (around 30), with most of them related to your impedance theory. i am interested in what you are trying to create and want to help you get it working.
but i have to admit, after all of those posts, i still have no idea what you are trying to do.
you continue to use terms that no one else uses, making it difficult to convert your words into a program.
sometimes people get so wrapped up in something, that they know every aspect of it, and yet they find it difficult to explain it to others. that is where you are.

when i read the first sentence in post3,
It all seems too theoretical and complicated, and I like to keep things as simple as possible or at least boil the complex down to simple, timeless concepts that involve no guesswork.
i realized that you don't realize how confusing your posts are. you say you like 'to keep things simple', but almost every post of yours has been the opposite, using words that have no meaning to most people, making it difficult to interpret.

post1 is a good example. 355 words, with vague words that have no meaning,
favorable price movement
Thrust Factor
be imagined
Impedance Points
occasional adverse move
obvious key level

and only about 20 words have any meaning.
"the PDI ... would be... displayed as thin horizontal lines akin to those of the existing Volume Profile indicator. and perhaps labeled with text above or below the line as an exit point."
that says what you want to see, but you don't list any conditions to determine when to display it.

the rest of post1 is theory, and opinion, which is interesting, but it doesn't define any conditions, needed to make a program.

in post3, you wrote a description that makes some sense, regarding peaks and valleys.
then you wrote this,
I call support and resistance "impedance" for simplicity.
It's the irresistible force (Thrust Factor) vs the immovable object (Impedance Factor) and the bigger dog in the fight wins.
i can assure you, it is not making things simpler, when you make up words like impedance, instead of using support and resistance.

when posting , please try to use common terms to describe what you want to look for on a chart.
you should be able to describe any chart situation with,
high, low, close, open, bar, bar number, peak, valley, [variable] name, [variable] price level,


recently you posted about sending me some files. i think that post got deleted.
unfortunetely, direct chat is not set up on this site.
even though this site has wonderful, helpful users, no one should post contact info on a public forum.

could you post a link to the file in a post?
if you do, make sure you are sharing just 1 folder, with just the intended file(s), and not not all your files on your onedrive.


i don't encouraged people to contact me, as i prefer to help people in a public setting, so the answer can help others.
but for you i will make an exception,

there is a chatting environment called discord, which is a separate program/app/web site.
usethinkscript hosts a server on discord.
there are different 'rooms' , like the forum rooms here, for people to discuss things.
it allows user to user chat.

if you can get discord set up, send me a message.
i think you can send attachments in messages.

after you install discord on your computer, at the top right, search for my name halcyonguy.
don't hit enter, just type it in the search field box and something should pop up.
click on my name.
it should find a post by me.
click on my name in the post.
a small user info pop up should appear.
at the bottom of it is an option to message that user.
type a message.
(names will have several numbers at the end, something like this, name1234)

this post explains how to set up discord and link it to your usethinkscript account. take your time and read through it.

this talks about attaching a file to a discord message


fyi , every time i see someone saying a high % win, i stop reading. but for you i will stick it out.
...a net 100% win...
I'm looking for help in calculating my Price Density Index (PDI) at every price level during favorable price movement to display only the first value that would be bigger than the Thrust Factor (having already been determined). The PDI is the number of prior bar matches to each price level in favorable movement (eg, above the trigger price in a long trade) once a pattern completes and a trade is indicated.
The PDI will be calculated in addition to any Peaks or Valleys (Primary or Secondary) to determine the first/nearest exit point for a trade as soon as it's entered. The same impedance criteria would apply for an occasional adverse move to more than reverse a loss and hopefully produce what would be a net 100% win %. Crazy ain't it!?!
Anyway, the PDI as well as any other impedance criteria would be imagined or, in the cases of an impedance point being found, actually displayed as thin horizontal lines akin to those of the existing Volume Profile indicator. and perhaps labeled with text above or below the line as an exit point.
With the Peaks and Valleys acting as Impedance Points, the exit point (with a MIT order) is always 89% of the way from the entry price to any such Impedance Point. So you know where you're getting out and your profit amount as soon as you get into any position. The 89% level can be optimized or user-defined (soft-coded?). The idea there is to get out just shy of where most other traders watching an obvious key level would be likely to have as their target. That's something like Joe Ross' "trader's trick" I learned many years ago from one of his $150 books. Always be a step ahead, maybe two. The market will not ALWAYS get to the target level but almost always gets close. If it does not and goes the other direction, it usually portends an extended move in that new direction.
Give up a little gain to save TIME and maximize win %. Make $5 per trade 100% of the time and you're rich!

Click for PDI example chart

here is the image you linked.


i typed out the words that are on the image you linked.

bar chart of /YM 1D 1m
lower chart with volumeaccumulation line. start out jagged , and smooths out flat by last bar

PDI = price density index

formula: matches / total bars * matches

calculate back one bar at a time until it ties or exceeds thrust factor, and exit trade at that point.
do this at every price level during favorable price movement or use with adverse movement to stay in a trade as it approaches the thrust factor level in the adverse direction.


comments about the linked image

1. what is the green line? how is it calculated?

2. why is 29674 a price to match? is that the value of the green line ?

3. what is the name of the formula that is listed?
formula: matches / total bars * matches

the formula is confusing without ( )
is it this
formula: matches / (total bars * matches)
which is the same as
(matches/matches ) * (1 / total bars) = 1 / total bars

or is it
formula: (matches / total bars) * matches = (matches*matches) / total bars

or should it be something else ?


the PDI ... would be... displayed as thin horizontal lines akin to those of the existing Volume Profile indicator.

this might be possible.
it is possible to plot a profile of other variables. it doesn't have to always be volume.

here is a study that does a profile of close, to find the price range that was crossed by candles the most.


how to paste a link to an image on this site
this may turn into a long post, but please know, i want to help you make your program. i want to help you communicate better.
you continue to use words that no one else uses, and that is making it hard to understand what you want.

i have read most of the posts on this site. i have read all of your posts (around 30), with most of them related to your impedance theory. i am interested in what you are trying to create and want to help you get it working.
but i have to admit, after all of those posts, i still have no idea what you are trying to do.
you continue to use terms that no one else uses, making it difficult to convert your words into a program.
sometimes people get so wrapped up in something, that they know every aspect of it, and yet they find it difficult to explain it to others. that is where you are.

when i read the first sentence in post3,

i realized that you don't realize how confusing your posts are. you say you like 'to keep things simple', but almost every post of yours has been the opposite, using words that have no meaning to most people, making it difficult to interpret.

post1 is a good example. 355 words, with vague words that have no meaning,
favorable price movement
Thrust Factor
be imagined
Impedance Points
occasional adverse move
obvious key level

and only about 20 words have any meaning.

that says what you want to see, but you don't list any conditions to determine when to display it.

the rest of post1 is theory, and opinion, which is interesting, but it doesn't define any conditions, needed to make a program.

in post3, you wrote a description that makes some sense, regarding peaks and valleys.
then you wrote this,

i can assure you, it is not making things simpler, when you make up words like impedance, instead of using support and resistance.

when posting , please try to use common terms to describe what you want to look for on a chart.
you should be able to describe any chart situation with,
high, low, close, open, bar, bar number, peak, valley, [variable] name, [variable] price level,


recently you posted about sending me some files. i think that post got deleted.
unfortunetely, direct chat is not set up on this site.
even though this site has wonderful, helpful users, no one should post contact info on a public forum.

could you post a link to the file in a post?
if you do, make sure you are sharing just 1 folder, with just the intended file(s), and not not all your files on your onedrive.


i don't encouraged people to contact me, as i prefer to help people in a public setting, so the answer can help others.
but for you i will make an exception,

there is a chatting environment called discord, which is a separate program/app/web site.
usethinkscript hosts a server on discord.
there are different 'rooms' , like the forum rooms here, for people to discuss things.
it allows user to user chat.

if you can get discord set up, send me a message.
i think you can send attachments in messages.

after you install discord on your computer, at the top right, search for my name halcyonguy.
don't hit enter, just type it in the search field box and something should pop up.
click on my name.
it should find a post by me.
click on my name in the post.
a small user info pop up should appear.
at the bottom of it is an option to message that user.
type a message.
(names will have several numbers at the end, something like this, name1234)

this post explains how to set up discord and link it to your usethinkscript account. take your time and read through it.

this talks about attaching a file to a discord message


fyi , every time i see someone saying a high % win, i stop reading. but for you i will stick it out.
In short, thank you.
I have an illness that causes slowed and scattered thinking, and it undoubtedly translates into my posts. I know precisely what I want to accomplish and appreciate your recognition of my ability and intent and willingness to help accomplish it.
My purpose is to at least make a living in what has otherwise become a very hard life for me living alone with a chronic pain few could imagine during and after several years of tremendous personal loss and trauma in a world that has become largely uncaring and inept. Just staying alive from day to day is hard. I give everything left in me to get this purpose accomplished. I need money to live and be able to improve my quality of life and take the sting out of losing our net worth that was about $3/4 million a few years ago, going deeply into debt from paying for my mom's care while she and I were getting abused by caregivers and defrauded by TennCare to ensure our financial ruin. After my mom died of Covid on December 3, 2020, I was forced to sell our home of 62 years last year to get out of the hole and have a little left to live on in this state of pain and sleep deprivation, suddenly an orphan living alone as a shut-in, abandoned by supposed friends, and in general shell-shock.
Trading has been my calling since I was 10, and now it is not only my passion and refuge but my financial salvation with only a small and dwindling nest egg remaining and no government support available to me.
No time for stupidity or gambling. I must know I will win before I trade. And I can. This works. And I know the standard is a few big wins to offset many losses. I never found simple trend following of any value. I like to smallball that beats a team of sluggers every time. And I'm just crazy enough to believe a 100 win % is possible if occasional losses are turned into profits. But even without that, any system that consistently wins more than it loses is the holy grail in my book. A smoothly rising equity curve. Las Vegas built an empire on 55% wins. I know how to bet sports (mostly basketball) and could conceivably make a living at it, but the cost of doing business is too high and there's an element of sleaze in it. There are billions in sports betting and trillions in trading. Trading is legal, easy, and the markets always open and close on time. A bushel of corn is always a bushel of corn.
Yes, my method may seem complex to those who have not gone through decades of blood, sweat, and tears to develop it. I started out with MetaStock in 1993 as far as computerized analysis. So my apologies to you and any others for any confusion in my admittedly scatterbrained posts. I don't mind other traders learning from me as I learn from them. We all bring things to the table. This is a great site, and I became a Member. I guess private messaging here would defeat its purpose of total community.
I did make an outline in Word to consolidate the system into segments. I cannot upload it here but will on the site you spoke of. Let me see about doing that and get back with you.
Thanks again. I hope I have not scared you off. Your kind help means more than you'll likely ever know.
In short, thank you.
I have an illness that causes slowed and scattered thinking, and it undoubtedly translates into my posts. I know precisely what I want to accomplish and appreciate your recognition of my ability and intent and willingness to help accomplish it.
My purpose is to at least make a living in what has otherwise become a very hard life for me living alone with a chronic pain few could imagine during and after several years of tremendous personal loss and trauma in a world that has become largely uncaring and inept. Just staying alive from day to day is hard. I give everything left in me to get this purpose accomplished. I need money to live and be able to improve my quality of life and take the sting out of losing our net worth that was about $3/4 million a few years ago, going deeply into debt from paying for my mom's care while she and I were getting abused by caregivers and defrauded by TennCare to ensure our financial ruin. After my mom died of Covid on December 3, 2020, I was forced to sell our home of 62 years last year to get out of the hole and have a little left to live on in this state of pain and sleep deprivation, suddenly an orphan living alone as a shut-in, abandoned by supposed friends, and in general shell-shock.
Trading has been my calling since I was 10, and now it is not only my passion and refuge but my financial salvation with only a small and dwindling nest egg remaining and no government support available to me.
No time for stupidity or gambling. I must know I will win before I trade. And I can. This works. And I know the standard is a few big wins to offset many losses. I never found simple trend following of any value. I like to smallball that beats a team of sluggers every time. And I'm just crazy enough to believe a 100 win % is possible if occasional losses are turned into profits. But even without that, any system that consistently wins more than it loses is the holy grail in my book. A smoothly rising equity curve. Las Vegas built an empire on 55% wins. I know how to bet sports (mostly basketball) and could conceivably make a living at it, but the cost of doing business is too high and there's an element of sleaze in it. There are billions in sports betting and trillions in trading. Trading is legal, easy, and the markets always open and close on time. A bushel of corn is always a bushel of corn.
Yes, my method may seem complex to those who have not gone through decades of blood, sweat, and tears to develop it. I started out with MetaStock in 1993 as far as computerized analysis. So my apologies to you and any others for any confusion in my admittedly scatterbrained posts. I don't mind other traders learning from me as I learn from them. We all bring things to the table. This is a great site, and I became a Member. I guess private messaging here would defeat its purpose of total community.
I did make an outline in Word to consolidate the system into segments. I cannot upload it here but will on the site you spoke of. Let me see about doing that and get back with you.
Thanks again. I hope I have not scared you off. Your kind help means more than you'll likely ever know.

i am sorry for what you have gone through in life. i remember reading an earlier post where you mentioned some of this.
i am near your age and know about helping parents.
hang in there, keep asking questions and learning. this place will help you get there.

i hope you haven't read any negativity in any of my posts. sometimes i ask questions bluntly, trying to get someone to provide more information.

you made a recent post about some peak and valley formulas.
i will see about making a working version of it.
i am sorry for what you have gone through in life. i remember reading an earlier post where you mentioned some of this.
i am near your age and know about helping parents.
hang in there, keep asking questions and learning. this place will help you get there.

i hope you haven't read any negativity in any of my posts. sometimes i ask questions bluntly, trying to get someone to provide more information.

you made a recent post about some peak and valley formulas.
i will see about making a working version of it.
Caregiving is a war you always lose but one you have to fight. I feel like a Vietnam veteran who did what he had to do and got damaged in some way, only to come home to derision by his countrymen. There's no more noble or other-worldly act. "No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." -- Jesus
Never read any word of yours that crossed the line between straightforward and harsh. Actually I love plainspoken people and welcome criticism as long as it's constructive and not mean-spirited. Tact is overrated. No worries at all there, and thanks for the consideration.
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