Opening Range Breakout Indicator for ThinkorSwim

Recently came across this cool indicator called Opening Range Breakout by Mobius. This is more than just an indicator. There is also a strategy with risk and target lines included.

thinkScript Code

After adding the indicator, I couldn't quite understand it much. From looking at it, seems more like a support and resistance indicator to me. I watched a few YouTube videos about the Opening Range Breakout and was able to make some changes to the current code. As a result, I was able to have a clear picture of what this indicator does.

Here is my own version of it:

Rich (BB code):
declare Hide_On_Daily;
declare Once_per_bar;

input OrMeanS  = 0930.0; #hint OrMeanS: Begin Mean Period. Usually Market Open EST.
input OrMeanE  = 0935.0; #hint OrMeanE: End Mean period. Usually End of first bar.
input OrBegin  = 0930.0; #hint OrBegin: Beginning for Period of Opening Range Breakout.
input OrEnd    = 1000.0; #hint OrEnd: End of Period of Opening Range Breakout.
input CloudOn  = no;     #hint CloudOn: Clouds Opening Range.
input AlertOn  = yes;    #hint AlertOn: Alerts on cross of Opening Range.
input ShowTodayOnly = {"No", default "Yes"}; 
input nAtr = 4;          #hint nATR: Lenght for the ATR Risk and Target Lines.
input AtrTargetMult = 2.0; #hint ATRmult: Multiplier for the ATR calculations.

  def h = high;
  def l = low;
  def c = close;
  def bar = barNumber();
  def s = ShowTodayOnly;
  def ORActive = if secondsTillTime(OrMeanE) > 0 and
                    secondsFromTime(OrMeanS) >= 0
                 then 1
                 else 0;
  def today = if s == 0
              or getDay() == getLastDay() and
                 secondsFromTime(OrMeanS) >= 0
              then 1
              else 0;
  def ORHigh = if ORHigh[1] == 0
               or ORActive[1] == 0 and
                  ORActive == 1
               then h
               else if ORActive and
                       h > ORHigh[1]
               then h
               else ORHigh[1];
  def ORLow = if ORLow[1] == 0
              or ORActive[1] == 0 and
                 ORActive == 1
              then l
              else if ORActive and
                      l < ORLow[1]
              then l
              else ORLow[1];
  def ORWidth = ORHigh - ORLow;
  def na = double.nan;
  def ORHA = if ORActive
             or today < 1
             then na
             else ORHigh;
  def ORLA = if ORActive
             or today < 1
             then na
             else ORLow;
  def O = ORHA - Round(((ORHA - ORLA) / 2) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize();
  def ORActive2 = if secondsTillTime(OREnd) > 0 and
                     secondsFromTime(ORBegin) >= 0
                  then 1
                  else 0;
  def ORHigh2 = if ORHigh2[1] == 0
                  or ORActive2[1] == 0 and
                     ORActive2 == 1
                then h
                else if ORActive2 and
                        h > ORHigh2[1]
                then h
                else ORHigh2[1];
  def ORLow2 = if ORLow2[1] == 0
                or ORActive2[1] == 0 and
                   ORActive2 == 1
               then l
               else if ORActive2 and
                       l < ORLow2[1]
               then l
               else ORLow2[1];
  def ORWidth2 = ORHigh2 - ORLow2;
  def TimeLine = if secondsTillTime(OREnd) == 0
                 then 1
                 else 0;
  def ORmeanBar = if !ORActive and ORActive[1]
                  then barNumber()
                  else ORmeanBar[1];
  def ORendBar = if !ORActive2 and ORActive2[1]
                 then barNumber()
                 else ORendBar[1];
  def ORL = if (o == 0 , na, o);
plot ORLext = if barNumber() >= highestAll(ORmeanBar)
              then HighestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                              then ORL[1]
                              else double.nan)
              else double.nan;
  def ORH2 = if ORActive2
             or today < 1
             then na
             else ORHigh2;
plot ORH2ext = if barNumber() >= highestAll(ORendBar)
               then HighestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                               then ORH2[1]
                               else double.nan)
               else double.nan;
  def ORL2 = if ORActive2
               or today < 1
             then na
             else ORLow2;
plot ORL2ext = if barNumber() >= highestAll(ORendBar)
               then HighestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                               then ORL2[1]
                               else double.nan)
               else double.nan;
  def RelDay = (ORL - ORL2) / (ORH2 - ORL2);
  def dColor = if RelDay > .5
               then 5
               else if RelDay < .5
                    then 6
               else 4;
  def pos = (ORH2 - ORL2)/10;
plot d1 = if (TimeLine , ORH2, na);
plot d2 = if (TimeLine , ORH2 - ( pos * 2), na);
plot d3 = if (TimeLine , ORH2 - ( pos * 3), na);
plot d4 = if (TimeLine , ORH2 - ( pos * 4), na);
plot d5 = if (TimeLine , ORH2 - ( pos * 5), na);
plot d6 = if (TimeLine , ORH2 - ( pos * 6), na);
plot d7 = if (TimeLine , ORH2 - ( pos * 7), na);
plot d8 = if (TimeLine , ORH2 - ( pos * 8), na);
plot d9 = if (TimeLine , ORH2 - ( pos * 9), na);
plot d10 = if (TimeLine ,(ORL2), na);
addCloud(if CloudOn == yes
         then orl
         else double.nan
       , orl2,createColor(244,83,66), createColor(244,83,66));
addCloud(if CloudOn == yes
         then orl
         else double.nan
       , orh2,createColor(66,244,131), createColor(66,244,131));
# Begin Risk Algorithm
# First Breakout or Breakdown bars
  def Bubbleloc1 = isNaN(close[-1]);
  def BreakoutBar = if ORActive
                    then double.nan
                    else if !ORActive and c crosses above ORH2
                         then bar
                         else if !isNaN(BreakoutBar[1]) and c crosses ORH2
                              then BreakoutBar[1]
                    else BreakoutBar[1];
  def ATR = if ORActive2
  then Round((Average(TrueRange(h, c, l), nATR)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else ATR[1];
  def cond1 =  if h > ORH2 and
                  h[1] <= ORH2
               then Round((ORH2  + (ATR * AtrTargetMult)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
               else cond1[1];
plot ORLriskUP = if bar >= OREndBar and !ORActive and today
                 then HighestAll(ORH2ext - 2)
                 else double.nan;
  def crossUpBar = if close crosses above ORH2
                   then bar
                   else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(bar == HighestAll(crossUpBar), ORLriskUP, "RiskON ORH",, no);
plot ORLriskDN = if bar >= OREndBar and !ORActive and close < ORL
                 then HighestAll(ORL2ext + 2)
                 else double.nan;
  def crossDnBar = if close crosses below ORL2ext
                   then bar
                   else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(bar == HighestAll(crossDnBar), HighestAll(ORLriskDN), "Risk ON ORL",, yes);
# High Targets
plot Htarget = if bar >= BreakoutBar
               then cond1
               else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, Htarget, "RO", color.white, if c > Htarget then no else yes);
  def condHtarget2 = if c crosses above cond1
  then Round((cond1 + (ATR * AtrTargetMult)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else condHtarget2[1];
plot Htarget2 = if bar >= BreakoutBar
                then  condHtarget2
                else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, Htarget2, "2nd T", color.plum, if c > Htarget2
                                                          then no
                                                          else yes);
  def condHtarget3 = if c crosses above condHtarget2
  then Round((condHtarget2 + (ATR * AtrTargetMult)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else condHtarget3[1];
plot Htarget3 = if bar >= BreakoutBar
                then condHtarget3
                else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(isNaN(C[-1]), Htarget3, "3rd T", color.plum, if c > Htarget3 then no else yes);
  def condHtarget4 = if c crosses above condHtarget3
  then Round((condHtarget3 + (ATR * AtrTargetMult)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else condHtarget4[1];
plot Htarget4 = if bar >= HighestAll(BreakoutBar)
                then condHtarget4
                else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, Htarget4, "4th T", color.plum, if c > Htarget4 then no else yes);
  def condHtarget5 = if c crosses above condHtarget4
  then Round((condHtarget4 + (ATR * AtrTargetMult)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else condHtarget5[1];
plot Htarget5 = if bar >= BreakoutBar
                then condHtarget5
                else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, Htarget5, "5th T", color.plum, if c > Htarget5 then no else yes);
# Low Targets
  def cond2 = if L < ORL2 and
                 L[1] >= ORL2
              then Round((ORL2  - (AtrTargetMult * ATR)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
              else cond2[1];
plot Ltarget =  if bar >= HighestAll(OREndBar)
                then highestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                                then cond2
                                else double.nan)
                else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, cond2, "RO", color.white, if c < Ltarget
                                                     then yes
                                                     else no);
  def condLtarget2 = if c crosses below cond2
  then Round((cond2 - (AtrTargetMult * ATR)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else condLtarget2[1];
plot Ltarget2 =  if bar >= HighestAll(OREndBar)
                 then highestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                                 then condLtarget2
                                 else double.nan)
                 else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, condLtarget2, "2nd T", color.plum, if c < condLtarget2
                                                              then yes
                                                              else no);
  def condLtarget3 = if c crosses below condLtarget2
  then Round((condLtarget2 - (AtrTargetMult * ATR)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else condLtarget3[1];
plot Ltarget3 = if bar >= HighestAll(OREndBar)
                then highestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                                then condLtarget3
                                else double.nan)
                else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, condLtarget3, "3rd T", color.plum, if c < Ltarget3
                                                              then yes
                                                              else no);
  def condLtarget4 = if c crosses condLtarget3
  then Round((condLtarget3 - (AtrTargetMult * ATR)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else condLtarget4[1];
plot Ltarget4 = if bar >= HighestAll(OREndBar)
                then highestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                                then condLtarget4
                                else double.nan)
                else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, condLtarget4, "4th T", color.plum, if c < Ltarget4
                                                              then yes
                                                              else no);
  def condLtarget5 = if c crosses condLtarget4
  then Round((condLtarget4 - (AtrTargetMult * ATR)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else condLtarget5[1];
plot Ltarget5 = if bar >= HighestAll(OREndBar)
                then highestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                                then condLtarget5
                                else double.nan)
                else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, condLtarget5, "5th T", color.plum, if c < Ltarget5
                                                              then yes
                                                              else no);
def last = if secondsTillTime(1600) == 0 and
              secondsFromTime(1600) == 0
           then c[1]
           else last[1];
plot LastClose = if Today and last != 0
                 then last
                 else Double.NaN;
AddChartBubble(SecondsTillTime(0930) == 0, LastClose, "PC", color.gray, yes);
alert(c crosses above ORH2, "", Alert.Bar, Sound.Bell);
alert(c crosses below ORL2, "", Alert.Bar, Sound.Ring);
# End Code ORB with Risk and targets

Shareable Link:

Now that you have the indicator added, let's get some terminology out of the way.
  • The green shadow is called the Bull Zone
  • The red shadow is called Bear Zone
  • Anywhere above the Bull Zone is called the Breakout Zone
  • Anywhere below the Bear Zone is called the Breakdown Zone

Hopefully you were able to understand those terms from this picture.

View attachment 4237

The Setup

  • 5 or 15 minutes timeframe
  • Heikin-Ashi candlestick
  • Disable pre-market and after-hour market
  • TEMA (30)
  • EMA (20)
  • Supertrend Indicator

Usage #1: Taking Advantage of Breakout Zone

Once the stock reaches above the breakout zone, we buy calls.

Usage #2: Taking Advantage of Breakdown Zone

Do the same as above. If the stock start to go from Bear Zone to breakdown zone, we start shorting it.

Usage #3: Avoid Misleading Signals given by Supertrend

A lot of people brought up a really good point about Supertrend. That is sometimes it would give false signals. And I also seen it first hand too. The Opening Range Breakout Indicator will allows us to resolve that.

Example #1: Don't short when the candles are still in the Bull Zone.

View attachment 4238

The only time that it is reasonable to short while the candles are still in Bull Zone is: IF the candle are by the border of Bull Zone and Bear Zone. Even better if it's already crossing the border into Bear Zone.

Example #2: Don't Buy Calls in Breakdown Zone

If you think the Bear Zone is worst, wait until you buy calls in the Breakdown Zone. That's a hard pass.

View attachment 4239

Again, sometimes it may be reasonable to buy calls if the candles are crossing the border going back to Bear Zone, then you may have a chance to pull thru and get above it. But anywhere between the Bear Zone and Breakdown Zone, be cautious, especially if you're already deep down in the Breakdown Zone.

Here is another example of "don't buy calls in the Breakdown zone"

View attachment 4240

The following screenshot will tell us a few things.

View attachment 4241

  1. When the Supertrend is giving us a buy signal, and that candle is crossing from Bear Zone into Bull Zone, then it's potentially setting up for a call play. (circle #1)
  2. Unlike the rule of not buying calls when you're in Breakdown Zone, shorting when in Breakout Zone could potentially be profitable too. But only if it's reasonable. Look at circle #2. It rejected the white dotted line, which is an additional border to enter another Breakout Zone. Since it rejected the second breakout area, we could take advantage of the Supertrend signal to go short.
  3. Circle #3 and #4, don't short in Breakout Zone without reasonable evidence (I like to use Support and Resistance during the Breakout and Breakdown Zone).

When the Supertrend is showing a buy signal while the candle is in Bull Zone then it's fairly safe to take it. When Supertrend is showing a short signal while the candle s in Bear Zone, then it's fairly safe to short at that point. Treat these zones as the home of Bears and Bulls.

I think the concept is pretty simple and straightforward here. Give it a spin and let me know how it goes for you guys.

Feel free to post questions, ideas, or any additional finding from this indicator.

P.S: I'll let Steve talk more about the usage of TEMA and EMA when he's on.

Update: A different version with Fibonacci Levels.

Here is the scanner for anyone interested.
First I want to thank you all that produce all these wonderful TOS indicators.

My question relates to the "Open Range Breakout Indicator" (ORB) The version I'm currently using doesn't have a version number showing in the ThinkScript coding that I can find. But I think I'm using this shareable link version "Shareable Link:" Which seems to be the same as the one Ben Ten wrote.
When the script is running it places a Chart Bubble of "RO" at the high and the low white square dotted horizontal lines.
Here is the Script that places the "RO" on the charting.
<AddChartBubble(Bubbleloc1, Htarget, "RO", Color.WHITE, if c > Htarget then no else yes);
<AddChartBubble(Bubbleloc2, cond2, "RO", Color.WHITE, if c < Ltarget
What does "RO" mean? I can't find a meaning in the script nor can I find any mention in all discussions of ORB indicator. Sorry if I missed it. Can someone please provide me with the meaning of "RO".

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Check out our Buy the Dip indicator and see how it can help you find profitable swing trading ideas. Scanner, watchlist columns, and add-ons are included.

Download the indicator

Join useThinkScript to post your question to a community of 21,000+ developers and traders.

First I want to thank you all that produce all these wonderful TOS indicators.

My question relates to the "Open Range Breakout Indicator" (ORB) The version I'm currently using doesn't have a version number showing in the ThinkScript coding that I can find. But I think I'm using this shareable link version "Shareable Link:" Which seems to be the same as the one Ben Ten wrote.
When the script is running it places a Chart Bubble of "RO" at the high and the low white square dotted horizontal lines.
Here is the Script that places the "RO" on the charting.
<AddChartBubble(Bubbleloc1, Htarget, "RO", Color.WHITE, if c > Htarget then no else yes);
<AddChartBubble(Bubbleloc2, cond2, "RO", Color.WHITE, if c < Ltarget
What does "RO" mean? I can't find a meaning in the script nor can I find any mention in all discussions of ORB indicator. Sorry if I missed it. Can someone please provide me with the meaning of "RO".
@BenTen is there a way to set up an alert that it will only go off after 10am EST? idk for some reason mine keeps chiming before 10am even though the range hasnt been established yet.
I added the
  • Momentum Keltner Channel
  • Ultimate MACD
  • VWAP
to the Openign Range Breakout.

Look at the possibel trade entry:
  • Price in Bull Zone
  • Prive above VWAP
  • Long Siganl on Momentum Keltner "green arrow"
MACD crosses aboge yellow signal line

Does that make sense?

View attachment 8468

Maybe you can add the BB Stop for taking profit

View attachment 8469
Hi! Thanks for posting this. Is there a legend where I can see what the line graph indicators at the bottom are?
Recently came across this cool indicator called Opening Range Breakout by Mobius. This is more than just an indicator. There is also a strategy with risk and target lines included.

thinkScript Code

After adding the indicator, I couldn't quite understand it much. From looking at it, seems more like a support and resistance indicator to me. I watched a few YouTube videos about the Opening Range Breakout and was able to make some changes to the current code. As a result, I was able to have a clear picture of what this indicator does.

Here is my own version of it:

Rich (BB code):
declare Hide_On_Daily;
declare Once_per_bar;

input OrMeanS  = 0930.0; #hint OrMeanS: Begin Mean Period. Usually Market Open EST.
input OrMeanE  = 0935.0; #hint OrMeanE: End Mean period. Usually End of first bar.
input OrBegin  = 0930.0; #hint OrBegin: Beginning for Period of Opening Range Breakout.
input OrEnd    = 1000.0; #hint OrEnd: End of Period of Opening Range Breakout.
input CloudOn  = no;     #hint CloudOn: Clouds Opening Range.
input AlertOn  = yes;    #hint AlertOn: Alerts on cross of Opening Range.
input ShowTodayOnly = {"No", default "Yes"}; 
input nAtr = 4;          #hint nATR: Lenght for the ATR Risk and Target Lines.
input AtrTargetMult = 2.0; #hint ATRmult: Multiplier for the ATR calculations.

  def h = high;
  def l = low;
  def c = close;
  def bar = barNumber();
  def s = ShowTodayOnly;
  def ORActive = if secondsTillTime(OrMeanE) > 0 and
                    secondsFromTime(OrMeanS) >= 0
                 then 1
                 else 0;
  def today = if s == 0
              or getDay() == getLastDay() and
                 secondsFromTime(OrMeanS) >= 0
              then 1
              else 0;
  def ORHigh = if ORHigh[1] == 0
               or ORActive[1] == 0 and
                  ORActive == 1
               then h
               else if ORActive and
                       h > ORHigh[1]
               then h
               else ORHigh[1];
  def ORLow = if ORLow[1] == 0
              or ORActive[1] == 0 and
                 ORActive == 1
              then l
              else if ORActive and
                      l < ORLow[1]
              then l
              else ORLow[1];
  def ORWidth = ORHigh - ORLow;
  def na = double.nan;
  def ORHA = if ORActive
             or today < 1
             then na
             else ORHigh;
  def ORLA = if ORActive
             or today < 1
             then na
             else ORLow;
  def O = ORHA - Round(((ORHA - ORLA) / 2) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize();
  def ORActive2 = if secondsTillTime(OREnd) > 0 and
                     secondsFromTime(ORBegin) >= 0
                  then 1
                  else 0;
  def ORHigh2 = if ORHigh2[1] == 0
                  or ORActive2[1] == 0 and
                     ORActive2 == 1
                then h
                else if ORActive2 and
                        h > ORHigh2[1]
                then h
                else ORHigh2[1];
  def ORLow2 = if ORLow2[1] == 0
                or ORActive2[1] == 0 and
                   ORActive2 == 1
               then l
               else if ORActive2 and
                       l < ORLow2[1]
               then l
               else ORLow2[1];
  def ORWidth2 = ORHigh2 - ORLow2;
  def TimeLine = if secondsTillTime(OREnd) == 0
                 then 1
                 else 0;
  def ORmeanBar = if !ORActive and ORActive[1]
                  then barNumber()
                  else ORmeanBar[1];
  def ORendBar = if !ORActive2 and ORActive2[1]
                 then barNumber()
                 else ORendBar[1];
  def ORL = if (o == 0 , na, o);
plot ORLext = if barNumber() >= highestAll(ORmeanBar)
              then HighestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                              then ORL[1]
                              else double.nan)
              else double.nan;
  def ORH2 = if ORActive2
             or today < 1
             then na
             else ORHigh2;
plot ORH2ext = if barNumber() >= highestAll(ORendBar)
               then HighestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                               then ORH2[1]
                               else double.nan)
               else double.nan;
  def ORL2 = if ORActive2
               or today < 1
             then na
             else ORLow2;
plot ORL2ext = if barNumber() >= highestAll(ORendBar)
               then HighestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                               then ORL2[1]
                               else double.nan)
               else double.nan;
  def RelDay = (ORL - ORL2) / (ORH2 - ORL2);
  def dColor = if RelDay > .5
               then 5
               else if RelDay < .5
                    then 6
               else 4;
  def pos = (ORH2 - ORL2)/10;
plot d1 = if (TimeLine , ORH2, na);
plot d2 = if (TimeLine , ORH2 - ( pos * 2), na);
plot d3 = if (TimeLine , ORH2 - ( pos * 3), na);
plot d4 = if (TimeLine , ORH2 - ( pos * 4), na);
plot d5 = if (TimeLine , ORH2 - ( pos * 5), na);
plot d6 = if (TimeLine , ORH2 - ( pos * 6), na);
plot d7 = if (TimeLine , ORH2 - ( pos * 7), na);
plot d8 = if (TimeLine , ORH2 - ( pos * 8), na);
plot d9 = if (TimeLine , ORH2 - ( pos * 9), na);
plot d10 = if (TimeLine ,(ORL2), na);
addCloud(if CloudOn == yes
         then orl
         else double.nan
       , orl2,createColor(244,83,66), createColor(244,83,66));
addCloud(if CloudOn == yes
         then orl
         else double.nan
       , orh2,createColor(66,244,131), createColor(66,244,131));
# Begin Risk Algorithm
# First Breakout or Breakdown bars
  def Bubbleloc1 = isNaN(close[-1]);
  def BreakoutBar = if ORActive
                    then double.nan
                    else if !ORActive and c crosses above ORH2
                         then bar
                         else if !isNaN(BreakoutBar[1]) and c crosses ORH2
                              then BreakoutBar[1]
                    else BreakoutBar[1];
  def ATR = if ORActive2
  then Round((Average(TrueRange(h, c, l), nATR)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else ATR[1];
  def cond1 =  if h > ORH2 and
                  h[1] <= ORH2
               then Round((ORH2  + (ATR * AtrTargetMult)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
               else cond1[1];
plot ORLriskUP = if bar >= OREndBar and !ORActive and today
                 then HighestAll(ORH2ext - 2)
                 else double.nan;
  def crossUpBar = if close crosses above ORH2
                   then bar
                   else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(bar == HighestAll(crossUpBar), ORLriskUP, "RiskON ORH",, no);
plot ORLriskDN = if bar >= OREndBar and !ORActive and close < ORL
                 then HighestAll(ORL2ext + 2)
                 else double.nan;
  def crossDnBar = if close crosses below ORL2ext
                   then bar
                   else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(bar == HighestAll(crossDnBar), HighestAll(ORLriskDN), "Risk ON ORL",, yes);
# High Targets
plot Htarget = if bar >= BreakoutBar
               then cond1
               else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, Htarget, "RO", color.white, if c > Htarget then no else yes);
  def condHtarget2 = if c crosses above cond1
  then Round((cond1 + (ATR * AtrTargetMult)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else condHtarget2[1];
plot Htarget2 = if bar >= BreakoutBar
                then  condHtarget2
                else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, Htarget2, "2nd T", color.plum, if c > Htarget2
                                                          then no
                                                          else yes);
  def condHtarget3 = if c crosses above condHtarget2
  then Round((condHtarget2 + (ATR * AtrTargetMult)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else condHtarget3[1];
plot Htarget3 = if bar >= BreakoutBar
                then condHtarget3
                else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(isNaN(C[-1]), Htarget3, "3rd T", color.plum, if c > Htarget3 then no else yes);
  def condHtarget4 = if c crosses above condHtarget3
  then Round((condHtarget3 + (ATR * AtrTargetMult)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else condHtarget4[1];
plot Htarget4 = if bar >= HighestAll(BreakoutBar)
                then condHtarget4
                else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, Htarget4, "4th T", color.plum, if c > Htarget4 then no else yes);
  def condHtarget5 = if c crosses above condHtarget4
  then Round((condHtarget4 + (ATR * AtrTargetMult)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else condHtarget5[1];
plot Htarget5 = if bar >= BreakoutBar
                then condHtarget5
                else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, Htarget5, "5th T", color.plum, if c > Htarget5 then no else yes);
# Low Targets
  def cond2 = if L < ORL2 and
                 L[1] >= ORL2
              then Round((ORL2  - (AtrTargetMult * ATR)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
              else cond2[1];
plot Ltarget =  if bar >= HighestAll(OREndBar)
                then highestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                                then cond2
                                else double.nan)
                else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, cond2, "RO", color.white, if c < Ltarget
                                                     then yes
                                                     else no);
  def condLtarget2 = if c crosses below cond2
  then Round((cond2 - (AtrTargetMult * ATR)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else condLtarget2[1];
plot Ltarget2 =  if bar >= HighestAll(OREndBar)
                 then highestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                                 then condLtarget2
                                 else double.nan)
                 else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, condLtarget2, "2nd T", color.plum, if c < condLtarget2
                                                              then yes
                                                              else no);
  def condLtarget3 = if c crosses below condLtarget2
  then Round((condLtarget2 - (AtrTargetMult * ATR)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else condLtarget3[1];
plot Ltarget3 = if bar >= HighestAll(OREndBar)
                then highestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                                then condLtarget3
                                else double.nan)
                else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, condLtarget3, "3rd T", color.plum, if c < Ltarget3
                                                              then yes
                                                              else no);
  def condLtarget4 = if c crosses condLtarget3
  then Round((condLtarget3 - (AtrTargetMult * ATR)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else condLtarget4[1];
plot Ltarget4 = if bar >= HighestAll(OREndBar)
                then highestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                                then condLtarget4
                                else double.nan)
                else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, condLtarget4, "4th T", color.plum, if c < Ltarget4
                                                              then yes
                                                              else no);
  def condLtarget5 = if c crosses condLtarget4
  then Round((condLtarget4 - (AtrTargetMult * ATR)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else condLtarget5[1];
plot Ltarget5 = if bar >= HighestAll(OREndBar)
                then highestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                                then condLtarget5
                                else double.nan)
                else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, condLtarget5, "5th T", color.plum, if c < Ltarget5
                                                              then yes
                                                              else no);
def last = if secondsTillTime(1600) == 0 and
              secondsFromTime(1600) == 0
           then c[1]
           else last[1];
plot LastClose = if Today and last != 0
                 then last
                 else Double.NaN;
AddChartBubble(SecondsTillTime(0930) == 0, LastClose, "PC", color.gray, yes);
alert(c crosses above ORH2, "", Alert.Bar, Sound.Bell);
alert(c crosses below ORL2, "", Alert.Bar, Sound.Ring);
# End Code ORB with Risk and targets

Shareable Link:

Now that you have the indicator added, let's get some terminology out of the way.
  • The green shadow is called the Bull Zone
  • The red shadow is called Bear Zone
  • Anywhere above the Bull Zone is called the Breakout Zone
  • Anywhere below the Bear Zone is called the Breakdown Zone

Hopefully you were able to understand those terms from this picture.

View attachment 4237

The Setup

  • 5 or 15 minutes timeframe
  • Heikin-Ashi candlestick
  • Disable pre-market and after-hour market
  • TEMA (30)
  • EMA (20)
  • Supertrend Indicator

Usage #1: Taking Advantage of Breakout Zone

Once the stock reaches above the breakout zone, we buy calls.

Usage #2: Taking Advantage of Breakdown Zone

Do the same as above. If the stock start to go from Bear Zone to breakdown zone, we start shorting it.

Usage #3: Avoid Misleading Signals given by Supertrend

A lot of people brought up a really good point about Supertrend. That is sometimes it would give false signals. And I also seen it first hand too. The Opening Range Breakout Indicator will allows us to resolve that.

Example #1: Don't short when the candles are still in the Bull Zone.

View attachment 4238

The only time that it is reasonable to short while the candles are still in Bull Zone is: IF the candle are by the border of Bull Zone and Bear Zone. Even better if it's already crossing the border into Bear Zone.

Example #2: Don't Buy Calls in Breakdown Zone

If you think the Bear Zone is worst, wait until you buy calls in the Breakdown Zone. That's a hard pass.

View attachment 4239

Again, sometimes it may be reasonable to buy calls if the candles are crossing the border going back to Bear Zone, then you may have a chance to pull thru and get above it. But anywhere between the Bear Zone and Breakdown Zone, be cautious, especially if you're already deep down in the Breakdown Zone.

Here is another example of "don't buy calls in the Breakdown zone"

View attachment 4240

The following screenshot will tell us a few things.

View attachment 4241

  1. When the Supertrend is giving us a buy signal, and that candle is crossing from Bear Zone into Bull Zone, then it's potentially setting up for a call play. (circle #1)
  2. Unlike the rule of not buying calls when you're in Breakdown Zone, shorting when in Breakout Zone could potentially be profitable too. But only if it's reasonable. Look at circle #2. It rejected the white dotted line, which is an additional border to enter another Breakout Zone. Since it rejected the second breakout area, we could take advantage of the Supertrend signal to go short.
  3. Circle #3 and #4, don't short in Breakout Zone without reasonable evidence (I like to use Support and Resistance during the Breakout and Breakdown Zone).

When the Supertrend is showing a buy signal while the candle is in Bull Zone then it's fairly safe to take it. When Supertrend is showing a short signal while the candle s in Bear Zone, then it's fairly safe to short at that point. Treat these zones as the home of Bears and Bulls.

I think the concept is pretty simple and straightforward here. Give it a spin and let me know how it goes for you guys.

Feel free to post questions, ideas, or any additional finding from this indicator.

P.S: I'll let Steve talk more about the usage of TEMA and EMA when he's on.

Update: A different version with Fibonacci Levels.

Here is
Recently came across this cool indicator called Opening Range Breakout by Mobius. This is more than just an indicator. There is also a strategy with risk and target lines included.

thinkScript Code

After adding the indicator, I couldn't quite understand it much. From looking at it, seems more like a support and resistance indicator to me. I watched a few YouTube videos about the Opening Range Breakout and was able to make some changes to the current code. As a result, I was able to have a clear picture of what this indicator does.

Here is my own version of it:

Rich (BB code):
declare Hide_On_Daily;
declare Once_per_bar;

input OrMeanS  = 0930.0; #hint OrMeanS: Begin Mean Period. Usually Market Open EST.
input OrMeanE  = 0935.0; #hint OrMeanE: End Mean period. Usually End of first bar.
input OrBegin  = 0930.0; #hint OrBegin: Beginning for Period of Opening Range Breakout.
input OrEnd    = 1000.0; #hint OrEnd: End of Period of Opening Range Breakout.
input CloudOn  = no;     #hint CloudOn: Clouds Opening Range.
input AlertOn  = yes;    #hint AlertOn: Alerts on cross of Opening Range.
input ShowTodayOnly = {"No", default "Yes"}; 
input nAtr = 4;          #hint nATR: Lenght for the ATR Risk and Target Lines.
input AtrTargetMult = 2.0; #hint ATRmult: Multiplier for the ATR calculations.

  def h = high;
  def l = low;
  def c = close;
  def bar = barNumber();
  def s = ShowTodayOnly;
  def ORActive = if secondsTillTime(OrMeanE) > 0 and
                    secondsFromTime(OrMeanS) >= 0
                 then 1
                 else 0;
  def today = if s == 0
              or getDay() == getLastDay() and
                 secondsFromTime(OrMeanS) >= 0
              then 1
              else 0;
  def ORHigh = if ORHigh[1] == 0
               or ORActive[1] == 0 and
                  ORActive == 1
               then h
               else if ORActive and
                       h > ORHigh[1]
               then h
               else ORHigh[1];
  def ORLow = if ORLow[1] == 0
              or ORActive[1] == 0 and
                 ORActive == 1
              then l
              else if ORActive and
                      l < ORLow[1]
              then l
              else ORLow[1];
  def ORWidth = ORHigh - ORLow;
  def na = double.nan;
  def ORHA = if ORActive
             or today < 1
             then na
             else ORHigh;
  def ORLA = if ORActive
             or today < 1
             then na
             else ORLow;
  def O = ORHA - Round(((ORHA - ORLA) / 2) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize();
  def ORActive2 = if secondsTillTime(OREnd) > 0 and
                     secondsFromTime(ORBegin) >= 0
                  then 1
                  else 0;
  def ORHigh2 = if ORHigh2[1] == 0
                  or ORActive2[1] == 0 and
                     ORActive2 == 1
                then h
                else if ORActive2 and
                        h > ORHigh2[1]
                then h
                else ORHigh2[1];
  def ORLow2 = if ORLow2[1] == 0
                or ORActive2[1] == 0 and
                   ORActive2 == 1
               then l
               else if ORActive2 and
                       l < ORLow2[1]
               then l
               else ORLow2[1];
  def ORWidth2 = ORHigh2 - ORLow2;
  def TimeLine = if secondsTillTime(OREnd) == 0
                 then 1
                 else 0;
  def ORmeanBar = if !ORActive and ORActive[1]
                  then barNumber()
                  else ORmeanBar[1];
  def ORendBar = if !ORActive2 and ORActive2[1]
                 then barNumber()
                 else ORendBar[1];
  def ORL = if (o == 0 , na, o);
plot ORLext = if barNumber() >= highestAll(ORmeanBar)
              then HighestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                              then ORL[1]
                              else double.nan)
              else double.nan;
  def ORH2 = if ORActive2
             or today < 1
             then na
             else ORHigh2;
plot ORH2ext = if barNumber() >= highestAll(ORendBar)
               then HighestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                               then ORH2[1]
                               else double.nan)
               else double.nan;
  def ORL2 = if ORActive2
               or today < 1
             then na
             else ORLow2;
plot ORL2ext = if barNumber() >= highestAll(ORendBar)
               then HighestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                               then ORL2[1]
                               else double.nan)
               else double.nan;
  def RelDay = (ORL - ORL2) / (ORH2 - ORL2);
  def dColor = if RelDay > .5
               then 5
               else if RelDay < .5
                    then 6
               else 4;
  def pos = (ORH2 - ORL2)/10;
plot d1 = if (TimeLine , ORH2, na);
plot d2 = if (TimeLine , ORH2 - ( pos * 2), na);
plot d3 = if (TimeLine , ORH2 - ( pos * 3), na);
plot d4 = if (TimeLine , ORH2 - ( pos * 4), na);
plot d5 = if (TimeLine , ORH2 - ( pos * 5), na);
plot d6 = if (TimeLine , ORH2 - ( pos * 6), na);
plot d7 = if (TimeLine , ORH2 - ( pos * 7), na);
plot d8 = if (TimeLine , ORH2 - ( pos * 8), na);
plot d9 = if (TimeLine , ORH2 - ( pos * 9), na);
plot d10 = if (TimeLine ,(ORL2), na);
addCloud(if CloudOn == yes
         then orl
         else double.nan
       , orl2,createColor(244,83,66), createColor(244,83,66));
addCloud(if CloudOn == yes
         then orl
         else double.nan
       , orh2,createColor(66,244,131), createColor(66,244,131));
# Begin Risk Algorithm
# First Breakout or Breakdown bars
  def Bubbleloc1 = isNaN(close[-1]);
  def BreakoutBar = if ORActive
                    then double.nan
                    else if !ORActive and c crosses above ORH2
                         then bar
                         else if !isNaN(BreakoutBar[1]) and c crosses ORH2
                              then BreakoutBar[1]
                    else BreakoutBar[1];
  def ATR = if ORActive2
  then Round((Average(TrueRange(h, c, l), nATR)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else ATR[1];
  def cond1 =  if h > ORH2 and
                  h[1] <= ORH2
               then Round((ORH2  + (ATR * AtrTargetMult)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
               else cond1[1];
plot ORLriskUP = if bar >= OREndBar and !ORActive and today
                 then HighestAll(ORH2ext - 2)
                 else double.nan;
  def crossUpBar = if close crosses above ORH2
                   then bar
                   else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(bar == HighestAll(crossUpBar), ORLriskUP, "RiskON ORH",, no);
plot ORLriskDN = if bar >= OREndBar and !ORActive and close < ORL
                 then HighestAll(ORL2ext + 2)
                 else double.nan;
  def crossDnBar = if close crosses below ORL2ext
                   then bar
                   else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(bar == HighestAll(crossDnBar), HighestAll(ORLriskDN), "Risk ON ORL",, yes);
# High Targets
plot Htarget = if bar >= BreakoutBar
               then cond1
               else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, Htarget, "RO", color.white, if c > Htarget then no else yes);
  def condHtarget2 = if c crosses above cond1
  then Round((cond1 + (ATR * AtrTargetMult)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else condHtarget2[1];
plot Htarget2 = if bar >= BreakoutBar
                then  condHtarget2
                else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, Htarget2, "2nd T", color.plum, if c > Htarget2
                                                          then no
                                                          else yes);
  def condHtarget3 = if c crosses above condHtarget2
  then Round((condHtarget2 + (ATR * AtrTargetMult)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else condHtarget3[1];
plot Htarget3 = if bar >= BreakoutBar
                then condHtarget3
                else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(isNaN(C[-1]), Htarget3, "3rd T", color.plum, if c > Htarget3 then no else yes);
  def condHtarget4 = if c crosses above condHtarget3
  then Round((condHtarget3 + (ATR * AtrTargetMult)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else condHtarget4[1];
plot Htarget4 = if bar >= HighestAll(BreakoutBar)
                then condHtarget4
                else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, Htarget4, "4th T", color.plum, if c > Htarget4 then no else yes);
  def condHtarget5 = if c crosses above condHtarget4
  then Round((condHtarget4 + (ATR * AtrTargetMult)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else condHtarget5[1];
plot Htarget5 = if bar >= BreakoutBar
                then condHtarget5
                else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, Htarget5, "5th T", color.plum, if c > Htarget5 then no else yes);
# Low Targets
  def cond2 = if L < ORL2 and
                 L[1] >= ORL2
              then Round((ORL2  - (AtrTargetMult * ATR)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
              else cond2[1];
plot Ltarget =  if bar >= HighestAll(OREndBar)
                then highestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                                then cond2
                                else double.nan)
                else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, cond2, "RO", color.white, if c < Ltarget
                                                     then yes
                                                     else no);
  def condLtarget2 = if c crosses below cond2
  then Round((cond2 - (AtrTargetMult * ATR)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else condLtarget2[1];
plot Ltarget2 =  if bar >= HighestAll(OREndBar)
                 then highestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                                 then condLtarget2
                                 else double.nan)
                 else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, condLtarget2, "2nd T", color.plum, if c < condLtarget2
                                                              then yes
                                                              else no);
  def condLtarget3 = if c crosses below condLtarget2
  then Round((condLtarget2 - (AtrTargetMult * ATR)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else condLtarget3[1];
plot Ltarget3 = if bar >= HighestAll(OREndBar)
                then highestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                                then condLtarget3
                                else double.nan)
                else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, condLtarget3, "3rd T", color.plum, if c < Ltarget3
                                                              then yes
                                                              else no);
  def condLtarget4 = if c crosses condLtarget3
  then Round((condLtarget3 - (AtrTargetMult * ATR)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else condLtarget4[1];
plot Ltarget4 = if bar >= HighestAll(OREndBar)
                then highestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                                then condLtarget4
                                else double.nan)
                else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, condLtarget4, "4th T", color.plum, if c < Ltarget4
                                                              then yes
                                                              else no);
  def condLtarget5 = if c crosses condLtarget4
  then Round((condLtarget4 - (AtrTargetMult * ATR)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else condLtarget5[1];
plot Ltarget5 = if bar >= HighestAll(OREndBar)
                then highestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                                then condLtarget5
                                else double.nan)
                else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, condLtarget5, "5th T", color.plum, if c < Ltarget5
                                                              then yes
                                                              else no);
def last = if secondsTillTime(1600) == 0 and
              secondsFromTime(1600) == 0
           then c[1]
           else last[1];
plot LastClose = if Today and last != 0
                 then last
                 else Double.NaN;
AddChartBubble(SecondsTillTime(0930) == 0, LastClose, "PC", color.gray, yes);
alert(c crosses above ORH2, "", Alert.Bar, Sound.Bell);
alert(c crosses below ORL2, "", Alert.Bar, Sound.Ring);
# End Code ORB with Risk and targets

Shareable Link:

Now that you have the indicator added, let's get some terminology out of the way.
  • The green shadow is called the Bull Zone
  • The red shadow is called Bear Zone
  • Anywhere above the Bull Zone is called the Breakout Zone
  • Anywhere below the Bear Zone is called the Breakdown Zone

Hopefully you were able to understand those terms from this picture.

View attachment 4237

The Setup

  • 5 or 15 minutes timeframe
  • Heikin-Ashi candlestick
  • Disable pre-market and after-hour market
  • TEMA (30)
  • EMA (20)
  • Supertrend Indicator

Usage #1: Taking Advantage of Breakout Zone

Once the stock reaches above the breakout zone, we buy calls.

Usage #2: Taking Advantage of Breakdown Zone

Do the same as above. If the stock start to go from Bear Zone to breakdown zone, we start shorting it.

Usage #3: Avoid Misleading Signals given by Supertrend

A lot of people brought up a really good point about Supertrend. That is sometimes it would give false signals. And I also seen it first hand too. The Opening Range Breakout Indicator will allows us to resolve that.

Example #1: Don't short when the candles are still in the Bull Zone.

View attachment 4238

The only time that it is reasonable to short while the candles are still in Bull Zone is: IF the candle are by the border of Bull Zone and Bear Zone. Even better if it's already crossing the border into Bear Zone.

Example #2: Don't Buy Calls in Breakdown Zone

If you think the Bear Zone is worst, wait until you buy calls in the Breakdown Zone. That's a hard pass.

View attachment 4239

Again, sometimes it may be reasonable to buy calls if the candles are crossing the border going back to Bear Zone, then you may have a chance to pull thru and get above it. But anywhere between the Bear Zone and Breakdown Zone, be cautious, especially if you're already deep down in the Breakdown Zone.

Here is another example of "don't buy calls in the Breakdown zone"

View attachment 4240

The following screenshot will tell us a few things.

View attachment 4241

  1. When the Supertrend is giving us a buy signal, and that candle is crossing from Bear Zone into Bull Zone, then it's potentially setting up for a call play. (circle #1)
  2. Unlike the rule of not buying calls when you're in Breakdown Zone, shorting when in Breakout Zone could potentially be profitable too. But only if it's reasonable. Look at circle #2. It rejected the white dotted line, which is an additional border to enter another Breakout Zone. Since it rejected the second breakout area, we could take advantage of the Supertrend signal to go short.
  3. Circle #3 and #4, don't short in Breakout Zone without reasonable evidence (I like to use Support and Resistance during the Breakout and Breakdown Zone).

When the Supertrend is showing a buy signal while the candle is in Bull Zone then it's fairly safe to take it. When Supertrend is showing a short signal while the candle s in Bear Zone, then it's fairly safe to short at that point. Treat these zones as the home of Bears and Bulls.

I think the concept is pretty simple and straightforward here. Give it a spin and let me know how it goes for you guys.

Feel free to post questions, ideas, or any additional finding from this indicator.

P.S: I'll let Steve talk more about the usage of TEMA and EMA when he's on.

Update: A different version with Fibonacci Levels.

Here is the scanner for anyone interested.

the scanner for anyone interested.
What does the purple and white lines represent?


  • Screenshot 2023-10-25 135712.png
    Screenshot 2023-10-25 135712.png
    42.5 KB · Views: 471
Recently came across this cool indicator called Opening Range Breakout by Mobius. This is more than just an indicator. There is also a strategy with risk and target lines included.

thinkScript Code

After adding the indicator, I couldn't quite understand it much. From looking at it, seems more like a support and resistance indicator to me. I watched a few YouTube videos about the Opening Range Breakout and was able to make some changes to the current code. As a result, I was able to have a clear picture of what this indicator does.

Here is my own version of it:

Rich (BB code):
declare Hide_On_Daily;
declare Once_per_bar;

input OrMeanS  = 0930.0; #hint OrMeanS: Begin Mean Period. Usually Market Open EST.
input OrMeanE  = 0935.0; #hint OrMeanE: End Mean period. Usually End of first bar.
input OrBegin  = 0930.0; #hint OrBegin: Beginning for Period of Opening Range Breakout.
input OrEnd    = 1000.0; #hint OrEnd: End of Period of Opening Range Breakout.
input CloudOn  = no;     #hint CloudOn: Clouds Opening Range.
input AlertOn  = yes;    #hint AlertOn: Alerts on cross of Opening Range.
input ShowTodayOnly = {"No", default "Yes"}; 
input nAtr = 4;          #hint nATR: Lenght for the ATR Risk and Target Lines.
input AtrTargetMult = 2.0; #hint ATRmult: Multiplier for the ATR calculations.

  def h = high;
  def l = low;
  def c = close;
  def bar = barNumber();
  def s = ShowTodayOnly;
  def ORActive = if secondsTillTime(OrMeanE) > 0 and
                    secondsFromTime(OrMeanS) >= 0
                 then 1
                 else 0;
  def today = if s == 0
              or getDay() == getLastDay() and
                 secondsFromTime(OrMeanS) >= 0
              then 1
              else 0;
  def ORHigh = if ORHigh[1] == 0
               or ORActive[1] == 0 and
                  ORActive == 1
               then h
               else if ORActive and
                       h > ORHigh[1]
               then h
               else ORHigh[1];
  def ORLow = if ORLow[1] == 0
              or ORActive[1] == 0 and
                 ORActive == 1
              then l
              else if ORActive and
                      l < ORLow[1]
              then l
              else ORLow[1];
  def ORWidth = ORHigh - ORLow;
  def na = double.nan;
  def ORHA = if ORActive
             or today < 1
             then na
             else ORHigh;
  def ORLA = if ORActive
             or today < 1
             then na
             else ORLow;
  def O = ORHA - Round(((ORHA - ORLA) / 2) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize();
  def ORActive2 = if secondsTillTime(OREnd) > 0 and
                     secondsFromTime(ORBegin) >= 0
                  then 1
                  else 0;
  def ORHigh2 = if ORHigh2[1] == 0
                  or ORActive2[1] == 0 and
                     ORActive2 == 1
                then h
                else if ORActive2 and
                        h > ORHigh2[1]
                then h
                else ORHigh2[1];
  def ORLow2 = if ORLow2[1] == 0
                or ORActive2[1] == 0 and
                   ORActive2 == 1
               then l
               else if ORActive2 and
                       l < ORLow2[1]
               then l
               else ORLow2[1];
  def ORWidth2 = ORHigh2 - ORLow2;
  def TimeLine = if secondsTillTime(OREnd) == 0
                 then 1
                 else 0;
  def ORmeanBar = if !ORActive and ORActive[1]
                  then barNumber()
                  else ORmeanBar[1];
  def ORendBar = if !ORActive2 and ORActive2[1]
                 then barNumber()
                 else ORendBar[1];
  def ORL = if (o == 0 , na, o);
plot ORLext = if barNumber() >= highestAll(ORmeanBar)
              then HighestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                              then ORL[1]
                              else double.nan)
              else double.nan;
  def ORH2 = if ORActive2
             or today < 1
             then na
             else ORHigh2;
plot ORH2ext = if barNumber() >= highestAll(ORendBar)
               then HighestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                               then ORH2[1]
                               else double.nan)
               else double.nan;
  def ORL2 = if ORActive2
               or today < 1
             then na
             else ORLow2;
plot ORL2ext = if barNumber() >= highestAll(ORendBar)
               then HighestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                               then ORL2[1]
                               else double.nan)
               else double.nan;
  def RelDay = (ORL - ORL2) / (ORH2 - ORL2);
  def dColor = if RelDay > .5
               then 5
               else if RelDay < .5
                    then 6
               else 4;
  def pos = (ORH2 - ORL2)/10;
plot d1 = if (TimeLine , ORH2, na);
plot d2 = if (TimeLine , ORH2 - ( pos * 2), na);
plot d3 = if (TimeLine , ORH2 - ( pos * 3), na);
plot d4 = if (TimeLine , ORH2 - ( pos * 4), na);
plot d5 = if (TimeLine , ORH2 - ( pos * 5), na);
plot d6 = if (TimeLine , ORH2 - ( pos * 6), na);
plot d7 = if (TimeLine , ORH2 - ( pos * 7), na);
plot d8 = if (TimeLine , ORH2 - ( pos * 8), na);
plot d9 = if (TimeLine , ORH2 - ( pos * 9), na);
plot d10 = if (TimeLine ,(ORL2), na);
addCloud(if CloudOn == yes
         then orl
         else double.nan
       , orl2,createColor(244,83,66), createColor(244,83,66));
addCloud(if CloudOn == yes
         then orl
         else double.nan
       , orh2,createColor(66,244,131), createColor(66,244,131));
# Begin Risk Algorithm
# First Breakout or Breakdown bars
  def Bubbleloc1 = isNaN(close[-1]);
  def BreakoutBar = if ORActive
                    then double.nan
                    else if !ORActive and c crosses above ORH2
                         then bar
                         else if !isNaN(BreakoutBar[1]) and c crosses ORH2
                              then BreakoutBar[1]
                    else BreakoutBar[1];
  def ATR = if ORActive2
  then Round((Average(TrueRange(h, c, l), nATR)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else ATR[1];
  def cond1 =  if h > ORH2 and
                  h[1] <= ORH2
               then Round((ORH2  + (ATR * AtrTargetMult)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
               else cond1[1];
plot ORLriskUP = if bar >= OREndBar and !ORActive and today
                 then HighestAll(ORH2ext - 2)
                 else double.nan;
  def crossUpBar = if close crosses above ORH2
                   then bar
                   else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(bar == HighestAll(crossUpBar), ORLriskUP, "RiskON ORH",, no);
plot ORLriskDN = if bar >= OREndBar and !ORActive and close < ORL
                 then HighestAll(ORL2ext + 2)
                 else double.nan;
  def crossDnBar = if close crosses below ORL2ext
                   then bar
                   else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(bar == HighestAll(crossDnBar), HighestAll(ORLriskDN), "Risk ON ORL",, yes);
# High Targets
plot Htarget = if bar >= BreakoutBar
               then cond1
               else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, Htarget, "RO", color.white, if c > Htarget then no else yes);
  def condHtarget2 = if c crosses above cond1
  then Round((cond1 + (ATR * AtrTargetMult)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else condHtarget2[1];
plot Htarget2 = if bar >= BreakoutBar
                then  condHtarget2
                else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, Htarget2, "2nd T", color.plum, if c > Htarget2
                                                          then no
                                                          else yes);
  def condHtarget3 = if c crosses above condHtarget2
  then Round((condHtarget2 + (ATR * AtrTargetMult)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else condHtarget3[1];
plot Htarget3 = if bar >= BreakoutBar
                then condHtarget3
                else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(isNaN(C[-1]), Htarget3, "3rd T", color.plum, if c > Htarget3 then no else yes);
  def condHtarget4 = if c crosses above condHtarget3
  then Round((condHtarget3 + (ATR * AtrTargetMult)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else condHtarget4[1];
plot Htarget4 = if bar >= HighestAll(BreakoutBar)
                then condHtarget4
                else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, Htarget4, "4th T", color.plum, if c > Htarget4 then no else yes);
  def condHtarget5 = if c crosses above condHtarget4
  then Round((condHtarget4 + (ATR * AtrTargetMult)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else condHtarget5[1];
plot Htarget5 = if bar >= BreakoutBar
                then condHtarget5
                else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, Htarget5, "5th T", color.plum, if c > Htarget5 then no else yes);
# Low Targets
  def cond2 = if L < ORL2 and
                 L[1] >= ORL2
              then Round((ORL2  - (AtrTargetMult * ATR)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
              else cond2[1];
plot Ltarget =  if bar >= HighestAll(OREndBar)
                then highestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                                then cond2
                                else double.nan)
                else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, cond2, "RO", color.white, if c < Ltarget
                                                     then yes
                                                     else no);
  def condLtarget2 = if c crosses below cond2
  then Round((cond2 - (AtrTargetMult * ATR)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else condLtarget2[1];
plot Ltarget2 =  if bar >= HighestAll(OREndBar)
                 then highestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                                 then condLtarget2
                                 else double.nan)
                 else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, condLtarget2, "2nd T", color.plum, if c < condLtarget2
                                                              then yes
                                                              else no);
  def condLtarget3 = if c crosses below condLtarget2
  then Round((condLtarget2 - (AtrTargetMult * ATR)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else condLtarget3[1];
plot Ltarget3 = if bar >= HighestAll(OREndBar)
                then highestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                                then condLtarget3
                                else double.nan)
                else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, condLtarget3, "3rd T", color.plum, if c < Ltarget3
                                                              then yes
                                                              else no);
  def condLtarget4 = if c crosses condLtarget3
  then Round((condLtarget3 - (AtrTargetMult * ATR)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else condLtarget4[1];
plot Ltarget4 = if bar >= HighestAll(OREndBar)
                then highestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                                then condLtarget4
                                else double.nan)
                else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, condLtarget4, "4th T", color.plum, if c < Ltarget4
                                                              then yes
                                                              else no);
  def condLtarget5 = if c crosses condLtarget4
  then Round((condLtarget4 - (AtrTargetMult * ATR)) / TickSize(), 0) * TickSize()
  else condLtarget5[1];
plot Ltarget5 = if bar >= HighestAll(OREndBar)
                then highestAll(if isNaN(c[-1])
                                then condLtarget5
                                else double.nan)
                else double.nan;
AddChartBubble(BubbleLoc1, condLtarget5, "5th T", color.plum, if c < Ltarget5
                                                              then yes
                                                              else no);
def last = if secondsTillTime(1600) == 0 and
              secondsFromTime(1600) == 0
           then c[1]
           else last[1];
plot LastClose = if Today and last != 0
                 then last
                 else Double.NaN;
AddChartBubble(SecondsTillTime(0930) == 0, LastClose, "PC", color.gray, yes);
alert(c crosses above ORH2, "", Alert.Bar, Sound.Bell);
alert(c crosses below ORL2, "", Alert.Bar, Sound.Ring);
# End Code ORB with Risk and targets

Shareable Link:

Now that you have the indicator added, let's get some terminology out of the way.
  • The green shadow is called the Bull Zone
  • The red shadow is called Bear Zone
  • Anywhere above the Bull Zone is called the Breakout Zone
  • Anywhere below the Bear Zone is called the Breakdown Zone

Hopefully you were able to understand those terms from this picture.

View attachment 4237

The Setup

  • 5 or 15 minutes timeframe
  • Heikin-Ashi candlestick
  • Disable pre-market and after-hour market
  • TEMA (30)
  • EMA (20)
  • Supertrend Indicator

Usage #1: Taking Advantage of Breakout Zone

Once the stock reaches above the breakout zone, we buy calls.

Usage #2: Taking Advantage of Breakdown Zone

Do the same as above. If the stock start to go from Bear Zone to breakdown zone, we start shorting it.

Usage #3: Avoid Misleading Signals given by Supertrend

A lot of people brought up a really good point about Supertrend. That is sometimes it would give false signals. And I also seen it first hand too. The Opening Range Breakout Indicator will allows us to resolve that.

Example #1: Don't short when the candles are still in the Bull Zone.

View attachment 4238

The only time that it is reasonable to short while the candles are still in Bull Zone is: IF the candle are by the border of Bull Zone and Bear Zone. Even better if it's already crossing the border into Bear Zone.

Example #2: Don't Buy Calls in Breakdown Zone

If you think the Bear Zone is worst, wait until you buy calls in the Breakdown Zone. That's a hard pass.

View attachment 4239

Again, sometimes it may be reasonable to buy calls if the candles are crossing the border going back to Bear Zone, then you may have a chance to pull thru and get above it. But anywhere between the Bear Zone and Breakdown Zone, be cautious, especially if you're already deep down in the Breakdown Zone.

Here is another example of "don't buy calls in the Breakdown zone"

View attachment 4240

The following screenshot will tell us a few things.

View attachment 4241

  1. When the Supertrend is giving us a buy signal, and that candle is crossing from Bear Zone into Bull Zone, then it's potentially setting up for a call play. (circle #1)
  2. Unlike the rule of not buying calls when you're in Breakdown Zone, shorting when in Breakout Zone could potentially be profitable too. But only if it's reasonable. Look at circle #2. It rejected the white dotted line, which is an additional border to enter another Breakout Zone. Since it rejected the second breakout area, we could take advantage of the Supertrend signal to go short.
  3. Circle #3 and #4, don't short in Breakout Zone without reasonable evidence (I like to use Support and Resistance during the Breakout and Breakdown Zone).

When the Supertrend is showing a buy signal while the candle is in Bull Zone then it's fairly safe to take it. When Supertrend is showing a short signal while the candle s in Bear Zone, then it's fairly safe to short at that point. Treat these zones as the home of Bears and Bulls.

I think the concept is pretty simple and straightforward here. Give it a spin and let me know how it goes for you guys.

Feel free to post questions, ideas, or any additional finding from this indicator.

P.S: I'll let Steve talk more about the usage of TEMA and EMA when he's on.

Update: A different version with Fibonacci Levels.

Here is the scanner for anyone interested.
@BenTen - Can you share the chart setup ?

Learning log v12.19

Today is the first day I got the chance to use this indicator using real money. The learning experience has been phenomenal.

Apple Calls

First position I got into was AAPL 165.5 call. I got in at 6:56 am PST (yellow arrow). I saw that the candle was really near the border of Bull Zone and Breakout Zone. Market was pulling up so I thought Apple may follow suit. I got in but then 10-15 mins later it rejected Breakout Zone and fall back down (orange arrow).

View attachment 4243

Note to self: Wait for confirmation.

P/L: -15% / -$54

Netflix Puts

The second position was NFLX 277.5 put. For this one, the reasoning was pretty simple and straightforward. Partially went above Breakout Zone, rejected it. Supertrend signaled a short so I took it. Rode it down but market kinda reversed a bit. I saw that NFLX was very weak in term of that reversal so I continue to hold to see what happen.

Later on, NFLX tested entering the Breakout Zone but it failed. Furthermore, Supertrend signaled a short so I added an additional contract and rode it down again.

View attachment 4244

Note to self: pay attention to trend line, support / resistance for additional confirmation.

P/L: +$73

Microsoft Put

Microsoft was really strong today compared to other tickers. As soon as the 30-min opening range is over, it just skipped the Bull Zone and went straight toward the Breakout Zone.

I knew it was gonna pullback some how, but then again, it's still in Breakout Zone so I needed more confirmations than just my opinion. Supertrend signaled a short, the candle was below the TEMA (30) and both trend lines. So i took a small bite at it.

View attachment 4245

Glad it worked out well.

P/L: +$16.00.

Note to self: stop the weak hands.

OS' Apple Alert

Option Snipper alerted to buy a Apple call today as a lotto. I didn't enter because Apple was trying to enter the Breakout Zone (it tried to earlier and failed), so I was cautious and I waited for it to enter the zone before I start buying. It never did.

View attachment 4246
Can someone please explain to me what are the "RO doted white line, Risk ON ORH, doted yellow line and doted red line means. Thank you
@MerryDay or @BenTen , and others,

Quick question... is the Mobius_ORB strategy
that BenTen posted back in December 2018 still a valid strategy?

I've written in a separate thread that I am genuinely trying to learn how profitable individuals or groups are using indicators as reason to get into or out of their trades. I have been identified previously as a "price action" trader and have joined this community to submit myself to learning a new way. I am enjoying the time of learning different concepts, theories, and mathematics while I attempt to develop some sort of strategy with the intent of profits outpacing my current wage.

I recently came across this strategy (posted in the link above) and was impressed with the simplistic concepts developed by very trusted individuals (BenTen and Mobius). Then on September 22, 2021 [post # 61] MerryDay was helping another member solve a problem they were having, but in the reply a portion jumped out at me:

"... but I am not trading on the ORB anymore. ..."

1. Verified this was once a strategy that was indeed traded, and by someone I value greatly, MerryDay.
2. This strategy was discarded for something else.

With application of some of the great VIP Indicators provided in our membership and/or adjusted application of trading theory, I believe I am seeing a potential basis of a profitable day trading or scalping strategy develop, but am plagued with a question of concern: If MerryDay, who has excessively greater trading experience that I, passed on this ORB concept, then I must be missing something, maybe in the end the ORB isn't a valid long term strategy of profit?

All my best,
Thank you for your time.
Last edited by a moderator:
@MerryDay or @BenTen , and others,

Quick question... is the Mobius_ORB strategy [click] that BenTen posted back in December 2018 still a valid strategy?

I've written in a separate thread that I am genuinely trying to learn how profitable individuals or groups are using indicators as reason to get into or out of their trades. I have been identified previously as a "price action" trader and have joined this community to submit myself to learning a new way. I am enjoying the time of learning different concepts, theories, and mathematics while I attempt to develop some sort of strategy with the intent of profits outpacing my current wage.

I recently came across this strategy (posted in the link above) and was impressed with the simplistic concepts developed by very trusted individuals (BenTen and Mobius). Then on September 22, 2021 [post # 61] MerryDay was helping another member solve a problem they were having, but in the reply a portion jumped out at me:

"... but I am not trading on the ORB anymore. ..."

1. Verified this was once a strategy that was indeed traded, and by someone I value greatly, MerryDay.
2. This strategy was discarded for something else.

With application of some of the great VIP Indicators provided in our membership and/or adjusted application of trading theory, I believe I am seeing a potential basis of a profitable day trading or scalping strategy develop, but am plagued with a question of concern: If MerryDay, who has excessively greater trading experience that I, passed on this ORB concept, then I must be missing something, maybe in the end the ORB isn't a valid long term strategy of profit?

All my best,
Thank you for your time.

You are correct, I do not trade the ORB anymore. But not because there is a problem with the strategy.
I no longer trade in these short bursts.

Here is what Mobius had to say about the ORB recently on the ToS Lounge:


You will read critical reviews of the ORB. This is because it is not the easiest strategy for newer traders to follow and implement. Thus, greatly affecting the profitability of new traders.

Market conditions, have an impact on gains. Orb strategies involve trading based on breakouts from defined price ranges. They can yield profits in certain market situations, but might not perform well in others.

Success often hinges on careful analysis, risk management, and adapting to changing market dynamics.
Newer traders would not start out with this strategy.

@khpro59, recently, wrote a VIP post on how to stack the deck in your favor when trading on these lower timeframes:

Hope This Helps.
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Your reply is exactly as I had hoped it would be, informative and encouraging. Your words paired with the recent Mobius posts you’ve provided are additional affirmation that this path is worth exploring.

You are brilliant and I thank you for all that you (and others) provide to this community. It is an honor to be a member.

All my best.
As a community, we learn from each other.
I am thinking the current bullish Q4 conditions might be the perfect time, to do some morning QRB trades.
Thanks for the idea.
Last edited:
Learning log v12.21

I'll keep this one short. Day traded several tickers today. Made about +$110 in the morning but then lost it all to one mistake. Which was not waiting for confirmation...again!

It was the case of Netflix. Around 8:30 PST I took a Netflix call because I thought it was trying to break above the resistance. I tend to get overly confident after making money from other trades. So I took the call. Did not work out well. There was obviously no confirmation there. The market was in a downtrend as well. And I also stressed in the first post that you shouldn't be buying calls when the stock is already in Breakdown Zone.

I went against that with no obvious confirmation. All profit was gone.

View attachment 4253

Ended the day with $0.
Hi Ben, is it possible to remove the upper/lower purple bubbles from from the script? I tried to unchecked show bubble from the study but still showing/printing. Thanks
When you say "bubble", what are you referring to?

a. The (Color.PLUM) area on the right of the chart highlighting the indicated value.
b. The (Color.PLUM) ChartBubble that says: "2nd T", "3rd T", "4th T", etc.?
c. Something else entirely.

When you say "bubble", what are you referring to?

a. The (Color.PLUM) area on the right of the chart highlighting the indicated value.
b. The (Color.PLUM) ChartBubble that says: "2nd T", "3rd T", "4th T", etc.?
c. Something else entirely.

Hi GaltsAtlantis, Thank you for your reply.
Yes I'm referring to the a. and b. Chart bubble that says 2nd T, 3rdT 4th T etc, both below and above the yellow line if the stock moves in ether direction. I like to remove them from showing up in chart, because Its blocking my charts on small screen, I tried expansion area on chart it doesn't help. If you can help please.

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