Yes I had to change the setting from numerical line, to "numerical, points " I had been trying the dotted line option by mistake. looks perfect now. Gracias
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That is strange.Same issue today on SPY chart.
Oh, that is when RSI goes above or below 50.This seems cool, in my set up I am getting green and magenta dots, in addition to yellow and red dots. I read through the thread and have not seen anything regard this? Is there something in the setting I need to change here?
I updated the code to give a label of Bearish or Bullish instead of these dots. Use this seems cool, in my set up I am getting green and magenta dots, in addition to yellow and red dots. I read through the thread and have not seen anything regard this? Is there something in the setting I need to change here?
This new code is working on$SPYI updated the code to give a label of Bearish or Bullish instead of these dots. Use this
You can get zscore here. They are not in a single study., Is it possible that you can share the link of your setup here. I like how you have hotzone and zscore all tied in one single study. Thanks
This is what I was talking about regarding the divergence.@chewie76, Thank a lot for the response but I am not able to spot the divergence. Can you please help with that? Thank you again.
practice drawing fib levels on a chart. I don't trade on anything intraday. So go back on the stock you are on, and draw some fib fans. You should notice that the first fib level which is default to 38.2% is where the bottom of the run up bounces off of. now draw your new line on the current run. you will need a few days maybe a month worth of data for this, but draw your dotted line as the support for the current run. Now, add a fib level at (negative) -61.8 which should look like -0.618. That line will act as resistance peaks of the current run up generally that I have found until the short termtrend reverses I have found. play with it on lots of tickers. The other thing to watch out for is the ADX. If the stock seems to have runs every year and bounces off of a certain ADX level, look for that ADX level to act as a bit of resistance.I love the concept but seems to give a lot of false sell signals during big runs, is that correctable?
Try using this version. It includes both in the same. Tell me what you are looking for in it. Chewie,
I am curious if it is possible to scan for a cross of the Percentile Line and the Hotzone Line? I know that they are calculated using completely different scales. However, when they are combined on the same indicator there is a very interesting relationship that exist when the two lines cross. Any thoughts or alternatives on how to achieve that would be appreciated. Awesome indicators! Thanks in advance.
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