Next Earnings Column / Label For ThinkOrSwim

I have blended an earnings date script from Robert Payne and an AddLabel script from Mobius. It works fine for earnings dates up to five days in the past (as it should via the script) and for earnings dates in the next month (September). But when it goes out to the following months (October +) it makes all of the dates 10/14/2024. It did the same thing before I changed the AddLabel script so the issue appears to be in the earlier lines.

## watchlist column for earnings release date
## Robert Payne
def PE = GetEventOffset(Events.EARNINGS, -1);
def NE = GetEventOffset(Events.EARNINGS, 0);
def z = if PE <= 5 then PE else NE;

## get the earnings date (original of Payne now # to keep as comment)
#def eDay = GetValue(GetDayOfMonth(GetYYYYMMDD()), z);
#def eMonth = GetValue(GetMonth(), z);

## get the earnings date (from Mobius but tweaked to blend with Payne formula)
def data=GetValue(GetYYYYMMDD(),z);
def year=Round(data/10000,0);
def month=Round((data%10000)/100,0);
def day=(data%100);

AddLabel(1,month+"/"+day+"/"+AsPrice(year),if z<=0 then color.CYAN else color.WHITE);

End Code

Here is the results. I added KR to the Mag7 watchlist so you could see a September earnings date. KR is perfect, NVDA is perfect, AAPL should be 10/31, AMZN should be 10/24, GOOG should be 10/22, META should be 10/30, MSFT should be 10/22, and TSLA should be 10/16. I can't find the error. Can anyone help me? I love the script and it will work somewhat but I would like to know why ToS system pulls the correct next Earnings Date but not my script.

i think column studies, can only look ahead 30 days?

load your code as an upper chart study, set to day, and set expansion to 200
compare to the column study
load AMGN
next earnings is on,
on chart, 11/5
on column, 10/14

add this label to chart study, to rule out conversions and formulas,
addlabel(1, ne);
-46 days away

add that label to column study, to replace original label.
max out at -30

in the column study, try different times.
at 2 days, the number changes to -15 , so still 30 days
i think column studies, can only look ahead 30 days?

load your code as an upper chart study, set to day, and set expansion to 200
compare to the column study
load AMGN
next earnings is on,
on chart, 11/5
on column, 10/14

add this label to chart study, to rule out conversions and formulas,
addlabel(1, ne);
-46 days away

add that label to column study, to replace original label.
max out at -30

in the column study, try different times.
at 2 days, the number changes to -15 , so still 30 days
Thanks, halcyonguy. I believe I may have found an answer in the column study as well. It is from Joshua from 12/26/2023. Below is his code. It works on my scan. I'm now trying to integrate it into Earnings Date script. If I get it to work, I'll post the final version here.

Here is Joshua's code:

def x = close[-93];
def y = geteventOffset(events.earnings) + (isNaN(x) * 0);
def z = if !isNaN(close) then y else z[1];
plot Column = absValue(z);
Thanks, halcyonguy. I believe I may have found an answer in the column study as well. It is from Joshua from 12/26/2023. Below is his code. It works on my scan. I'm now trying to integrate it into Earnings Date script. If I get it to work, I'll post the final version here.

Here is Joshua's code:

def x = close[-93];
def y = geteventOffset(events.earnings) + (isNaN(x) * 0);
def z = if !isNaN(close) then y else z[1];
plot Column = absValue(z);
ALRIGHT!!! I got it to work perfectly in my custom column for the watchlist. Also works in custom columns on the Monitor page under Activity and Positions. Here is the "cleaned up" code:

## watchlist column for earnings release date
## The first portion of the code (PE and NE) are from Robert Payne
## The second portion of the code that allows more than 30 bars of info is Joshua (an expert here in this group who provided the code on 12/26/2023 for another member ChuckNZ)
## The third portion of the code that formats the label is from Mobius from another post I found somewhere on the internet.

## get the earnings days to event

def PE = GetEventOffset(Events.EARNINGS, -1);
def x = close[-93];
def y=geteventoffset(events.earnings)+(isNaN(x)*0);
def NE=if !isNaN(close) then y else NE[1];
def z = if PE <= 5 then PE else NE;

## format the days into a date MM/DD/YYY

def data=GetValue(GetYYYYMMDD(),z);
def year=Round(data/10000,0);
def month=Round((data%10000)/100,0);
def day=(data%100);

## create the label for the column with white as the past earnings (PE) and cyan as the next earnings (NE)

AddLabel(1,month+"/"+day+"/"+AsPrice(year),if z<=0 then color.CYAN else color.WHITE);

ALRIGHT!!! I got it to work perfectly in my custom column for the watchlist. Also works in custom columns on the Monitor page under Activity and Positions. Here is the "cleaned up" code:

## watchlist column for earnings release date
## The first portion of the code (PE and NE) are from Robert Payne
## The second portion of the code that allows more than 30 bars of info is Joshua (an expert here in this group who provided the code on 12/26/2023 for another member ChuckNZ)
## The third portion of the code that formats the label is from Mobius from another post I found somewhere on the internet.

## get the earnings days to event

def PE = GetEventOffset(Events.EARNINGS, -1);
def x = close[-93];
def y=geteventoffset(events.earnings)+(isNaN(x)*0);
def NE=if !isNaN(close) then y else NE[1];
def z = if PE <= 5 then PE else NE;

## format the days into a date MM/DD/YYY

def data=GetValue(GetYYYYMMDD(),z);
def year=Round(data/10000,0);
def month=Round((data%10000)/100,0);
def day=(data%100);

## create the label for the column with white as the past earnings (PE) and cyan as the next earnings (NE)

AddLabel(1,month+"/"+day+"/"+AsPrice(year),if z<=0 then color.CYAN else color.WHITE);

View attachment 22794

This works great thanks.

For ETFs and other assets that do not have earnings dates, the script will print "N/A/N/A/N/A" in the date column ....try replacing the AddLabel() statement with the following statement as a workaround to print a blank space where there is no earnings date available...

AddLabel(1,If ISNaN(PE) then " " else month+"/"+day+"/"+AsPrice(year), if z<=0 then color.CYAN else color.WHITE);
This works great thanks.

For ETFs and other assets that do not have earnings dates, the script will print "N/A/N/A/N/A" in the date column ....try replacing the AddLabel() statement with the following statement as a workaround to print a blank space where there is no earnings date available...

AddLabel(1,If ISNaN(PE) then " " else month+"/"+day+"/"+AsPrice(year), if z<=0 then color.CYAN else color.WHITE);

Thanks. I've added your suggestion to my script. It cleaned up my "N/A/N/A/N/A".
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This works great thanks.

For ETFs and other assets that do not have earnings dates, the script will print "N/A/N/A/N/A" in the date column ....try replacing the AddLabel() statement with the following statement as a workaround to print a blank space where there is no earnings date available...

AddLabel(1,If ISNaN(PE) then " " else month+"/"+day+"/"+AsPrice(year), if z<=0 then color.CYAN else color.WHITE);
We have an error on NVDA. it is showing 12/31/1969


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