OnBalanceVolume OBV OBVM Scan, Watchlist, Label For ThinkOrSwim

Awesome! Could also help me combine an additional indicator? It is the built in ROC indicator from TOS.
Basically I would like arrows to plot only if the OBV UpArrow is true and a confirmed ROC is greater than ZeroLine. And the opposite for the DnArrow so then plot the OBV DnArrow when combined with the ROC when its smaller than ZeroLine and confirmed.

input length = 14;
input signalLength = 26;
input averageType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
input showarrows = yes;

def OBV = TotalSum(Sign(close - close[1]) * volume);
def OBVM = MovingAverage(averageType, OBV, length);
def Signal = MovingAverage(averageType, OBVM, signalLength);
def price = close ;
def up = OBVM > Signal and Signal < OBVM ;
def dn = OBVM < Signal and Signal > OBVM ;
def neutral = between(close,min(OBVM,SIGNAL),max(SIGNAL,OBVM));
def x = CompoundValue(1,
if x[1]>=0 and (dn[1] or up[1]==0) and up
then 1
else if x[1]>=1 and (up or !dn)
then x[1]+1
else 0, 1);
def y = CompoundValue(1,
if y[1]<=0 and (up[1] or dn[1]==0) and dn
then 1
else if y[1]>=1 and (dn or !up)
then y[1]+1
else 0, 1);
def uparrow = if showarrows and x == 1 and up then 1 else 0;

def dnarrow = if showarrows and y == 1 and dn then 1 else 0;


input length2 = 14;
input colorNormLength = 14;

assert(length2 > 0, "'length' must be positive: " + length2);

def ROC = if price[length2] != 0 then (price / price[length2] - 1) * 100 else 0;
def ZeroLine = 0;

#ROC.DefineColor("Highest", Color.YELLOW);
#ROC.DefineColor("Lowest", Color.LIGHT_RED);
#ROC.AssignNormGradientColor(colorNormLength, ROC.color("Lowest"), ROC.color("Highest"));

def highestROC = HighestAll(ROC);
def lowestROC = LowestAll(ROC);
def midPtHighestROC = highestROC/2;
def midPtLowestROC = lowestROC/2;



def extremeHigh = ROC < HighestROC and ROC >= midPtHighestROC;
def extremeLow = ROC > LowestROC and ROC <= midPtLowestROC;
def ROCUpSignal = extremeLow and (ROC > ROC[1]);
def ROCDownSignal = extremeHigh and (ROC < ROC[1]);

plot bullSignal = if UpArrow and ROC > ZeroLine and ZeroLine < ROC then UpArrow else double.nan;
plot bearSignal = if DnArrow and ROC < ZeroLine and ZeroLine > ROC then DnArrow else double.nan;



Thanks for providing your code. You were very close to what you requested! See if the following helps.

To have and confirmed ROC, I am assuming that you want the ROC on the bar before and during the arrow is the same, either above zero or below zero for bullsignal/bearsignal.

plot bullSignal = if UpArrow and ROC > ZeroLine and ROC[1] > ZeroLine[1] then UpArrow else double.nan;
plot bearSignal = if DnArrow and ROC < ZeroLine and ROC[1] < ZeroLine[1] then DnArrow else double.nan;

The [1] in the above is the ROC bar before the Uparrow/Downarrow.

Also your code needed the Arrows to be boolean as Uparrow/Downarrow are defined as 1/0 (true/false) rather than a price.

Here is the combined code with the above adjustments

input length = 14;
input signalLength = 26;
input averageType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
input showarrows = yes;

def OBV = TotalSum(Sign(close - close[1]) * volume);
def OBVM = MovingAverage(averageType, OBV, length);
def Signal = MovingAverage(averageType, OBVM, signalLength);
def price = close ;
def up = OBVM > Signal and Signal < OBVM ;
def dn = OBVM < Signal and Signal > OBVM ;
def neutral = between(close,min(OBVM,SIGNAL),max(SIGNAL,OBVM));
def x = CompoundValue(1,
if x[1]>=0 and (dn[1] or up[1]==0) and up
then 1
else if x[1]>=1 and (up or !dn)
then x[1]+1
else 0, 1);
def y = CompoundValue(1,
if y[1]<=0 and (up[1] or dn[1]==0) and dn
then 1
else if y[1]>=1 and (dn or !up)
then y[1]+1
else 0, 1);
def uparrow = if showarrows and x == 1 and up then 1 else 0;

def dnarrow = if showarrows and y == 1 and dn then 1 else 0;


input length2 = 14;
input colorNormLength = 14;

assert(length2 > 0, "'length' must be positive: " + length2);

def ROC = if price[length2] != 0 then (price / price[length2] - 1) * 100 else 0;
def ZeroLine = 0;

#ROC.DefineColor("Highest", Color.YELLOW);
#ROC.DefineColor("Lowest", Color.LIGHT_RED);
#ROC.AssignNormGradientColor(colorNormLength, ROC.color("Lowest"), ROC.color("Highest"));

def highestROC = HighestAll(ROC);
def lowestROC = LowestAll(ROC);
def midPtHighestROC = highestROC/2;
def midPtLowestROC = lowestROC/2;



def extremeHigh = ROC < HighestROC and ROC >= midPtHighestROC;
def extremeLow = ROC > LowestROC and ROC <= midPtLowestROC;
def ROCUpSignal = extremeLow and (ROC > ROC[1]);
def ROCDownSignal = extremeHigh and (ROC < ROC[1]);

plot bullSignal = if UpArrow and ROC > ZeroLine and ROC[1] > ZeroLine[1] then UpArrow else double.nan;
plot bearSignal = if DnArrow and ROC < ZeroLine and ROC[1] < ZeroLine[1] then DnArrow else double.nan;


Thank SleepyZ! I'm not a programer but I get the idea based on your scripts and have learned lots.
I really appreciate the amazing support. You are brilliant! Cheers!
Hello, I'm trying to get a script that paints arrows when the moving average crosses the On Balance Volume (OBV) line. I've got it to the point where it's painting arrows, but they're painting on the lower part of the study and not where the crossover occurs. Here's the code I have so far. I am NOT a coder and have basically piecemealed this together so I'm sure it's something obvious to anyone with true experience. Any help getting these arrows to paint correctly would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

declare lower;

input length = 7;
input signalLength = 10;
input averageType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
input crossingType - {default Bullish, Bearish};

def obv = reference OnBalanceVolume();

plot OBVM = MovingAverage(averageType, obv, length);
plot Signal = MovingAverage(averageType, OBVM, signalLength);


plot signalUP = Crosses(OBVM, Signal, CrossingDirection.Above);

plot signalDN = Crosses(OBVM, Signal, CrossingDirection.Below);


signalUP.DefineColor("Bullish", GetColor(1));


signalDN.DefineColor("Bearish", GetColor(1));

#Trigger alerts

alert(signalUP, "Crossover", Alert.Bar, Sound.Ding);

alert(signalDN, "Crossover", Alert.Bar, Sound.Ding);
Hello, I'm trying to get a script that paints arrows when the moving average crosses the On Balance Volume (OBV) line. I've got it to the point where it's painting arrows, but they're painting on the lower part of the study and not where the crossover occurs. Here's the code I have so far. I am NOT a coder and have basically piecemealed this together so I'm sure it's something obvious to anyone with true experience. Any help getting these arrows to paint correctly would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

declare lower;

input length = 7;
input signalLength = 10;
input averageType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
input crossingType - {default Bullish, Bearish};

def obv = reference OnBalanceVolume();

plot OBVM = MovingAverage(averageType, obv, length);
plot Signal = MovingAverage(averageType, OBVM, signalLength);


plot signalUP = Crosses(OBVM, Signal, CrossingDirection.Above);

plot signalDN = Crosses(OBVM, Signal, CrossingDirection.Below);


signalUP.DefineColor("Bullish", GetColor(1));


signalDN.DefineColor("Bearish", GetColor(1));

#Trigger alerts

alert(signalUP, "Crossover", Alert.Bar, Sound.Ding);

alert(signalDN, "Crossover", Alert.Bar, Sound.Ding);

Let me know if this plots how you wanted -- the main issue as to why it was defaulting to plotting lower was the "declare lower" statement at the top of your code. Made very few other minor modifications:

input length = 7;
input signalLength = 10;
input averageType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
input crossingType = {default Bullish, Bearish};

def obv = reference OnBalanceVolume();

def OBVM = MovingAverage(averageType, obv, length);
def Signal = MovingAverage(averageType, OBVM, signalLength);

plot signalUP = Crosses(OBVM, Signal, CrossingDirection.ABOVE);

plot signalDN = Crosses(OBVM, Signal, CrossingDirection.BELOW);


signalUP.DefineColor("Bullish", GetColor(1));


signalDN.DefineColor("Bearish", GetColor(1));

#Trigger alerts

Alert(signalUP, "Crossover", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ding);

Alert(signalDN, "Crossover", Alert.BAR, Sound.Ding);
On Balance Volume (OBV) measures buying and selling pressure as a cumulative indicator that adds volume on up days and subtracts volume on down days.


original Tradingview code
New ToS code is found in the next post
Last edited by a moderator:
Can someone convert this pine script from Lazy Bear to a think script?
// @author LazyBear
study(title="On Balance Volume Oscillator [LazyBear]", shorttitle="OBVOSC_LB")
src = close
obv(src) => cum(change(src) > 0 ? volume : change(src) < 0 ? -volume : 0*volume)
obv_osc = (os - ema(os,length))
obc_color=obv_osc > 0 ? green : red
plot(obv_osc, color=obc_color, style=line,title="OBV-Points", linewidth=2)
plot(obv_osc, color=silver, transp=70, title="OBV", style=area)
find below:

# Indicator for TOS
#/ @author LazyBear
#// Appreciate a note if you use this code anywhere.
#study(title="On Balance Volume Oscillator [LazyBear]", shorttitle="OBVOSC_LB")
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800     - 09/2024
Declare lower;

input timeframe = AggregationPeriod.MIN;
input movAvgType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
input source = FundamentalType.CLOSE;
input length = 20;

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
def current = GetAggregationPeriod();
def tf = Max(current , timeframe);
def src = Fundamental(FundamentalType = source, Period = tf);
def OBV = TotalSum(Sign(src - src[1]) * volume(Period = tf));
def obvMovAvg = MovingAverage(movAvgType, OBV, length);
def obv_osc = (OBV - obvMovAvg);
def col = obv_osc > 0;

plot obvOsc = obv_osc; # "OBV-Points"
plot zero = if last then na else 0;
obvOsc.AssignValueColor(if col then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
AddCloud(obvOsc, zero, Color.GRAY, Color.GRAY);

#-- ENd of CODE
find below:

# Indicator for TOS
#/ @author LazyBear
#// Appreciate a note if you use this code anywhere.
#study(title="On Balance Volume Oscillator [LazyBear]", shorttitle="OBVOSC_LB")
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800     - 09/2024
Declare lower;

input timeframe = AggregationPeriod.MIN;
input movAvgType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
input source = FundamentalType.CLOSE;
input length = 20;

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
def current = GetAggregationPeriod();
def tf = Max(current , timeframe);
def src = Fundamental(FundamentalType = source, Period = tf);
def OBV = TotalSum(Sign(src - src[1]) * volume(Period = tf));
def obvMovAvg = MovingAverage(movAvgType, OBV, length);
def obv_osc = (OBV - obvMovAvg);
def col = obv_osc > 0;

plot obvOsc = obv_osc; # "OBV-Points"
plot zero = if last then na else 0;
obvOsc.AssignValueColor(if col then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
AddCloud(obvOsc, zero, Color.GRAY, Color.GRAY);

#-- ENd of CODE
Thanks a ton! @samer800

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