Repaints Linear Regression Dev ++ for ThinkOrSwim



Moderator - Expert
mod note:
Like all trendlines, swing high / lows, pivots, etc... Regression channels repaint. The use of standard lengths of 155 have been found to help minimize the repainting effect due having more stabilizing data points


I didn't test it in live session. pls do.
the alert shouldn't repaint.
I added option for filter and atr range. Enjoy!
#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
#// © DevLucem @LucemAnb
#study("Linear Regression Dev ++", "Lin Reg Dev ++", overlay=true)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 07/2023
input FilterSignals = {default "Volatility", "Volume","ADX", "Regime", "All", "None"};# 'Filter Signals by'
input filterLength  = 10;
input showSignals    = yes;
input showLinearRegCloud = yes;
input ShowLinearRegressionBand = no;
input source = close;
input length = 100;
input offset = 0;
input DeviationMulti = 2.0;    # "Deviation"

def na = Double.NaN;
def len = length;
# @regime_filter
def value1 = CompoundValue(1, 0.2 * (source - source[1]) + 0.8 * value1[1], 0.2 * (source - source[1]));
def value2 = CompoundValue(1, 0.1 * (high - low) + 0.8 * value2[1], 0.1 * (high - low));
def omega = AbsValue(value1 / value2);
def alpha = (-power(omega,2) + sqrt(power(omega, 4) + 16 * power(omega,2))) / 8;
def klmf = alpha * source + (1 - alpha) * (klmf[1]);
def absCurveSlope = AbsValue(klmf - klmf[1]);
def exponentialAverageAbsCurveSlope = 1.0 * ExpAverage(absCurveSlope, 200);
def normalized_slope_decline = (absCurveSlope - exponentialAverageAbsCurveSlope) / exponentialAverageAbsCurveSlope;
def regime = normalized_slope_decline >= - 0.5;
#volumeBreak(thres) =>
def rsivol   = RSI(Price = volume, Length = filterLength);
def osc      = HullMovingAvg(rsivol, 10);
def volumeBreak = osc > 49;
#volatilityBreak(volmin, volmax)
def volmin = ATR(LENGTH=1);
def volmax = ATR(LENGTH= filterLength);
def volatilityBreak = volmin > volmax;
def adx = ADX(LENGTH = filterLength);
def adx_vwma = WMA(adx, filterLength);
def nAdx = adx > adx_vwma;

def filter;
switch (FilterSignals) {
case "Volatility" :
    filter = volatilityBreak;
case "Volume" :
    filter = volumeBreak;
case "ADX" :
    filter = nAdx;
case "Regime" :
    filter = regime;
case "All" :
    filter = (volatilityBreak and volumeBreak and nAdx and regime);
case "None" :
    filter = yes;
DefineGlobalColor("up" , CreateColor(33,150,243));
DefineGlobalColor("dup" , CreateColor(6,66,113));
DefineGlobalColor("dn" , CreateColor(255,82,82));
DefineGlobalColor("ddn" , CreateColor(121, 0, 0));
#// Main Function
#// Tradingview Function
#pine_linreg(src, len, offset=0) =>
Script linreg {
input src = close;
input len = 20;
input offset = 0;
    def bar_index = AbsValue(CompoundValue(1, BarNumber(), 0));
    def x_sum = if bar_index == 0 then
                fold i = 0 to len with p do
                 p + i else x_sum[1];
    def xx_sum = if bar_index == 0 then
                fold ii = 0 to len with pp do
                 pp + ii * ii else xx_sum[1];
    def y_sum  = sum(src, len);
    def xy_sum = fold j = 0 to len with q do
                  q  + j * GetValue(src,len - 1 - j);
    def slope = (len * xy_sum - x_sum * y_sum) / (len * xx_sum - x_sum * x_sum);
    def intercept = (y_sum - slope * x_sum) / len;
    def linreg = intercept + slope * (len - 1 - offset);
    plot out = linreg;
def linreg   = linreg(source, len, offset);
def linreg_p = linreg(source, len, offset + 1);
def lin1     = inertia(source, len);
def midReg   = InertiaAll(source, len + 1);

plot LinRegLine = linreg;     # "Default Calculation Formula"
plot linreg1 = lin1;          # "Manual  Calculation Formula"
LinRegLine.AssignValueColor(if linreg>linreg_p then GlobalColor("up") else
                            if linreg<linreg_p then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.CYAN);
linreg1.AssignValueColor(if linreg>linreg_p then GlobalColor("up") else
                         if linreg<linreg_p then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.CYAN);
#// Calculating The Range Lines And Drawing Them
def x = highestAll(AbsValue(CompoundValue(1, BarNumber(), 0)));
def slope = linreg - linreg_p;
def intercept = linreg - (x * slope);
def deviationSum = fold i=0 to len -1 with p do
                   p + power(source[i] -(slope * (x-i) + intercept), 2);
def deviation = sqrt(deviationSum/(len));
def dev = deviation * DeviationMulti;
def stdv = highestAll(inertiaAll(dev,2));

plot b  = midReg;
plot dp = midReg + stdv;
plot dm = midReg - stdv;
#// Posting Alerts

def dm_current = linreg - deviation * DeviationMulti;
def dp_current = linreg + deviation * DeviationMulti;

plot bandUp = if !ShowLinearRegressionBand then na else dp_current;
plot bandDn = if !ShowLinearRegressionBand then na else dm_current;

def atrdev = highestAll(inertiaAll(atr(Length=length), 2));
def atrBand = if showlinearRegCloud then atrdev else na;

AddCloud(dp + atrBand, dp - atrBand, GlobalColor("ddn"), GlobalColor("ddn"));
AddCloud(dm + atrBand, dm - atrBand, GlobalColor("dup"), GlobalColor("dup"));

#// Debugging Alert Sample
def sigUP = if source > dm - atrdev/2 and source < dm + atrdev then sigUP[1] + 1 else 0;
def sigDn = if source < dp + atrdev/2 and source > dp - atrdev then sigDn[1] + 1 else 0;
def buy  = sigUP==1 and filter;
def sell = sigDn==1 and filter;

AddChartBubble(showSignals and buy , low, "Buy", Color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(showSignals and sell, high, "Sell", Color.RED, yes);

#-- END of CODE
Last edited by a moderator:

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I use it on my chart, it has good signals but as always don't use in isolation but more of confirmation
I have been getting great signals on my 5m chart /100L but using the volume filter. FYI I lean towards the short/scalping side of things.
Thanks for the update!
Wow. What an awesome chart study! Samer800, you are the gift that just keeps on giving! Thank you so much for converting not only this TV study, but for all of the many, many other studies you have converted for this group.
It looked great, but re-paints afterwards the Buy and Sell Signals as you go along in the day and Trend Changes. How do we stop that? That way we can really see exactly how well it performed when it initially gave the signal. I got it to sound alert once with some additional code, but it is not working this morning.
So what would be the code to insert to do that as well.

It really seems it might be very good for scalping if you knew when to take the stop loss or possibly exiting on a Swing that you have taken.
It looked great, but re-paints afterwards the Buy and Sell Signals as you go along in the day and Trend Changes. How do we stop that? That way we can really see exactly how well it performed when it initially gave the signal. I got it to sound alert once with some additional code, but it is not working this morning.
So what would be the code to insert to do that as well.

It really seems it might be very good for scalping if you knew when to take the stop loss or possibly exiting on a Swing that you have taken.

No, unfortunately, it is not possible to make repainters, not repaint.

mod note:
Like all trendlines, swing high / lows, pivots, etc... Regression channels repaint. The use of standard lengths of 155 have been found to help minimize the repainting effect due having more stabilizing data points
Last edited:
This indicator, with the default parameters, has worked very well for me on a 10 day, 30 minute chart with extended hours on. Would this be considered a "too complex" script to make a watchlist column that shows the "buy/sell" signal? Read through the answers to repainters and it appears it may be or it perhaps it's not possible or unreliable due to simply being a repainting strategy.
Last edited by a moderator:
mod note:
Like all trendlines, swing high / lows, pivots, etc... Regression channels repaint. The use of standard lengths of 155 have been found to help minimize the repainting effect due having more stabilizing data points


I didn't test it in live session. pls do.
the alert shouldn't repaint.
I added option for filter and atr range. Enjoy!
#// Indicator for TOS
#// © DevLucem @LucemAnb
#study("Linear Regression Dev ++", "Lin Reg Dev ++", overlay=true)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 07/2023
input FilterSignals = {default "Volatility", "Volume","ADX", "Regime", "All", "None"};# 'Filter Signals by'
input filterLength  = 10;
input showSignals    = yes;
input showLinearRegCloud = yes;
input ShowLinearRegressionBand = no;
input source = close;
input length = 100;
input offset = 0;
input DeviationMulti = 2.0;    # "Deviation"

def na = Double.NaN;
def len = length;
# @regime_filter
def value1 = CompoundValue(1, 0.2 * (source - source[1]) + 0.8 * value1[1], 0.2 * (source - source[1]));
def value2 = CompoundValue(1, 0.1 * (high - low) + 0.8 * value2[1], 0.1 * (high - low));
def omega = AbsValue(value1 / value2);
def alpha = (-power(omega,2) + sqrt(power(omega, 4) + 16 * power(omega,2))) / 8;
def klmf = alpha * source + (1 - alpha) * (klmf[1]);
def absCurveSlope = AbsValue(klmf - klmf[1]);
def exponentialAverageAbsCurveSlope = 1.0 * ExpAverage(absCurveSlope, 200);
def normalized_slope_decline = (absCurveSlope - exponentialAverageAbsCurveSlope) / exponentialAverageAbsCurveSlope;
def regime = normalized_slope_decline >= - 0.5;
#volumeBreak(thres) =>
def rsivol   = RSI(Price = volume, Length = filterLength);
def osc      = HullMovingAvg(rsivol, 10);
def volumeBreak = osc > 49;
#volatilityBreak(volmin, volmax)
def volmin = ATR(LENGTH=1);
def volmax = ATR(LENGTH= filterLength);
def volatilityBreak = volmin > volmax;
def adx = ADX(LENGTH = filterLength);
def adx_vwma = WMA(adx, filterLength);
def nAdx = adx > adx_vwma;

def filter;
switch (FilterSignals) {
case "Volatility" :
    filter = volatilityBreak;
case "Volume" :
    filter = volumeBreak;
case "ADX" :
    filter = nAdx;
case "Regime" :
    filter = regime;
case "All" :
    filter = (volatilityBreak and volumeBreak and nAdx and regime);
case "None" :
    filter = yes;
DefineGlobalColor("up" , CreateColor(33,150,243));
DefineGlobalColor("dup" , CreateColor(6,66,113));
DefineGlobalColor("dn" , CreateColor(255,82,82));
DefineGlobalColor("ddn" , CreateColor(121, 0, 0));
#// Main Function
#// Tradingview Function
#pine_linreg(src, len, offset=0) =>
Script linreg {
input src = close;
input len = 20;
input offset = 0;
    def bar_index = AbsValue(CompoundValue(1, BarNumber(), 0));
    def x_sum = if bar_index == 0 then
                fold i = 0 to len with p do
                 p + i else x_sum[1];
    def xx_sum = if bar_index == 0 then
                fold ii = 0 to len with pp do
                 pp + ii * ii else xx_sum[1];
    def y_sum  = sum(src, len);
    def xy_sum = fold j = 0 to len with q do
                  q  + j * GetValue(src,len - 1 - j);
    def slope = (len * xy_sum - x_sum * y_sum) / (len * xx_sum - x_sum * x_sum);
    def intercept = (y_sum - slope * x_sum) / len;
    def linreg = intercept + slope * (len - 1 - offset);
    plot out = linreg;
def linreg   = linreg(source, len, offset);
def linreg_p = linreg(source, len, offset + 1);
def lin1     = inertia(source, len);
def midReg   = InertiaAll(source, len + 1);

plot LinRegLine = linreg;     # "Default Calculation Formula"
plot linreg1 = lin1;          # "Manual  Calculation Formula"
LinRegLine.AssignValueColor(if linreg>linreg_p then GlobalColor("up") else
                            if linreg<linreg_p then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.CYAN);
linreg1.AssignValueColor(if linreg>linreg_p then GlobalColor("up") else
                         if linreg<linreg_p then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.CYAN);
#// Calculating The Range Lines And Drawing Them
def x = highestAll(AbsValue(CompoundValue(1, BarNumber(), 0)));
def slope = linreg - linreg_p;
def intercept = linreg - (x * slope);
def deviationSum = fold i=0 to len -1 with p do
                   p + power(source[i] -(slope * (x-i) + intercept), 2);
def deviation = sqrt(deviationSum/(len));
def dev = deviation * DeviationMulti;
def stdv = highestAll(inertiaAll(dev,2));

plot b  = midReg;
plot dp = midReg + stdv;
plot dm = midReg - stdv;
#// Posting Alerts

def dm_current = linreg - deviation * DeviationMulti;
def dp_current = linreg + deviation * DeviationMulti;

plot bandUp = if !ShowLinearRegressionBand then na else dp_current;
plot bandDn = if !ShowLinearRegressionBand then na else dm_current;

def atrdev = highestAll(inertiaAll(atr(Length=length), 2));
def atrBand = if showlinearRegCloud then atrdev else na;

AddCloud(dp + atrBand, dp - atrBand, GlobalColor("ddn"), GlobalColor("ddn"));
AddCloud(dm + atrBand, dm - atrBand, GlobalColor("dup"), GlobalColor("dup"));

#// Debugging Alert Sample
def sigUP = if source > dm - atrdev/2 and source < dm + atrdev then sigUP[1] + 1 else 0;
def sigDn = if source < dp + atrdev/2 and source > dp - atrdev then sigDn[1] + 1 else 0;
def buy  = sigUP==1 and filter;
def sell = sigDn==1 and filter;

AddChartBubble(showSignals and buy , low, "Buy", Color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(showSignals and sell, high, "Sell", Color.RED, yes);

#-- END of CODE
Is there a way to turn off the blue-orange line? And whats the purpose of that line? Reg channel looks great btw.
Last edited by a moderator:
Is there a way to turn off the blue-orange line? And whats the purpose of that line? Reg channel looks great btw.
it is linear reg line. use below script to enable/disable the linReg line.

#// Indicator for TOS
#// © DevLucem @LucemAnb
#study("Linear Regression Dev ++", "Lin Reg Dev ++", overlay=true)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 07/2023
# added option to enable/disable LinearReg Line - 05/2024
input showLinearRegLine = no;
input FilterSignals = {default "Volatility", "Volume","ADX", "Regime", "All", "None"};# 'Filter Signals by'
input filterLength  = 10;
input showSignals    = yes;
input showLinearRegCloud = yes;
input ShowLinearRegressionBand = no;
input source = close;
input length = 100;
input offset = 0;
input DeviationMulti = 2.0;    # "Deviation"

def na = Double.NaN;
def bar = BarNumber();
def last = isNaN(close);
def len = length;
# @regime_filter
def value1 = CompoundValue(1, 0.2 * (source - source[1]) + 0.8 * value1[1], 0.2 * (source - source[1]));
def value2 = CompoundValue(1, 0.1 * (high - low) + 0.8 * value2[1], 0.1 * (high - low));
def omega = AbsValue(value1 / value2);
def alpha = (-power(omega,2) + sqrt(power(omega, 4) + 16 * power(omega,2))) / 8;
def klmf = alpha * source + (1 - alpha) * (klmf[1]);
def absCurveSlope = AbsValue(klmf - klmf[1]);
def exponentialAverageAbsCurveSlope = 1.0 * ExpAverage(absCurveSlope, 200);
def normalized_slope_decline = (absCurveSlope - exponentialAverageAbsCurveSlope) / exponentialAverageAbsCurveSlope;
def regime = normalized_slope_decline >= - 0.5;
#volumeBreak(thres) =>
def rsivol   = RSI(Price = volume, Length = filterLength);
def osc      = HullMovingAvg(rsivol, 10);
def volumeBreak = osc > 49;
#volatilityBreak(volmin, volmax)
def volmin = ATR(LENGTH=1);
def volmax = ATR(LENGTH= filterLength);
def volatilityBreak = volmin > volmax;
def adx = ADX(LENGTH = filterLength);
def adx_vwma = WMA(adx, filterLength);
def nAdx = adx > adx_vwma;

def filter;
switch (FilterSignals) {
case "Volatility" :
    filter = volatilityBreak;
case "Volume" :
    filter = volumeBreak;
case "ADX" :
    filter = nAdx;
case "Regime" :
    filter = regime;
case "All" :
    filter = (volatilityBreak and volumeBreak and nAdx and regime);
case "None" :
    filter = yes;
DefineGlobalColor("up" , CreateColor(33,150,243));
DefineGlobalColor("dup" , CreateColor(6,66,113));
DefineGlobalColor("dn" , CreateColor(255,82,82));
DefineGlobalColor("ddn" , CreateColor(121, 0, 0));
#// Main Function
#// Tradingview Function
#pine_linreg(src, len, offset=0) =>
Script linreg {
input src = close;
input len = 20;
input offset = 0;
    def bar_index = AbsValue(CompoundValue(1, BarNumber(), 0));
    def x_sum = if bar_index < 1 then
                fold i = 0 to len with p do
                 p + i else x_sum[1];
    def xx_sum = if bar_index < 1 then
                fold ii = 0 to len with pp do
                 pp + ii * ii else xx_sum[1];
    def y_sum  = sum(src, len);
    def xy_sum = fold j = 0 to len with q do
                  q  + j * GetValue(src,len - 1 - j);
    def slope = (len * xy_sum - x_sum * y_sum) / (len * xx_sum - x_sum * x_sum);
    def intercept = (y_sum - slope * x_sum) / len;
    def linreg = intercept + slope * (len - 1 - offset);
    plot out = if isNaN(linreg) then inertia(src[offset], len) else linreg;
def linreg   = linreg(source, len, offset);
def linreg_p = linreg(source, len, offset + 1);
def lin1     = inertia(source, len);
def midReg   = InertiaAll(source, len + 1);

plot LinRegLine = if !last and showLinearRegLine then linreg else na;     # "Default Calculation Formula"
plot LinReg1 = if showLinearRegLine then lin1 else na;          # "Manual  Calculation Formula"
LinRegLine.AssignValueColor(if linreg>linreg_p then GlobalColor("up") else
                            if linreg<linreg_p then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.CYAN);
linreg1.AssignValueColor(if linreg>linreg_p then GlobalColor("up") else
                         if linreg<linreg_p then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.CYAN);
#// Calculating The Range Lines And Drawing Them
def x = highestAll(AbsValue(CompoundValue(1, if last then na else bar, 0)));
def slope = linreg - linreg_p;
def intercept = linreg - (x * slope);
def deviationSum = fold i=0 to len with p do
                   p + Sqr(source[i] -(slope * (x-i) + intercept));
def deviation = sqrt(deviationSum/(len));
def dev = deviation * DeviationMulti;
def stdv = highestAll(inertiaAll(dev,2));

plot b  = midReg;
plot dp = midReg + stdv;
plot dm = midReg - stdv;
#// Posting Alerts

def dm_current = linreg - deviation * DeviationMulti;
def dp_current = linreg + deviation * DeviationMulti;

plot bandUp = if !ShowLinearRegressionBand then na else dp_current;
plot bandDn = if !ShowLinearRegressionBand then na else dm_current;

def atrdev = highestAll(inertiaAll(atr(Length=length), 2));
def atrBand = if showlinearRegCloud then atrdev else na;

AddCloud(dp + atrBand, dp - atrBand, GlobalColor("ddn"), GlobalColor("ddn"));
AddCloud(dm + atrBand, dm - atrBand, GlobalColor("dup"), GlobalColor("dup"));

#// Debugging Alert Sample
def sigUP = if source > dm - atrdev/2 and source < dm + atrdev then sigUP[1] + 1 else 0;
def sigDn = if source < dp + atrdev/2 and source > dp - atrdev then sigDn[1] + 1 else 0;
def buy  = sigUP==1 and filter;
def sell = sigDn==1 and filter;

AddChartBubble(showSignals and buy , low, "B", Color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(showSignals and sell, high, "S", Color.RED, yes);

#-- END of CODE
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Hi, is there any way to create a scan for this script? So that when it is in the support it appears in the scan?
Last edited by a moderator:
This indicator, with the default parameters, has worked very well for me on a 10 day, 30 minute chart with extended hours on. Would this be considered a "too complex" script to make a watchlist column that shows the "buy/sell" signal? Read through the answers to repainters and it appears it may be or it perhaps it's not possible or unreliable due to simply being a repainting strategy. View attachment 21613
Suprtrev, Here is the watchlist column conversion that you requested. I use it on a 1 minute options chart.
#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
#// © DevLucem @LucemAnb
#study("Linear Regression Dev ++", "Lin Reg Dev ++", overlay=true)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 07/2023
## Converted to Watchlist Custom Column by ZupDog
## inputs are for a 1 min options chart

input FilterSignals = {default "Volatility", "Volume","ADX", "Regime", "All", "None"};# 'Filter Signals by'
input filterLength = 10;
input source = close;
input length = 155;
input offset = 0;
input DeviationMulti = 2.0; # "Deviation"

def na = Double.NaN;
def len = length;
# @regime_filter
def value1 = CompoundValue(1, 0.2 * (source - source[1]) + 0.8 * value1[1], 0.2 * (source - source[1]));
def value2 = CompoundValue(1, 0.1 * (high - low) + 0.8 * value2[1], 0.1 * (high - low));
def omega = AbsValue(value1 / value2);
def alpha = (-power(omega,2) + sqrt(power(omega, 4) + 16 * power(omega,2))) / 8;
def klmf = alpha * source + (1 - alpha) * (klmf[1]);
def absCurveSlope = AbsValue(klmf - klmf[1]);
def exponentialAverageAbsCurveSlope = 1.0 * ExpAverage(absCurveSlope, 200);
def normalized_slope_decline = (absCurveSlope - exponentialAverageAbsCurveSlope) / exponentialAverageAbsCurveSlope;
def regime = normalized_slope_decline >= - 0.5;
#volumeBreak(thres) =>
def rsivol = RSI(Price = volume, Length = filterLength);
def osc = HullMovingAvg(rsivol, 10);
def volumeBreak = osc > 49;
#volatilityBreak(volmin, volmax)
def volmin = ATR(LENGTH=1);
def volmax = ATR(LENGTH= filterLength);
def volatilityBreak = volmin > volmax;
def adx = ADX(LENGTH = filterLength);
def adx_vwma = WMA(adx, filterLength);
def nAdx = adx > adx_vwma;

def filter;
switch (FilterSignals) {
case "Volatility" :
filter = volatilityBreak;
case "Volume" :
filter = volumeBreak;
case "ADX" :
filter = nAdx;
case "Regime" :
filter = regime;
case "All" :
filter = (volatilityBreak and volumeBreak and nAdx and regime);
case "None" :
filter = yes;

#// Main Function
#// PineScript Function
#pine_linreg(src, len, offset=0) =>
Script linreg {
input src = close;
input len = 20;
input offset = 0;
def bar_index = AbsValue(CompoundValue(1, BarNumber(), 0));
def x_sum = if bar_index == 0 then
fold i = 0 to len with p do
p + i else x_sum[1];
def xx_sum = if bar_index == 0 then
fold ii = 0 to len with pp do
pp + ii * ii else xx_sum[1];
def y_sum = sum(src, len);
def xy_sum = fold j = 0 to len with q do
q + j * GetValue(src,len - 1 - j);
def slope = (len * xy_sum - x_sum * y_sum) / (len * xx_sum - x_sum * x_sum);
def intercept = (y_sum - slope * x_sum) / len;
def linreg = intercept + slope * (len - 1 - offset);
plot out = linreg;
def linreg = linreg(source, len, offset);
def linreg_p = linreg(source, len, offset + 1);

def midReg = InertiaAll(source, len + 1);

#// Calculating The Range Lines And Drawing Them
def x = highestAll(AbsValue(CompoundValue(1, BarNumber(), 0)));
def slope = linreg - linreg_p;
def intercept = linreg - (x * slope);
def deviationSum = fold i=0 to len -1 with p do
p + power(source -(slope * (x-i) + intercept), 2);
def deviation = sqrt(deviationSum/(len));
def dev = deviation * DeviationMulti;
def stdv = highestAll(inertiaAll(dev,2));

def b = midReg;
def dp = midReg + stdv;
def dm = midReg - stdv;

def atrdev = highestAll(inertiaAll(atr(Length=length), 2));
#def atrBand = if showlinearRegCloud then atrdev else na;

#// Debugging Alert Sample
def sigUP = if source > dm - atrdev/2 and source < dm + atrdev then sigUP[1] + 1 else 0;
def sigDn = if source < dp + atrdev/2 and source > dp - atrdev then sigDn[1] + 1 else 0;
def buy = sigUP==1 and filter;
def sell = sigDn==1 and filter;

#AddChartBubble(showSignals and buy , low, "Buy", Color.GREEN, no);
#AddChartBubble(showSignals and sell, high, "Sell", Color.ORANGE, yes);

assignbackgroundColor(if buy
then Color.GREEN
else if sell then Color.ORANGE else Color.DARK_GRAY );

AddLabel(yes, "LRDop ", if buy then Color.BLUE else if sell then Color.RED else Color.WHITE );

#--- END of CODE

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  • Exclusive indicators
  • Proven strategies & setups
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  • ‘Buy The Dip’ signal alerts
  • Exclusive members-only content
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  • 1 full year of unlimited support

Frequently Asked Questions

What is useThinkScript?

useThinkScript is the #1 community of stock market investors using indicators and other tools to power their trading strategies. Traders of all skill levels use our forums to learn about scripting and indicators, help each other, and discover new ways to gain an edge in the markets.

How do I get started?

We get it. Our forum can be intimidating, if not overwhelming. With thousands of topics, tens of thousands of posts, our community has created an incredibly deep knowledge base for stock traders. No one can ever exhaust every resource provided on our site.

If you are new, or just looking for guidance, here are some helpful links to get you started.

What are the benefits of VIP Membership?
VIP members get exclusive access to these proven and tested premium indicators: Buy the Dip, Advanced Market Moves 2.0, Take Profit, and Volatility Trading Range. In addition, VIP members get access to over 50 VIP-only custom indicators, add-ons, and strategies, private VIP-only forums, private Discord channel to discuss trades and strategies in real-time, customer support, trade alerts, and much more. Learn all about VIP membership here.
How can I access the premium indicators?
To access the premium indicators, which are plug and play ready, sign up for VIP membership here.