Repaints Fair Value Gap (FVG) For ThinkOrSwim

This is great, is there any way to include possibly a gray dashed 50% ?
I would check out Samer800's post above, it has CE built into it.


Add this under the section that Plots the FVG values.

Def CEDown = fvgBearMem1 - ((fvgBearMem1 - fvgBearMem2)/2);

Def CEUp = fvgBullMem1 - ((fvgBullMem1 - fvgBullMem2)/2);

plot CEBear = CEDown;
plot CEBull = CEup;

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I want to draw a zone for the GAP between the high value H and Low L. Instead of just drawing a horizontal line, highlight that price area. Can anyone can help me?

The below code is drawing the FVG with the high value H and Low L. I want to highlight this instead of drawing the HORIZONTAL line

input OrMeanS  = 0930.0; #hint OrMeanS: Begin Mean Period.
input ShowTodayOnly = {"No", default "Yes"};   
  def s = ShowTodayOnly;
  def today = if s == 0
              or getDay() == getLastDay() and
                 secondsFromTime(OrMeanS) >= 0
              then 1
              else 0;

input timeFrame = AggregationPeriod.DAY;

def lowN3 = low(period = timeFrame);

def highN1 = high(period = timeFrame)[2];

def priceIsIncreasing = lowN3 > highN1;
def fvgIncrease = if priceIsIncreasing then lowN3 - highN1 else Double.NaN;

Plot H = if today and priceIsIncreasing then lowN3 else 0 ;

Plot L =  if today and priceIsIncreasing then highN1 else 0 ;

alert(priceIsIncreasing, "", Alert.Bar, Sound.Bell);

AddLabel(yes, " H: " + round(H,2) +" L: "+ round(L,2),  if today and priceIsIncreasing then  Color.GREEN  else Color.white );


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I want to draw a zone for the GAP between the high value H and Low L. Instead of just drawing a horizontal line, highlight that price area. Can anyone can help me?

The below code is drawing the FVG with the high value H and Low L. I want to highlight this instead of drawing the HORIZONTAL line

input OrMeanS  = 0930.0; #hint OrMeanS: Begin Mean Period.
input ShowTodayOnly = {"No", default "Yes"}; 
  def s = ShowTodayOnly;
  def today = if s == 0
              or getDay() == getLastDay() and
                 secondsFromTime(OrMeanS) >= 0
              then 1
              else 0;

input timeFrame = AggregationPeriod.DAY;

def lowN3 = low(period = timeFrame);

def highN1 = high(period = timeFrame)[2];

def priceIsIncreasing = lowN3 > highN1;
def fvgIncrease = if priceIsIncreasing then lowN3 - highN1 else Double.NaN;

Plot H = if today and priceIsIncreasing then lowN3 else 0 ;

Plot L =  if today and priceIsIncreasing then highN1 else 0 ;

alert(priceIsIncreasing, "", Alert.Bar, Sound.Bell);

AddLabel(yes, " H: " + round(H,2) +" L: "+ round(L,2),  if today and priceIsIncreasing then  Color.GREEN  else Color.white );



I modified your script by deleting what appeared to be unnecessary code and added a cloud.

The modifications: H and L were extended through recursive, plotted as H1 and L1, then hidden and used in the addcloud. H1 and L1 were needed as addcloud does not accept recursives.

Screenshot 2024-02-11 075851.png
input OrMeanS  = 0930.0; #hint OrMeanS: Begin Mean Period.

input timeFrame = AggregationPeriod.DAY;

def lowN3 = low(period = timeFrame);

def highN1 = high(period = timeFrame)[2];

def priceIsIncreasing = lowN3 > highN1;
def fvgIncrease = if priceIsIncreasing then lowN3 - highN1 else Double.NaN;

def H = if priceIsIncreasing then lowN3 else H[1];
def L =  if  priceIsIncreasing then highN1 else L[1] ;

alert(priceIsIncreasing, "", Alert.Bar, Sound.Bell);

AddLabel(yes, " H: " + round(H,2) +" L: "+ round(L,2),  if priceIsIncreasing then  Color.GREEN  else Color.white );

plot H1=H;
plot L1=L;
addcloud(H1,L1, color1 = Color.LIGHT_GREEN, color2 = Color.LIGHT_GREEN);

I modified your script by deleting what appeared to be unnecessary code and added a cloud.

The modifications: H and L were extended through recursive, plotted as H1 and L1, then hidden and used in the addcloud. H1 and L1 were needed as addcloud does not accept recursives.
you are an expert. Thank you very much. Here I have added the part to calculate FVG down in the code. Please give me your opinion.

input timeFrame = AggregationPeriod.DAY;

# Get the low of the last 3 periods
def lowN3 = low(period = timeFrame);

# Get the high of the first period 2 periods ago
def highN1 = high(period = timeFrame)[2];

# Check if the price is increasing
def priceIsIncreasing = lowN3 > highN1;

# Calculate the Fractal Vertical Gap (FVG) for increasing prices
def fvgIncrease = if priceIsIncreasing then lowN3 - highN1 else Double.NaN;

# Get the high of the last 3 periods
def highN3 = high(period = timeFrame);

# Get the low of the first period 2 periods ago
def lowN1 = low(period = timeFrame)[2];

# Check if the price is decreasing
def priceIsDecreasing = lowN1 > highN3;

# Calculate the Fractal Vertical Gap (FVG) for decreasing prices
def fvgDecrease = if priceIsDecreasing then lowN1 - highN3 else Double.NaN;

# Determine the highest high (H) and lowest low (L) among the given conditions
def H = if priceIsIncreasing then lowN3 else if priceIsDecreasing then lowN1 else H[1];
def L = if priceIsIncreasing then highN1 else if priceIsDecreasing then highN3 else L[1];

# Alert if the price is increasing or decreasing
alert(priceIsIncreasing or priceIsDecreasing, "", Alert.Bar, Sound.Bell);

# Add labels to display H and L
AddLabel(yes, " H: " + round(H,2) +" L: "+ round(L,2), if priceIsIncreasing then Color.GREEN else if priceIsDecreasing then else Color.white);

# Plot H and L
plot H1 = H;
plot L1 = L;

# Add cloud to highlight the area between H and L
AddCloud(H1, L1, color1 = Color.LIGHT_GREEN, color2 = Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
you are an expert. Thank you very much. Here I have added the part to calculate FVG down in the code. Please give me your opinion.

input timeFrame = AggregationPeriod.DAY;

# Get the low of the last 3 periods
def lowN3 = low(period = timeFrame);

# Get the high of the first period 2 periods ago
def highN1 = high(period = timeFrame)[2];

# Check if the price is increasing
def priceIsIncreasing = lowN3 > highN1;

# Calculate the Fractal Vertical Gap (FVG) for increasing prices
def fvgIncrease = if priceIsIncreasing then lowN3 - highN1 else Double.NaN;

# Get the high of the last 3 periods
def highN3 = high(period = timeFrame);

# Get the low of the first period 2 periods ago
def lowN1 = low(period = timeFrame)[2];

# Check if the price is decreasing
def priceIsDecreasing = lowN1 > highN3;

# Calculate the Fractal Vertical Gap (FVG) for decreasing prices
def fvgDecrease = if priceIsDecreasing then lowN1 - highN3 else Double.NaN;

# Determine the highest high (H) and lowest low (L) among the given conditions
def H = if priceIsIncreasing then lowN3 else if priceIsDecreasing then lowN1 else H[1];
def L = if priceIsIncreasing then highN1 else if priceIsDecreasing then highN3 else L[1];

# Alert if the price is increasing or decreasing
alert(priceIsIncreasing or priceIsDecreasing, "", Alert.Bar, Sound.Bell);

# Add labels to display H and L
AddLabel(yes, " H: " + round(H,2) +" L: "+ round(L,2), if priceIsIncreasing then Color.GREEN else if priceIsDecreasing then else Color.white);

# Plot H and L
plot H1 = H;
plot L1 = L;

# Add cloud to highlight the area between H and L
AddCloud(H1, L1, color1 = Color.LIGHT_GREEN, color2 = Color.LIGHT_GREEN);

Since H and L were used to define either condition (isincreasing and isdecreasing)). 2 clouds were needed to get the separate colors for each condition.

Screenshot 2024-02-12 061826.png
input timeFrame = AggregationPeriod.DAY;

# Get the low of the last 3 periods
def lowN3 = low(period = timeFrame);

# Get the high of the first period 2 periods ago
def highN1 = high(period = timeFrame)[2];

# Check if the price is increasing
def priceIsIncreasing = lowN3 > highN1;

# Calculate the Fractal Vertical Gap (FVG) for increasing prices
def fvgIncrease = if priceIsIncreasing then lowN3 - highN1 else Double.NaN;

# Get the high of the last 3 periods
def highN3 = high(period = timeFrame);

# Get the low of the first period 2 periods ago
def lowN1 = low(period = timeFrame)[2];

# Check if the price is decreasing
def priceIsDecreasing = lowN1 > highN3;

# Calculate the Fractal Vertical Gap (FVG) for decreasing prices
def fvgDecrease = if priceIsDecreasing then lowN1 - highN3 else Double.NaN;

# Determine the highest high (H) and lowest low (L) among the given conditions
def H = if priceIsIncreasing then lowN3 else if priceIsDecreasing then lowN1 else H[1];
def L = if priceIsIncreasing then highN1 else if priceIsDecreasing then highN3 else L[1];

# Alert if the price is increasing or decreasing
alert(priceIsIncreasing or priceIsDecreasing, "", Alert.Bar, Sound.Bell);

# Add labels to display H and L
AddLabel(yes, " H: " + round(H,2) +" L: "+ round(L,2), if priceIsIncreasing then Color.GREEN else if priceIsDecreasing then else Color.white);

# Plot H and L
plot H1 = H;
plot L1 = L;

# Add cloud to highlight the area between H and L
AddCloud(if priceisincreasing then H1 else double.nan, L1, color1 = Color.LIGHT_GREEN, color2 = Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
AddCloud(if priceisdecreasing then H1 else double.nan, L1, color1 = Color.LIGHT_red, color2 = Color.LIGHT_red);

Since H and L were used to define either condition (isincreasing and isdecreasing)). 2 clouds were needed to get the separate colors for each condition.

I revised the above code to allow the clouds to extend.

Screenshot 2024-02-12 071823.png
input timeFrame = AggregationPeriod.DAY;

# Get the low of the last 3 periods
def lowN3 = low(period = timeFrame);

# Get the high of the first period 2 periods ago
def highN1 = high(period = timeFrame)[2];

# Check if the price is increasing
def priceIsIncreasing = lowN3 > highN1;

# Calculate the Fractal Vertical Gap (FVG) for increasing prices
def fvgIncrease = if priceIsIncreasing then lowN3 - highN1 else Double.NaN;

# Get the high of the last 3 periods
def highN3 = high(period = timeFrame);

# Get the low of the first period 2 periods ago
def lowN1 = low(period = timeFrame)[2];

# Check if the price is decreasing
def priceIsDecreasing = lowN1 > highN3;

# Calculate the Fractal Vertical Gap (FVG) for decreasing prices
def fvgDecrease = if priceIsDecreasing then lowN1 - highN3 else Double.NaN;

# Determine the highest high (H) and lowest low (L) among the given conditions
def H = if priceIsIncreasing then lowN3 else H[1];
def L = if priceIsIncreasing then highN1 else L[1];
def HD = if priceIsDecreasing then lowN1 else HD[1];
def LD = if priceIsDecreasing then highN3 else LD[1];

# Alert if the price is increasing or decreasing
Alert(priceIsIncreasing or priceIsDecreasing, "", Alert.BAR, Sound.Bell);

# Add labels to display H and L
AddLabel(yes, " H: " + Round(H, 2) + " L: " + Round(L, 2), if priceIsIncreasing then Color.GREEN else if priceIsDecreasing then Color.RED else Color.WHITE);

# Plot H and L
plot H1 = H;
plot L1 = L;
plot H2 = HD;
plot L2 = LD;

# Add cloud to highlight the area between H and L
AddCloud(H1, L1, color1 = Color.LIGHT_GREEN, color2 = Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
AddCloud(H2, L2, color1 = Color.LIGHT_RED, color2 = Color.LIGHT_RED);

Last edited:

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