Well, first off, thank you all for your continued interest.
Do understand that, like I would guess is true for many of you, thinkorswim is hardly my full time job...
I'm still working through a good method of damping the response of the concavity flip that won't introduce additional delay in signals. It's not an easy task given the purely mathematical start to life this indicator had. The basic premise I used to find the 'turning points' is this:
1. calculate the slope of a straight line between the value n bars ago and the previous bar
2. project a line on that slope from the previous bar
3. compare the value of the current bar HMA to the projected value
4. if the value from step 3 is negative, and the value from step 3 last time around was negative, there is no change of concavity. Otherwise, it has changed and a signal is generated.
The idea of damping is to allow some play in step 3 such that trivial flips won't generate a signal. I'm not sure yet what form than damping takes. If anyone has suggestions I'll be open to ideas. Some things I've been playing with:
a. a percent difference based on
i. absolute percents
ii. some sort of percent based on recent movement of either the indicator or price
iii. some other thing ATR?
b. an absolute value that the user can enter
c. a quadratic projection rather than linear (which would require more computation, but perhaps be better since it would look at changes in curvature rather than deviance from a straight line (think of this as the dx part in calculus -- as dx -> 0 we have a derivative)
As always, much of my interest in this stems from the mathematics involved, and it is up to interpretation to decide on the viability as an indicator for your system. I think I was originally looking for a confirmation signal for some other indicator when I created this rather than a primary or independent indicator.
@tem2005, there is always some delay because it relies on the current bar to show changes in concavity of the Moving Average curve. It can be minimized by using prices that do not rely on 'close' since those have to wait for the bar to end before calculation can occur, and so the nearest curve point that can be analyzed is
at least one bar past. Though the coloured bar at the top that talks about divergence is coded to try to provide some indication that a concavity change
may occur soon. It's based on the divergence (difference between projected slope and HMA value) approaching 0. Crossovers of that slope are the turning points.
Happy Trading