LNL Trend System for ThinkOrSwim


Moderator - Expert

Author Message:
LNL Trend System is an ATR based day trading system specifically designed for intra-day traders and scalpers. The System works on any chart time frame & can be applied to any market. The study consist of two components - the Trend Line and the Stop Line. Trend System is based on a special ATR calculation that is achieved by combining the previous values of the 13 EMA in relation to the ATR which creates a line of deviations that visually look similar to the basic moving average but actually produce very different results ESPECIALLY in sideways market.
More Details: https://www.tradingview.com/v/m0G2Xv7r/

#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
#// https://www.tradingview.com/v/m0G2Xv7r/
#// Created by © L&L Capital
# indicator("LNL Trend System", shorttitle = "LNL Trend System", overlay=true)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 08/2023
#// Inputs

input TrendMode     = {"Tight", default "Normal", "Loose", "FOMC", "Net"};    # "Trend Mode"
input HtfMode       = {default "Auto", "Manual"};  # "HTF Mode"
input ManualTimeframe = AggregationPeriod.HOUR;    # "HTF Aggregation"
input ShowTrendBars = yes;        # "Show Trend Bars"
input ShowTrend     = yes;        # "Show Trend Line"
input ShowStopLine  = yes;        # "Show Stop Line"
input ShowHtfTrendLine = no;      # "Show HTF Trend Line"
input ShowHtfStopLine = no;       # "Show HTF Stop Line"
input ShowCloud = yes;            # "Show Cloud"
input ShowHtfCloud = no;          # "Show HTF Cloud"

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
def net = TrendMode == TrendMode."Net";
script fixnan {
 input src = close;
     def data2;
     def bar = barnumber();
     if bar == 1 then {data2 = 0;} else
     if IsNaN(src) then {data2 = data2[1];} else
      {data2 = src;}
plot valid = data2;

#vwma(source, length)
script VWMA {
    input src = close;
    input len = 15;
    input v_ = volume;
    def v = if IsNaN(v_) then 1 else v_;
    def srcV = src * v;
    def srcVol = if IsNaN(srcV) then src else srcV;
    def VWMA = Average(srcVol, len) / Average(v, len);
    plot result = VWMA;
DefineGlobalColor("Bullish", CreateColor(39, 194, 46));
DefineGlobalColor("Bearish", CreateColor(255, 82, 82));
DefineGlobalColor("Neutral", CreateColor(67, 70, 81));
#// Trend Bars (DMI Colored Candles)
def tr_ = TrueRange(high, close, low);
def tr  = if IsNaN(tr_) then 0 else tr_;
def nATR = WildersAverage(tr, 14);
def hi = ((high - high[1]) > (low[1] - low)) and ((high - high[1]) > 0);
def lo = ((low[1] - low) > (high - high[1])) and ((low[1] - low) > 0);
def BullishDMI = if hi then (high - high[1]) else 0;
def BearishDMI = if lo then (low[1] - low) else 0;
def DMIUp = 100 * WildersAverage(BullishDMI, 14) / nATR;
def DMIDown = 100 * WildersAverage(BearishDMI, 14) / nATR;
def ADXx = if (DMIUp + DMIDown) > 0 then 100 * AbsValue(DMIUp - DMIDown) / (DMIUp + DMIDown) else na;
def ADX = WildersAverage(ADXx, 14);
def ColorBars = if (DMIUp > DMIDown and ADX > 20) then 1 else
                if (DMIUp < DMIDown and ADX > 20) then -1 else 0;
AssignPriceColor(if !ShowTrendBars then Color.CURRENT else
                 if ColorBars > 0 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else
                 if ColorBars < 0 then GlobalColor("Bearish") else GlobalColor("Neutral"));
#// Trend System (First Time Frame)
def ema8 =  vwma(close, 8);
def ema13 = vwma(close, 13);
def ema21 = vwma(close, 21);
def ema34 = vwma(close, 34);
def emaup = ema8 > ema13  and ema13 > ema21 and ema21 > ema34;
def emadn = ema8 < ema13  and ema13 < ema21 and ema21 < ema34;
def Trend = ExpAverage(close, 13);
def TrendColor = if emadn and close <= Trend then -1 else
                 if emaup and close >= Trend then 1 else 0;
plot TrendLine = if !ShowTrend then na else Trend; # "Trend", color = TrendColor
TrendLine.AssignValueColor(if TrendColor > 0 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else
                           if TrendColor < 0 then GlobalColor("Bearish") else GlobalColor("Neutral"));
def ATRLength;
switch (TrendMode) {
case "Tight" :
    ATRLength = 60;
case "Normal":
    ATRLength = 80;
case "Loose" :
    ATRLength = 100;
case "FOMC"  :
    ATRLength = 120;
case "Net"   :
    ATRLength = 140;
def emaTr8 = ExpAverage(tr , 8);
def ATR = (ATRLength / 100) * emaTr8;
def Up = close > (Trend + ATR);
def Down = close < (Trend - ATR);
def T = if Up then 1 else if Down then -1 else T[1];
def StopLineColor =  T == 1;
plot StopLine = if !ShowStopLine then na else
                 if T == 1  then (Trend - ATR) else
                 if T == -1 then (Trend + ATR) else T[1];     # "StopLine"
StopLine.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColor then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

def ATRA = (ATRLength - 20) / 100 * emaTr8;
def Up11 = close > (Trend + ATRA);
def Down11 = close < (Trend - ATRA);
def T11 = if Up11 then 1 else if Down11 then -1 else T11[1];
def StopLineColor1 = T11 == 1;

plot StopLine2 = if !ShowStopLine then na else
                if T11 == 1 then (Trend - ATRA) else
                if T11 == -1 then (Trend + ATRA) else T11[1]; # "StopLine2"
StopLine2.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColor1 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

def ATRNET = if net then (ATRLength - 40) / 100 * emaTr8 else na;
def UpNET = close > (Trend + ATRNET);
def DownNET = close < (Trend - ATRNET);
def TNET = if UpNET then 1 else if DownNET then -1 else TNET[1];
def StopLineColorNET = TNET == 1;

plot StopLineNET = if !ShowStopLine then na else
                   if TNET == 1 then (Trend - ATRNET) else
                   if TNET == -1 then (Trend + ATRNET) else TNET[1];    # "StopLineNET"
StopLineNET.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColorNET then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

def ATRNET1 = if net then (ATRLength - 60) / 100 * emaTr8 else na;
def UpNET1 = close > (Trend + ATRNET1);
def DownNET1 = close < (Trend - ATRNET1);
def TNET1 = if UpNET1 then 1 else if DownNET1 then -1 else TNET1[1];
def StopLineColorNET1 = TNET1 == 1;

plot StopLineNET1 = if !ShowStopLine then na else
                    if TNET1 == 1 then (Trend - ATRNET1) else
                    if TNET1 == -1 then (Trend + ATRNET1) else TNET1[1]; # "StopLineNET1"
StopLineNET1.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColorNET1 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

def ATRNET2 = if net then (ATRLength - 80) / 100 * emaTr8 else na;
def UpNET2 = close > (Trend + ATRNET2);
def DownNET2 = close < (Trend - ATRNET2);
def TNET2 = if UpNET2 then 1 else if DownNET2 then -1 else TNET2[1];
def StopLineColorNET2 = TNET2 == 1;

plot StopLineNET2 = if !ShowStopLine then na else
                    if TNET2 == 1 then (Trend - ATRNET2) else
                    if TNET2 == -1 then (Trend + ATRNET2) else TNET2[1]; # "StopLineNET2"
StopLineNET2.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColorNET2 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

#// Higher Time Frame Aggregations

def current = GetAggregationPeriod();
def TimeFrameA = 
      if current < AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN then AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN else
      if current < AggregationPeriod.THIRTY_MIN then AggregationPeriod.THIRTY_MIN else
      if current < AggregationPeriod.FOUR_HOURS then AggregationPeriod.FOUR_HOURS else
      if current < AggregationPeriod.DAY then AggregationPeriod.DAY else 
      if current < AggregationPeriod.WEEK then AggregationPeriod.WEEK else
      if current < AggregationPeriod.MONTH then AggregationPeriod.MONTH else 
      if current < AggregationPeriod.QUARTER then AggregationPeriod.QUARTER else current;
def TimeFrame;
switch (HTFMode) {
case "Auto" :
    TimeFrame = TimeFrameA;
case "Manual" :
    TimeFrame = ManualTimeframe;
def HighTf = high(Period = TimeFrame);
def LowTf  = low(Period = TimeFrame);
def CloseTf = close(Period = TimeFrame);
def volTf   = volume(Period = TimeFrame);
def trTf_   = TrueRange(HighTf, CloseTf, LowTf);
def trTf     = if IsNaN(trTf_) then (HighTf-LowTf) else trTf_;
def ematrTf8 = fixnan(ExpAverage(trTf, 8));
def ATRLength2 = ATRLength;

def ema82  = vwma(CloseTf, 8, volTf);
def ema132 = vwma(CloseTf, 13, volTf);
def ema212 = vwma(CloseTf, 21, volTf);
def ema342 = vwma(CloseTf, 34, volTf);
def emaup2 = ema82 > ema132  and ema132 > ema212 and ema212 > ema342;
def emadn2 = ema82 < ema132  and ema132 < ema212 and ema212 < ema342;

def Trend2 = ExpAverage(CloseTf, 13);
def TrendColor2 = if emadn2 and CloseTf <= Trend2 then -1 else
                  if emaup2 and CloseTf >= Trend2 then 1 else 0;

plot Trend2Line = if !ShowHtfTrendLine then na else Trend2;    # "Trend2"
Trend2Line.AssignValueColor(if TrendColor2 > 0 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else
                            if TrendColor2 < 0 then GlobalColor("Bearish") else GlobalColor("Neutral"));

def ATR2 = (ATRLength2 / 100) * ematrTf8;
def Up2 = CloseTf > (Trend2 + ATR2);
def Down2 = CloseTf < (Trend2 - ATR2);
def T2 = if Up2 then 1 else if Down2 then -1 else T2[1];
def StopLineColor2 = T2 == 1;

plot StopLineTf = if !ShowHtfStopLine then na else
                 if T2 == 1 then (Trend2 - ATR2) else
                 if T2 == -1 then (Trend2 + ATR2) else T2[1];    # "StopLine2"
StopLineTf.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColor2 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

def ATR2A = (ATRLength2 - 20) / 100 * ematrTf8;
def Up2A = CloseTf > (Trend2 + ATR2A);
def Down2A = CloseTf < (Trend2 - ATR2A);
def T2A = if Up2A then 1 else if Down2A[1] then -1 else T2A[1];
def StopLineColor2A = T2A == 1;

plot StopLine2Tf = if !ShowHtfStopLine then na else
                   if T2A == 1 then (Trend2 - ATR2A) else
                   if T2A == -1 then (Trend2 + ATR2A) else T2A[1];    #  "StopLine2"
StopLine2Tf.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColor2A then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

def ATR2ANET = if net then (ATRLength2 - 40) / 100 * ematrTf8 else na;
def Up2ANET = CloseTf > (Trend2 + ATR2ANET);
def Down2ANET = CloseTf < (Trend2 - ATR2ANET);
def T2ANET = if Up2ANET then 1 else if Down2ANET[1] then -1 else T2ANET[1];
def StopLineColor2ANET = T2ANET == 1;

plot StopLineNETtf = if !ShowHtfStopLine then na else
                     if T2ANET == 1 then (Trend2 - ATR2ANET) else
                     if T2ANET == -1 then (Trend2 + ATR2ANET) else T2ANET[1];    # StopLineColor2ANET
StopLineNETtf.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColor2ANET then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

def ATR2ANET1 = if Net then (ATRLength2 - 60) /100 * ematrTf8 else na;
def Up2ANET1 = CloseTf > (Trend2 + ATR2ANET1);
def Down2ANET1 = CloseTf < (Trend2 - ATR2ANET1);
def T2ANET1 = if Up2ANET1 then 1 else if Down2ANET1[1] then -1 else T2ANET1[1];
def StopLineColor2ANET1 = T2ANET1 == 1;

plot StopLineNETtf1 = if !ShowHtfStopLine then na else
                      if T2ANET1 == 1 then (Trend2-ATR2ANET1) else
                      if T2ANET1 == -1 then (Trend2+ATR2ANET1) else T2ANET1[1];
StopLineNETtf1.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColor2ANET1 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

def ATR2ANET2 = if Net then (ATRLength2 - 80) /100 * ematrTf8 else na;
def Up2ANET2 = CloseTf > (Trend2 + ATR2ANET2);
def Down2ANET2 = CloseTf < (Trend2 - ATR2ANET2);
def T2ANET2 = if Up2ANET2 then 1 else if Down2ANET2[1] then -1 else T2ANET2[1];
def StopLineColor2ANET2 = T2ANET2 == 1;

plot StopLineNETtf2 = if !ShowHtfStopLine then na else
                      if T2ANET2 == 1 then (Trend2-ATR2ANET2) else
                      if T2ANET2 == -1 then (Trend2+ATR2ANET2) else T2ANET2[1];
StopLineNETtf2.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColor2ANET1 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

#// Trend Clouds

def p1 = Trend;
def p2 = if T == 1 then (Trend-ATR) else if T == -1 then (Trend+ATR) else T[1];
AddCloud(if !ShowCloud then na else p1, p2, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED);

def p3 = Trend2;
def p4 = if T2 == 1 then (Trend2-ATR2) else if T2 == -1 then (Trend2+ATR2) else T2[1];

AddCloud(if !ShowHTFCloud then na else p3 ,p4, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED);

#--- END of CODE

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Author Message:
LNL Trend System is an ATR based day trading system specifically designed for intra-day traders and scalpers. The System works on any chart time frame & can be applied to any market. The study consist of two components - the Trend Line and the Stop Line. Trend System is based on a special ATR calculation that is achieved by combining the previous values of the 13 EMA in relation to the ATR which creates a line of deviations that visually look similar to the basic moving average but actually produce very different results ESPECIALLY in sideways market.
More Details: https://www.tradingview.com/v/m0G2Xv7r/

#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
#// https://www.tradingview.com/v/m0G2Xv7r/
#// Created by © L&L Capital
# indicator("LNL Trend System", shorttitle = "LNL Trend System", overlay=true)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 08/2023
#// Inputs

input TrendMode     = {"Tight", default "Normal", "Loose", "FOMC", "Net"};    # "Trend Mode"
input HtfMode       = {default "Auto", "Manual"};  # "HTF Mode"
input ManualTimeframe = AggregationPeriod.HOUR;    # "HTF Aggregation"
input ShowTrendBars = yes;        # "Show Trend Bars"
input ShowTrend     = yes;        # "Show Trend Line"
input ShowStopLine  = yes;        # "Show Stop Line"
input ShowHtfTrendLine = no;      # "Show HTF Trend Line"
input ShowHtfStopLine = no;       # "Show HTF Stop Line"
input ShowCloud = yes;            # "Show Cloud"
input ShowHtfCloud = no;          # "Show HTF Cloud"

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
def net = TrendMode == TrendMode."Net";
script fixnan {
 input src = close;
     def data2;
     def bar = barnumber();
     if bar == 1 then {data2 = 0;} else
     if IsNaN(src) then {data2 = data2[1];} else
      {data2 = src;}
plot valid = data2;

#vwma(source, length)
script VWMA {
    input src = close;
    input len = 15;
    input v_ = volume;
    def v = if IsNaN(v_) then 1 else v_;
    def srcV = src * v;
    def srcVol = if IsNaN(srcV) then src else srcV;
    def VWMA = Average(srcVol, len) / Average(v, len);
    plot result = VWMA;
DefineGlobalColor("Bullish", CreateColor(39, 194, 46));
DefineGlobalColor("Bearish", CreateColor(255, 82, 82));
DefineGlobalColor("Neutral", CreateColor(67, 70, 81));
#// Trend Bars (DMI Colored Candles)
def tr_ = TrueRange(high, close, low);
def tr  = if IsNaN(tr_) then 0 else tr_;
def nATR = WildersAverage(tr, 14);
def hi = ((high - high[1]) > (low[1] - low)) and ((high - high[1]) > 0);
def lo = ((low[1] - low) > (high - high[1])) and ((low[1] - low) > 0);
def BullishDMI = if hi then (high - high[1]) else 0;
def BearishDMI = if lo then (low[1] - low) else 0;
def DMIUp = 100 * WildersAverage(BullishDMI, 14) / nATR;
def DMIDown = 100 * WildersAverage(BearishDMI, 14) / nATR;
def ADXx = if (DMIUp + DMIDown) > 0 then 100 * AbsValue(DMIUp - DMIDown) / (DMIUp + DMIDown) else na;
def ADX = WildersAverage(ADXx, 14);
def ColorBars = if (DMIUp > DMIDown and ADX > 20) then 1 else
                if (DMIUp < DMIDown and ADX > 20) then -1 else 0;
AssignPriceColor(if !ShowTrendBars then Color.CURRENT else
                 if ColorBars > 0 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else
                 if ColorBars < 0 then GlobalColor("Bearish") else GlobalColor("Neutral"));
#// Trend System (First Time Frame)
def ema8 =  vwma(close, 8);
def ema13 = vwma(close, 13);
def ema21 = vwma(close, 21);
def ema34 = vwma(close, 34);
def emaup = ema8 > ema13  and ema13 > ema21 and ema21 > ema34;
def emadn = ema8 < ema13  and ema13 < ema21 and ema21 < ema34;
def Trend = ExpAverage(close, 13);
def TrendColor = if emadn and close <= Trend then -1 else
                 if emaup and close >= Trend then 1 else 0;
plot TrendLine = if !ShowTrend then na else Trend; # "Trend", color = TrendColor
TrendLine.AssignValueColor(if TrendColor > 0 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else
                           if TrendColor < 0 then GlobalColor("Bearish") else GlobalColor("Neutral"));
def ATRLength;
switch (TrendMode) {
case "Tight" :
    ATRLength = 60;
case "Normal":
    ATRLength = 80;
case "Loose" :
    ATRLength = 100;
case "FOMC"  :
    ATRLength = 120;
case "Net"   :
    ATRLength = 140;
def emaTr8 = ExpAverage(tr , 8);
def ATR = (ATRLength / 100) * emaTr8;
def Up = close > (Trend + ATR);
def Down = close < (Trend - ATR);
def T = if Up then 1 else if Down then -1 else T[1];
def StopLineColor =  T == 1;
plot StopLine = if !ShowStopLine then na else
                 if T == 1  then (Trend - ATR) else
                 if T == -1 then (Trend + ATR) else T[1];     # "StopLine"
StopLine.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColor then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

def ATRA = (ATRLength - 20) / 100 * emaTr8;
def Up11 = close > (Trend + ATRA);
def Down11 = close < (Trend - ATRA);
def T11 = if Up11 then 1 else if Down11 then -1 else T11[1];
def StopLineColor1 = T11 == 1;

plot StopLine2 = if !ShowStopLine then na else
                if T11 == 1 then (Trend - ATRA) else
                if T11 == -1 then (Trend + ATRA) else T11[1]; # "StopLine2"
StopLine2.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColor1 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

def ATRNET = if net then (ATRLength - 40) / 100 * emaTr8 else na;
def UpNET = close > (Trend + ATRNET);
def DownNET = close < (Trend - ATRNET);
def TNET = if UpNET then 1 else if DownNET then -1 else TNET[1];
def StopLineColorNET = TNET == 1;

plot StopLineNET = if !ShowStopLine then na else
                   if TNET == 1 then (Trend - ATRNET) else
                   if TNET == -1 then (Trend + ATRNET) else TNET[1];    # "StopLineNET"
StopLineNET.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColorNET then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

def ATRNET1 = if net then (ATRLength - 60) / 100 * emaTr8 else na;
def UpNET1 = close > (Trend + ATRNET1);
def DownNET1 = close < (Trend - ATRNET1);
def TNET1 = if UpNET1 then 1 else if DownNET1 then -1 else TNET1[1];
def StopLineColorNET1 = TNET1 == 1;

plot StopLineNET1 = if !ShowStopLine then na else
                    if TNET1 == 1 then (Trend - ATRNET1) else
                    if TNET1 == -1 then (Trend + ATRNET1) else TNET1[1]; # "StopLineNET1"
StopLineNET1.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColorNET1 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

def ATRNET2 = if net then (ATRLength - 80) / 100 * emaTr8 else na;
def UpNET2 = close > (Trend + ATRNET2);
def DownNET2 = close < (Trend - ATRNET2);
def TNET2 = if UpNET2 then 1 else if DownNET2 then -1 else TNET2[1];
def StopLineColorNET2 = TNET2 == 1;

plot StopLineNET2 = if !ShowStopLine then na else
                    if TNET2 == 1 then (Trend - ATRNET2) else
                    if TNET2 == -1 then (Trend + ATRNET2) else TNET2[1]; # "StopLineNET2"
StopLineNET2.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColorNET2 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

#// Higher Time Frame Aggregations

def current = GetAggregationPeriod();
def TimeFrameA =
      if current < AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN then AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN else
      if current < AggregationPeriod.THIRTY_MIN then AggregationPeriod.THIRTY_MIN else
      if current < AggregationPeriod.FOUR_HOURS then AggregationPeriod.FOUR_HOURS else
      if current < AggregationPeriod.DAY then AggregationPeriod.DAY else
      if current < AggregationPeriod.WEEK then AggregationPeriod.WEEK else
      if current < AggregationPeriod.MONTH then AggregationPeriod.MONTH else
      if current < AggregationPeriod.QUARTER then AggregationPeriod.QUARTER else current;
def TimeFrame;
switch (HTFMode) {
case "Auto" :
    TimeFrame = TimeFrameA;
case "Manual" :
    TimeFrame = ManualTimeframe;
def HighTf = high(Period = TimeFrame);
def LowTf  = low(Period = TimeFrame);
def CloseTf = close(Period = TimeFrame);
def volTf   = volume(Period = TimeFrame);
def trTf_   = TrueRange(HighTf, CloseTf, LowTf);
def trTf     = if IsNaN(trTf_) then (HighTf-LowTf) else trTf_;
def ematrTf8 = fixnan(ExpAverage(trTf, 8));
def ATRLength2 = ATRLength;

def ema82  = vwma(CloseTf, 8, volTf);
def ema132 = vwma(CloseTf, 13, volTf);
def ema212 = vwma(CloseTf, 21, volTf);
def ema342 = vwma(CloseTf, 34, volTf);
def emaup2 = ema82 > ema132  and ema132 > ema212 and ema212 > ema342;
def emadn2 = ema82 < ema132  and ema132 < ema212 and ema212 < ema342;

def Trend2 = ExpAverage(CloseTf, 13);
def TrendColor2 = if emadn2 and CloseTf <= Trend2 then -1 else
                  if emaup2 and CloseTf >= Trend2 then 1 else 0;

plot Trend2Line = if !ShowHtfTrendLine then na else Trend2;    # "Trend2"
Trend2Line.AssignValueColor(if TrendColor2 > 0 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else
                            if TrendColor2 < 0 then GlobalColor("Bearish") else GlobalColor("Neutral"));

def ATR2 = (ATRLength2 / 100) * ematrTf8;
def Up2 = CloseTf > (Trend2 + ATR2);
def Down2 = CloseTf < (Trend2 - ATR2);
def T2 = if Up2 then 1 else if Down2 then -1 else T2[1];
def StopLineColor2 = T2 == 1;

plot StopLineTf = if !ShowHtfStopLine then na else
                 if T2 == 1 then (Trend2 - ATR2) else
                 if T2 == -1 then (Trend2 + ATR2) else T2[1];    # "StopLine2"
StopLineTf.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColor2 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

def ATR2A = (ATRLength2 - 20) / 100 * ematrTf8;
def Up2A = CloseTf > (Trend2 + ATR2A);
def Down2A = CloseTf < (Trend2 - ATR2A);
def T2A = if Up2A then 1 else if Down2A[1] then -1 else T2A[1];
def StopLineColor2A = T2A == 1;

plot StopLine2Tf = if !ShowHtfStopLine then na else
                   if T2A == 1 then (Trend2 - ATR2A) else
                   if T2A == -1 then (Trend2 + ATR2A) else T2A[1];    #  "StopLine2"
StopLine2Tf.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColor2A then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

def ATR2ANET = if net then (ATRLength2 - 40) / 100 * ematrTf8 else na;
def Up2ANET = CloseTf > (Trend2 + ATR2ANET);
def Down2ANET = CloseTf < (Trend2 - ATR2ANET);
def T2ANET = if Up2ANET then 1 else if Down2ANET[1] then -1 else T2ANET[1];
def StopLineColor2ANET = T2ANET == 1;

plot StopLineNETtf = if !ShowHtfStopLine then na else
                     if T2ANET == 1 then (Trend2 - ATR2ANET) else
                     if T2ANET == -1 then (Trend2 + ATR2ANET) else T2ANET[1];    # StopLineColor2ANET
StopLineNETtf.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColor2ANET then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

def ATR2ANET1 = if Net then (ATRLength2 - 60) /100 * ematrTf8 else na;
def Up2ANET1 = CloseTf > (Trend2 + ATR2ANET1);
def Down2ANET1 = CloseTf < (Trend2 - ATR2ANET1);
def T2ANET1 = if Up2ANET1 then 1 else if Down2ANET1[1] then -1 else T2ANET1[1];
def StopLineColor2ANET1 = T2ANET1 == 1;

plot StopLineNETtf1 = if !ShowHtfStopLine then na else
                      if T2ANET1 == 1 then (Trend2-ATR2ANET1) else
                      if T2ANET1 == -1 then (Trend2+ATR2ANET1) else T2ANET1[1];
StopLineNETtf1.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColor2ANET1 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

def ATR2ANET2 = if Net then (ATRLength2 - 80) /100 * ematrTf8 else na;
def Up2ANET2 = CloseTf > (Trend2 + ATR2ANET2);
def Down2ANET2 = CloseTf < (Trend2 - ATR2ANET2);
def T2ANET2 = if Up2ANET2 then 1 else if Down2ANET2[1] then -1 else T2ANET2[1];
def StopLineColor2ANET2 = T2ANET2 == 1;

plot StopLineNETtf2 = if !ShowHtfStopLine then na else
                      if T2ANET2 == 1 then (Trend2-ATR2ANET2) else
                      if T2ANET2 == -1 then (Trend2+ATR2ANET2) else T2ANET2[1];
StopLineNETtf2.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColor2ANET1 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

#// Trend Clouds

def p1 = Trend;
def p2 = if T == 1 then (Trend-ATR) else if T == -1 then (Trend+ATR) else T[1];
AddCloud(if !ShowCloud then na else p1, p2, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED);

def p3 = Trend2;
def p4 = if T2 == 1 then (Trend2-ATR2) else if T2 == -1 then (Trend2+ATR2) else T2[1];

AddCloud(if !ShowHTFCloud then na else p3 ,p4, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED);

#--- END of CODE
Hi Samer,

Is there a way incorporate this to Scan. like Bullish and Bearish .. I tried though but unable to pick the value? can you please develop scan based on the Trend or Stopline parameters
Hi Samer,

Is there a way incorporate this to Scan. like Bullish and Bearish .. I tried though but unable to pick the value? can you please develop scan based on the Trend or Stopline parameters
try to use below
#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
#// https://www.tradingview.com/v/m0G2Xv7r/
#// Created by © L&L Capital
# indicator("LNL Trend System", shorttitle = "LNL Trend System", overlay=true)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 08/2023
# -- Scan Script
#// Inputs
def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
#vwma(source, length)
script VWMA {
    input src = close;
    input len = 15;
    input v_ = volume;
    def v = if IsNaN(v_) then 1 else v_;
    def srcV = src * v;
    def srcVol = if IsNaN(srcV) then src else srcV;
    def VWMA = Average(srcVol, len) / Average(v, len);
    plot result = VWMA;
DefineGlobalColor("Bullish", CreateColor(39, 194, 46));
DefineGlobalColor("Bearish", CreateColor(255, 82, 82));
DefineGlobalColor("Neutral", CreateColor(67, 70, 81));
#// Trend Bars (DMI Colored Candles)
#// Trend Bars (DMI Colored Candles)
def tr_ = TrueRange(high, close, low);
def tr  = if IsNaN(tr_) then 0 else tr_;
def nATR = WildersAverage(tr, 14);
def hi = ((high - high[1]) > (low[1] - low)) and ((high - high[1]) > 0);
def lo = ((low[1] - low) > (high - high[1])) and ((low[1] - low) > 0);
def BullishDMI = if hi then (high - high[1]) else 0;
def BearishDMI = if lo then (low[1] - low) else 0;
def DMIUp = 100 * WildersAverage(BullishDMI, 14) / nATR;
def DMIDown = 100 * WildersAverage(BearishDMI, 14) / nATR;
def ADXx = if (DMIUp + DMIDown) > 0 then 100 * AbsValue(DMIUp - DMIDown) / (DMIUp + DMIDown) else na;
def ADX = WildersAverage(ADXx, 14);
def ColorBars = if (DMIUp > DMIDown and ADX > 20) then 1 else
                if (DMIUp < DMIDown and ADX > 20) then -1 else 0;

#// Trend System (First Time Frame)
def ema8 =  vwma(close, 8);
def ema13 = vwma(close, 13);
def ema21 = vwma(close, 21);
def ema34 = vwma(close, 34);
def emaup = ema8 > ema13  and ema13 > ema21 and ema21 > ema34;
def emadn = ema8 < ema13  and ema13 < ema21 and ema21 < ema34;
def Trend = ExpAverage(close, 13);
def TrendColor = if emadn and close <= Trend then -1 else
                 if emaup and close >= Trend then 1 else 0;
def TrendLine = Trend; # "Trend", color = TrendColor
#TrendLine.AssignValueColor(if TrendColor > 0 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else
#                           if TrendColor < 0 then GlobalColor("Bearish") else GlobalColor("Neutral"));
def bullCond =  TrendColor > 0 and TrendColor[1]<=0 and ColorBars > 0;
def bearCond =  TrendColor < 0 and TrendColor[1]>=0 and ColorBars < 0;

plot bull = if bullCond within 3 bars then low else na;
#plot Bear = if bearCond within 3 bars then high else na;

#-- END Scan
try to use below
#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
#// https://www.tradingview.com/v/m0G2Xv7r/
#// Created by © L&L Capital
# indicator("LNL Trend System", shorttitle = "LNL Trend System", overlay=true)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 08/2023
# -- Scan Script
#// Inputs
def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
#vwma(source, length)
script VWMA {
    input src = close;
    input len = 15;
    input v_ = volume;
    def v = if IsNaN(v_) then 1 else v_;
    def srcV = src * v;
    def srcVol = if IsNaN(srcV) then src else srcV;
    def VWMA = Average(srcVol, len) / Average(v, len);
    plot result = VWMA;
DefineGlobalColor("Bullish", CreateColor(39, 194, 46));
DefineGlobalColor("Bearish", CreateColor(255, 82, 82));
DefineGlobalColor("Neutral", CreateColor(67, 70, 81));
#// Trend Bars (DMI Colored Candles)
#// Trend Bars (DMI Colored Candles)
def tr_ = TrueRange(high, close, low);
def tr  = if IsNaN(tr_) then 0 else tr_;
def nATR = WildersAverage(tr, 14);
def hi = ((high - high[1]) > (low[1] - low)) and ((high - high[1]) > 0);
def lo = ((low[1] - low) > (high - high[1])) and ((low[1] - low) > 0);
def BullishDMI = if hi then (high - high[1]) else 0;
def BearishDMI = if lo then (low[1] - low) else 0;
def DMIUp = 100 * WildersAverage(BullishDMI, 14) / nATR;
def DMIDown = 100 * WildersAverage(BearishDMI, 14) / nATR;
def ADXx = if (DMIUp + DMIDown) > 0 then 100 * AbsValue(DMIUp - DMIDown) / (DMIUp + DMIDown) else na;
def ADX = WildersAverage(ADXx, 14);
def ColorBars = if (DMIUp > DMIDown and ADX > 20) then 1 else
                if (DMIUp < DMIDown and ADX > 20) then -1 else 0;

#// Trend System (First Time Frame)
def ema8 =  vwma(close, 8);
def ema13 = vwma(close, 13);
def ema21 = vwma(close, 21);
def ema34 = vwma(close, 34);
def emaup = ema8 > ema13  and ema13 > ema21 and ema21 > ema34;
def emadn = ema8 < ema13  and ema13 < ema21 and ema21 < ema34;
def Trend = ExpAverage(close, 13);
def TrendColor = if emadn and close <= Trend then -1 else
                 if emaup and close >= Trend then 1 else 0;
def TrendLine = Trend; # "Trend", color = TrendColor
#TrendLine.AssignValueColor(if TrendColor > 0 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else
#                           if TrendColor < 0 then GlobalColor("Bearish") else GlobalColor("Neutral"));
def bullCond =  TrendColor > 0 and TrendColor[1]<=0 and ColorBars > 0;
def bearCond =  TrendColor < 0 and TrendColor[1]>=0 and ColorBars < 0;

plot bull = if bullCond within 3 bars then low else na;
#plot Bear = if bearCond within 3 bars then high else na;

#-- END Scan
Hi Samer,
Thank you so much for scan. Appreciate your help

Author Message:
LNL Trend System is an ATR based day trading system specifically designed for intra-day traders and scalpers. The System works on any chart time frame & can be applied to any market. The study consist of two components - the Trend Line and the Stop Line. Trend System is based on a special ATR calculation that is achieved by combining the previous values of the 13 EMA in relation to the ATR which creates a line of deviations that visually look similar to the basic moving average but actually produce very different results ESPECIALLY in sideways market.
More Details: https://www.tradingview.com/v/m0G2Xv7r/

#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
#// https://www.tradingview.com/v/m0G2Xv7r/
#// Created by © L&L Capital
# indicator("LNL Trend System", shorttitle = "LNL Trend System", overlay=true)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 08/2023
#// Inputs

input TrendMode     = {"Tight", default "Normal", "Loose", "FOMC", "Net"};    # "Trend Mode"
input HtfMode       = {default "Auto", "Manual"};  # "HTF Mode"
input ManualTimeframe = AggregationPeriod.HOUR;    # "HTF Aggregation"
input ShowTrendBars = yes;        # "Show Trend Bars"
input ShowTrend     = yes;        # "Show Trend Line"
input ShowStopLine  = yes;        # "Show Stop Line"
input ShowHtfTrendLine = no;      # "Show HTF Trend Line"
input ShowHtfStopLine = no;       # "Show HTF Stop Line"
input ShowCloud = yes;            # "Show Cloud"
input ShowHtfCloud = no;          # "Show HTF Cloud"

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
def net = TrendMode == TrendMode."Net";
script fixnan {
 input src = close;
     def data2;
     def bar = barnumber();
     if bar == 1 then {data2 = 0;} else
     if IsNaN(src) then {data2 = data2[1];} else
      {data2 = src;}
plot valid = data2;

#vwma(source, length)
script VWMA {
    input src = close;
    input len = 15;
    input v_ = volume;
    def v = if IsNaN(v_) then 1 else v_;
    def srcV = src * v;
    def srcVol = if IsNaN(srcV) then src else srcV;
    def VWMA = Average(srcVol, len) / Average(v, len);
    plot result = VWMA;
DefineGlobalColor("Bullish", CreateColor(39, 194, 46));
DefineGlobalColor("Bearish", CreateColor(255, 82, 82));
DefineGlobalColor("Neutral", CreateColor(67, 70, 81));
#// Trend Bars (DMI Colored Candles)
def tr_ = TrueRange(high, close, low);
def tr  = if IsNaN(tr_) then 0 else tr_;
def nATR = WildersAverage(tr, 14);
def hi = ((high - high[1]) > (low[1] - low)) and ((high - high[1]) > 0);
def lo = ((low[1] - low) > (high - high[1])) and ((low[1] - low) > 0);
def BullishDMI = if hi then (high - high[1]) else 0;
def BearishDMI = if lo then (low[1] - low) else 0;
def DMIUp = 100 * WildersAverage(BullishDMI, 14) / nATR;
def DMIDown = 100 * WildersAverage(BearishDMI, 14) / nATR;
def ADXx = if (DMIUp + DMIDown) > 0 then 100 * AbsValue(DMIUp - DMIDown) / (DMIUp + DMIDown) else na;
def ADX = WildersAverage(ADXx, 14);
def ColorBars = if (DMIUp > DMIDown and ADX > 20) then 1 else
                if (DMIUp < DMIDown and ADX > 20) then -1 else 0;
AssignPriceColor(if !ShowTrendBars then Color.CURRENT else
                 if ColorBars > 0 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else
                 if ColorBars < 0 then GlobalColor("Bearish") else GlobalColor("Neutral"));
#// Trend System (First Time Frame)
def ema8 =  vwma(close, 8);
def ema13 = vwma(close, 13);
def ema21 = vwma(close, 21);
def ema34 = vwma(close, 34);
def emaup = ema8 > ema13  and ema13 > ema21 and ema21 > ema34;
def emadn = ema8 < ema13  and ema13 < ema21 and ema21 < ema34;
def Trend = ExpAverage(close, 13);
def TrendColor = if emadn and close <= Trend then -1 else
                 if emaup and close >= Trend then 1 else 0;
plot TrendLine = if !ShowTrend then na else Trend; # "Trend", color = TrendColor
TrendLine.AssignValueColor(if TrendColor > 0 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else
                           if TrendColor < 0 then GlobalColor("Bearish") else GlobalColor("Neutral"));
def ATRLength;
switch (TrendMode) {
case "Tight" :
    ATRLength = 60;
case "Normal":
    ATRLength = 80;
case "Loose" :
    ATRLength = 100;
case "FOMC"  :
    ATRLength = 120;
case "Net"   :
    ATRLength = 140;
def emaTr8 = ExpAverage(tr , 8);
def ATR = (ATRLength / 100) * emaTr8;
def Up = close > (Trend + ATR);
def Down = close < (Trend - ATR);
def T = if Up then 1 else if Down then -1 else T[1];
def StopLineColor =  T == 1;
plot StopLine = if !ShowStopLine then na else
                 if T == 1  then (Trend - ATR) else
                 if T == -1 then (Trend + ATR) else T[1];     # "StopLine"
StopLine.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColor then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

def ATRA = (ATRLength - 20) / 100 * emaTr8;
def Up11 = close > (Trend + ATRA);
def Down11 = close < (Trend - ATRA);
def T11 = if Up11 then 1 else if Down11 then -1 else T11[1];
def StopLineColor1 = T11 == 1;

plot StopLine2 = if !ShowStopLine then na else
                if T11 == 1 then (Trend - ATRA) else
                if T11 == -1 then (Trend + ATRA) else T11[1]; # "StopLine2"
StopLine2.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColor1 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

def ATRNET = if net then (ATRLength - 40) / 100 * emaTr8 else na;
def UpNET = close > (Trend + ATRNET);
def DownNET = close < (Trend - ATRNET);
def TNET = if UpNET then 1 else if DownNET then -1 else TNET[1];
def StopLineColorNET = TNET == 1;

plot StopLineNET = if !ShowStopLine then na else
                   if TNET == 1 then (Trend - ATRNET) else
                   if TNET == -1 then (Trend + ATRNET) else TNET[1];    # "StopLineNET"
StopLineNET.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColorNET then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

def ATRNET1 = if net then (ATRLength - 60) / 100 * emaTr8 else na;
def UpNET1 = close > (Trend + ATRNET1);
def DownNET1 = close < (Trend - ATRNET1);
def TNET1 = if UpNET1 then 1 else if DownNET1 then -1 else TNET1[1];
def StopLineColorNET1 = TNET1 == 1;

plot StopLineNET1 = if !ShowStopLine then na else
                    if TNET1 == 1 then (Trend - ATRNET1) else
                    if TNET1 == -1 then (Trend + ATRNET1) else TNET1[1]; # "StopLineNET1"
StopLineNET1.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColorNET1 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

def ATRNET2 = if net then (ATRLength - 80) / 100 * emaTr8 else na;
def UpNET2 = close > (Trend + ATRNET2);
def DownNET2 = close < (Trend - ATRNET2);
def TNET2 = if UpNET2 then 1 else if DownNET2 then -1 else TNET2[1];
def StopLineColorNET2 = TNET2 == 1;

plot StopLineNET2 = if !ShowStopLine then na else
                    if TNET2 == 1 then (Trend - ATRNET2) else
                    if TNET2 == -1 then (Trend + ATRNET2) else TNET2[1]; # "StopLineNET2"
StopLineNET2.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColorNET2 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

#// Higher Time Frame Aggregations

def current = GetAggregationPeriod();
def TimeFrameA =
      if current < AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN then AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN else
      if current < AggregationPeriod.THIRTY_MIN then AggregationPeriod.THIRTY_MIN else
      if current < AggregationPeriod.FOUR_HOURS then AggregationPeriod.FOUR_HOURS else
      if current < AggregationPeriod.DAY then AggregationPeriod.DAY else
      if current < AggregationPeriod.WEEK then AggregationPeriod.WEEK else
      if current < AggregationPeriod.MONTH then AggregationPeriod.MONTH else
      if current < AggregationPeriod.QUARTER then AggregationPeriod.QUARTER else current;
def TimeFrame;
switch (HTFMode) {
case "Auto" :
    TimeFrame = TimeFrameA;
case "Manual" :
    TimeFrame = ManualTimeframe;
def HighTf = high(Period = TimeFrame);
def LowTf  = low(Period = TimeFrame);
def CloseTf = close(Period = TimeFrame);
def volTf   = volume(Period = TimeFrame);
def trTf_   = TrueRange(HighTf, CloseTf, LowTf);
def trTf     = if IsNaN(trTf_) then (HighTf-LowTf) else trTf_;
def ematrTf8 = fixnan(ExpAverage(trTf, 8));
def ATRLength2 = ATRLength;

def ema82  = vwma(CloseTf, 8, volTf);
def ema132 = vwma(CloseTf, 13, volTf);
def ema212 = vwma(CloseTf, 21, volTf);
def ema342 = vwma(CloseTf, 34, volTf);
def emaup2 = ema82 > ema132  and ema132 > ema212 and ema212 > ema342;
def emadn2 = ema82 < ema132  and ema132 < ema212 and ema212 < ema342;

def Trend2 = ExpAverage(CloseTf, 13);
def TrendColor2 = if emadn2 and CloseTf <= Trend2 then -1 else
                  if emaup2 and CloseTf >= Trend2 then 1 else 0;

plot Trend2Line = if !ShowHtfTrendLine then na else Trend2;    # "Trend2"
Trend2Line.AssignValueColor(if TrendColor2 > 0 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else
                            if TrendColor2 < 0 then GlobalColor("Bearish") else GlobalColor("Neutral"));

def ATR2 = (ATRLength2 / 100) * ematrTf8;
def Up2 = CloseTf > (Trend2 + ATR2);
def Down2 = CloseTf < (Trend2 - ATR2);
def T2 = if Up2 then 1 else if Down2 then -1 else T2[1];
def StopLineColor2 = T2 == 1;

plot StopLineTf = if !ShowHtfStopLine then na else
                 if T2 == 1 then (Trend2 - ATR2) else
                 if T2 == -1 then (Trend2 + ATR2) else T2[1];    # "StopLine2"
StopLineTf.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColor2 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

def ATR2A = (ATRLength2 - 20) / 100 * ematrTf8;
def Up2A = CloseTf > (Trend2 + ATR2A);
def Down2A = CloseTf < (Trend2 - ATR2A);
def T2A = if Up2A then 1 else if Down2A[1] then -1 else T2A[1];
def StopLineColor2A = T2A == 1;

plot StopLine2Tf = if !ShowHtfStopLine then na else
                   if T2A == 1 then (Trend2 - ATR2A) else
                   if T2A == -1 then (Trend2 + ATR2A) else T2A[1];    #  "StopLine2"
StopLine2Tf.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColor2A then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

def ATR2ANET = if net then (ATRLength2 - 40) / 100 * ematrTf8 else na;
def Up2ANET = CloseTf > (Trend2 + ATR2ANET);
def Down2ANET = CloseTf < (Trend2 - ATR2ANET);
def T2ANET = if Up2ANET then 1 else if Down2ANET[1] then -1 else T2ANET[1];
def StopLineColor2ANET = T2ANET == 1;

plot StopLineNETtf = if !ShowHtfStopLine then na else
                     if T2ANET == 1 then (Trend2 - ATR2ANET) else
                     if T2ANET == -1 then (Trend2 + ATR2ANET) else T2ANET[1];    # StopLineColor2ANET
StopLineNETtf.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColor2ANET then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

def ATR2ANET1 = if Net then (ATRLength2 - 60) /100 * ematrTf8 else na;
def Up2ANET1 = CloseTf > (Trend2 + ATR2ANET1);
def Down2ANET1 = CloseTf < (Trend2 - ATR2ANET1);
def T2ANET1 = if Up2ANET1 then 1 else if Down2ANET1[1] then -1 else T2ANET1[1];
def StopLineColor2ANET1 = T2ANET1 == 1;

plot StopLineNETtf1 = if !ShowHtfStopLine then na else
                      if T2ANET1 == 1 then (Trend2-ATR2ANET1) else
                      if T2ANET1 == -1 then (Trend2+ATR2ANET1) else T2ANET1[1];
StopLineNETtf1.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColor2ANET1 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

def ATR2ANET2 = if Net then (ATRLength2 - 80) /100 * ematrTf8 else na;
def Up2ANET2 = CloseTf > (Trend2 + ATR2ANET2);
def Down2ANET2 = CloseTf < (Trend2 - ATR2ANET2);
def T2ANET2 = if Up2ANET2 then 1 else if Down2ANET2[1] then -1 else T2ANET2[1];
def StopLineColor2ANET2 = T2ANET2 == 1;

plot StopLineNETtf2 = if !ShowHtfStopLine then na else
                      if T2ANET2 == 1 then (Trend2-ATR2ANET2) else
                      if T2ANET2 == -1 then (Trend2+ATR2ANET2) else T2ANET2[1];
StopLineNETtf2.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColor2ANET1 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

#// Trend Clouds

def p1 = Trend;
def p2 = if T == 1 then (Trend-ATR) else if T == -1 then (Trend+ATR) else T[1];
AddCloud(if !ShowCloud then na else p1, p2, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED);

def p3 = Trend2;
def p4 = if T2 == 1 then (Trend2-ATR2) else if T2 == -1 then (Trend2+ATR2) else T2[1];

AddCloud(if !ShowHTFCloud then na else p3 ,p4, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED);

#--- END of CODE
It says designed for intraday traders and scalpers. How to I set this up on a daily chart if I am a several day trader? Many thanks
It says designed for intraday traders and scalpers. How to I set this up on a daily chart if I am a several day trader? Many thanks
-Just a heads up the term for several day trading is swing trading/trader
-It looks like you just select whatever time frame you want to use on thinkorswim and it'll adjust automatically
try to use below
#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
#// https://www.tradingview.com/v/m0G2Xv7r/
#// Created by © L&L Capital
# indicator("LNL Trend System", shorttitle = "LNL Trend System", overlay=true)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 08/2023
# -- Scan Script
#// Inputs
def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
#vwma(source, length)
script VWMA {
    input src = close;
    input len = 15;
    input v_ = volume;
    def v = if IsNaN(v_) then 1 else v_;
    def srcV = src * v;
    def srcVol = if IsNaN(srcV) then src else srcV;
    def VWMA = Average(srcVol, len) / Average(v, len);
    plot result = VWMA;
DefineGlobalColor("Bullish", CreateColor(39, 194, 46));
DefineGlobalColor("Bearish", CreateColor(255, 82, 82));
DefineGlobalColor("Neutral", CreateColor(67, 70, 81));
#// Trend Bars (DMI Colored Candles)
#// Trend Bars (DMI Colored Candles)
def tr_ = TrueRange(high, close, low);
def tr  = if IsNaN(tr_) then 0 else tr_;
def nATR = WildersAverage(tr, 14);
def hi = ((high - high[1]) > (low[1] - low)) and ((high - high[1]) > 0);
def lo = ((low[1] - low) > (high - high[1])) and ((low[1] - low) > 0);
def BullishDMI = if hi then (high - high[1]) else 0;
def BearishDMI = if lo then (low[1] - low) else 0;
def DMIUp = 100 * WildersAverage(BullishDMI, 14) / nATR;
def DMIDown = 100 * WildersAverage(BearishDMI, 14) / nATR;
def ADXx = if (DMIUp + DMIDown) > 0 then 100 * AbsValue(DMIUp - DMIDown) / (DMIUp + DMIDown) else na;
def ADX = WildersAverage(ADXx, 14);
def ColorBars = if (DMIUp > DMIDown and ADX > 20) then 1 else
                if (DMIUp < DMIDown and ADX > 20) then -1 else 0;

#// Trend System (First Time Frame)
def ema8 =  vwma(close, 8);
def ema13 = vwma(close, 13);
def ema21 = vwma(close, 21);
def ema34 = vwma(close, 34);
def emaup = ema8 > ema13  and ema13 > ema21 and ema21 > ema34;
def emadn = ema8 < ema13  and ema13 < ema21 and ema21 < ema34;
def Trend = ExpAverage(close, 13);
def TrendColor = if emadn and close <= Trend then -1 else
                 if emaup and close >= Trend then 1 else 0;
def TrendLine = Trend; # "Trend", color = TrendColor
#TrendLine.AssignValueColor(if TrendColor > 0 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else
#                           if TrendColor < 0 then GlobalColor("Bearish") else GlobalColor("Neutral"));
def bullCond =  TrendColor > 0 and TrendColor[1]<=0 and ColorBars > 0;
def bearCond =  TrendColor < 0 and TrendColor[1]>=0 and ColorBars < 0;

plot bull = if bullCond within 3 bars then low else na;
#plot Bear = if bearCond within 3 bars then high else na;

#-- END Scan
I am going to set up this scan. In the Scan set up, do I just click "false" under the bull "plot" selection to get a bear condition. Or do I have to change the script? Thanks again Samer for all your expertise.
I am going to set up this scan. In the Scan set up, do I just click "false" under the bull "plot" selection to get a bear condition. Or do I have to change the script? Thanks again Samer for all your expertise.

For bear scan
change this:
#plot Bear = if bearCond within 3 bars then high else na;
to this:
plot Bear = if bearCond within 3 bars then high else na;
Hey Samer, thank you for sharing this! I noticed on $SPX the dash marks above and below each candle don't show up on any time frame. However, it does on $SPY. Not sure if this is fixable but thought I would throw it out there. It seems to work on every other ticker I've looked at it on though.
Hey Samer, thank you for sharing this! I noticed on $SPX the dash marks above and below each candle don't show up on any time frame. However, it does on $SPY. Not sure if this is fixable but thought I would throw it out there. It seems to work on every other ticker I've looked at it on though.

You are correct.
Given that there is no volume associated with $SPX, no indicator that uses volume in its calculations will work correctly on $SPX

Author Message:
LNL Trend System is an ATR based day trading system specifically designed for intra-day traders and scalpers. The System works on any chart time frame & can be applied to any market. The study consist of two components - the Trend Line and the Stop Line. Trend System is based on a special ATR calculation that is achieved by combining the previous values of the 13 EMA in relation to the ATR which creates a line of deviations that visually look similar to the basic moving average but actually produce very different results ESPECIALLY in sideways market.
More Details: https://www.tradingview.com/v/m0G2Xv7r/

#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
#// https://www.tradingview.com/v/m0G2Xv7r/
#// Created by © L&L Capital
# indicator("LNL Trend System", shorttitle = "LNL Trend System", overlay=true)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 08/2023
#// Inputs

input TrendMode     = {"Tight", default "Normal", "Loose", "FOMC", "Net"};    # "Trend Mode"
input HtfMode       = {default "Auto", "Manual"};  # "HTF Mode"
input ManualTimeframe = AggregationPeriod.HOUR;    # "HTF Aggregation"
input ShowTrendBars = yes;        # "Show Trend Bars"
input ShowTrend     = yes;        # "Show Trend Line"
input ShowStopLine  = yes;        # "Show Stop Line"
input ShowHtfTrendLine = no;      # "Show HTF Trend Line"
input ShowHtfStopLine = no;       # "Show HTF Stop Line"
input ShowCloud = yes;            # "Show Cloud"
input ShowHtfCloud = no;          # "Show HTF Cloud"

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
def net = TrendMode == TrendMode."Net";
script fixnan {
 input src = close;
     def data2;
     def bar = barnumber();
     if bar == 1 then {data2 = 0;} else
     if IsNaN(src) then {data2 = data2[1];} else
      {data2 = src;}
plot valid = data2;

#vwma(source, length)
script VWMA {
    input src = close;
    input len = 15;
    input v_ = volume;
    def v = if IsNaN(v_) then 1 else v_;
    def srcV = src * v;
    def srcVol = if IsNaN(srcV) then src else srcV;
    def VWMA = Average(srcVol, len) / Average(v, len);
    plot result = VWMA;
DefineGlobalColor("Bullish", CreateColor(39, 194, 46));
DefineGlobalColor("Bearish", CreateColor(255, 82, 82));
DefineGlobalColor("Neutral", CreateColor(67, 70, 81));
#// Trend Bars (DMI Colored Candles)
def tr_ = TrueRange(high, close, low);
def tr  = if IsNaN(tr_) then 0 else tr_;
def nATR = WildersAverage(tr, 14);
def hi = ((high - high[1]) > (low[1] - low)) and ((high - high[1]) > 0);
def lo = ((low[1] - low) > (high - high[1])) and ((low[1] - low) > 0);
def BullishDMI = if hi then (high - high[1]) else 0;
def BearishDMI = if lo then (low[1] - low) else 0;
def DMIUp = 100 * WildersAverage(BullishDMI, 14) / nATR;
def DMIDown = 100 * WildersAverage(BearishDMI, 14) / nATR;
def ADXx = if (DMIUp + DMIDown) > 0 then 100 * AbsValue(DMIUp - DMIDown) / (DMIUp + DMIDown) else na;
def ADX = WildersAverage(ADXx, 14);
def ColorBars = if (DMIUp > DMIDown and ADX > 20) then 1 else
                if (DMIUp < DMIDown and ADX > 20) then -1 else 0;
AssignPriceColor(if !ShowTrendBars then Color.CURRENT else
                 if ColorBars > 0 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else
                 if ColorBars < 0 then GlobalColor("Bearish") else GlobalColor("Neutral"));
#// Trend System (First Time Frame)
def ema8 =  vwma(close, 8);
def ema13 = vwma(close, 13);
def ema21 = vwma(close, 21);
def ema34 = vwma(close, 34);
def emaup = ema8 > ema13  and ema13 > ema21 and ema21 > ema34;
def emadn = ema8 < ema13  and ema13 < ema21 and ema21 < ema34;
def Trend = ExpAverage(close, 13);
def TrendColor = if emadn and close <= Trend then -1 else
                 if emaup and close >= Trend then 1 else 0;
plot TrendLine = if !ShowTrend then na else Trend; # "Trend", color = TrendColor
TrendLine.AssignValueColor(if TrendColor > 0 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else
                           if TrendColor < 0 then GlobalColor("Bearish") else GlobalColor("Neutral"));
def ATRLength;
switch (TrendMode) {
case "Tight" :
    ATRLength = 60;
case "Normal":
    ATRLength = 80;
case "Loose" :
    ATRLength = 100;
case "FOMC"  :
    ATRLength = 120;
case "Net"   :
    ATRLength = 140;
def emaTr8 = ExpAverage(tr , 8);
def ATR = (ATRLength / 100) * emaTr8;
def Up = close > (Trend + ATR);
def Down = close < (Trend - ATR);
def T = if Up then 1 else if Down then -1 else T[1];
def StopLineColor =  T == 1;
plot StopLine = if !ShowStopLine then na else
                 if T == 1  then (Trend - ATR) else
                 if T == -1 then (Trend + ATR) else T[1];     # "StopLine"
StopLine.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColor then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

def ATRA = (ATRLength - 20) / 100 * emaTr8;
def Up11 = close > (Trend + ATRA);
def Down11 = close < (Trend - ATRA);
def T11 = if Up11 then 1 else if Down11 then -1 else T11[1];
def StopLineColor1 = T11 == 1;

plot StopLine2 = if !ShowStopLine then na else
                if T11 == 1 then (Trend - ATRA) else
                if T11 == -1 then (Trend + ATRA) else T11[1]; # "StopLine2"
StopLine2.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColor1 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

def ATRNET = if net then (ATRLength - 40) / 100 * emaTr8 else na;
def UpNET = close > (Trend + ATRNET);
def DownNET = close < (Trend - ATRNET);
def TNET = if UpNET then 1 else if DownNET then -1 else TNET[1];
def StopLineColorNET = TNET == 1;

plot StopLineNET = if !ShowStopLine then na else
                   if TNET == 1 then (Trend - ATRNET) else
                   if TNET == -1 then (Trend + ATRNET) else TNET[1];    # "StopLineNET"
StopLineNET.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColorNET then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

def ATRNET1 = if net then (ATRLength - 60) / 100 * emaTr8 else na;
def UpNET1 = close > (Trend + ATRNET1);
def DownNET1 = close < (Trend - ATRNET1);
def TNET1 = if UpNET1 then 1 else if DownNET1 then -1 else TNET1[1];
def StopLineColorNET1 = TNET1 == 1;

plot StopLineNET1 = if !ShowStopLine then na else
                    if TNET1 == 1 then (Trend - ATRNET1) else
                    if TNET1 == -1 then (Trend + ATRNET1) else TNET1[1]; # "StopLineNET1"
StopLineNET1.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColorNET1 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

def ATRNET2 = if net then (ATRLength - 80) / 100 * emaTr8 else na;
def UpNET2 = close > (Trend + ATRNET2);
def DownNET2 = close < (Trend - ATRNET2);
def TNET2 = if UpNET2 then 1 else if DownNET2 then -1 else TNET2[1];
def StopLineColorNET2 = TNET2 == 1;

plot StopLineNET2 = if !ShowStopLine then na else
                    if TNET2 == 1 then (Trend - ATRNET2) else
                    if TNET2 == -1 then (Trend + ATRNET2) else TNET2[1]; # "StopLineNET2"
StopLineNET2.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColorNET2 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

#// Higher Time Frame Aggregations

def current = GetAggregationPeriod();
def TimeFrameA =
      if current < AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN then AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN else
      if current < AggregationPeriod.THIRTY_MIN then AggregationPeriod.THIRTY_MIN else
      if current < AggregationPeriod.FOUR_HOURS then AggregationPeriod.FOUR_HOURS else
      if current < AggregationPeriod.DAY then AggregationPeriod.DAY else
      if current < AggregationPeriod.WEEK then AggregationPeriod.WEEK else
      if current < AggregationPeriod.MONTH then AggregationPeriod.MONTH else
      if current < AggregationPeriod.QUARTER then AggregationPeriod.QUARTER else current;
def TimeFrame;
switch (HTFMode) {
case "Auto" :
    TimeFrame = TimeFrameA;
case "Manual" :
    TimeFrame = ManualTimeframe;
def HighTf = high(Period = TimeFrame);
def LowTf  = low(Period = TimeFrame);
def CloseTf = close(Period = TimeFrame);
def volTf   = volume(Period = TimeFrame);
def trTf_   = TrueRange(HighTf, CloseTf, LowTf);
def trTf     = if IsNaN(trTf_) then (HighTf-LowTf) else trTf_;
def ematrTf8 = fixnan(ExpAverage(trTf, 8));
def ATRLength2 = ATRLength;

def ema82  = vwma(CloseTf, 8, volTf);
def ema132 = vwma(CloseTf, 13, volTf);
def ema212 = vwma(CloseTf, 21, volTf);
def ema342 = vwma(CloseTf, 34, volTf);
def emaup2 = ema82 > ema132  and ema132 > ema212 and ema212 > ema342;
def emadn2 = ema82 < ema132  and ema132 < ema212 and ema212 < ema342;

def Trend2 = ExpAverage(CloseTf, 13);
def TrendColor2 = if emadn2 and CloseTf <= Trend2 then -1 else
                  if emaup2 and CloseTf >= Trend2 then 1 else 0;

plot Trend2Line = if !ShowHtfTrendLine then na else Trend2;    # "Trend2"
Trend2Line.AssignValueColor(if TrendColor2 > 0 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else
                            if TrendColor2 < 0 then GlobalColor("Bearish") else GlobalColor("Neutral"));

def ATR2 = (ATRLength2 / 100) * ematrTf8;
def Up2 = CloseTf > (Trend2 + ATR2);
def Down2 = CloseTf < (Trend2 - ATR2);
def T2 = if Up2 then 1 else if Down2 then -1 else T2[1];
def StopLineColor2 = T2 == 1;

plot StopLineTf = if !ShowHtfStopLine then na else
                 if T2 == 1 then (Trend2 - ATR2) else
                 if T2 == -1 then (Trend2 + ATR2) else T2[1];    # "StopLine2"
StopLineTf.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColor2 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

def ATR2A = (ATRLength2 - 20) / 100 * ematrTf8;
def Up2A = CloseTf > (Trend2 + ATR2A);
def Down2A = CloseTf < (Trend2 - ATR2A);
def T2A = if Up2A then 1 else if Down2A[1] then -1 else T2A[1];
def StopLineColor2A = T2A == 1;

plot StopLine2Tf = if !ShowHtfStopLine then na else
                   if T2A == 1 then (Trend2 - ATR2A) else
                   if T2A == -1 then (Trend2 + ATR2A) else T2A[1];    #  "StopLine2"
StopLine2Tf.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColor2A then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

def ATR2ANET = if net then (ATRLength2 - 40) / 100 * ematrTf8 else na;
def Up2ANET = CloseTf > (Trend2 + ATR2ANET);
def Down2ANET = CloseTf < (Trend2 - ATR2ANET);
def T2ANET = if Up2ANET then 1 else if Down2ANET[1] then -1 else T2ANET[1];
def StopLineColor2ANET = T2ANET == 1;

plot StopLineNETtf = if !ShowHtfStopLine then na else
                     if T2ANET == 1 then (Trend2 - ATR2ANET) else
                     if T2ANET == -1 then (Trend2 + ATR2ANET) else T2ANET[1];    # StopLineColor2ANET
StopLineNETtf.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColor2ANET then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

def ATR2ANET1 = if Net then (ATRLength2 - 60) /100 * ematrTf8 else na;
def Up2ANET1 = CloseTf > (Trend2 + ATR2ANET1);
def Down2ANET1 = CloseTf < (Trend2 - ATR2ANET1);
def T2ANET1 = if Up2ANET1 then 1 else if Down2ANET1[1] then -1 else T2ANET1[1];
def StopLineColor2ANET1 = T2ANET1 == 1;

plot StopLineNETtf1 = if !ShowHtfStopLine then na else
                      if T2ANET1 == 1 then (Trend2-ATR2ANET1) else
                      if T2ANET1 == -1 then (Trend2+ATR2ANET1) else T2ANET1[1];
StopLineNETtf1.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColor2ANET1 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

def ATR2ANET2 = if Net then (ATRLength2 - 80) /100 * ematrTf8 else na;
def Up2ANET2 = CloseTf > (Trend2 + ATR2ANET2);
def Down2ANET2 = CloseTf < (Trend2 - ATR2ANET2);
def T2ANET2 = if Up2ANET2 then 1 else if Down2ANET2[1] then -1 else T2ANET2[1];
def StopLineColor2ANET2 = T2ANET2 == 1;

plot StopLineNETtf2 = if !ShowHtfStopLine then na else
                      if T2ANET2 == 1 then (Trend2-ATR2ANET2) else
                      if T2ANET2 == -1 then (Trend2+ATR2ANET2) else T2ANET2[1];
StopLineNETtf2.AssignValueColor(if StopLineColor2ANET1 then GlobalColor("Bullish") else GlobalColor("Bearish"));

#// Trend Clouds

def p1 = Trend;
def p2 = if T == 1 then (Trend-ATR) else if T == -1 then (Trend+ATR) else T[1];
AddCloud(if !ShowCloud then na else p1, p2, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED);

def p3 = Trend2;
def p4 = if T2 == 1 then (Trend2-ATR2) else if T2 == -1 then (Trend2+ATR2) else T2[1];

AddCloud(if !ShowHTFCloud then na else p3 ,p4, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED);

#--- END of CODE
Hi Samer, I have tried this indicator recently and it worked well. How to set up sound alert and backtesting, such as when price close above / below StopLine and StopLine2? Thanks.
Hi Samer, I have tried this indicator recently and it worked well. How to set up sound alert and backtesting, such as when price close above / below StopLine and StopLine2? Thanks.

Append the following to the end of your script:

Alerts For Price Crosses StopLines

# Alerts
Alert(close crosses above StopLineNETtf1, "Price crossing above StopLine1", Alert.Bar, Sound.Chimes);
Alert(close crosses below StopLineNETtf1, "Price crossing below StopLine1", Alert.Bar, Sound.Bell);
Alert(close crosses above StopLineNETtf2, "Price crossing above StopLine2", Alert.Bar, Sound.Chimes);
Alert(close crosses below StopLineNETtf2, "Price crossing below StopLine2", Alert.Bar, Sound.Bell);
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