L2 Bull-Bear Momentum [blackcat] for ThinkOrSwim


Moderator - Expert

* This is a momentum not trend indicator. I added cloud color and dynamic threshold option
Author Message:
Momentum effect is generally called "inertia effect". Momentum effect was proposed by Jegadeesh and Titman (1993), which refers to the tendency of the return rate of the stock to continue the original direction of movement, that is, the return rate of the stock with a higher return rate in the past period will still be higher than the return rate in the past low-yielding stocks.
The Bullish and Bearish Momentum Technical Indicator is a strategy for buying and selling by analyzing the strength and weakness of recent price trends. Traders seek to take advantage of the rising or falling trend of stock prices. When this technical indicator indicates that the stock is entering a strong upward trend, the trader will buy the stock; Will choose to short the stock.
In short, momentum trading is trading with the trend. Momentum trading is based on the idea that if there is enough momentum behind the current price action, it will continue to move in the same direction. When an asset reaches a higher price, it usually attracts more investor attention, driving up the market price. The price rise continues until sellers start to enter the market consistently, and once sellers slowly outpace buyers, momentum weakens and the trend may reverse.

I have not marked special tags for this indicator usage. Users are expected to define according to their own understanding. On the whole, the basic usage is to start long positions when the first green column appears; when the first red column appears, close long positions or open short positions.


#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
#// © blackcat1402
#study("[blackcat] L2 Bull-Bear Momentum","L2 Bull-Bear Momentum", overlay=false, max_bars_back=5000, max_labels_count =500)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 12/2022
declare lower;
declare zerobase;
input ShowCloud = yes;
input scaler = 1.0;
input DynamicThreshold = yes;
input ManualThreshold = 1.0;
input periodForDynamicThreshold = 100;

def na = Double.NaN;
def pos = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
def neg = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
def h = high; def l = low; def c = close; def o =open;
script dev {
input source = close;
input length = 14;
    def mean = Average(source, length);
    def sum;
    sum = fold i = 0 to length - 1 with p do
        p + AbsValue(source[i] - mean);
    def dev = sum/length;
plot retutn = dev;
def var1c = ExpAverage(100 * (c - Lowest(l[1], 100)) / (Highest(h[1], 100) - Lowest(l[1], 100)), 13) / 4 * scaler;
def var1d = ExpAverage(c, 2) - ExpAverage(c, 89) * scaler;
def var1e = ExpAverage(var1d, 30) * scaler;
def var1f = 2 * (var1d - var1e) * 10 * scaler;
def var20 = Power(var1f, 3) * 0.1 + Power(var1f, 2) * scaler;
def var21 = Sqrt(Sqrt(l * h * o * c));
def var22 = ExpAverage(var21 * 0.97, 3) * scaler;
def var23 = (h + l + c) / 3 * scaler;
def var24 = (var23 - Average(var23, 14)) / (0.015 * dev(var23, 14)) * scaler;
def var25 = If(var1f > 0.015, var20, 0) / 45 * scaler;
def yz = var25 / 10;
def var26 = ExpAverage(c, 2) - ExpAverage(c, 150);
def var27 = ExpAverage(var26, 100);
def var28 = 2 * (var26 - var27);
def var29 = Power(var28, 3) * 0.1 + Power(var28, 1);
def var2a = Sqrt(Sqrt(l * h * o * c));
def var2b = ExpAverage(var2a * 0.97, 3);
def var2c = (h + l + c) / 3;
def var2d = (var2c - Average(var2c, 14)) / (0.015 * dev(var2c, 14));
def zl = If(var28 > 0.1, var29, 0) * 5 / 10;
def bear = ExpAverage((zl + yz), 22);
def bull = If(bear > bear[1], bear, na);

def avgBear = stdev(bear,20);
def DynLine = if !DynamicThreshold then na else highest(avgBear, periodForDynamicThreshold);
plot DynamicLine = DynLine;

plot thresholdLine = if isNaN(c) or DynamicThreshold then na else ManualThreshold;

def thresh = if DynamicThreshold then DynamicLine else thresholdLine;
plot bullHist = bull;
bullHist.AssignValueColor(if thresh>bullHist then CreateColor(143,255,143) else Color.DARK_GREEN);

plot bearHist = if !isNaN(bull) then na else bear;
bearHist.AssignValueColor(if thresh>bearHist then CreateColor(255,143,143) else Color.DARK_RED);

#--- cloud Color

AddCloud(if !ShowCloud then na else if !isNaN(bearHist) then if thresh<bearHist then pos else neg else na,if thresh<bearHist then neg else pos, Color.DARK_RED, CreateColor(255,143,143));
AddCloud(if !ShowCloud then na else if isNaN(bearHist) then if thresh<bullHist then pos else neg else na, if thresh<bullHist then neg else pos, Color.DARK_GREEN, CreateColor(143,255,143));

#--- END Code
Last edited by a moderator:
@samer800 Can you help me write a code where the candles would change color whenever the histogram is above or below the dynamic line? This is what I did but it still isn't giving me the proper results:

assignpriceColor(if bullHist > dynamicline then color.Light_GREEN else color.current);
assignpriceColor(if bullHist < dynamicLine then color.RED else color.current);
assignpriceColor(if bearhist > dynamicLine then color.RED else color.current);
assignpriceColor(if bearhist < dynamicLine then color.LIGHT_GREEN else

It colors the candlesticks when the histogram changes colors which isn't my goal
@samer800 Can you help me write a code where the candles would change color whenever the histogram is above or below the dynamic line? This is what I did but it still isn't giving me the proper results:

assignpriceColor(if bullHist > dynamicline then color.Light_GREEN else color.current);
assignpriceColor(if bullHist < dynamicLine then color.RED else color.current);
assignpriceColor(if bearhist > dynamicLine then color.RED else color.current);
assignpriceColor(if bearhist < dynamicLine then color.LIGHT_GREEN else

It colors the candlesticks when the histogram changes colors which isn't my goal
add this at the end of the code.

input BarColor = yes;
AssignPriceColor(if !BarColor then Color.CURRENT else
                 if !isNaN(bearHist) then
                 if thresh<bearHist then Color.DARK_RED else CreateColor(255,143,143) else
                 if isNaN(bearHist) then
                 if thresh<bullHist then Color.DARK_GREEN else CreateColor(143,255,143) else Color.GRAY);
Is it Possible to add high time frame aggression to this ?
try the below.

#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
#// © blackcat1402
#study("[blackcat] L2 Bull-Bear Momentum","L2 Bull-Bear Momentum", overlay=false, max_bars_back=5000, max_labels_count =500)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 12/2022
# Update - Added MTF.
declare lower;
declare zerobase;
input BarColor = yes;
input ShowCloud = yes;
input scaler = 1.0;
input useChartTime = yes;
input Aggregation = AggregationPeriod.FIFTEEN_MIN;
input DynamicThreshold = yes;
input ManualThreshold = 1.0;
input periodForDynamicThreshold = 100;

def na  = Double.NaN;
def pos = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
def neg = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
def h; def l; def c; def o;
if useChartTime {
     h = high;
     l = low;
     c = close;
     o = open;
   } else {
     h = high(Period=Aggregation);
     l = low(Period=Aggregation);
     c = close(Period=Aggregation);
     o = open(Period=Aggregation);
script dev {
input source = close;
input length = 14;
    def mean = Average(source, length);
    def sum;
    sum = fold i = 0 to length - 1 with p do
        p + AbsValue(source[i] - mean);
    def dev = sum/length;
plot retutn = dev;
def var1c = ExpAverage(100 * (c - Lowest(l[1], 100)) / (Highest(h[1], 100) - Lowest(l[1], 100)), 13) / 4 * scaler;
def var1d = ExpAverage(c, 2) - ExpAverage(c, 89) * scaler;
def var1e = ExpAverage(var1d, 30) * scaler;
def var1f = 2 * (var1d - var1e) * 10 * scaler;
def var20 = Power(var1f, 3) * 0.1 + Power(var1f, 2) * scaler;
def var21 = Sqrt(Sqrt(l * h * o * c));
def var22 = ExpAverage(var21 * 0.97, 3) * scaler;
def var23 = (h + l + c) / 3 * scaler;
def var24 = (var23 - Average(var23, 14)) / (0.015 * dev(var23, 14)) * scaler;
def var25 = If(var1f > 0.015, var20, 0) / 45 * scaler;
def yz = var25 / 10;
def var26 = ExpAverage(c, 2) - ExpAverage(c, 150);
def var27 = ExpAverage(var26, 100);
def var28 = 2 * (var26 - var27);
def var29 = Power(var28, 3) * 0.1 + Power(var28, 1);
def var2a = Sqrt(Sqrt(l * h * o * c));
def var2b = ExpAverage(var2a * 0.97, 3);
def var2c = (h + l + c) / 3;
def var2d = (var2c - Average(var2c, 14)) / (0.015 * dev(var2c, 14));
def zl = If(var28 > 0.1, var29, 0) * 5 / 10;
def bear = ExpAverage((zl + yz), 22);
def bull = If(bear > bear[1], bear, na);

def avgBear = stdev(bear,20);
def DynLine = if !DynamicThreshold then na else highest(avgBear, periodForDynamicThreshold);
plot DynamicLine = DynLine;

plot thresholdLine = if isNaN(c) or DynamicThreshold then na else ManualThreshold;

def thresh = if DynamicThreshold then DynamicLine else thresholdLine;
plot bullHist = bull;
bullHist.AssignValueColor(if thresh>bullHist then CreateColor(143,255,143) else Color.DARK_GREEN);

plot bearHist = if !isNaN(bull) then na else bear;
bearHist.AssignValueColor(if thresh>bearHist then CreateColor(255,143,143) else Color.DARK_RED);

#--- cloud Color

AddCloud(if !ShowCloud then na else if !isNaN(bearHist) then if thresh<bearHist then pos else neg else na,if thresh<bearHist then neg else pos, Color.DARK_RED, CreateColor(255,143,143));
AddCloud(if !ShowCloud then na else if isNaN(bearHist) then if thresh<bullHist then pos else neg else na, if thresh<bullHist then neg else pos, Color.DARK_GREEN, CreateColor(143,255,143));

#--- Bar Color

AssignPriceColor(if !BarColor then Color.CURRENT else
                 if !isNaN(bearHist) then
                 if thresh<bearHist then Color.DARK_RED else CreateColor(255,143,143) else
                 if isNaN(bearHist) then
                 if thresh<bullHist then Color.DARK_GREEN else CreateColor(143,255,143) else Color.GRAY);

#--- END Code

* This is a momentum not trend indicator. I added cloud color and dynamic threshold option
Author Message:
Momentum effect is generally called "inertia effect". Momentum effect was proposed by Jegadeesh and Titman (1993), which refers to the tendency of the return rate of the stock to continue the original direction of movement, that is, the return rate of the stock with a higher return rate in the past period will still be higher than the return rate in the past low-yielding stocks.
The Bullish and Bearish Momentum Technical Indicator is a strategy for buying and selling by analyzing the strength and weakness of recent price trends. Traders seek to take advantage of the rising or falling trend of stock prices. When this technical indicator indicates that the stock is entering a strong upward trend, the trader will buy the stock; Will choose to short the stock.
In short, momentum trading is trading with the trend. Momentum trading is based on the idea that if there is enough momentum behind the current price action, it will continue to move in the same direction. When an asset reaches a higher price, it usually attracts more investor attention, driving up the market price. The price rise continues until sellers start to enter the market consistently, and once sellers slowly outpace buyers, momentum weakens and the trend may reverse.

I have not marked special tags for this indicator usage. Users are expected to define according to their own understanding. On the whole, the basic usage is to start long positions when the first green column appears; when the first red column appears, close long positions or open short positions.


#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
#// © blackcat1402
#study("[blackcat] L2 Bull-Bear Momentum","L2 Bull-Bear Momentum", overlay=false, max_bars_back=5000, max_labels_count =500)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 12/2022
declare lower;
declare zerobase;
input ShowCloud = yes;
input scaler = 1.0;
input DynamicThreshold = yes;
input ManualThreshold = 1.0;
input periodForDynamicThreshold = 100;

def na = Double.NaN;
def pos = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
def neg = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
def h = high; def l = low; def c = close; def o =open;
script dev {
input source = close;
input length = 14;
    def mean = Average(source, length);
    def sum;
    sum = fold i = 0 to length - 1 with p do
        p + AbsValue(source[i] - mean);
    def dev = sum/length;
plot retutn = dev;
def var1c = ExpAverage(100 * (c - Lowest(l[1], 100)) / (Highest(h[1], 100) - Lowest(l[1], 100)), 13) / 4 * scaler;
def var1d = ExpAverage(c, 2) - ExpAverage(c, 89) * scaler;
def var1e = ExpAverage(var1d, 30) * scaler;
def var1f = 2 * (var1d - var1e) * 10 * scaler;
def var20 = Power(var1f, 3) * 0.1 + Power(var1f, 2) * scaler;
def var21 = Sqrt(Sqrt(l * h * o * c));
def var22 = ExpAverage(var21 * 0.97, 3) * scaler;
def var23 = (h + l + c) / 3 * scaler;
def var24 = (var23 - Average(var23, 14)) / (0.015 * dev(var23, 14)) * scaler;
def var25 = If(var1f > 0.015, var20, 0) / 45 * scaler;
def yz = var25 / 10;
def var26 = ExpAverage(c, 2) - ExpAverage(c, 150);
def var27 = ExpAverage(var26, 100);
def var28 = 2 * (var26 - var27);
def var29 = Power(var28, 3) * 0.1 + Power(var28, 1);
def var2a = Sqrt(Sqrt(l * h * o * c));
def var2b = ExpAverage(var2a * 0.97, 3);
def var2c = (h + l + c) / 3;
def var2d = (var2c - Average(var2c, 14)) / (0.015 * dev(var2c, 14));
def zl = If(var28 > 0.1, var29, 0) * 5 / 10;
def bear = ExpAverage((zl + yz), 22);
def bull = If(bear > bear[1], bear, na);

def avgBear = stdev(bear,20);
def DynLine = if !DynamicThreshold then na else highest(avgBear, periodForDynamicThreshold);
plot DynamicLine = DynLine;

plot thresholdLine = if isNaN(c) or DynamicThreshold then na else ManualThreshold;

def thresh = if DynamicThreshold then DynamicLine else thresholdLine;
plot bullHist = bull;
bullHist.AssignValueColor(if thresh>bullHist then CreateColor(143,255,143) else Color.DARK_GREEN);

plot bearHist = if !isNaN(bull) then na else bear;
bearHist.AssignValueColor(if thresh>bearHist then CreateColor(255,143,143) else Color.DARK_RED);

#--- cloud Color

AddCloud(if !ShowCloud then na else if !isNaN(bearHist) then if thresh<bearHist then pos else neg else na,if thresh<bearHist then neg else pos, Color.DARK_RED, CreateColor(255,143,143));
AddCloud(if !ShowCloud then na else if isNaN(bearHist) then if thresh<bullHist then pos else neg else na, if thresh<bullHist then neg else pos, Color.DARK_GREEN, CreateColor(143,255,143));

#--- END Code
Hi, @samer800

I do not know who you are but thank you for all the work and coding you are doing. Because of your hard work with indicator from TV to TOS, it has helped me alot!! You are always good responding to requests! Truly appreciate all the work! Keep it up!..

P.s I have very little knowledge to none for coding. I'm in Healthcare field.
Hi, @samer800

I do not know who you are but thank you for all the work and coding you are doing. Because of your hard work with indicator from TV to TOS, it has helped me alot!! You are always good responding to requests! Truly appreciate all the work! Keep it up!..

P.s I have very little knowledge to none for coding. I'm in Healthcare field.
thanks bro. I am not into coding as well.. I just learned little recently.

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