This is data off the last bar shown as a label and with lines
awesome thank you,,,,,,
are you able to modify this code to where it only shows text on the chart bubbles but not the price didgits??
input ShowTodayOnly = yes;
input BuyorSell = {default Buy, Sell};
input BuyEntry = 3;
input SellEntry = 3;
input BuyExit = 20;
input SellExit = 20;
input ATRLength = 50;
input TargetATRMult = 1;
input DisplayLines = yes;
#input PriceDigits=NumberFormat.TWO_DECIMAL_PLACES;
input PriceDigit=2;
def H = high;
def L = low;
def h1 = Highest(H, SellExit);
def ih2=if H != h1 then H else 0.0;
#def h2 = Highest(ih2, SellExit);
def h2=fold i =1 to SellExit with ip=0.0 do if GetValue(H,i)==h1 or GetValue(H,i)<ip then ip else GetValue(H,i);
#def h3 = Highest(if (H == h1 or H == h2) then 0 else H, SellExit);
def h3=fold i1 =1 to SellExit with ip1=0.0 do if GetValue(H,i1)==h1 or GetValue(H,i1)==h2 or GetValue(H,i1)<ip1 then ip1 else GetValue(H,i1);
def HH = (h2 + h3) / 2.0;
#plot pHH=HH;
def l1 = Lowest(L, BuyExit);
#def l2 = Lowest(if L == l1 then 1000000 else L, BuyExit);
def l2=fold i2 =1 to BuyExit with ip2=10000000.0 do if GetValue(L,i2)==l1 or GetValue(L,i2)>ip2 then ip2 else GetValue(L,i2);
def l3 = Lowest(if L == l1 or L == l2 then 1000000 else L, BuyExit);
def LL = (l2 + l2) / 2.0;
def QB = Highest(H, BuyEntry);
def QS = Lowest(L, SellEntry);
def ATRVal = ATR(length = ATRLength,averageType= AverageType.SIMPLE);
def mATR = Highest(ATRVal, ATRLength);
def dl = DisplayLines == yes;
def trade;
plot entry;
switch (BuyorSell){
case Buy:
trade = 1;
case Sell:
trade = -1;
#def c1 = (BuyorSell == "Buy") and barnumber() > Max(SellExit, BuyExit);
#def c2 = (BuyorSell == "Sell") and Barnumber() > Max(SellExit, BuyExit);
entry.AssignValueColor(if trade == 1 then Color.GREEN else if trade == -1 then Color.RED else Color.GREEN);
plot stop;
def EntryPr;
def co = BarNumber() > Max(SellExit, BuyExit);
def pos;
switch (BuyorSell){
case Buy:
entry = QB[1];
stop = LL[1];
pos = if co and high > QB[1] then 1 else if low < LL[1] then 0 else pos[1];
EntryPr = if high > QB[1] and pos == 1 and pos[1] < 1 then QB[1] else if pos == 0 then Double.NaN else EntryPr[1];
case Sell:
entry = QS[1];
stop = HH[1];
pos = if co and low < QS[1] then -1 else if high[1] > HH[2] then 0 else pos[1];
EntryPr = if low < QS[1] and pos == -1 and pos[1] > -1 then QS[1] else if pos == 0 then Double.NaN else EntryPr[1];
def BTarget;
def BTarget2;
def EntryLine;
def TradeRisk;
switch (BuyorSell){
case Buy:
BTarget = if pos == 1 and pos[1] < 1 then (EntryPr + (TargetATRMult * 2 * mATR)) else if pos == 1 then BTarget[1] else Double.NaN;
BTarget2 = if pos == 1 and pos[1] < 1 then (EntryPr + 2 * (TargetATRMult * 2 * mATR)) else if pos == 1 then BTarget2[1] else Double.NaN;
EntryLine = if LL < EntryPr then EntryPr else Double.NaN;
TradeRisk = (EntryPr - LL) / mATR;
case Sell:
BTarget = if pos == -1 and pos[1] > -1 then (EntryPr - (TargetATRMult * 2 * mATR)) else if pos == -1 then BTarget[1] else Double.NaN;
BTarget2 = if pos == -1 and pos[1] > -1 then (EntryPr - 2 * (TargetATRMult * 2 * mATR)) else if pos == -1 then BTarget2[1] else Double.NaN;
EntryLine = if HH > EntryPr then EntryPr else Double.NaN;
TradeRisk = (HH - EntryPr ) / mATR;
plot pBTarget = if dl and co then BTarget else Double.NaN;
plot pBTarget2 = if dl and co then BTarget2 else Double.NaN;
plot pEntryLine = if dl and co then EntryLine else Double.NaN;
#plot pbt=if dl and co and (pos == 1 or pos == -1) and pos[1] == 0 then BTarget else double.NaN;
def valco=dl and co and (pos == 1 or pos == -1) and pos[1] == 0;
def rBTarget=round(BTarget,PriceDigit);
def rBTarget2=round(BTarget2,PriceDigit);
def rEntryPr=round(EntryPr,PriceDigit);
def exv=if trade == 1 then LL else HH;
def rexv = round(exv,PriceDigit);
def rTradeRisk = round(TradeRisk,PriceDigit);
AddChartBubble(valco,exv,rexv + "(" +rTradeRisk + "STOP LOSS)", Color.RED);
AddChartBubble(valco, BTarget,rBTarget + "(" + "T1)", Color.YELLOW);
AddChartBubble(valco, BTarget2,rBTarget2 + "(" + "T2)", Color.PLUM);
AddChartBubble(valco, ENtryPr,rENtryPr + "(" + "ENTER)", Color.WHITE);