I'm trying to use this custom % change script (low - high, rather than the default from open). I am able to add it to watchlist sets, but can't add it to the custom option chain set. In the option chain, it only seems to allow default sets.
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!
can you describe exactly what you are doing.
why can't you add it?
can you see it , add it, but it doesn't work?
or you can't see the study name in the option chain list of studies, so you can't add it ?
of the column studies seen in the watchlist list, only the first 19 can be used in the option chain.
if your desired study is #20 , then you will have to, go through some steps to shift it so it is one of the 1st 19.
...copy/paste some column studies to be in later studies.
...make a few extra dummy column studies, for pasting in code from others.
...find a link to a column study, import it, change the name zz1. then import it again, rename to zz2, repeat a few times. zz3,zz4,...
...then you will have placeholders for pasting in code for more column studies.
copy the code, from the first column study , and paste it into zz1 , and rename it, to what it was called
copy your desired option chain code and paste it into the first column study , rename it. maybe aao01 , then aao2, aao3...
use aa so it is first in the list, and o for options...