Moving Average and TrendPeriods Setups For ThinkOrSwim


Check this out. It's simple and straight forward. I use a 15 minute candle.
Let me know how it compares with other strategies:

####### My Buy Alert Study #######
     #### MyBuyAlert() is true;   ####
plot condition =
(MovingAvgCrossover("length1" = 21, "length2" = 42, "crossing type" = "below") is true
and TrendPeriods() is true
and open < SimpleMovingAvg("length" = 9)."SMA"[0]
and open > SimpleMovingAvg("length" = 200)."SMA"[0])
MovingAvgCrossover("length1" = 9, "length2" = 200, "crossing type" = "above") is true

######## My Sell Alert Study #########
   #### MySellAlert() is true;  ####
plot condition =
(MovingAvgCrossover("length1" = 21, "length2" = 42,"crossing type" = "Above") is true
and  open > SimpleMovingAvg("length" = 9)."SMA"[0])
MovingAvgCrossover("length1" = 9, "length2" = 200,"crossing type" = "below") is true


######## MyBuySellAlert Strategy ##########

def buy =
(MovingAvgCrossover("length1" = 21, "length2" = 42, "crossing type" = "below") is true
and TrendPeriods() is true
and open < SimpleMovingAvg("length" = 9)."SMA"[0]
and open > SimpleMovingAvg("length" = 200)."SMA"[0])
MovingAvgCrossover("length1" = 9, "length2" = 200, "crossing type" = "above") is true

def sell =
(MovingAvgCrossover("length1" = 21, "length2" = 42,"crossing type" = "Above") is true
and  open > SimpleMovingAvg("length" = 9)."SMA"[0])
MovingAvgCrossover("length1" = 9, "length2" = 200,"crossing type" = "below") is true

def buysignal = buy;
def sellsignal = sell;
AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_OPEN, buysignal, name = "Buy", tickcolor = Color.DARK_RED, arrowcolor = Color.RED);
AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_CLOSE, sellsignal, name = "Sell", tickcolor = Color.GREEN, arrowcolor = Color.GREEN);
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Hello, it is giving me error when I copy past. Can you share TOS link?
add only the following code (Note -- as a "strategy". not as a "study")

######## MyBuySellAlert Strategy ##########

def buy =
(MovingAvgCrossover("length1" = 21, "length2" = 42, "crossing type" = "below") is true
and TrendPeriods() is true
and open < SimpleMovingAvg("length" = 9)."SMA"[0]
and open > SimpleMovingAvg("length" = 200)."SMA"[0])
MovingAvgCrossover("length1" = 9, "length2" = 200, "crossing type" = "above") is true

def sell =
(MovingAvgCrossover("length1" = 21, "length2" = 42,"crossing type" = "Above") is true
and open > SimpleMovingAvg("length" = 9)."SMA"[0])
MovingAvgCrossover("length1" = 9, "length2" = 200,"crossing type" = "below") is true

def buysignal = buy;
def sellsignal = sell;
AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_OPEN, buysignal, name = "Buy", tickcolor = Color.DARK_RED, arrowcolor = Color.RED);
AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_CLOSE, sellsignal, name = "Sell", tickcolor = Color.GREEN, arrowcolor = Color.GREEN);
Here's a TrendPeriod Strategy it creates Buy and Sell signals when the TrendPeriod changes from positive to negative SELL and from negative to positive BUY. What I am am hoping to do is to find a way to reduce the number of unprofitable Buy-Sell pairs. I know to eliminate ALL unprofitable Buy_Sell pairs is a fool's errand. But I would like to reduce them if possible. The Buy and Sell sections of this study can easily be copy and a separate Buy and Sell study can be created. Which I use in a Study based Sequential Conditional Order.
Any suggestions?

def buy = 
TrendPeriods("fast length" = 21, "slow length" = 42) < 0 
and TrendPeriods("fast length" = 21, "slow length" = 42) [1] > 0

def sell =
TrendPeriods("fast length" = 21, "slow length" = 42) > 0 
and TrendPeriods("fast length" = 21, "slow length" = 42) [1] < 0

def buysignal = buy;
def sellsignal = sell;
AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_OPEN, buysignal, name = "Buy", tickcolor = Color.DARK_RED, arrowcolor = Color.RED);
AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_CLOSE, sellsignal, name = "Sell", tickcolor = Color.GREEN, arrowcolor = Color.GREEN);

I use Red color to denote money going Out of my Account (Buy)
and Green color to denote money coming INTO my Account (Sell)
I know it's a little bass-ackwords. But it works for me.
MerryDay suggested using multiple tests in a strategy to increase the profitability of the strategy. So I modified MyBuySell_Trend_Strategy here's the TOS shared screen link. What else might I do to improve this strategy. Remember I want to use the Study versions of this strategy to build Sequential Conditional Orders. Each Order Set will contain 3 Buy/Sell round trips. I want to build Studies and Strategy that I can place a SCO and let it run while I do other stuff. I have my system set to send me notifications for Buy/Sell activity to my cell phone. That way I can keep tabs on what is going on without having to be in front of my computer. Any way that's my goal.

Here's the link:

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