Directional Volume Indicator

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#I use the settings 5,2,1,1.0, 10,30,30,3,Waverage

declare lower;
input Length = 10;
input Smooth = 3;
input Step = 1;
input colorcandles= yes;
input EffectVolPct = 1.00 ;  # Consider deflting volume for more accurate DVI reading

def Vol = EffectVolPct * volume;
def Body = close - open;
def BarRange = high - low;
def RealBarRange = 2 * BarRange - AbsValue(Body);
#Calc NetBar Volume for Bar  .. beware of the odd case of 0 price movement during bar..
def NBV = if BarRange > 0 then volume * Body / RealBarRange else 0;

# Calc Directional Volume .. this will already be scaled to +100/-100
def DV = 100 * WMA (NBV, Length) / WMA(Vol, Length);
def DVO =  if Smooth > 0 then WMA(DV, Smooth) else DV;
plot K_DVO =  if Step > 0 then Round(DVO / Step, 0) * Step else DVO ;

plot BaseLine = 0;
BaseLine.SetDefaultColor (Color.BLUE );
BaseLine.HideTitle ();
BaseLine.HideBubble ();

K_DVO.SetLineWeight (2);
K_DVO.DefineColor("PositiveUp", Color.GREEN);
K_DVO.DefineColor("NegativeDown", Color.RED);
K_DVO.DefineColor("Reverse", Color.ORANGE);
K_DVO.AssignValueColor(if K_DVO >= BaseLine then if K_DVO >= K_DVO[1] then K_DVO.Color("PositiveUp") else K_DVO.Color("Reverse") else if K_DVO <= K_DVO[1] then K_DVO.Color("NegativeDown") else K_DVO.Color("Reverse"));
AddCloud(K_DVO, BaseLine);

input DeadZone = 10;
plot LZ = BaseLine + DeadZone;
LZ.SetStyle (Curve.SHORT_DASH);
LZ.SetDefaultColor (Color.DARK_GRAY);
plot SZ = BaseLine - DeadZone;
SZ.SetStyle (Curve.SHORT_DASH);
SZ.SetDefaultColor (Color.DARK_GRAY);
SZ.HideTitle ();
SZ.HideBubble ();
LZ.HideTitle ();
LZ.HideBubble ();

input MidZone = 30;
plot mLZ = BaseLine + MidZone;
mLZ.SetStyle (Curve.SHORT_DASH);
mLZ.SetDefaultColor (Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
plot mSZ = BaseLine - MidZone;
mSZ.SetStyle (Curve.SHORT_DASH);
mSZ.SetDefaultColor (Color.DARK_ORANGE);
mSZ.HideTitle ();
mSZ.HideBubble ();
mLZ.HideTitle ();
mLZ.HideBubble ();

#add vxnet

 #Converted to upper box study by Eric on 8/27/13

#Hint: BetterVolume_v3 \n Shows volume and dbl average as well as Vol_Buzz \n VolBuzz is
#current bar volume vs the average volume for a relatively longer period = VolAvgPeriod \n
# The directional volume is the Net of Buy vs Sell avg vol for N = Length bars \n v3 adds
# informative labels with dynamic coloring & options in visualization - in V3 we switch to Barry
# Taylor's algo for directional volume calc \n RedK @ Live . com  ---  Mayl 2013

#declare lower;

input VolAvgPeriod = 30;

def ShowLabels = yes;
input VxNetSmooth = 3;
def VolSlowAvg = Average(volume, VolAvgPeriod);
def VolFastAvg = WMA(volume, Length);

def FastVRatio = Round((VolFastAvg / VolSlowAvg * 100), 1);
input VolPressureCalc = { default "WAverage", "Sum" };

def Vx =  if VolPressureCalc == VolPressureCalc.Sum then Sum(volume, Length) else WMA(volume, Length) ;
def C = close;
def O = open;
def Range = high - low;
def VolUp = if C > O and Range <> 0 then (Range / (2 * Range + O - C)) * volume
else if C < O and Range <> 0 then ((Range + C - O) / (2 * Range + C - O)) * volume
else 0.5 * volume;
def VolDn = volume - VolUp;

def VxPlus = if VolPressureCalc == VolPressureCalc.Sum then Sum (VolUp, Length) else WMA (VolUp, Length);
def VxMinus = if VolPressureCalc == VolPressureCalc.Sum then Sum (VolDn, Length) else WMA (VolDn, Length);
def VxNetRaw = VxPlus - VxMinus ;
def VxNet = 2 * WMA(VxNetRaw, VxNetSmooth) - WMA(WMA(VxNetRaw, VxNetSmooth), VxNetSmooth);
def VxRatio = Round(100 * VxNetRaw / Vx, 1);

#NN note: plot it to make sure the color logic is right
#plot vxr = VxRatio;

#NN note: define the color conditions
def midrange = VxRatio >= -10 and VxRatio <= 10;#yellow
def up = VxRatio > 10 and VxRatio <= 18;#green
#def high = VxRatio >= 18;#bright green
def down = VxRatio >= -18 and VxRatio < -10;#red
#def low = VxRatio < -18;#bright red

#NN note: this has to be below the color conditions
#commented out since only needed it for debugging
#vxr.AssignValueColor(if VxRatio >-10 then if midrange then Color.YELLOW else if up then Color.GREEN else Color.LIME else if down then Color.DARK_RED else Color.RED);

#AddLabel (ShowLabels , "VxNet: " + VxRatio + "%", if between(VxRatio, -10, 10) then else if VxRatio >= 10 then else color.dark_orange);

AddLabel (ShowLabels , "VxNet: " + VxRatio + "%", if VxRatio > -10 then if midrange then Color.BLUE else if up then Color.GREEN else Color.YELLOW else if down then Color.RED else Color.MAGENTA);
#AddLabel(1, if VxRatio >-10 then if midrange then "YELLOW" else if up then "GREEN" else "LIME" else if down then "DARK_RED" else "LIGHT_RED", if VxRatio >-10 then if midrange then Color.YELLOW else if up then Color.GREEN else Color.LIME else if down then Color.DARK_RED else Color.LIGHT_RED);

#add squeeze

# Squeeze by Mobius @ My Trade with color mod by Lar
# Look at Cloud Color as a possible indication of direction once squeeze ends
def nK = 1.5;
def nBB = 2.0;
def lengthsqueeze = 20;
def price_s = close;
def h_s = high;
def c_s = close;
def l_s = low;

def BBHalfWidth = StDev(price_s, lengthsqueeze);
def KCHalfWidth = nK * Average(TrueRange(h_s,  c_s,  l_s),  lengthsqueeze);
def isSqueezed = nBB * BBHalfWidth / KCHalfWidth < 1;

# Squeeze for Longer Term Trend Indicator
plot BBS_Ind = if isSqueezed then BaseLine else Double.NaN;

# Count of Periods in consecutive squeeze
rec count = if isSqueezed then count[1] + 1 else 0;

AddLabel(yes, if isSqueezed then Concat("Caution -> Squeeze ", count) else "No Squeeze", Color.BLUE);

##=============end of add

 AssignPriceColor(if colorcandles then if K_DVO >= BaseLine then if K_DVO >= K_DVO[1] then K_DVO.Color("PositiveUp") else K_DVO.Color("Reverse") else if K_DVO <= K_DVO[1] then K_DVO.Color("NegativeDown") else K_DVO.Color("Reverse") else color.current);

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