New member
Would appreciate help coding a line to change 3 colors.
When Value is (>) STDev make line Green
When Value is (<) STDevRev make line Red
When Value is (Neither > or <) STDev make line Gray
I had to stack two indicators to create a workaround but would appreciate being able to combine the two
Value1.AssignValueColor(if Value < StDev
then CreateColor(102, 0, 102)
else CreateColor(50,50,50));
Value1.AssignValueColor(if Value > StDev
then CreateColor(0, 153, 102)
else CreateColor(100,100,100));
Thank you
When Value is (>) STDev make line Green
When Value is (<) STDevRev make line Red
When Value is (Neither > or <) STDev make line Gray
I had to stack two indicators to create a workaround but would appreciate being able to combine the two
Value1.AssignValueColor(if Value < StDev
then CreateColor(102, 0, 102)
else CreateColor(50,50,50));
Value1.AssignValueColor(if Value > StDev
then CreateColor(0, 153, 102)
else CreateColor(100,100,100));
Thank you