Levels Tokyo London New York Markets For ThinkOrSwim


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The idea is to drawing the box around the overnight session, and another box to highlight the Europe or London session, to allow easy visual identification/exchange attribution for any identified support/resistance areas. Want this to work on any Intraday aggregation.

did a bunch of poking around tonite, and what Im thinking might work is to

1) input the start and stop times for the sessions (these below are just examples)

input EUOpen = 0100;
input RTHOpen = 0900;
input RTHClose = 1600;
input AsiaOpen = 1800;

2) use conditional logic to then allow addcloud to paint the boxes to the high and lo of those periods

am I on the right track here?
is there a better way to get RTH/ETH/exchange market hours?
do I need to use secondstilltime? to set the desired range?
what's the best way to capture the max hi and low for that specified time period? use High or HighestAll functions?
I would like to get someone's input in making TOS upper indicator for ES futures that marks:
1. Previous week high and low (shown as WL, WH)
2. London Range 2am to 5am (for 24 hr only; EST; shown as LRH, LRL)
3. Tokyo Range 8pm to midnight (for 24 hr only; EST; shown as TRH, TRL)
4. New york morning seeion 7am to 10am (for 24 hr only; EST; shown as NYH, NYL)
5. Prior 4 weeks opening gap - friday close and monday open (shown as WOG1, WOG2, WOG3, WOG4)
5. New day opening gap - price difference between 5pm and 6pm (for 24 hr only; EST; shown as DOGH, DOGL)


this can be a starting point.
it is set up to pick 1 of 3 preset markets, US, UK, HK . a period of time within a day, that can span over midnight...
input showOnlyLastPeriod = yes;
def label = yes;

input LOND_Close = 1130;  #NYC Close
def isLONclose = SecondsFromTime(LOND_Close) == 0;
def closePrice = if isLONclose then open else closePrice[1];
plot theClose = closePrice;

def shouldHidePlot = showOnlyLastPeriod and !IsNaN(close(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY)[-1]);
Here are some threads to get you started:
Thank you. I was able to get this figured out. I was able to use the below code:

input showOnlyLastPeriod = yes;
def label = yes;

input LOND_Close = 1130;  #NYC Close
def isLONclose = SecondsFromTime(LOND_Close) == 0;
def closePrice = if isLONclose then open else closePrice[1];
plot theClose = closePrice;

def shouldHidePlot = showOnlyLastPeriod and !IsNaN(close(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY)[-1]);
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I was trying to search through the threads here but was getting back too many results when trying to see how to correctly code this.

I was hoping someone could please help with the Thinkscript on how to plot a price line for the candle close of the London Stock Exchange (11:30am EST).

Any help is much appreciated! I was trying to pick through some existing price line code I have for other indicators, but couldn't figure out how to code it just for a specific candle close versus a time range.

Below is the code I was trying to tweak, which posts a price level for NYSE opening (9:30am EST).

input showOnlyLastPeriod = yes;
def label = yes;

def isOpen = GetTime() >= RegularTradingStart(GetYYYYMMDD()) and GetTime() <= RegularTradingEnd(GetYYYYMMDD());

def firstBarOpen = if isOpen and !isOpen[1] then open else if !isOpen then Double.NaN else firstBarOpen[1];

plot OpeningPrice;

def shouldHidePlot = showOnlyLastPeriod and !IsNaN(close(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY)[-1]);

if shouldHidePlot {
    OpeningPrice = Double.NaN;
} else {
    OpeningPrice = firstBarOpen;

##AddLabel(label, "OP: " + AsDollars(OpeningPrice), Color.CYAN);
I thought I had posted this at large but can't find it. It is titled AsGood_EuropeClosingVerticalLine which gives a 10 minute heads up for the closing. It is also part of my AGAIG_BestTradingChartSetup which also has a 10 min heads up for PowerHour (the last hour of trading.


#AsGood-EuropeClosingVertical Line
input targetTime830 = 830;
def targetBar830 = SecondsFromTime(targetTime830) == 0;

input targetTime930 = 930;
def targetBar930 = SecondsFromTime(targetTime930) == 0;
AddVerticalLine(targetBar930, "MARKET OPEN", Color.YELLOW);

input targetTime1120 = 1120;
def targetBar1120 = SecondsFromTime(targetTime1120) == 0;
AddVerticalLine(targetBar1120, "UK MARKET CLOSING 10 MIN", Color.WHITE);

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