Opening Range (ORB) Watchlist Column for ThinkorSwim

Did you guys see this guy pedaling pretty much a free indicator from here plus overnight highs and lows
it happens, some people just dont like using the "search" feature on google, if they cant use the search feature then they deserve to lose money for being lazy, they want to be hand fed. They will not make it in the trading world being lazy and not wanting to research. I can usually tell even on these forums whos not going to make it, the easy red flag are the lazy people that want to be spoon fed and cant simply use the "search" feature to answer their commonly asked question.
it happens, some people just dont like using the "search" feature on google, if they cant use the search feature then they deserve to lose money for being lazy, they want to be hand fed. They will not make it in the trading world being lazy and not wanting to research. I can usually tell even on these forums whos not going to make it, the easy red flag are the lazy people that want to be spoon fed and cant simply use the "search" feature to answer their commonly asked question.
Hahahah he blocked me out of the FB group when I told him I made the same indicator and pointed out that it's opening range with overnight highs and lows and a trailing stop is a trend line hahah.
Hahahah he blocked me out of the FB group when I told him I made the same indicator and pointed out that it's opening range with overnight highs and lows and a trailing stop is a trend line hahah.

Eric from MomentumOptions here, you were removed from my group because you were being rude and trying to start a fight, I know your type. I have shared my setups and analysis for years, for a long time for FREE even, but people follow my trades and consistently make money and stick around so I created my MomentumTrades and wanted to help them learn more so I kept improving my business by creating ORBI.

You made an ORB and think you have made the same thing as me but you haven't. I told you, unlike your program mine adheres to a strict set of rules and only signals entry when conditions across multiple timeframes are right for price to continue to our targets. The program is designed and does very well at always trading WITH the trend and has a built-in stop-loss so even an average new trader can follow the system and consistently find profitable trades.

My program monitors all the studies of my strategy across multiple timeframes to only signal entry when studies are lined up for price to move in that direction so it does very well at staying out of the chop. Our targets are entirely custom as well and extremely accurate as they tend to line up to the penny with my longer-term analysis using Fibonacci.

When you pair ORBI with my scanners you are sitting on gold. You literally commented on a post from a customer bragging about what a great day he had followed by multiple other customers thanking me for ORBI and such a great Friday. Just above that was a post from a customer saying he had grown his account 20% every day this week. You were being a hater and haters aren't welcome. Those who want to make money and learn to navigate the market are, my goal with ORBI was to make the best product that literally anyone could use to navigate the markets and make money which is something I am very proud I can say I have done.
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Eric from MomentumOptions here, you were removed from my group because you were being rude and trying to start a fight, I know your type. I have shared my setups and analysis for years, for a long time for FREE even, but people follow my trades and consistently make money and stick around so I created my MomentumTrades and wanted to help them learn more so I kept improving my business by creating ORBI.

You made an ORB and think you have made the same thing as me but you haven't. I told you, unlike your program mine adheres to a strict set of rules and only signals entry when conditions across multiple timeframes are right for price to continue to our targets. The program is designed and does very well at always trading WITH the trend and has a built-in stop-loss so even an average new trader can follow the system and consistently find profitable trades.

My program monitors all the studies of my strategy including MACD, RSI, EMAs, DMI, CCI, TTM Squeeze, and Volume across multiple timeframes to only signal entry when studies are lined up for price to move in that direction so it does very well at staying out of the chop. Our targets are entirely custom as well and extremely accurate as they tend to line up to the penny with my longer-term analysis using Fibonacci.

When you pair ORBI with my scanners you are sitting on gold. You literally commented on a post from a customer bragging about what a great day he had followed by multiple other customers thanking me for ORBI and such a great Friday. Just above that was a post from a customer saying he had grown his account 20% every day this week. You were being a hater and haters aren't welcome. Those who want to make money and learn to navigate the market are, my goal with ORBI was to make the best product that literally anyone could use to navigate the markets and make money which is something I am very proud I can say I have done.
First of all, I asked him to explain the methodology, the reason why he was entering in the trade. He could not. You chimed in with a pitch. Then I asked you about why you entered in that spot and that stock and you again gave a pitch and not an actual reason for entry.

I write indicators not systems. I do in fact have a reason for entry that are my own system that combines multiple time frames and indicators. And I have strict rules for entry and exits. And I can explain to you where the strong, multi period momentum exists and when it is going off the trend or support level (and can explain the reason why that trend or support level is important.)

If you are a true teacher as you say, and not another of the thousands of fake gurus, you would want your students to know why they get in the trade besides just blindly following a flashing light on a screen or whatever message they get sent to them. I choose to believe that a man needs to learn how to fish not just be handed said fish in the high season. If you think that is being a hater....Well, I think I have my answer as to which you are. I taught university level mathematics, the Socratic method is how I operate and I view everyone as a student, including myself. If I am wrong, I tip my hat.
Hi Ben, @BenTen thanks for this indicator. I am using this for my watchlist below and I am trying to get TOS Alert when ORB breaks for my watchlisted stock, Could you please help me with the code?
plot status = if (close > OpenRangeHigh) or (close < OpenRangeLow) then 1 else 0;
status.AssignValueColor(if status == 1 then Color.Dark_Green else Color.Dark_Red);
AssignBackgroundCOlor(if status == 1 then Color.Dark_Green else Color.Dark_Red);
First of all, I asked him to explain the methodology, the reason why he was entering in the trade. He could not. You chimed in with a pitch. Then I asked you about why you entered in that spot and that stock and you again gave a pitch and not an actual reason for entry.

I write indicators not systems. I do in fact have a reason for entry that are my own system that combines multiple time frames and indicators. And I have strict rules for entry and exits. And I can explain to you where the strong, multi period momentum exists and when it is going off the trend or support level (and can explain the reason why that trend or support level is important.)

If you are a true teacher as you say, and not another of the thousands of fake gurus, you would want your students to know why they get in the trade besides just blindly following a flashing light on a screen or whatever message they get sent to them. I choose to believe that a man needs to learn how to fish not just be handed said fish in the high season. If you think that is being a hater....Well, I think I have my answer as to which you are. I taught university level mathematics, the Socratic method is how I operate and I view everyone as a student, including myself. If I am wrong, I tip my hat.
I share my methodology every single week in my setups and have step-by-step video training on how to use all of my studies, indicators, and tools so that new traders can learn to identify the same type of trades for themselves included with purchase of ORBI. There are even in-depth videos explaining what ORBI looks at, how it works to identify entry, and how you can identify stocks that are most likely to give great signals ahead of time.

The goal of ORBI was to create a system that teaches new traders how to navigate the market and learn to identify profitable setups on their own consistently. I have worked very hard to create the best product for my customers and ensure they have a positive trading experience.

You took literally zero time looking through my website, any of my posts, members posts, or anything I have shared to see what MomentumOptions or ORBI was about. You merely joined my group to share you had an indicator of your own and to criticize me which you have clearly continued to do here.
You took literally zero time looking through my website, any of my posts, members posts, or anything I have shared to see what MomentumOptions or ORBI was about. You merely joined my group to share you had an indicator of your own and to criticize me which you have clearly continued to do here.
This is my last reply on the topic here, if you want to continue it, we can take it off the forum into discord or chat or telegram or Facebook messenger or whatever. This community is not about this.

I have been a member fo your fb group for months, possibly over a year and saying I have ACUALLY taken zero time to look though your website and posts is stretch. $697 or $997 OR 1199 (it keeps changing) for a collection of free indicators is still crazy , however elegant your indicator may look in comparison to my charts (that yes, use all that in multiple time frames ... I can combine them, but it works as is.)

As I said, if you actually teach them why they are entering, hat's off to you.
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Below are two custom watchlist columns for the Opening Range Breakout indicator. Add either one to your watchlist of stocks and it will tell you which tickers are currently breaking out, breaking down, or within the trading range of the first 30mins.

Both work the same way - just visually different. First one was created by Mobius and the second one by @WalkingBallista.


Mobius ThinkScript Lounge 2017

Rich (BB code):
# ORB Watch List Column
input StartTime = 0930;
input EndTime = 1000;
def h = high;
def l = low;
def c = close;
def ORActive = if SecondsFromTime(StartTime) > 0 and
                   SecondsTillTime(EndTime) >= 0
                then 1
                else 0;
def ORH = if ORActive and !ORActive[1]
           then h
           else if ORActive and
                   h > ORH[1]
                then h
                else ORH[1];
def ORL = if ORActive and !ORActive[1]
           then l
           else if ORActive and
                   l < ORL[1]
                then l
                else ORL[1];
def ORhigh = if !ORActive
              then ORH
               else Double.NaN;
def ORlow = if !ORActive
              then ORL
              else Double.NaN;
AddLabel(1, if close > ORhigh
             then "Above"
             else if close < ORlow
                  then "Below"
                  else "Inside",
             if close > ORhigh
             else if close < ORlow
                  else color.yellow);

WalkingBallista's thinkScript Code

# 30 min opening range
# Robert Payne
# WalkingBallista Watchlist

def OpenRangeMinutes = 30;
def MarketOpenTime = 0930;
input ShowTodayOnly = yes;

def Today = if GetDay() == GetLastDay() then 1 else 0;
def FirstMinute = if SecondsFromTime(MarketOpenTime) < 60 then 1 else 0;
def OpenRangeTime = if SecondsFromTime(MarketOpenTime) < 60 * OpenRangeMinutes then 1 else 0;

def ORHigh =  if FirstMinute then high else if OpenRangeTime and high > ORHigh[1] then high else ORHigh[1];
def ORLow = if FirstMinute then low else if OpenRangeTime and low < ORLow[1] then low else ORLow[1];

def OpenRangeHigh = if ShowTodayOnly and !Today then Double.NaN else if !OpenRangeTime then ORHigh else Double.NaN;
def OpenRangeLow = if ShowTodayOnly and !Today then Double.NaN else if !OpenRangeTime then ORLow else Double.NaN;

def dailyRange = high(period = "day" )[1] - low(period = "day" )[1];
def range = Average(dailyRange, 10);

plot status = if close > OpenRangeHigh then 1 else if close < OpenRangeLow then 0 else -1;
status.AssignValueColor(if status == 1 then Color.Dark_Green else if status == 0 then Color.Dark_Red else Color.Dark_Orange);
AssignBackgroundCOlor(if status == 1 then Color.Dark_Green else if status == 0 then Color.Dark_Red else Color.Dark_Orange);

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@BenTen contributed to this post.
I changed the code in this from whats up top to whats down here
If u switch out the openrangehigh/openrangelow for the ORhigh and orlow, it will signal green yellow or red when the CLOSing price breaks either the bull or bear line. and if it crosses back into the cloud it goes yellow

plot status = if close >OrHigh then 1 else if close < orlow then 0 else -1;
status.AssignValueColor(if status == 1 then Color.Dark_Green else if status == 0 then Color.Dark_Red else Color.yellow);
AssignBackgroundCOlor(if status == 1 then Color.Dark_Green else if status == 0 then Color.Dark_Red else Color.yellow);
Hello All, First time posting here. I am new to Scripting and have been learning a lot just modifying things I like from this site.
ORB is a great tool and I love the watchlist scripts you guys have put together.

I wanted to see if someone had any improvements to this modification or notice any miscalculated figures

I have taken the WL column from @fredcolclough and have tried to tweak it to not only give a percentage to ORB from but also a percentage from ORB. So as it breaks ORB we will see "by (x)%" .

The way I have set up my WL I will see

"Above | by (x) % " or "Below | by (x) %"


" In OR | Needs (X) % "

The colors indicate which direction price is moving

** Perhaps someone can look it over and make sure the math is correct because some tickers give me odd readings still although it has been working for most. Sometimes the MidORB would lean either closer to top or bottom ORB levels which seems to fudge the perception of what the percentage is telling me.

- Also if anyone has any advice to not "exceed custom expression limit". I know there is a limit on what data can be shown at once, but I have tried to trim my charts and WL and still get the exceeding error.

Thanks for checking it out and I hope it serves you.


 # ORB Watch List Column - % move To and FROM
input StartTime = 0930;
input EndTime = 0945;
def h = high;
def l = low;
def c = close;
def ORActive = if SecondsFromTime(StartTime) > 0 and
                   SecondsTillTime(EndTime) >= 0
                then 1
                else 0;
def ORH = if ORActive and !ORActive[1]
           then h
           else if ORActive and
                   h > ORH[1]
                then h
                else ORH[1];
def ORL = if ORActive and !ORActive[1]
           then l
           else if ORActive and
                   l < ORL[1]
                then l
                else ORL[1];
def ORhigh = if !ORActive
              then ORH
               else Double.NaN;
def ORlow = if !ORActive
              then ORL
              else Double.NaN;

def ORMid = if !ORActive
               then (ORHigh + ORLow) / 2
               else Double.NaN;

def ORRange = if !ORActive
                then ORHigh - ORLow
                else Double.NaN;

if (close < ORMid) and (close > ORLow) then "Needs " + astext(round((close - ORLow) / close * 100,2))+"%"
    else if (close >= ORMid) and (close < ORHigh) then "Needs " + astext(round((close - ORhigh) / close * 100,2)) + "%"
    else if (close > ORHigh) then "by " + astext(round((Close - ORhigh) / ORHigh * 100,2))+"%" else if (close < ORLow) then "by " + astext(round((ORLow - close) / close *100,2)) + "%" else "@ Level",

if close > ORHigh then else if close < ORLow then
    else if (close >= ORMid) and (close <= ORHigh) then
    else if (close <= ORMid) and (close >= ORLow) < ORlow
    else color.white
if anyone has any advice to not "exceed custom expression limit". I know there is a limit on what data can be shown at once, but I have tried to trim my charts and WL and still get the exceeding error.
You need to get the watchlist population down to within ToS acceptable resources before you can troubleshoot whether the expressions are calculating correctly. Your example doesn't have the resources to do anything correctly.
What time frame? Would you care to share a screenshot of said 2nd fib? I dont know 2nd fib, I know 38% or 61% Thanks
DO have a code that plots the second fib on charts? i like to set up flex grid and watch for which stock breakouts,,, thanks
hello! any experts knows how can we readjust this watchlist column script to use Premarket range?

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